1. Remove all code related to calling dotnet restore/dotnet publish
2. Remove coreclr-debug directory
3. Add debugger runtime packages to package manifest
4. Add an install.Begin file to the package manager so we can detect that
it is in progress
5. Rework the debugger proxy so that it understands the package manager
6. Add knowledge of the dotnet cli on the path to the debugger proxy
1. Lots and lots of testing
2. Offline package creation
1. Adds coreclr-debug.ts to implement coreclr-debug acquisition and hooks
it into omnisharp's activation handler
2. Adds the coreclr-debug directory containing the project.json,
NuGet.config and dummy.cs required dotnet restore/publish
3. Adds the debugger section to contributes in package.json
4. Adds .vscodeignore to exclude items not needed at runtime from being
1. Update project.json references
2. Update NuGet.config to not point to http://dbgnuget (switch to
nuget.org once pacakges are published publicly)
3. Create some completion file that we can check for correct complete
4. Improve reporting status of acquisition to end user