The previous query generated SQL like this:
WHERE (task_id = ? AND dag_id = ? AND execution_date = ?) OR (task_id = ? AND dag_id = ? AND execution_date = ?)
Which is fine for one or maybe even 100 TIs, but when testing DAGs at
extreme size (over 21k tasks!) this query was taking for ever (162s on
Postgres, 172s on MySQL 5.7)
By changing this query to this
WHERE task_id IN (?,?) AND dag_id = ? AND execution_date = ?
the time is reduced to 1s! (1.03s on Postgres, 1.19s on MySQL)
Even on 100 tis the reduction is large, but the overall time is not
significant (0.01451s -> 0.00626s on Postgres).
Times included SQLA query construction time (but not time for calling
filter_for_tis. So a like-for-like comparison), not just DB query time:
ipdb> start_filter_20k = time.monotonic(); result_filter_20k = session.query(TI).filter(tis_filter).all(); end_filter_20k = time.monotonic()
ipdb> end_filter_20k - start_filter_20k
ipdb> in_filter = TI.dag_id == self.dag_id, TI.execution_date == self.execution_date, TI.task_id.in_([o.task_id for o in old_states.keys()]);
ipdb> start_20k_custom = time.monotonic(); result_custom_20k = session.query(TI).filter(in_filter).all(); end_20k_custom = time.monotonic()
ipdb> end_20k_custom - start_20k_custom
I have also removed the check that was ensuring everything was of the
same type (all TaskInstance or all TaskInstanceKey) as it felt needless
- both types have the three required fields, so the "duck-typing"
approach at runtime (crash if doesn't have the required property)+mypy
checks felt Good Enough.