зеркало из https://github.com/github/memcached.git
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
require 'taj'
require 'memcached/marshal_codec'
module Memcached
class Client
FLAGS = 0x0
attr_reader :servers
def initialize(servers = nil)
@ -10,10 +14,20 @@ module Memcached
@servers = [[:tcp, "localhost", 11211]]
@codec = Memcached::MarshalCodec
def set(key, value, ttl: @default_ttl, encode: true)#, flags: FLAGS)
connection.set(key, value.to_s)
def set(key, value, ttl: 0, encode: true, flags: FLAGS)
value, flags = @codec.encode(key, value, flags) if encode
connection.set(key, value)
def get(key)
value = connection.get(key)
value = @codec.decode(key, value, FLAGS)# if decode
def connection
@ -50,7 +64,6 @@ end
#require 'memcached/exceptions'
#require 'memcached/behaviors'
#require 'memcached/auth'
#require 'memcached/marshal_codec'
#require 'memcached/memcached'
#require 'memcached/rails'
#require 'memcached/experimental'
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class Memcached
module Memcached
module MarshalCodec
def self.encode(key, value, flags)
[Marshal.dump(value), flags]
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
require 'test_helper'
require 'ostruct'
class ClientInitializeTest < Minitest::Test
def setup
@cache = Memcached::Client.new#(@servers, @options)
@value = OpenStruct.new(a: 1, b: 2, c: self.class)
@marshalled_value = Marshal.dump(@value)
def key
caller.first[/.*[` ](.*)'/, 1] # '
def test_simple_get
@cache.set "foo", "bar"
assert_equal "bar", @cache.get("foo")
@cache.set key, @value
assert_equal @value, @cache.get(key)
# def test_binary_get
# @cache.set key, @value
# assert_equal @value, @binary_protocol_cache.get(key)
# end
# def test_udp_get
# @udp_cache.set(key, @value)
# assert_raises(Memcached::ActionNotSupported) do
# @udp_cache.get(key)
# end
# end
def test_get_nil
@cache.set key, nil, ttl: 0
result = @cache.get key
assert_equal nil, result
# def test_get_from_last
# cache = Memcached.new(@servers, :distribution => :random)
# 10.times { |n| cache.set key, n }
# 10.times do
# assert_equal cache.get(key), cache.get_from_last(key)
# end
# end
# def test_get_missing
# @cache.delete key rescue nil
# assert_raise(Memcached::NotFound) do
# result = @cache.get key
# end
# end
# def test_get_coerces_string_type
# assert_raises(Memcached::NotFound) do
# @cache.get nil
# end
# assert_raises(TypeError) do
# @cache.get 1
# end
# end
# def test_get_with_server_timeout
# socket = stub_server 43047
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43047:1", :timeout => 0.5, :exception_retry_limit => 0)
# assert 0.49 < (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43047:1", :poll_timeout => 0.001, :rcv_timeout => 0.5, :exception_retry_limit => 0)
# assert 0.49 < (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43047:1", :poll_timeout => 0.25, :rcv_timeout => 0.25, :exception_retry_limit => 0)
# assert 0.51 > (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# ensure
# socket.close
# end
# def test_get_with_no_block_server_timeout
# socket = stub_server 43048
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43048:1", :no_block => true, :timeout => 0.25, :exception_retry_limit => 0)
# assert 0.24 < (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43048:1", :no_block => true, :poll_timeout => 0.25, :rcv_timeout => 0.001, :exception_retry_limit => 0)
# assert 0.24 < (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# cache = Memcached.new("localhost:43048:1", :no_block => true,
# :poll_timeout => 0.001,
# :rcv_timeout => 0.25, # No affect in no-block mode
# :exception_retry_limit => 0
# )
# assert 0.24 > (Benchmark.measure do
# assert_raise(Memcached::ATimeoutOccurred) do
# result = cache.get key
# end
# end).real
# ensure
# socket.close
# end
# def test_get_with_prefix_key
# # Prefix_key
# cache = Memcached.new(
# # We can only use one server because the key is hashed separately from the prefix