Merge pull request #109 from github/rename-to-main

Update links for renaming default branch
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Kevin Xu 2024-11-22 15:25:39 -08:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 405b992f87 701c655304
Коммит 148c99fca9
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
9 изменённых файлов: 81 добавлений и 81 удалений

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# The Open Source Survey
We've run one of the largest surveys of the open source community with open datasets for us all to use and learn from. Our latest survey conducted in 2024 updates [the dataset](./data/2024) and offers fresh insights into the open source ecosystem. We hope these datasets inform some of the most pressing questions about open source software, the people that create it, their experience, and their relationship to the industry that depends on it.

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
<li><strong>Contribute to greater public knowledge and understanding</strong> of a uniquely organized system of public goods provision on which the modern global economy relies.</li>
<p>The survey was designed in collaboration with researchers and stakeholders from academia, industry, and the open source community, according to <a href="">design principles</a> that emphasize scientific rigor, respondents privacy, and open source/data values. We focused on selecting topics that provide actionable insights and open new avenues of research, including:</p>
<p>The survey was designed in collaboration with researchers and stakeholders from academia, industry, and the open source community, according to <a href="">design principles</a> that emphasize scientific rigor, respondents privacy, and open source/data values. We focused on selecting topics that provide actionable insights and open new avenues of research, including:</p>
<li>Behaviors and preferences around consumption and contribution</li>
<li>Attitudes and practices around privacy in online spaces</li>

