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[rubygems/rubygems] Migrate documentation to be generated with nronn
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,81 +1,58 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-ADD" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-ADD" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-add\fR \- Add gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install
\fBbundle add\fR \fIGEM_NAME\fR [\-\-group=GROUP] [\-\-version=VERSION] [\-\-source=SOURCE] [\-\-path=PATH] [\-\-git=GIT] [\-\-github=GITHUB] [\-\-branch=BRANCH] [\-\-ref=REF] [\-\-skip\-install] [\-\-strict] [\-\-optimistic]
Adds the named gem to the Gemfile and run \fBbundle install\fR\. \fBbundle install\fR can be avoided by using the flag \fB\-\-skip\-install\fR\.
bundle add rails
bundle add rails \-\-version "< 3\.0, > 1\.1"
bundle add rails \-\-version "~> 5\.0\.0" \-\-source "https://gems\.example\.com" \-\-group "development"
bundle add rails \-\-skip\-install
bundle add rails \-\-group "development, test"
\fB\-\-version\fR, \fB\-v\fR
Specify version requirements(s) for the added gem\.
\fB\-\-group\fR, \fB\-g\fR
Specify the group(s) for the added gem\. Multiple groups should be separated by commas\.
\fB\-\-source\fR, \fB\-s\fR
Specify the source for the added gem\.
\fB\-\-require\fR, \fB\-r\fR
Adds require path to gem\. Provide false, or a path as a string\.
Specify the file system path for the added gem\.
Specify the git source for the added gem\.
Specify the github source for the added gem\.
Specify the git branch for the added gem\.
Specify the git ref for the added gem\.
Adds the gem to the Gemfile but does not install it\.
Adds optimistic declaration of version\.
Adds strict declaration of version\.
@ -1,41 +1,29 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-BINSTUBS" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-BINSTUBS" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-binstubs\fR \- Install the binstubs of the listed gems
\fBbundle binstubs\fR \fIGEM_NAME\fR [\-\-force] [\-\-path PATH] [\-\-standalone]
Binstubs are scripts that wrap around executables\. Bundler creates a small Ruby file (a binstub) that loads Bundler, runs the command, and puts it into \fBbin/\fR\. Binstubs are a shortcut\-or alternative\- to always using \fBbundle exec\fR\. This gives you a file that can be run directly, and one that will always run the correct gem version used by the application\.
For example, if you run \fBbundle binstubs rspec\-core\fR, Bundler will create the file \fBbin/rspec\fR\. That file will contain enough code to load Bundler, tell it to load the bundled gems, and then run rspec\.
This command generates binstubs for executables in \fBGEM_NAME\fR\. Binstubs are put into \fBbin\fR, or the \fB\-\-path\fR directory if one has been set\. Calling binstubs with [GEM [GEM]] will create binstubs for all given gems\.
Overwrite existing binstubs if they exist\.
The location to install the specified binstubs to\. This defaults to \fBbin\fR\.
Makes binstubs that can work without depending on Rubygems or Bundler at runtime\.
Specify a different shebang executable name than the default (default \'ruby\')
Specify a different shebang executable name than the default (default 'ruby')
Create binstubs for all gems in the bundle\.
@ -1,61 +1,40 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-CACHE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-CACHE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-cache\fR \- Package your needed \fB\.gem\fR files into your application
\fBbundle cache\fR
alias: \fBpackage\fR, \fBpack\fR
Copy all of the \fB\.gem\fR files needed to run the application into the \fBvendor/cache\fR directory\. In the future, when running \fBbundle install(1)\fR \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR, use the gems in the cache in preference to the ones on \fBrubygems\.org\fR\.
The \fBbundle cache\fR command can also package \fB:git\fR and \fB:path\fR dependencies besides \.gem files\. This needs to be explicitly enabled via the \fB\-\-all\fR option\. Once used, the \fB\-\-all\fR option will be remembered\.
When using gems that have different packages for different platforms, Bundler supports caching of gems for other platforms where the Gemfile has been resolved (i\.e\. present in the lockfile) in \fBvendor/cache\fR\. This needs to be enabled via the \fB\-\-all\-platforms\fR option\. This setting will be remembered in your local bundler configuration\.
By default, if you run \fBbundle install(1)\fR \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR after running bundle cache(1) \fIbundle\-cache\.1\.html\fR, bundler will still connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR to check whether a platform\-specific gem exists for any of the gems in \fBvendor/cache\fR\.
