const cheerio = require('cheerio') const ChildProcess = require('child_process') const Crawler = require('simplecrawler') const path = require('path') const queue = require('async/queue') module.exports = (options) => { const crawler = new Crawler(options.url) crawler.respectRobotsTxt = false crawler.parseHTMLComments = false crawler.parseScriptTags = false crawler.maxDepth = 1 crawler.discoverResources = (buffer, item) => { const page = cheerio.load(buffer.toString('utf8')) const links = page('a[href]').map(function () { return page(this).attr('href') }).get() return links } let totalErrorCount = 0 const lighthouseQueue = queue((url, callback) => { runLighthouse(url, (errorCount) => { totalErrorCount += errorCount callback() }) }, 5) crawler.on('fetchcomplete', (queueItem, responseBuffer, response) => { lighthouseQueue.push(queueItem.url) }) crawler.once('complete', () => { lighthouseQueue.drain = () => { if (totalErrorCount > 0) { process.exit(1) } } }) crawler.start() } function runLighthouse (url, callback) { const args = [ url, '--output=json', '--output-path=stdout', '--disable-device-emulation', '--disable-cpu-throttling', '--disable-network-throttling', '--chrome-flags=--headless --disable-gpu', `--config-path=${path.join(__dirname, 'config.json')}` ] const lighthouse = ChildProcess.spawn(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'lighthouse'), args) let output = '' lighthouse.stdout.on('data', (data) => { output += data }) lighthouse.once('close', () => { let errorCount = 0 const report = JSON.parse(output) report.reportCategories.forEach((category) => { category.audits.forEach((audit) => { if (audit.score !== 100) { errorCount++ console.log(`${url} failed ${}`) const {value} = audit.result.extendedInfo if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach((result) => { console.log(` ${result.url}`) }) } else if (Array.isArray(value.nodes)) { value.nodes.forEach((result) => { let message = result.failureSummary message = message.replace(/^Fix any of the following:/g, '').trim() console.log(` ${message}`) console.log(` ${result.html}`) }) } } }) }) callback(errorCount) }) }