398 строки
11 KiB
398 строки
11 KiB
# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua;
plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3);
=== TEST 1: find zone
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 3)
ngx.say("foo zone: ", tonumber(ffi.cast("long", zone)) ~= 0 and "defined" or "undef")
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
ngx.say("dogs zone: ", tonumber(ffi.cast("long", zone)) ~= 0 and "defined" or "undef")
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo zone: undef
dogs zone: defined
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 2: number typed value
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char *data;
} ngx_str_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
union {
int b; /* boolean */
double n; /* number */
ngx_str_t s; /* string */
} value;
} ngx_http_lua_value_t;
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
intptr_t ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(void *zone, char *kdata, size_t klen, ngx_http_lua_value_t *val);
local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs
dogs:set("foo", 1234567)
dogs:set("bar", 3.14159)
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("foo: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", val[0].type,
", val=", tonumber(val[0].value.n))
ffi.copy(buf, "bar", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("bar: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", val[0].type,
", val=", tonumber(val[0].value.n))
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo: rc=0, type=3, val=1234567
bar: rc=0, type=3, val=3.14159
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 3: boolean typed value
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char *data;
} ngx_str_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
union {
int b; /* boolean */
double n; /* number */
ngx_str_t s; /* string */
} value;
} ngx_http_lua_value_t;
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
intptr_t ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(void *zone, char *kdata, size_t klen, ngx_http_lua_value_t *val);
local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs
dogs:set("foo", true)
dogs:set("bar", false)
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("foo: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", tonumber(val[0].type),
", val=", tonumber(val[0].value.b))
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "bar", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("bar: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", tonumber(val[0].type),
", val=", tonumber(val[0].value.b))
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo: rc=0, type=1, val=1
bar: rc=0, type=1, val=0
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 4: key not found
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char *data;
} ngx_str_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
union {
int b; /* boolean */
double n; /* number */
ngx_str_t s; /* string */
} value;
} ngx_http_lua_value_t;
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
intptr_t ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(void *zone, char *kdata, size_t klen, ngx_http_lua_value_t *val);
local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("foo: rc=", tonumber(rc))
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "bar", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("bar: rc=", tonumber(rc))
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo: rc=-5
bar: rc=-5
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 5: string typed value
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char *data;
} ngx_str_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
union {
int b; /* boolean */
double n; /* number */
ngx_str_t s; /* string */
} value;
} ngx_http_lua_value_t;
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
intptr_t ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(void *zone, char *kdata, size_t klen, ngx_http_lua_value_t *val);
local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs
dogs:set("foo", "hello world")
dogs:set("bar", "")
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local s = ffi.new("char[?]", 20)
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
val[0].value.s.len = 20
val[0].value.s.data = s
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("foo: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", tonumber(val[0].type),
", val=", ffi.string(val[0].value.s.data, val[0].value.s.len),
", len=", tonumber(val[0].value.s.len))
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
val[0].value.s.len = 20
val[0].value.s.data = s
ffi.copy(buf, "bar", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("bar: rc=", tonumber(rc),
", type=", tonumber(val[0].type),
", val=", ffi.string(val[0].value.s.data, val[0].value.s.len),
", len=", tonumber(val[0].value.s.len))
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo: rc=0, type=4, val=hello world, len=11
bar: rc=0, type=4, val=, len=0
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 6: nil typed value
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char *data;
} ngx_str_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type;
union {
int b; /* boolean */
double n; /* number */
ngx_str_t s; /* string */
} value;
} ngx_http_lua_value_t;
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
intptr_t ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(void *zone, char *kdata, size_t klen, ngx_http_lua_value_t *val);
local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs
dogs:set("foo", nil)
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local val = ffi.new("ngx_http_lua_value_t[?]", 1)
ffi.copy(buf, "foo", 3)
local rc = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_shared_dict_get(zone, buf, 3, val)
ngx.say("foo: rc=", tonumber(rc))
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
foo: rc=-5
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 7: find zone (multiple zones)
--- http_config
lua_shared_dict dogs 1m;
lua_shared_dict cats 1m;
--- config
location = /test {
content_by_lua '
local ffi = require "ffi"
void *ngx_http_lua_find_zone(char *data, size_t len);
local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 4)
ffi.copy(buf, "cats", 4)
local zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local cats = tostring(zone)
ffi.copy(buf, "dogs", 4)
zone = ffi.C.ngx_http_lua_find_zone(buf, 4)
local dogs = tostring(zone)
ngx.say("dogs == cats ? ", dogs == cats)
-- ngx.say("dogs: ", dogs)
-- ngx.say("cats ", cats)
--- request
GET /test
--- response_body
dogs == cats ? false
--- no_error_log