For instance, consider this Gemfile(5):
.IP "" 4
source "https://rubygems\.org"
gem "nokogiri"
.IP "" 0
If you run \fBbundle cache\fR under C Ruby, bundler will retrieve the version of \fBnokogiri\fR for the \fB"ruby"\fR platform\. If you deploy to JRuby and run \fBbundle install\fR, bundler is forced to check to see whether a \fB"java"\fR platformed \fBnokogiri\fR exists\.
Even though the \fBnokogiri\fR gem for the Ruby platform is \fItechnically\fR acceptable on JRuby, it has a C extension that does not run on JRuby\. As a result, bundler will, by default, still connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR to check whether it has a version of one of your gems more specific to your platform\.
This problem is also not limited to the \fB"java"\fR platform\. A similar (common) problem can happen when developing on Windows and deploying to Linux, or even when developing on OSX and deploying to Linux\.
If you know for sure that the gems packaged in \fBvendor/cache\fR are appropriate for the platform you are on, you can run \fBbundle install \-\-local\fR to skip checking for more appropriate gems, and use the ones in \fBvendor/cache\fR\.
One way to be sure that you have the right platformed versions of all your gems is to run \fBbundle cache\fR on an identical machine and check in the gems\. For instance, you can run \fBbundle cache\fR on an identical staging box during your staging process, and check in the \fBvendor/cache\fR before deploying to production\.
By default, bundle cache(1) \fIbundle\-cache\.1\.html\fR fetches and also installs the gems to the default location\. To package the dependencies to \fBvendor/cache\fR without installing them to the local install location, you can run \fBbundle cache \-\-no\-install\fR\.
In Bundler 2\.1, \fBcache\fR took in the functionalities of \fBpackage\fR and now \fBpackage\fR and \fBpack\fR are aliases of \fBcache\fR\.
@ -1,30 +1,21 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-CHECK" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-CHECK" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-check\fR \- Verifies if dependencies are satisfied by installed gems
\fBbundle check\fR [\-\-dry\-run] [\-\-gemfile=FILE] [\-\-path=PATH]
\fBcheck\fR searches the local machine for each of the gems requested in the Gemfile\. If all gems are found, Bundler prints a success message and exits with a status of 0\.
If not, the first missing gem is listed and Bundler exits status 1\.
Locks the [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] before running the command\.
Use the specified gemfile instead of the [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)]\.
Specify a different path than the system default (\fB$BUNDLE_PATH\fR or \fB$GEM_HOME\fR)\. Bundler will remember this value for future installs on this machine\.
@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-CLEAN" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-CLEAN" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-clean\fR \- Cleans up unused gems in your bundler directory
\fBbundle clean\fR [\-\-dry\-run] [\-\-force]
This command will remove all unused gems in your bundler directory\. This is useful when you have made many changes to your gem dependencies\.
Print the changes, but do not clean the unused gems\.
Forces cleaning up unused gems even if Bundler is configured to use globally installed gems\. As a consequence, removes all system gems except for the ones in the current application\.
@ -1,515 +1,321 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-CONFIG" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-CONFIG" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-config\fR \- Set bundler configuration options
\fBbundle config\fR list
\fBbundle config\fR [get] NAME
\fBbundle config\fR [set] NAME VALUE
\fBbundle config\fR unset NAME
This command allows you to interact with Bundler\'s configuration system\.
This command allows you to interact with Bundler's configuration system\.
Bundler loads configuration settings in this order:
.IP "1." 4
Local config (\fB<project_root>/\.bundle/config\fR or \fB$BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG/config\fR)
.IP "2." 4
Environmental variables (\fBENV\fR)
.IP "3." 4
Global config (\fB~/\.bundle/config\fR)
.IP "4." 4
Bundler default config
.IP "" 0
Executing \fBbundle config list\fR will print a list of all bundler configuration for the current bundle, and where that configuration was set\.
Executing \fBbundle config get <name>\fR will print the value of that configuration setting, and where it was set\.
Executing \fBbundle config set <name> <value>\fR defaults to setting \fBlocal\fR configuration if executing from within a local application, otherwise it will set \fBglobal\fR configuration\. See \fB\-\-local\fR and \fB\-\-global\fR options below\.
Executing \fBbundle config set \-\-local <name> <value>\fR will set that configuration in the directory for the local application\. The configuration will be stored in \fB<project_root>/\.bundle/config\fR\. If \fBBUNDLE_APP_CONFIG\fR is set, the configuration will be stored in \fB$BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG/config\fR\.