key
# @servers.first,
# :prefix_key => @prefix_key,
# :hash => :default,
# :distribution => :modula
# )
# cache.set key, @value
# assert_equal @value, cache.get(key)
# # No prefix_key specified
# cache = Memcached.new(
# @servers.first,
# :hash => :default,
# :distribution => :modula
# )
# assert_nothing_raised do
# assert_equal @value, cache.get("#{@prefix_key}#{key}")
# end
# end
# def test_values_with_null_characters_are_not_truncated
# value = OpenStruct.new(:a => Object.new) # Marshals with a null \000
# @cache.set key, value
# result = @cache.get key, false
# non_wrapped_result = Rlibmemcached.memcached_get(
# @cache.instance_variable_get("@struct"),
# key
# ).first
# assert result.size > non_wrapped_result.size
# end
# def test_get_multi
# @cache.set "#{key}_1", 1
# @cache.set "#{key}_2", 2
# assert_equal({"#{key}_1" => 1, "#{key}_2" => 2},
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2"]))
# end
# def test_get_multi_missing
# @cache.set "#{key}_1", 1
# @cache.delete "#{key}_2" rescue nil
# @cache.set "#{key}_3", 3
# @cache.delete "#{key}_4" rescue nil
# assert_equal(
# {"test_get_multi_missing_3"=>3, "test_get_multi_missing_1"=>1},
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2", "#{key}_3", "#{key}_4"])
# )
# end
# def test_get_multi_binary
# @binary_protocol_cache.set "#{key}_1", 1
# @binary_protocol_cache.delete "#{key}_2" rescue nil
# @binary_protocol_cache.set "#{key}_3", 3
# assert_equal(
# {"test_get_multi_binary_3"=>3, "test_get_multi_binary_1"=>1},
# @binary_protocol_cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2", "#{key}_3"])
# )
# end
# def test_get_multi_binary_one_record_missing
# @binary_protocol_cache.delete("magic_key") rescue nil
# assert_equal({}, @binary_protocol_cache.get(["magic_key"]))
# end
# def test_get_multi_binary_one_record
# @binary_protocol_cache.set("magic_key", 1)
# assert_equal({"magic_key" => 1}, @binary_protocol_cache.get(["magic_key"]))
# end
# def test_get_multi_completely_missing
# @cache.delete "#{key}_1" rescue nil
# @cache.delete "#{key}_2" rescue nil
# assert_equal(
# {},
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2"])
# )
# end
# def test_get_multi_empty_string
# @cache.set "#{key}_1", "", 0, false
# assert_equal({"#{key}_1" => ""},
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1"], false))
# end
# def test_get_multi_coerces_string_type
# assert_nothing_raised do
# @cache.get [nil]
# end
# assert_raises(TypeError) do
# @cache.get [1]
# end
# end
# def test_set_and_get_unmarshalled
# @cache.set key, @value
# result = @cache.get key, false
# assert_equal @marshalled_value, result
# end
# def test_set_unmarshalled_and_get_unmarshalled
# @cache.set key, @marshalled_value, 0, false
# result = @cache.get key, false
# assert_equal @marshalled_value, result
# end
# def test_set_unmarshalled_error
# assert_raises(TypeError) do
# @cache.set key, @value, 0, false
# end
# end
# def test_get_multi_unmarshalled
# @cache.set "#{key}_1", "1", 0, false
# @cache.set "#{key}_2", "2", 0, false
# assert_equal(
# {"#{key}_1" => "1", "#{key}_2" => "2"},
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2"], false)
# )
# end
# def test_get_multi_mixed_marshalling
# @cache.set "#{key}_1", 1
# @cache.set "#{key}_2", "2", 0, false
# assert_nothing_raised do
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2"], false)
# end
# assert_raise(ArgumentError, TypeError) do
# @cache.get(["#{key}_1", "#{key}_2"])
# end
# end
# def test_random_distribution_is_statistically_random
# cache = Memcached.new(@servers, :distribution => :random)
# read_cache = Memcached.new(@servers.first)
# hits = 4
# while hits == 4 do
# cache.flush
# 20.times do |i|
# cache.set "#{key}#{i}", @value
# end
# hits = 0
# 20.times do |i|
# begin
# read_cache.get "#{key}#{i}"
# hits += 1
# rescue Memcached::NotFound
# end
# end
# end
# assert_not_equal 4, hits
# end
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