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# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua;
plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3);
our $HtmlDir = html_dir;
=== TEST 1: satisfy any
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
allow all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.exit(403)';
echo something important;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body
something important
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 2: satisfy any
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.exit(403)';
echo something important;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden
--- error_code: 403
--- error_log
access forbidden by rule
=== TEST 3: satisfy any (explicit ngx.exit(0))
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.exit(0)';
echo something important;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body
something important
--- error_code: 200
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 4: satisfy any (simple return)
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua return;
echo something important;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body
something important
--- error_code: 200
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 5: satisfy any (declined)
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.DECLINED)';
echo something important;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden
--- error_code: 403
--- error_log
access forbidden by rule
=== TEST 6: satisfy any (declined, with I/O)
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.location.capture("/echo") ngx.exit(ngx.DECLINED)';
echo something important;
location /echo {
echo hi;
#echo_sleep 0.01;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden
--- error_code: 403
--- error_log
access forbidden by rule
=== TEST 7: satisfy any (simple return, with I/O)
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.location.capture("/echo") return';
echo something important;
location /echo {
echo hi;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body
something important
--- error_code: 200
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 8: satisfy any - with I/O
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.location.capture("/echo") ngx.exit(403)';
echo something important;
location /echo {
echo hi;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden
--- error_code: 403
--- error_log
access forbidden by rule
=== TEST 9: satisfy any (explicit ngx.exit(0), with I/O)
--- config
location /test {
satisfy any;
deny all;
access_by_lua 'ngx.location.capture("/echo") ngx.exit(0)';
echo something important;
location /echo {
echo hi;
--- request
GET /test
--- more_headers
--- response_body
something important
--- error_code: 200
--- no_error_log