Executing \fBbundle config set \-\-global <name> <value>\fR will set that configuration to the value specified for all bundles executed as the current user\. The configuration will be stored in \fB~/\.bundle/config\fR\. If \fIname\fR already is set, \fIname\fR will be overridden and user will be warned\.
Executing \fBbundle config unset <name>\fR will delete the configuration in both local and global sources\.
Executing \fBbundle config unset \-\-global <name>\fR will delete the configuration only from the user configuration\.
Executing \fBbundle config unset \-\-local <name>\fR will delete the configuration only from the local application\.
Executing bundle with the \fBBUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG\fR environment variable set will cause it to ignore all configuration\.
Flags passed to \fBbundle install\fR or the Bundler runtime, such as \fB\-\-path foo\fR or \fB\-\-without production\fR, are remembered between commands and saved to your local application\'s configuration (normally, \fB\./\.bundle/config\fR)\.
Flags passed to \fBbundle install\fR or the Bundler runtime, such as \fB\-\-path foo\fR or \fB\-\-without production\fR, are remembered between commands and saved to your local application's configuration (normally, \fB\./\.bundle/config\fR)\.
However, this will be changed in bundler 3, so it\'s better not to rely on this behavior\. If these options must be remembered, it\'s better to set them using \fBbundle config\fR (e\.g\., \fBbundle config set \-\-local path foo\fR)\.
However, this will be changed in bundler 3, so it's better not to rely on this behavior\. If these options must be remembered, it's better to set them using \fBbundle config\fR (e\.g\., \fBbundle config set \-\-local path foo\fR)\.
The options that can be configured are:
Creates a directory (defaults to \fB~/bin\fR) and place any executables from the gem there\. These executables run in Bundler\'s context\. If used, you might add this directory to your environment\'s \fBPATH\fR variable\. For instance, if the \fBrails\fR gem comes with a \fBrails\fR executable, this flag will create a \fBbin/rails\fR executable that ensures that all referred dependencies will be resolved using the bundled gems\.
Creates a directory (defaults to \fB~/bin\fR) and place any executables from the gem there\. These executables run in Bundler's context\. If used, you might add this directory to your environment's \fBPATH\fR variable\. For instance, if the \fBrails\fR gem comes with a \fBrails\fR executable, this flag will create a \fBbin/rails\fR executable that ensures that all referred dependencies will be resolved using the bundled gems\.
In deployment mode, Bundler will \'roll\-out\' the bundle for \fBproduction\fR use\. Please check carefully if you want to have this option enabled in \fBdevelopment\fR or \fBtest\fR environments\.
In deployment mode, Bundler will 'roll\-out' the bundle for \fBproduction\fR use\. Please check carefully if you want to have this option enabled in \fBdevelopment\fR or \fBtest\fR environments\.
A space\-separated list of groups to install only gems of the specified groups\.
The location to install the specified gems to\. This defaults to Rubygems\' setting\. Bundler shares this location with Rubygems, \fBgem install \.\.\.\fR will have gem installed there, too\. Therefore, gems installed without a \fB\-\-path \.\.\.\fR setting will show up by calling \fBgem list\fR\. Accordingly, gems installed to other locations will not get listed\.
The location to install the specified gems to\. This defaults to Rubygems' setting\. Bundler shares this location with Rubygems, \fBgem install \|\.\|\.\|\.\fR will have gem installed there, too\. Therefore, gems installed without a \fB\-\-path \|\.\|\.\|\.\fR setting will show up by calling \fBgem list\fR\. Accordingly, gems installed to other locations will not get listed\.
A space\-separated list of groups referencing gems to skip during installation\.
A space\-separated list of \fBoptional\fR groups referencing gems to include during installation\.
You can use \fBbundle config\fR to give Bundler the flags to pass to the gem installer every time bundler tries to install a particular gem\.
A very common example, the \fBmysql\fR gem, requires Snow Leopard users to pass configuration flags to \fBgem install\fR to specify where to find the \fBmysql_config\fR executable\.
.IP "" 4
gem install mysql \-\- \-\-with\-mysql\-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
.IP "" 0
Since the specific location of that executable can change from machine to machine, you can specify these flags on a per\-machine basis\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global build\.mysql \-\-with\-mysql\-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
.IP "" 0
After running this command, every time bundler needs to install the \fBmysql\fR gem, it will pass along the flags you specified\.
Configuration keys in bundler have two forms: the canonical form and the environment variable form\.
