The problem we are trying to solve is we want to be able to curate all of the below assets in a central place that is easy for people to browse and discover. We want to host this on GitHub Pages (we can figure out how to deploy it if you are not familiar with GitHub Pages)
- [Microsoft Official Blog Post](
- [Action: Submit Argo Workflows on GKE]( - leverages the gcloud cli to authenticate to your GKE cluster and submit argo workflows.
- [Action: Submit Argo Workflows on K8s (Cloud agnostic)]( - requires that you supply a kubeconfig file to authenticate to your k8 cluster.
- [Action: Fetch runs from Weights & Biases]( - W&B is an experiment tracking and logging system for machine learning, and is free for open source projects.
- [Action: To compile, deploy and run Kubeflow pipeline]( This action allows you to instantiate [Kubeflow pipelines]( from GitHub directly.
- [Action: Dockerize GitHub repositories automatically as a Jupyter Server](
- [aml-run]( - Run a training job, experiment or pipeline on Azure.
- [aml-registermodel]( - Register a model on Azure Machine Learning.
- [aml-deploy]( - Deploy a model to AKS or ACI.
TBD we have not made this yet, but we want to create documentation as well, and want the documentation theme to be coherent with the rest of the website.
When I say documentation. Documentation site should look like [this page](
6. Team Page
We want to list all the members of our team like [this page](
You can use our GitHub profiles to get this started, the team is:
- Preferred static site generator is either [Jekyll](, [Gatsby](, or [Eleventy](
- We want to make it such that we can update the content any of the pages that have a list of resources with CSV or JSON files ourselves. This will make it easy for us to maintain. You can make this happen for example with [Jekyll Datafiles]( For anything that is a list, we want an image thumbnail that we can add a reference to in the csv or json and that will get rendered for us automatically to make things look nice.