#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -euo pipefail MY_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Bash arrays need to be defined outside of functions unfortunately :( # Array with extra options for Docker compose declare -a EXTRA_DC_OPTIONS # Array with selected integrations declare -a INTEGRATIONS # This is where remaining args are passed declare -a REMAINING_ARGS # This is where static check options are defined declare -a EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS function setup_default_breeze_variables() { # Whether to actually run docker compose with the command set given COMMAND_TO_RUN="enter_breeze" export BREEZE=true export MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH=100 export AIRFLOW_SOURCES="${MY_DIR}" # Directory where all CI scripts are located SCRIPTS_CI_DIR="${MY_DIR}/scripts/ci" BUILD_CACHE_DIR="${MY_DIR}/.build" FILES_DIR="${MY_DIR}/files" TMP_DIR="${MY_DIR}/tmp" mkdir -pv "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}" mkdir -pv "${TMP_DIR}" mkdir -pv "${FILES_DIR}" # Note - we do not use __script_init.sh here because it can only be used from within # the CI directory and we need to overrride PYTHON_VERSION based on what we store # in the .build directory # Beginning of the initialisation here # shellcheck source=scripts/ci/_utils.sh . "${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/_utils.sh" export PYTHON_VERSION="${PYTHON_VERSION:=$(read_from_file PYTHON_VERSION)}" if [[ ${FORCE_SCREEN_WIDTH:="false"} != "true" ]]; then # Sets width of the screen from terminal SCREEN_WIDTH="$(tput cols)" if [[ -z ${SCREEN_WIDTH} ]]; then SCREEN_WIDTH=${MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH} fi if (( SCREEN_WIDTH > MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH )); then SCREEN_WIDTH=${MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH} fi else SCREEN_WIDTH=${MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH} fi # Name of the script CMDNAME="$(basename -- "$0")" # Update short and long options in the breeze-complete script # This way autocomplete will work automatically with all options # shellcheck source=breeze-complete . "${MY_DIR}/breeze-complete" # Skips mounting local Airflow sources SKIP_MOUNTING_LOCAL_SOURCES="false" # Holds last subcommand used LAST_SUBCOMMAND="" # Determines if help should be run (set to true by --help flag) RUN_HELP="false" # Holds chosen command if the -x flag is used. RUN_COMMAND="" # Holds the test target if the -t flag is used. TEST_TARGET="" # Holds docker compose command if the -d flag is used. DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND="" # If true, the docker images are rebuilt locally. export NEEDS_DOCKER_BUILD="false" # By default we only pull images if we do not have them locally. # This can be overridden by -p flag export FORCE_PULL_IMAGES="false" # Runtime is empty initially (might be set to kubernetes in case kubernetes is chosen) RUNTIME="" # Do not enable Kind Kubernetes cluster by default export ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER="false" # We use docker image caches by default to speed up the builds export USE_PULLED_IMAGES_AS_CACHE=${USE_PULLED_IMAGES_AS_CACHE:="true"} # By default we do not push images. This can be overridden by -u flag. export PUSH_IMAGES=${PUSH_IMAGES:="false"} # Forward credentials to docker export FORWARD_CREDENTIALS="false" # If install released airflow is set to specified version, then the source version of airflow # is removed and the specified version of airflow is installed from pypi export INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION=${INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION:="current"} # Determine version of the Airflow from version.py AIRFLOW_VERSION=$(cat airflow/version.py - << EOF | python print(version.replace("+","")) EOF ) export AIRFLOW_VERSION # Verbosity in running ci scripts export VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:="false"} # Whether to force build without checking if it is needed export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES=${FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES:="false"} # Files determining whether asciiart/cheatsheet are suppressed SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET_FILE="${MY_DIR}/.suppress_cheatsheet" SUPPRESS_ASCIIART_FILE="${MY_DIR}/.suppress_asciiart" # Default values for flags _BREEZE_DEFAULT_BACKEND="sqlite" _BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_MODE="git_mode" _BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.15.3" _BREEZE_DEFAULT_INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION="current" STATIC_CHECK_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 } # End of initialisation here function initialize_virtualenv() { # Check if we are in virtualenv set +e echo -e "import sys\nif not hasattr(sys,'base_prefix'):\n sys.exit(1)" | "python${PYTHON_VERSION}" RES=$? set -e if [[ ${RES} != "0" ]]; then echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Initializing local virtualenv only works when you have virtualenv activated" echo >&2 echo >&2 "Please enter your local virtualenv before (for example using 'workon') " echo >&2 exit 1 else # If no Airflow Home defined - fallback to ${HOME}/airflow AIRFLOW_HOME_DIR=${AIRFLOW_HOME:=${HOME}/airflow} export CASS_DRIVER_NO_CYTHON="1" echo echo "Initializing the virtualenv: $(command -v python)!" echo echo "This will wipe out ${AIRFLOW_HOME_DIR} and reset all the databases!" echo "${MY_DIR}/confirm" "Proceeding with the initialization" echo pushd "${MY_DIR}" set +e pip install -e ".