Documentation (and detailed install instructions) can be found
online at
Additional documentation can also be found at the Puppet Wiki:
Generally, you need the following things installed:
* Ruby >= 1.8.1 (earlier releases might work but probably not)
* The Ruby OpenSSL library. For some reason, this often isn't included
in the main ruby distributions. You can test for it by running
'ruby -ropenssl -e "puts :yep"'. If that errors out, you're missing the
If your distribution doesn't come with the necessary library (e.g., on Debian
and Ubuntu you need to install libopenssl-ruby), then you'll probably have to
compile Ruby yourself, since it's part of the standard library and not
available separately. You could probably just compile and install that one
library, though.
* The Ruby XMLRPC client and server libraries. For some reason, this often
isn't included in the main ruby distributions. You can test for it by
running 'ruby -rxmlrpc/client -e "puts :yep"'. If that errors out, you're missing
the library.
* Facter => 1.5.1
You can get this from < >