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@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
<script>(() => { var e = async t => { await (await t())() }; (self.Astro || (self.Astro = {})).only = e; window.dispatchEvent(new Event("astro:only")); })();; (() => { var A = Object.defineProperty; var g = (i, o, a) => o in i ? A(i, o, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: a }) : i[o] = a; var d = (i, o, a) => g(i, typeof o != "symbol" ? o + "" : o, a); { let i = { 0: t => m(t), 1: t => a(t), 2: t => new RegExp(t), 3: t => new Date(t), 4: t => new Map(a(t)), 5: t => new Set(a(t)), 6: t => BigInt(t), 7: t => new URL(t), 8: t => new Uint8Array(t), 9: t => new Uint16Array(t), 10: t => new Uint32Array(t), 11: t => 1 / 0 * t }, o = t => { let [l, e] = t; return l in i ? i[l](e) : void 0 }, a = t =>, m = t => typeof t != "object" || t === null ? t : Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(t).map(([l, e]) => [l, o(e)])); class y extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); d(this, "Component"); d(this, "hydrator"); d(this, "hydrate", async () => { var b; if (!this.hydrator || !this.isConnected) return; let e = (b = this.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : b.closest("astro-island[ssr]"); if (e) { e.addEventListener("astro:hydrate", this.hydrate, { once: !0 }); return } let c = this.querySelectorAll("astro-slot"), n = {}, h = this.querySelectorAll("template[data-astro-template]"); for (let r of h) { let s = r.closest(this.tagName); s != null && s.isSameNode(this) && (n[r.getAttribute("data-astro-template") || "default"] = r.innerHTML, r.remove()) } for (let r of c) { let s = r.closest(this.tagName); s != null && s.isSameNode(this) && (n[r.getAttribute("name") || "default"] = r.innerHTML) } let p; try { p = this.hasAttribute("props") ? m(JSON.parse(this.getAttribute("props"))) : {} } catch (r) { let s = this.getAttribute("component-url") || "<unknown>", v = this.getAttribute("component-export"); throw v && (s += ` (export ${v})`), console.error(`[hydrate] Error parsing props for component ${s}`, this.getAttribute("props"), r), r } let u; await this.hydrator(this)(this.Component, p, n, { client: this.getAttribute("client") }), this.removeAttribute("ssr"), this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("astro:hydrate")) }); d(this, "unmount", () => { this.isConnected || this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("astro:unmount")) }) } disconnectedCallback() { document.removeEventListener("astro:after-swap", this.unmount), document.addEventListener("astro:after-swap", this.unmount, { once: !0 }) } connectedCallback() { if (!this.hasAttribute("await-children") || document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") this.childrenConnectedCallback(); else { let e = () => { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e), c.disconnect(), this.childrenConnectedCallback() }, c = new MutationObserver(() => { var n; ((n = this.lastChild) == null ? void 0 : n.nodeType) === Node.COMMENT_NODE && this.lastChild.nodeValue === "astro:end" && (this.lastChild.remove(), e()) }); c.observe(this, { childList: !0 }), document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e) } } async childrenConnectedCallback() { let e = this.getAttribute("before-hydration-url"); e && await import(e), this.start() } async start() { let e = JSON.parse(this.getAttribute("opts")), c = this.getAttribute("client"); if (Astro[c] === void 0) { window.addEventListener(`astro:${c}`, () => this.start(), { once: !0 }); return } try { await Astro[c](async () => { let n = this.getAttribute("renderer-url"), [h, { default: p }] = await Promise.all([import(this.getAttribute("component-url")), n ? import(n) : () => () => { }]), u = this.getAttribute("component-export") || "default"; if (!u.includes(".")) this.Component = h[u]; else { this.Component = h; for (let f of u.split(".")) this.Component = this.Component[f] } return this.hydrator = p, this.hydrate }, e, this) } catch (n) { console.error(`[astro-island] Error hydrating ${this.getAttribute("component-url")}`, n) } } attributeChangedCallback() { this.hydrate() } } d(y, "observedAttributes", ["props"]), customElements.get("astro-island") || customElements.define("astro-island", y) } })();</script>
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<p>Here are a few initial insights&#8212;we look forward to seeing what others find in the data:</p>
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
direct participation with open source projects and communities.</p>
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@ -1 +1 @@
import{j as i,l as t}from"./index.BQqaRwqF.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function s(){return i.jsxs(t.MinimalFooter,{children:[i.jsx(t.MinimalFooter.Link,{href:"",children:"Terms"}),i.jsx(t.MinimalFooter.Link,{href:"",children:"Privacy"})]})}export{s as default};
import{j as i,l as t}from"./index.0lbdmgmS.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function s(){return i.jsxs(t.MinimalFooter,{children:[i.jsx(t.MinimalFooter.Link,{href:"",children:"Terms"}),i.jsx(t.MinimalFooter.Link,{href:"",children:"Privacy"})]})}export{s as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{j as e,l as r}from"./index.BQqaRwqF.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function n(){return e.jsxs(r.Hero,{children:[e.jsx(r.Hero.Label,{children:"2024"}),e.jsx(r.Hero.Heading,{children:"Open Source Survey"}),e.jsxs(r.Hero.Description,{children:["In 2024, GitHub re-ran the open source survey that was published last in ",e.jsx("a",{href:"",children:"2017"})," adding a few new questions. We surveyed a random sample of visitors to open source project repositories on GitHub to gather a novel open data set about the attitudes, experiences, and backgrounds of those who use, build, and maintain open source software. The questions were intended to be relatively timeless, enabling future surveys to produce a longitudinal data set."]}),e.jsx(r.Hero.PrimaryAction,{href:"",children:"Repo"}),e.jsx(r.Hero.SecondaryAction,{href:"",children:"Data"})]})}export{n as default};
import{j as e,l as r}from"./index.0lbdmgmS.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function n(){return e.jsxs(r.Hero,{children:[e.jsx(r.Hero.Label,{children:"2024"}),e.jsx(r.Hero.Heading,{children:"Open Source Survey"}),e.jsxs(r.Hero.Description,{children:["In 2024, GitHub re-ran the open source survey that was published last in ",e.jsx("a",{href:"",children:"2017"})," adding a few new questions. We surveyed a random sample of visitors to open source project repositories on GitHub to gather a novel open data set about the attitudes, experiences, and backgrounds of those who use, build, and maintain open source software, and we received over 8,000 responses. The questions were intended to be relatively timeless, enabling future surveys to produce a longitudinal data set."]}),e.jsx(r.Hero.PrimaryAction,{href:"",children:"Repo"}),e.jsx(r.Hero.SecondaryAction,{href:"",children:"Data"})]})}export{n as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{j as r,l as a}from"./index.BQqaRwqF.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function i(){return r.jsxs(a.SubdomainNavBar,{title:"Open Source Survey",className:"subdomain-navbar",children:[r.jsx(a.SubdomainNavBar.PrimaryAction,{href:"",children:"Repo"}),r.jsx(a.SubdomainNavBar.SecondaryAction,{href:"",children:"Data"})]})}export{i as default};
import{j as r,l as a}from"./index.0lbdmgmS.js";import"./_commonjsHelpers.Cpj98o6Y.js";import"./index.DhYZZe0J.js";function i(){return r.jsxs(a.SubdomainNavBar,{title:"Open Source Survey",className:"subdomain-navbar",children:[r.jsx(a.SubdomainNavBar.PrimaryAction,{href:"",children:"Repo"}),r.jsx(a.SubdomainNavBar.SecondaryAction,{href:"",children:"Data"})]})}export{i as default};

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Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Term Glossary
Here are some of the terms from [the survey]( that might trip up translators.
Here are some of the terms from [the survey]( that might trip up translators.
| English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese (trad.) | Japanese |