[devel]" RES=$? set -e popd if [[ ${RES} != "0" ]]; then echo "#######################################################################" echo " You had some troubles installing the venv !!!!!" echo " Try runnning the command below and rerun virtualenv installation" echo SYSTEM=$(uname -s) if [[ ${SYSTEM} == "Darwin" ]]; then echo " brew install sqlite mysql postgresql" else echo " sudo apt install build-essentials python3.6-dev python3.7-dev python-dev openssl \\" echo " sqlite sqlite-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev libmysqld-dev postgresql" fi echo echo "#######################################################################" exit ${RES} fi echo echo "Wiping and recreating ${AIRFLOW_HOME_DIR}" echo rm -rvf "${AIRFLOW_HOME_DIR}" mkdir -p "${AIRFLOW_HOME_DIR}" echo echo "Resetting AIRFLOW sqlite database" echo unset AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE airflow db reset -y echo echo "Resetting AIRFLOW sqlite unit test database" echo export AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE=True airflow db reset -y exit 0 fi } function setup_autocomplete() { echo "Installing bash/zsh completion for local user" echo "Note that completion for zsh is just limited to flags - without their values" echo echo set +e grep ".bash_completion.d" "${HOME}/.bashrc" >/dev/null 2>&1 RES=$? set -e if [[ "${RES}" == "0" ]]; then echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Bash completion already setup before." echo >&2 exit 1 fi "${MY_DIR}/confirm" "This will create ~/.bash_completion.d/ directory and modify ~/.*rc files" echo echo mkdir -pv ~/.bash_completion.d ln -sf "${MY_DIR}/breeze-complete" "${HOME}/.bash_completion.d/" touch ~/.bashrc cat >>~/.bashrc <<"EOF" for BCFILE in ~/.bash_completion.d/* ; do . ${BCFILE} done EOF cat >>~/.zshrc <<"EOF" autoload compinit && compinit autoload bashcompinit && bashcompinit source ~/.bash_completion.d/breeze-complete EOF if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "darwin"* ]]; then # For MacOS we have to handle the special case where terminal app DOES NOT run .bashrc by default # But re-runs .bash_profile :( # See https://scriptingosx.com/2017/04/about-bash_profile-and-bashrc-on-macos/ set +e grep ".bashrc" "${HOME}/.bash_profile" RES=$? set -e if [[ "${RES}" == "0" ]]; then echo " Seems you already source .bashrc in your .bash_profile so not adding it." else "${MY_DIR}/confirm" "This will modify ~/.bash_profile and source .bashrc from it" echo echo cat >>~/.bash_profile <<"EOF" if [ -r ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc fi EOF fi fi echo echo echo "Breeze bash completion installed to ~/.bash_completion.d/breeze-complete" echo echo echo "Please re-enter bash or run '. ~/.bash_completion.d/breeze-complete'" echo exit 0 } function print_badge { if [[ ! -f "${SUPPRESS_ASCIIART_FILE}" ]]; then cat < "${FILE}" #!/usr/bin/env bash cd "\$(pwd)" || exit export DOCKERHUB_USER=${DOCKERHUB_USER} export DOCKERHUB_REPO=${DOCKERHUB_REPO} export COMPOSE_FILE="${COMPOSE_FILE}" export PYTHON_VERSION="${PYTHON_VERSION}" export BACKEND="${BACKEND}" export RUNTIME="${RUNTIME}" export ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER="${ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER}" export KUBERNETES_MODE="${KUBERNETES_MODE}" export KUBERNETES_VERSION="${KUBERNETES_VERSION}" export AIRFLOW_VERSION="${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" export INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION="${INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION}" export RUN_TESTS="${TESTS}" export WEBSERVER_HOST_PORT="${WEBSERVER_HOST_PORT}" export POSTGRES_HOST_PORT="${POSTGRES_HOST_PORT}" export MYSQL_HOST_PORT="${MYSQL_HOST_PORT}" export AIRFLOW_CI_IMAGE="${AIRFLOW_CI_IMAGE}" docker-compose --log-level INFO ${CMD}\$${EXPANSION}" EOF chmod u+x "${FILE}" } function prepare_command_files() { MAIN_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/base.yml BACKEND_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/backend-${BACKEND}.yml LOCAL_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/local.yml KUBERNETES_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/runtime-kubernetes.yml REMOVE_SOURCES_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/remove-sources.yml FORWARD_CREDENTIALS_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/forward-credentials.yml COMPOSE_FILE=${MAIN_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE}:${BACKEND_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE} if [[ "${SKIP_MOUNTING_LOCAL_SOURCES}" != "true" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILE=${COMPOSE_FILE}:${LOCAL_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE} fi if [[ ${FORWARD_CREDENTIALS} == "true" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILE=${COMPOSE_FILE}:${FORWARD_CREDENTIALS_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE} fi if [[ ${INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION} != "current" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILE=${COMPOSE_FILE}:${REMOVE_SOURCES_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE} fi if [[ ${RUNTIME} == "kubernetes" ]]; then