1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
Language Spec.
1999-10-13 10:44:42 +04:00
- def foo; .. rescue .. end
1999-10-15 12:52:18 +04:00
- compile time string concatenation, "hello" "world" => "helloworld"
1999-11-17 10:30:37 +03:00
- assignable constant, which now should be called shared variable.
- class variable (prefix?) -- done by shared variable
1999-11-25 12:03:08 +03:00
- rescue modifier; a rescue b => begin a rescue; b end
* operator !! for rescue.
1999-10-29 13:25:48 +04:00
* objectify symbols
* objectify characters
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* ../... outside condition invokes operator method too.
1999-11-17 10:30:37 +03:00
* ... inside condition turns off just before right condition.???
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* %w(a\ b\ c abc) => ["a b c", "abc"]
1999-11-17 10:30:37 +03:00
* package or access control for global variables??
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* named arguments like foo(nation:="german") or foo(nation: "german").
* method to retrieve argument information (need new C API)
* multiple return values, yield values. maybe incompatible ???
* cascading method invocation ???
* def Class#method .. end ??
* class Foo::Bar<Baz .. end, module Boo::Bar .. end
* def Foo::Bar::baz() .. end ??
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
Hacking Interpreter
1999-10-21 11:52:15 +04:00
- use eban's fnmatch
- RUBYOPT environment variable
1999-11-17 10:30:37 +03:00
- alias $defout $>
1999-11-29 09:33:02 +03:00
* remove end_proc registered out of require only
1999-10-15 12:52:18 +04:00
* non-blocking open (e.g. for named pipe) for thread
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
* avoid blocking with gethostbyname/gethostbyaddr
* objectify interpreters
* remove rb_eval() recursions
* syntax tree -> bytecode ???
* scrambled script, or script filter
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* setuid ruby
Standard Libraries
1999-10-13 10:44:42 +04:00
- hash[key] = nil may not remove entry; hashes may have nil as the value.
1999-10-15 12:52:18 +04:00
- hash.fetch(key) raises exception if key is not found.
1999-10-13 10:44:42 +04:00
- Array#{first,last,at}
- Dir.glob(pat){|f|...}
1999-11-11 07:08:26 +03:00
- sprintf/printf's $ to specify argument order
1999-11-25 12:03:08 +03:00
- Dir.glob("**/*.c") ala zsh
1999-12-02 09:58:52 +03:00
* SyntaxError and NameError should not be subclasses of StandardError, maybe.
1999-11-17 10:30:37 +03:00
* debugger for thread programming
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* Struct::new([name,]member,...) ??
* String#scanf(?)
* Object#fmt(?)
* Time::strptime
* Integer[num], Float[num]; Fixnum[num]?
1999-10-21 11:52:15 +04:00
* method to retrieve non-number trailer for to_i/to_f.
1999-08-13 09:45:20 +04:00
* Stream or Port, abstract superclass of IO ?
* String#{pred,prev}, String#downto
* optional stepsize argument for succ()
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
Extension Libraries
1999-10-13 10:44:42 +04:00
- FastCGI ruby
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
* ptk.rb pTk wrapper that is compatible to tk.rb
1999-10-29 13:25:48 +04:00
* Berkeley DB extension
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
Ruby Libraries
* httplib.rb, urllib.rb, nttplib.rb, etc.
* format like perl's
1999-10-29 13:25:48 +04:00
- extension library maker like XS or SWIG
1999-01-20 07:59:39 +03:00
* freeze or undump to bundle everything
1999-10-13 10:44:42 +04:00
- publish Ruby books