For instance, passing the \fB\-\-without\fR flag to bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR prevents Bundler from installing certain groups specified in the Gemfile(5)\. Bundler persists this value in \fBapp/\.bundle/config\fR so that calls to \fBBundler\.setup\fR do not try to find gems from the \fBGemfile\fR that you didn\'t install\. Additionally, subsequent calls to bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR remember this setting and skip those groups\.
For instance, passing the \fB\-\-without\fR flag to bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR prevents Bundler from installing certain groups specified in the Gemfile(5)\. Bundler persists this value in \fBapp/\.bundle/config\fR so that calls to \fBBundler\.setup\fR do not try to find gems from the \fBGemfile\fR that you didn't install\. Additionally, subsequent calls to bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR remember this setting and skip those groups\.
The canonical form of this configuration is \fB"without"\fR\. To convert the canonical form to the environment variable form, capitalize it, and prepend \fBBUNDLE_\fR\. The environment variable form of \fB"without"\fR is \fBBUNDLE_WITHOUT\fR\.
Any periods in the configuration keys must be replaced with two underscores when setting it via environment variables\. The configuration key \fBlocal\.rack\fR becomes the environment variable \fBBUNDLE_LOCAL__RACK\fR\.
The following is a list of all configuration keys and their purpose\. You can learn more about their operation in bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBallow_deployment_source_credential_changes\fR (\fBBUNDLE_ALLOW_DEPLOYMENT_SOURCE_CREDENTIAL_CHANGES\fR): When in deployment mode, allow changing the credentials to a gem\'s source\. Ex: \fBhttps://some\.host\.com/gems/path/\fR \-> \fBhttps://user_name:password@some\.host\.com/gems/path\fR
\fBallow_deployment_source_credential_changes\fR (\fBBUNDLE_ALLOW_DEPLOYMENT_SOURCE_CREDENTIAL_CHANGES\fR): When in deployment mode, allow changing the credentials to a gem's source\. Ex: \fBhttps://some\.host\.com/gems/path/\fR \-> \fBhttps://user_name:password@some\.host\.com/gems/path\fR
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBallow_offline_install\fR (\fBBUNDLE_ALLOW_OFFLINE_INSTALL\fR): Allow Bundler to use cached data when installing without network access\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBauto_clean_without_path\fR (\fBBUNDLE_AUTO_CLEAN_WITHOUT_PATH\fR): Automatically run \fBbundle clean\fR after installing when an explicit \fBpath\fR has not been set and Bundler is not installing into the system gems\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBauto_install\fR (\fBBUNDLE_AUTO_INSTALL\fR): Automatically run \fBbundle install\fR when gems are missing\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBbin\fR (\fBBUNDLE_BIN\fR): Install executables from gems in the bundle to the specified directory\. Defaults to \fBfalse\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBcache_all\fR (\fBBUNDLE_CACHE_ALL\fR): Cache all gems, including path and git gems\. This needs to be explicitly configured on bundler 1 and bundler 2, but will be the default on bundler 3\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBcache_all_platforms\fR (\fBBUNDLE_CACHE_ALL_PLATFORMS\fR): Cache gems for all platforms\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBcache_path\fR (\fBBUNDLE_CACHE_PATH\fR): The directory that bundler will place cached gems in when running \fBbundle package\fR, and that bundler will look in when installing gems\. Defaults to \fBvendor/cache\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBclean\fR (\fBBUNDLE_CLEAN\fR): Whether Bundler should run \fBbundle clean\fR automatically after \fBbundle install\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBconsole\fR (\fBBUNDLE_CONSOLE\fR): The console that \fBbundle console\fR starts\. Defaults to \fBirb\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdefault_install_uses_path\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DEFAULT_INSTALL_USES_PATH\fR): Whether a \fBbundle install\fR without an explicit \fB\-\-path\fR argument defaults to installing gems in \fB\.bundle\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdeployment\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT\fR): Disallow changes to the \fBGemfile\fR\. When the \fBGemfile\fR is changed and the lockfile has not been updated, running Bundler commands will be blocked\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_checksum_validation\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION\fR): Allow installing gems even if they do not match the checksum provided by RubyGems\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_exec_load\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_EXEC_LOAD\fR): Stop Bundler from using \fBload\fR to launch an executable in\-process in \fBbundle exec\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_local_branch_check\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_LOCAL_BRANCH_CHECK\fR): Allow Bundler to use a local git override without a branch specified in the Gemfile\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_local_revision_check\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_LOCAL_REVISION_CHECK\fR): Allow Bundler to use a local git override without checking if the revision present in the lockfile is present in the repository\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_shared_gems\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS\fR): Stop Bundler from accessing gems installed to RubyGems\' normal location\.