COMPOSE_FILE=${COMPOSE_FILE}:${KUBERNETES_DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE} fi set +u # shellcheck disable=SC2207 UNIQUE_INTEGRATIONS=($(echo "${INTEGRATIONS[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')) for _INT in "${UNIQUE_INTEGRATIONS[@]}" do COMPOSE_FILE=${COMPOSE_FILE}:${SCRIPTS_CI_DIR}/docker-compose/integration-${_INT}.yml done set -u export COMPOSE_FILE CI_ENTRYPOINT_FILE="/opt/airflow/scripts/ci/in_container/entrypoint_ci.sh" # Base python image for the build export PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE=python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim-stretch export AIRFLOW_CI_IMAGE="${DOCKERHUB_USER}/${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:${BRANCH_NAME}-python${PYTHON_VERSION}-ci" export BUILT_IMAGE_FLAG_FILE="${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${BRANCH_NAME}/.built_${PYTHON_VERSION}" DC_RUN_COMMAND="run --service-ports --rm airflow-testing \"${CI_ENTRYPOINT_FILE} " LAST_DC_RUN_FILE="cmd_run" LAST_DC_TEST_FILE="test_run" LAST_DC_FILE="dc" # Prepare script for "run command" prepare_command_file "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_RUN_FILE}" "${DC_RUN_COMMAND}" "false" '*' # Prepare script for "run test" prepare_command_file "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_TEST_FILE}" "${DC_RUN_COMMAND}" "true" '*' # Prepare script for "run docker compose command" prepare_command_file "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_FILE}" '"' "false" } do_help_all() { echo print_line usage print_line echo echo echo "Detailed usage" echo print_line echo for SUBCOMMAND in ${ALL_BREEZE_COMMANDS} do detailed_usage "${SUBCOMMAND}" print_star_line done echo print_line echo echo echo "Flags" echo print_line echo flags } function parse_arguments() { set -u if ! PARAMS=$(getopt \ -o "${_BREEZE_GETOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS:=}" \ -l "${_BREEZE_GETOPT_LONG_OPTIONS:=}" \ --name "$CMDNAME" -- "$@") then flags exit 1 fi eval set -- "${PARAMS}" unset PARAMS # Parse Flags. # Please update short and long options in the breeze-complete script # This way autocomplete will work out-of-the-box while true do case "${1}" in -h|--help) RUN_HELP="true" shift ;; -p|--python) export PYTHON_VERSION="${2}"; echo "Python version: ${PYTHON_VERSION}" echo shift 2 ;; -b|--backend) export BACKEND="${2}"; echo "Backend: ${BACKEND}" echo shift 2 ;; -i|--integration) INTEGRATION=${2} check_and_save_allowed_param "INTEGRATION" "integration" "--integration" echo "Integration: ${INTEGRATION}" if [[ ${INTEGRATION} == "all" ]]; then for _INT in ${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS} do if [[ ${_INT} != "all" ]]; then echo "${_INT}" INTEGRATIONS+=("${_INT}") fi done else INTEGRATIONS+=("${INTEGRATION}"); fi echo shift 2 ;; -K|--kubernetes-mode) export KUBERNETES_MODE="${2}"; echo "Kubernetes mode: ${KUBERNETES_MODE}" echo shift 2 ;; -V|--kubernetes-version) export KUBERNETES_VERSION="${2}"; echo "Kubernetes version: ${KUBERNETES_VERSION}" echo shift 2 ;; -l|--skip-mounting-local-sources) SKIP_MOUNTING_LOCAL_SOURCES="true" echo "Skip mounting local sources: ${SKIP_MOUNTING_LOCAL_SOURCES}" echo shift ;; -a|--install-airflow-version) INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION="${2}" echo "Installs version of Airflow: ${INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION}" echo shift 2 ;; -v|--verbose) export VERBOSE="true" echo "Verbose output" echo shift ;; -y|--assume-yes) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="yes" echo "Assuming 'yes' answer to all questions." echo shift ;; -n|--assume-no) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="no" echo "Assuming 'no' answer to all questions." echo shift ;; -q|--assume-quit) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="quit" echo "Assuming 'quit' answer to all questions." echo shift ;; -F|--force-build-images) echo "Force build images" echo export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES="true" # if you want to force build an image - assume you want to build it :) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="yes" shift ;; -C|--force-clean-images) echo "Clean build of images without cache" echo export USE_PULLED_IMAGES_AS_CACHE="false" export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES="true" shift ;; -s|--kind-cluster-start) export RUNTIME=kubernetes export ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER="true" export KIND_CLUSTER_OPERATION="start" echo "Starting kubernetes cluster" echo shift ;; -r|--kind-cluster-recreate) export RUNTIME=kubernetes export ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER="true" export KIND_CLUSTER_OPERATION="recreate" echo "Recreating kind cluster" echo shift ;; -x|--kind-cluster-stop) export RUNTIME=kubernetes export ENABLE_KIND_CLUSTER="true" export KIND_CLUSTER_OPERATION="stop" echo "Stop kind cluster" echo shift ;; -L|--use-local-cache) echo "Use local cache to build images" echo export USE_NO_CACHE="false" export USE_PULLED_IMAGES_AS_CACHE="false" shift ;; -P|--force-pull-images) echo "Force pulling images before build. Uses pulled images as cache." echo export FORCE_PULL_IMAGES="true" export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES="true" # if you want to force build an image - assume you want to build it :) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="yes" shift ;; -D|--dockerhub-user) export DOCKERHUB_USER="${2}" echo "Dockerhub user ${DOCKERHUB_USER}" echo shift 2 ;; -R|--dockerhub-repo) export DOCKERHUB_REPO="${2}" echo "Dockerhub repo ${DOCKERHUB_REPO}" echo shift 2 ;; -f|--forward-credentials) echo "Fowarding credentials. Be careful as your credentials ar available in the container!" echo export FORWARD_CREDENTIALS="true" shift 1 ;; -u|--push-images) echo echo "Pushing images to DockerHub" echo export PUSH_IMAGES="true" export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES="true" shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) flags echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Unknown flag ${1}" echo >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done # Parse commaands if [[ "$#" -ne 0 ]]; then case "${1}" in shell) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" shift ;; build-docs) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="build_docs" shift 1 ;; build-only) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="build_ci_images_only" # if you want to build an image - assume you want to build it :) export FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS="yes" # and assume you want to build it no matter if it is needed export FORCE_BUILD_IMAGES="true" echo "Only build. Do not enter airflow-testing container" echo shift ;; cleanup-images) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" echo "Cleanup the image" echo COMMAND_TO_RUN="cleanup_images" shift ;; docker-compose) if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]]; then echo "You should specify docker compose command to run" exit 1 fi LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND="${2}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="run_docker_compose" shift 2 ;; execute-command) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="run_in_bash" shift ;; initialize-local-virtualenv) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" echo "Initializing local virtualenv" echo COMMAND_TO_RUN="perform_initialize_local_virtualenv" shift ;; setup-autocomplete) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" echo "Setting up autocomplete" echo COMMAND_TO_RUN="perform_setup_autocomplete" shift ;; static-check ) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="perform_static_checks" if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]]; then echo "You should specify static check that you would like to run or 'all' to run all checks." echo "One of [${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS:=}]." echo echo "For example:" echo "${CMDNAME} static-check mypy" exit 1 fi export PYTHON_VERSION=${STATIC_CHECK_PYTHON_VERSION} export STATIC_CHECK="${2}" export STATIC_CHECK_ALL_FILES="false" EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS+=("--show-diff-on-failure") shift 2 ;; static-check-all-files) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]]; then echo "You should specify static check that you would like to run or 'all' to run all checks." echo "One of [${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS:=}]." echo echo "For example:" echo "${CMDNAME} static-check-all-files mypy" exit 1 fi COMMAND_TO_RUN="perform_static_checks" export PYTHON_VERSION=${STATIC_CHECK_PYTHON_VERSION} export STATIC_CHECK="${2}" export STATIC_CHECK_ALL_FILES="true" EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS+=("--all-files" "--show-diff-on-failure") shift 2 ;; stop-environment) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" COMMAND_TO_RUN="run_docker_compose" DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND="down" EXTRA_DC_OPTIONS+=("--remove-orphans") shift ;; test-target) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" if [[ "${TEST_TARGET}" == "." ]]; then export TEST_TARGET="" fi COMMAND_TO_RUN="run_tests" shift 2 ;; toggle-suppress-cheatsheet) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" if [[ -f "${SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET_FILE}" ]]; then rm -f "${SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET_FILE}" else touch "${SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET_FILE}" fi echo "Toggle suppress cheatsheet" echo shift ;; toggle-suppress-asciiart) LAST_SUBCOMMAND="${1}" if [[ -f "${SUPPRESS_ASCIIART_FILE}" ]]; then rm -f "${SUPPRESS_ASCIIART_FILE}" else touch "${SUPPRESS_ASCIIART_FILE}" fi echo "Toggle suppress asciiart" echo shift ;; flags) flags exit 0 ;; help) usage flag_footer exit 0 ;; help-all) do_help_all exit 0 ;; *) usage echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Unknown command ${1}" echo >&2 exit 1 ;; esac else : # By default, start interactive terminal fi if [[ ${RUN_HELP} == "true" ]]; then if [[ ${LAST_SUBCOMMAND} == "" ]]; then usage flag_footer else detailed_usage "${LAST_SUBCOMMAND}" flag_footer fi exit 0 fi REMAINING_ARGS+=("$@") } prepare_allowed_versions() { INDENT=15 LIST_PREFIX=$(printf "%-${INDENT}s" " ") WIDTH=$((SCREEN_WIDTH - INDENT)) ALLOWED_PYTHON_VERSIONS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_PYTHON_VERSIONS=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_BACKENDS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_BACKENDS=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_MODES=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_MODES=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_VERSIONS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_VERSIONS=""}" | tr '\n' ' ' | \ fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") ALLOWED_INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSIONS=$(echo "${_BREEZE_ALLOWED_INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSIONS=""}" | \ tr '\n' ' ' | fold -w "${WIDTH}" -s | sed "s/^/${LIST_PREFIX}/") } prepare_usage() { # Note that MacOS uses Bash 3.