@charset "utf-8"; // Define defaults for each variable. $base-font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default; $base-font-size : 20px !default; $base-font-weight : 400 !default; $small-font-size : $base-font-size * 0.875 !default; $base-line-height : 1.5 !default; $sidebar_f_size : 14px; $spacing-unit : 30px !default; $text-color: #fdfdfd !default; $text-color-s: rgb(200,255,255) !default; $text-color-t: #5a6170 !default; $background-color: #1b1f23 !default; $bg-color-doc: #ffffff !default; $brand-color: #2a7ae2 !default; $sidebar-color: #212f49 !default; $sidebar-hover: #1b3361 !default; $grey-color: #828282 !default; $grey-color-light: lighten($grey-color, 40%) !default; $grey-color-dark: darken($grey-color, 25%) !default; $table-text-align: left !default; // Width of the content area $content-width: 800px !default; $on-palm: 600px !default; $on-laptop: 800px !default; // Use media queries like this: // @include media-query($on-palm) { // .wrapper { // padding-right: $spacing-unit / 2; // padding-left: $spacing-unit / 2; // } // } @mixin media-query($device) { @media screen and (max-width: $device) { @content; } } @mixin relative-font-size($ratio) { font-size: $base-font-size * $ratio; } // Import partials. @import "minima/base", "minima/layout", "minima/syntax-highlighting", "custom" ;