#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. MY_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Bash sanity settings (error on exit, complain for undefined vars, error when pipe fails) set -euo pipefail CMDNAME="$(basename -- "$0")" if [[ ${AIRFLOW_CI_VERBOSE:="false"} == "true" ]]; then set -x fi if [[ -z "${AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN:=}" ]]; then echo "AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN not set - using default" >&2 fi # Update short and long options in the breeze-complete script # This way autocomplete will work automagically with all options # shellcheck source=run-tests-complete . "${MY_DIR}/run-tests-complete" # environment export AIRFLOW_HOME=${AIRFLOW_HOME:=${HOME}} AIRFLOW_ROOT="$(cd "${MY_DIR}" && pwd)" export AIRFLOW_ROOT export AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER="S{AIRFLOW_ROOT}/tests/dags" export AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE=True # add test/test_utils to PYTHONPATH TODO: Do we need that ??? Looks fishy. export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH:=}:${AIRFLOW_ROOT}/tests/test_utils echo Airflow home: "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" echo Airflow root: "${AIRFLOW_ROOT}" echo Home of the user: "${HOME}" export AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER="${AIRFLOW_ROOT}/tests/dags" usage() { echo """ Usage: ${CMDNAME} [FLAGS] [TESTS_TO_RUN] -- Runs tests specified (or all tests if no tests are specified) Flags: -h, --help Shows this help message. -i, --with-db-init Forces database initialization before tests -x, --with-xunit Dumps result of the tests to Xunit file -f, --xunit-file The file where xunit results should be dumped. Default if not specified is ${AIRFLOW_ROOT}/logs/all_tests.xml -s, --nocapture Don't capture stdout when running the tests. This is useful if you are debugging with ipdb and want to drop into console with it by adding this line to source code: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() -v, --verbose Verbose output showing coloured output of tests being run and summary of the tests - in a manner similar to the tests run in the CI environment. """ } echo #################### Parsing options/arguments if ! PARAMS=$(getopt \ -o "${_RUN_TESTS_GETOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS:=}" \ -l "${_RUN_TESTS_GETOPT_LONG_OPTIONS:=}" \ --name "$CMDNAME" -- "$@") then usage fi eval set -- "${PARAMS}" unset PARAMS WITH_DB_INIT="false" NOCAPTURE="false" WITH_XUNIT="false" XUNIT_FILE="${AIRFLOW_ROOT}/logs/all_tests.xml" VERBOSE="${AIRFLOW_CI_VERBOSE}" # Parse Flags. # Please update short and long options in the run-tests-complete script # This way autocomplete will work out-of-the-box while true do case "${1}" in -h|--help) usage; exit 0 ;; -i|--with-db-init) WITH_DB_INIT="true" shift ;; -s|--nocapture) NOCAPTURE="true" shift ;; -x|--with-xunit) WITH_XUNIT="true" shift ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE="true" shift;; -f|--xunit-file) XUNIT_FILE="$2" shift; shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) usage echo echo "ERROR: Unknown argument ${1}" echo exit 1 ;; esac done # any argument received after -- is overriding the default nose execution arguments: NOSE_ARGS=("$@") AIRFLOW_DB_INITIALISED_FILE=${HOME}/.airflow_db_initialised if [[ "${WITH_DB_INIT}" == "true" || ! -f ${AIRFLOW_DB_INITIALISED_FILE} ]]; then echo if [[ "${WITH_DB_INIT}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Initializing the DB - forced with --with-db-init switch" else echo "Initializing the DB - first time after entering the container" echo "You can force re-initialization the database by adding --with-db-init switch to run-tests." fi echo yes | airflow db init || true airflow db reset -y touch "${AIRFLOW_DB_INITIALISED_FILE}" else echo echo "Skipping initializing of the DB as it was initialized already" echo echo "You can re-initialize the database by adding --with-db-init flag when running tests" echo fi if [[ "${KRB5_KTNAME:=}" == "" ]]; then echo "KRB5_KTNAME variable is empty - no kerberos intialisation" else kinit -kt "${KRB5_KTNAME}" airflow fi if [[ "${#NOSE_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]]; then NOSE_ARGS=("--with-coverage" "--cover-erase" "--cover-html" "--cover-package=airflow" "--cover-html-dir=airflow/www/static/coverage" "--with-ignore-docstrings" "--rednose" "--with-timer" "-v" "--logging-level=DEBUG") fi if [[ "${WITH_XUNIT}" == "true" ]]; then echo echo "Dumping results to ${XUNIT_FILE}" echo NOSE_ARGS+=("--with-xunit" "--xunit-file=${XUNIT_FILE}") fi if [[ "${NOCAPTURE}" == "true" ]]; then echo echo "Stop capturing stdout" echo NOSE_ARGS+=("--nocapture") fi if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "true" ]]; then echo echo "Verbose output" echo NOSE_ARGS+=("--rednose" "--with-timer" "-v" "--logging-level=DEBUG") fi echo echo "Starting the tests with arguments: ${NOSE_ARGS[*]}" echo nosetests "${NOSE_ARGS[@]}"