* and we cannot use associative arrays export USAGE_SHELL="[Default] Enters interactive shell in the container" export USAGE_BUILD_DOCS="Builds documentation in the container" export USAGE_BUILD_ONLY="Only builds docker images without entering container" export USAGE_CLEANUP_IMAGES="Cleans up the container images created" export USAGE_DOCKER_COMPOSE="Executes specified docker-compose command" export USAGE_EXECUTE_COMMAND="Executes specified command in the container" export USAGE_FLAGS="Shows all breeze's flags" export USAGE_INITIALIZE_LOCAL_VIRTUALENV="Initializes local virtualenv" export USAGE_SETUP_AUTOCOMPLETE="Sets up autocomplete for breeze" export USAGE_STOP_ENVIRONMENT="Stops the docker-compose evironment" export USAGE_STATIC_CHECK="Performs selected static check for changed files" export USAGE_STATIC_CHECK_ALL_FILES="Performs selected static check for all files" export USAGE_TOGGLE_SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET="Toggles on/off cheatsheet" export USAGE_TOGGLE_SUPPRESS_ASCIIART="Toggles on/off asciiart" export USAGE_TEST_TARGET="Runs selected test target in the container" export USAGE_HELP="Shows this help message" export USAGE_HELP_ALL="Shows detailed help for all commands and flags" export DETAILED_USAGE_SHELL=" This is default subcommand if no subcommand is used. Enters interactive shell where you can run all tests, start airflow webserver, scheduler, workers, interact with the database, run DAGs etc. It is the default command if no command is selected. The shell is executed in the container and in case integrations are chosen, the integrations will be started as separated docker containers - under the docker-compose supervision. Local sources are by default mounted to within the container so you can edit them locally and run tests immediately in the container. Several folders ('files', 'dist') are also mounted so that you can exchange files between the host and container. The 'files/airflow-breeze-config/variables.env' file can contain additional variables and setup. This file is automatically sourced when you enter the container. Database and webserver ports are forwarded to appropriate database/webserver so that you can connect to it from your host environment. " export DETAILED_USAGE_BUILD_DOCS=" Builds airflow documentation. The documentation is build inside docker container - to maintain the same build environment for everyone. Appropriate sources are mapped from the host to the container so that latest sources are used. The folders where documentation is generated ('docs/build') are also mounted to the container - this way results of the documentation build is available in the host. " export DETAILED_USAGE_BUILD_ONLY=" Do not enter docker container - just build the docker images needed. You can (similarly as with other commands) pass aditional options to this command, such as '--force-build-image', '--force-pull-image' in order to force latest images to be built/pulled. " export DETAILED_USAGE_CLEANUP_IMAGES=" Removes the breeze-related images created in your local docker image cache. This will not reclaim space in docker cache. You need to 'docker system prune' (optionally with --all) to reclaim that space. " export DETAILED_USAGE_DOCKER_COMPOSE=" Run docker-compose command instead of entering the environment. Use 'help' as command to see available commands. The passed after -- are treated as additional options passed to docker-compose. For example '${CMDNAME} docker-compose pull -- --ignore-pull-failures' " export DETAILED_USAGE_EXECUTE_COMMAND=" Run chosen command instead of entering the environment. The command is run using 'bash -c \"\" if you need to pass arguments to your command, you need to pass them together with command surrounded with \" or '. Alternatively you can pass arguments as passed after --. For example: '${CMDNAME} execute-command \"ls -la\"' or '${CMDNAME} execute-command ls -- --la' " export DETAILED_USAGE_FLAGS=" Explains in detail all the flags that can be used with breeze. " export DETAILED_USAGE_INITIALIZE_LOCAL_VIRTUALENV=" Initializes locally created virtualenv installing all dependencies of Airflow. This local virtualenv can be used to aid autocompletion and IDE support as well as run unit tests directly from the IDE. You need to have virtualenv activated before running this command. " export DETAILED_USAGE_SETUP_AUTOCOMPLETE=" Sets up autocomplete for breeze commands. Once you do it you need to re-enter the bash shell and when typing breeze command will provide autocomplete for parameters and values. " export DETAILED_USAGE_STOP_ENVIRONMENT=" Brings down running docker compose environment. When you start the environment, the docker containers will continue running so that startup time is shorter. But they take quite a lot of memory and CPU. This command stops all running containers from the environment. " export DETAILED_USAGE_STATIC_CHECK=" Run selected static checks for currently changed files. You should specify static check that you would like to run or 'all' to run