import logging import multiprocessing import subprocess import time from airflow.configuration import conf from airflow.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor from airflow.utils import State PARALLELISM = conf.get('core', 'PARALLELISM') class LocalWorker(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.task_queue = task_queue self.result_queue = result_queue def run(self): while True: key, command = self.task_queue.get() if key is None: # Received poison pill, no more tasks to run self.task_queue.task_done() break"%s running %s", self.__class__.__name__, command) command = "exec bash -c '{0}'".format(command) try: subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True).wait() state = State.SUCCESS except Exception as e: state = State.FAILED logging.error(str(e)) # raise e self.result_queue.put((key, state)) self.task_queue.task_done() time.sleep(1) class LocalExecutor(BaseExecutor): """ LocalExecutor executes tasks locally in parallel. It uses the multiprocessing Python library and queues to parallelize the execution of tasks. """ def start(self): self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() self.result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.workers = [ LocalWorker(self.queue, self.result_queue) for i in xrange(self.parallelism) ] for w in self.workers: w.start() def execute_async(self, key, command, queue=None): self.queue.put((key, command)) def sync(self): while not self.result_queue.empty(): results = self.result_queue.get() self.change_state(*results) def end(self): # Sending poison pill to all worker [self.queue.put((None, None)) for w in self.workers] # Wait for commands to finish self.queue.join()