all checks. One of: ${ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS} You can pass extra arguments including options to to the pre-commit framework as passed after --. For example: '${CMDNAME} static-check mypy' or '${CMDNAME} static-check mypy -- --files tests/core.py' You can see all the options by adding --help EXTRA_ARG: '${CMDNAME} static-check mypy -- --help' " export DETAILED_USAGE_STATIC_CHECK_ALL_FILES=" Run selected static checks for all applicable files. You should specify static check that you would like to run or 'all' to run all checks. One of: ${ALLOWED_STATIC_CHECKS} You can pass extra arguments including options to the pre-commit framework as passed after --. For example: '${CMDNAME} static-check-all-files mypy' or '${CMDNAME} static-check-all-files mypy -- --verbose' You can see all the options by adding --help EXTRA_ARG: '${CMDNAME} static-check-all-files mypy -- --help' " export DETAILED_USAGE_TEST_TARGET=" Run the specified unit test target. There might be multiple targets specified separated with comas. The passed after -- are treated as additional options passed to pytest. For example: '${CMDNAME} test-target tests/test_core.py -- --logging-level=DEBUG' " export DETAILED_USAGE_TOGGLE_SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET=" Toggles on/off cheatsheet displayed before starting bash shell. " export DETAILED_USAGE_TOGGLE_SUPPRESS_ASCIIART=" Toggles on/off asciiart displayed before starting bash shell. " export DETAILED_USAGE_HELP=" Shows this help message. " export DETAILED_USAGE_HELP_ALL=" Shows detailed help for all commands and flags. " } get_variable_from_lowercase_name() { PREFIX="${1}" NAME="${2}" SUFFIX="$(echo "${NAME}" | tr "[:lower:]-" "[:upper:]_")" VARIABLE_NAME="${PREFIX}_${SUFFIX}" echo "${!VARIABLE_NAME}" } get_usage() { get_variable_from_lowercase_name USAGE "${1}" } get_detailed_usage() { get_variable_from_lowercase_name DETAILED_USAGE "${1}" } usage() { echo " Usage: ${CMDNAME} [FLAGS] [COMMAND] -- By default the script enters IT environment and drops you to bash shell, but you can choose one of the commands to run specific actions instead. Add --help after each command to see details: Commands without arguments: " for SUBCOMMAND in ${BREEZE_COMMANDS} do printf " %-40s %s\n" "${SUBCOMMAND}" "$(get_usage "${SUBCOMMAND}")" done echo " Commands with arguments: " for SUBCOMMAND in ${BREEZE_EXTRA_ARG_COMMANDS} do printf " %-30s%-10s %s\n" "${SUBCOMMAND}" "" "$(get_usage "${SUBCOMMAND}")" done echo " Help commands: " for SUBCOMMAND in ${BREEZE_HELP_COMMANDS} do printf " %-40s %s\n" "${SUBCOMMAND}" "$(get_usage "${SUBCOMMAND}")" done echo } detailed_usage() { SUBCOMMAND=${1} echo " ${CMDNAME} [FLAGS] ${SUBCOMMAND} -- $(get_detailed_usage "${SUBCOMMAND}")" } flag_footer() { echo " Run '${CMDNAME} flags' to see available flags " } flags() { echo " $(print_star_line) List of flags supported by breeze: $(print_star_line) Choose Airflow variant $(print_star_line) -p, --python Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version. One of: ${ALLOWED_PYTHON_VERSIONS} -b, --backend Backend to use for tests - it determines which database is used. One of: ${ALLOWED_BACKENDS} Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_BACKEND:=} -i, --integration Integration to start during tests - it determines which integrations are started for integration tests. There can be more than one integration started, or all to start all integrations. Selected integrations are not saved for future execution. One of: ${ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS} $(print_star_line) Manage Kind kubernetes cluster (optional) $(print_star_line) Acion for the cluster : only one of the --kind-cluster-* flags can be used at a time: -s, --kind-cluster-start Starts kind Kubernetes cluster after entering the environment. The cluster is started using Kubernetes Mode selected and Kubernetes version specifed via --kubernetes-mode and --kubernetes-version flags. -x, --kind-cluster-stop Stops kind Kubernetes cluster if one has already been created. By default, if you do not stop environment, the Kubernetes cluster created for testing is continuously running and when you start Kubernetes testing again it will be reused. You can force deletion and recreation of such cluster with this flag. -r, --kind-cluster-recreate Recreates kind Kubernetes cluster if one has already been created. By default, if you do not stop environment, the Kubernetes cluster created for testing is continuously running and when you start Kubernetes testing again it will be reused. You can force deletion and recreation of such cluster with this flag. Kubernetes mode/version flags: -K, --kubernetes-mode Kubernetes mode - only used in case one of --kind-cluster-* commands is used. One of: ${ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_MODES} Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_MODE:=} -V, --kubernetes-version Kubernetes version - only used in case one of --kind-cluster-* commands is used. One of: ${ALLOWED_KUBERNETES_VERSIONS} Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_VERSION:=} $(print_star_line) Manage mounting local files $(print_star_line) -l, --skip-mounting-source-volume Skips mounting local volume with sources - you get exactly what is in the docker image rather than your current local sources of airflow. $(print_star_line) Install Airflow if different than current $(print_star_line) -a, --install-airflow-version If different than 'current' removes the source-installed airflow and installs a released version of Airflow instead. One of: ${ALLOWED_INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSIONS} Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION:=}. $(print_star_line) Assume answers to questions $(print_star_line) -y, --assume-yes Assume 'yes' answer to all questions. -n, --assume-no Assume 'no' answer to all questions. -q, --assume-quit Assume 'quit' answer to all questions. $(print_star_line) Credentials $(print_star_line) -f, --forward-credentials Forwards host credentials to docker container. Use with care as it will make your credentials available to everything you install in Docker. $(print_star_line) Increase verbosity of the script $(print_star_line) -v, --verbose Show verbose information about executed commands (enabled by default for running test). Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS=\"true\"' before running breeze. $(print_star_line) Flags for building the docker images $(print_star_line) -F, --force-build-images Forces building of the local docker images. The images are rebuilt automatically for the first time or when changes are detected in package-related files, but you can force it using this flag. -p, --force-pull-images Forces pulling of images from DockerHub before building to populate cache. The images are pulled by default only for the first time you run the environment, later the locally build images are used as cache. -C, --force-clean-images Force build images with cache disabled. This will remove the pulled or build images and start building images from scratch. This might take a long time. -L, --use-local-cache Uses local cache to build images. No pulled images will be used, but results of local builds in the Docker cache are used instead. $(print_star_line) Flags for pushing the docker images $(print_star_line) -u, --push-images After building - uploads the images to DockerHub It is useful in case you use your own DockerHub user to store images and you want to build them locally. Note that you need to use 'docker login' before you upload images. $(print_star_line) User and repo used to login to github registry $(print_star_line) -D, --dockerhub-user DockerHub user used to pull, push and build images. Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_DOCKERHUB_USER:=}. -H, --dockerhub-repo DockerHub repository used to pull, push, build images. Default: ${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_DOCKERHUB_REPO:=}. $(print_star_line) " } function print_header_line() { if [ ${VERBOSE:="false"} == "true" ]; then echo printf '=%.0s' $(seq "${SCREEN_WIDTH}") echo fi } function print_line { printf '#%.0s' $(seq "${SCREEN_WIDTH}") } function print_star_line { printf '*%.0s' $(seq "${SCREEN_WIDTH}") } function read_saved_environment_variables { export BACKEND="${BACKEND:=$(read_from_file BACKEND)}" export BACKEND=${BACKEND:-${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_BACKEND}} export KUBERNETES_MODE="${KUBERNETES_MODE:=$(read_from_file KUBERNETES_MODE)}" export KUBERNETES_MODE=${KUBERNETES_MODE:=${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_MODE}} export KUBERNETES_VERSION="${KUBERNETES_VERSION:=$(read_from_file KUBERNETES_VERSION)}" export KUBERNETES_VERSION=${KUBERNETES_VERSION:=${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_KUBERNETES_VERSION}} # Here you read DockerHub user/account that you use # You can populate your own images in DockerHub this way and work with the, # You can override it with "-d" option and it will be stored in .build directory export DOCKERHUB_USER="${DOCKERHUB_USER:=$(read_from_file DOCKERHUB_USER)}" export DOCKERHUB_USER="${DOCKERHUB_USER:=${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_DOCKERHUB_USER}}" # Here you read DockerHub repo that you use # You can populate your own images in DockerHub this way and work with them # You can override it with "-d" option and it will be stored in .build directory export DOCKERHUB_REPO="${DOCKERHUB_REPO:=$(read_from_file DOCKERHUB_REPO)}" export DOCKERHUB_REPO="${DOCKERHUB_REPO:=${_BREEZE_DEFAULT_DOCKERHUB_REPO}}" } function check_and_save_all_params() { check_and_save_allowed_param "PYTHON_VERSION" "Python version" "--python" check_and_save_allowed_param "BACKEND" "backend" "--backend" check_and_save_allowed_param "KUBERNETES_MODE" "Kubernetes mode" "--kubernetes-mode" check_and_save_allowed_param "KUBERNETES_VERSION" "Kubernetes version" "--kubernetes-version" check_and_save_allowed_param "INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION" "Install airflow version" "--install-airflow-version" # Can't verify those save_to_file DOCKERHUB_USER save_to_file DOCKERHUB_REPO } function fix_local_file { if [[ -d "${MY_DIR}/${1}" ]]; then rm -rf "${MY_DIR:?}/${1}" fi touch "${MY_DIR}/${1}" } function touch_local_files { # Those files are mounted into container when run locally # .bash_history is preserved and you can modify .bash_aliases and .inputrc # according to your liking fix_local_file ".bash_history" fix_local_file ".bash_aliases" fix_local_file ".inputrc" # When kind cluster is created, the folder keeps authentication information # across sessiosn mkdir -pv "${MY_DIR}/.kube" } function print_cheatsheet() { if [[ ! -f ${SUPPRESS_CHEATSHEET_FILE} ]]; then echo echo print_line echo echo " Airflow Breeze CHEATSHEET" echo print_line echo echo print_line echo echo " Quick scripts:" echo " * Enter the environm : ${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_RUN_FILE}" echo " * Run command in the environment : ${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_RUN_FILE} "\ "[command with args] [bash options]" echo " * Run tests in the environment : ${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_TEST_FILE} "\ "[test target] [nosetest options]" echo " * Run Docker compose command : ${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_FILE} "\ "[docker compose command] [docker-compose options]" echo set +e if ! command -v breeze; then print_line echo echo " Adding breeze to your path:" echo " When you exit the environment, you can add sources of airflow to the path - you can" echo " run breeze or the scripts above from any directory by calling 'breeze' commands directly" echo echo " export PATH=\${PATH}:\"${MY_DIR}\"" echo fi set -e print_line echo echo " Port forwarding:" echo echo " Ports are forwarded to the running docker containers for webserver and database" echo " * ${WEBSERVER_HOST_PORT} -> forwarded to airflow webserver -> airflow-testing:8080" echo " * ${POSTGRES_HOST_PORT} -> forwarded to postgres database -> postgres:5432" echo " * ${MYSQL_HOST_PORT} -> forwarded to mysql database -> mysql:3306" echo echo " Here are links to those services that you can use on host:" echo " * Webserver:" echo " * Postgres: jdbc:postgresql://" echo " * Mysql: jdbc:mysql://localhost:23306/airflow?user=root" echo else echo fi } function print_setup_instructions { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Unused variables left for comp_breeze usage if ! typeset -f "_comp_breeze" > /dev/null; then print_line echo echo " You can setup autocomplete by running '${CMDNAME} setup-autocomplete'" echo echo fi print_line echo echo " You can toggle ascii/cheatsheet by running:" echo " * ${CMDNAME} toggle-suppress-cheatsheet" echo " * ${CMDNAME} toggle-suppress-asciiart" echo print_line echo echo echo echo } function make_sure_precommit_is_installed { echo echo "Making sure pre-commit is installed" echo if command -v pip3 >/dev/null; then PIP_BIN=pip3 elif command -v pip >/dev/null; then PIP_BIN=pip else echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: You need to have pip or pip3 in your PATH" echo >&2 S exit 1 fi "${PIP_BIN}" install --upgrade pre-commit >/dev/null 2>&1 # Add ~/.local/bin to the path in case pip is run outside of virtualenv export PATH="${PATH}":~/.local/bin } function remove_images { docker rmi "${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE}" || true docker rmi "${AIRFLOW_CI_IMAGE}" || true rm -f "${BUILT_IMAGE_FLAG_FILE}" } function run_static_checks { if [[ ${STATIC_CHECK} == "all" ]]; then echo echo "Running: pre-commit run" "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" echo pre-commit run "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" elif [[ ${STATIC_CHECK} == "all-but-pylint" ]]; then echo echo "Setting SKIP=pylint. Running: pre-commit run" "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" echo echo SKIP=pylint pre-commit run "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" else echo echo "Running: pre-commit run" "${STATIC_CHECK}" "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" echo pre-commit run "${STATIC_CHECK}" "${EXTRA_STATIC_CHECK_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" fi } function run_build_command { case "${COMMAND_TO_RUN}" in enter_breeze|build_docs|run_tests|run_docker_compose|run_in_bash) rebuild_ci_image_if_needed ;; perform_static_checks|build_ci_images_only) rebuild_ci_image_if_needed ;; cleanup_images) ;; perform_initialize_local_virtualenv|perform_setup_autocomplete) ;; *) echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Unknown command to run ${COMMAND_TO_RUN}" echo >&2 ;; esac } function run_breeze_command { set -u case "${COMMAND_TO_RUN}" in enter_breeze) "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_RUN_FILE}" ;; run_tests) "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_TEST_FILE}" "\"${TEST_TARGET}\"" "$@" ;; run_docker_compose) set +u "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_FILE}" "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND}" "${EXTRA_DC_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" set -u ;; run_in_bash) "${BUILD_CACHE_DIR}/${LAST_DC_RUN_FILE}" "${RUN_COMMAND}" "$@" ;; perform_static_checks) make_sure_precommit_is_installed run_static_checks "$@" ;; build_ci_images_only) if [[ ${PUSH_IMAGES} == "true" ]]; then push_ci_image fi ;; cleanup_images) remove_images ;; perform_initialize_local_virtualenv) initialize_virtualenv ;; perform_setup_autocomplete) setup_autocomplete ;; build_docs) run_docs ;; *) echo >&2 echo >&2 "ERROR: Unknown command to run ${COMMAND_TO_RUN}" echo >&2 ;; esac } setup_default_breeze_variables initialize_breeze_environment basic_sanity_checks script_start trap script_end EXIT prepare_allowed_versions prepare_usage set +u parse_arguments "${@}" print_header_line forget_last_answer read_saved_environment_variables check_and_save_all_params touch_local_files prepare_command_files run_build_command print_header_line print_badge print_cheatsheet print_setup_instructions set +u # Account for an empty array run_breeze_command "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"