\fBdisable_shared_gems\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS\fR): Stop Bundler from accessing gems installed to RubyGems' normal location\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBdisable_version_check\fR (\fBBUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK\fR): Stop Bundler from checking if a newer Bundler version is available on rubygems\.org\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBforce_ruby_platform\fR (\fBBUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM\fR): Ignore the current machine\'s platform and install only \fBruby\fR platform gems\. As a result, gems with native extensions will be compiled from source\.
\fBforce_ruby_platform\fR (\fBBUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM\fR): Ignore the current machine's platform and install only \fBruby\fR platform gems\. As a result, gems with native extensions will be compiled from source\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBfrozen\fR (\fBBUNDLE_FROZEN\fR): Disallow changes to the \fBGemfile\fR\. When the \fBGemfile\fR is changed and the lockfile has not been updated, running Bundler commands will be blocked\. Defaults to \fBtrue\fR when \fB\-\-deployment\fR is used\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBgem\.github_username\fR (\fBBUNDLE_GEM__GITHUB_USERNAME\fR): Sets a GitHub username or organization to be used in \fBREADME\fR file when you create a new gem via \fBbundle gem\fR command\. It can be overridden by passing an explicit \fB\-\-github\-username\fR flag to \fBbundle gem\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBgem\.push_key\fR (\fBBUNDLE_GEM__PUSH_KEY\fR): Sets the \fB\-\-key\fR parameter for \fBgem push\fR when using the \fBrake release\fR command with a private gemstash server\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBgemfile\fR (\fBBUNDLE_GEMFILE\fR): The name of the file that bundler should use as the \fBGemfile\fR\. This location of this file also sets the root of the project, which is used to resolve relative paths in the \fBGemfile\fR, among other things\. By default, bundler will search up from the current working directory until it finds a \fBGemfile\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBglobal_gem_cache\fR (\fBBUNDLE_GLOBAL_GEM_CACHE\fR): Whether Bundler should cache all gems globally, rather than locally to the installing Ruby installation\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBignore_funding_requests\fR (\fBBUNDLE_IGNORE_FUNDING_REQUESTS\fR): When set, no funding requests will be printed\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBignore_messages\fR (\fBBUNDLE_IGNORE_MESSAGES\fR): When set, no post install messages will be printed\. To silence a single gem, use dot notation like \fBignore_messages\.httparty true\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBinit_gems_rb\fR (\fBBUNDLE_INIT_GEMS_RB\fR): Generate a \fBgems\.rb\fR instead of a \fBGemfile\fR when running \fBbundle init\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBjobs\fR (\fBBUNDLE_JOBS\fR): The number of gems Bundler can install in parallel\. Defaults to the number of available processors\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBno_install\fR (\fBBUNDLE_NO_INSTALL\fR): Whether \fBbundle package\fR should skip installing gems\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBno_prune\fR (\fBBUNDLE_NO_PRUNE\fR): Whether Bundler should leave outdated gems unpruned when caching\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBonly\fR (\fBBUNDLE_ONLY\fR): A space\-separated list of groups to install only gems of the specified groups\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBpath\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PATH\fR): The location on disk where all gems in your bundle will be located regardless of \fB$GEM_HOME\fR or \fB$GEM_PATH\fR values\. Bundle gems not found in this location will be installed by \fBbundle install\fR\. Defaults to \fBGem\.dir\fR\. When \-\-deployment is used, defaults to vendor/bundle\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBpath\.system\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PATH__SYSTEM\fR): Whether Bundler will install gems into the default system path (\fBGem\.dir\fR)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBpath_relative_to_cwd\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PATH_RELATIVE_TO_CWD\fR) Makes \fB\-\-path\fR relative to the CWD instead of the \fBGemfile\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBplugins\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PLUGINS\fR): Enable Bundler\'s experimental plugin system\.
\fBplugins\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PLUGINS\fR): Enable Bundler's experimental plugin system\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBprefer_patch\fR (BUNDLE_PREFER_PATCH): Prefer updating only to next patch version during updates\. Makes \fBbundle update\fR calls equivalent to \fBbundler update \-\-patch\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBprint_only_version_number\fR (\fBBUNDLE_PRINT_ONLY_VERSION_NUMBER\fR): Print only version number from \fBbundler \-\-version\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBredirect\fR (\fBBUNDLE_REDIRECT\fR): The number of redirects allowed for network requests\. Defaults to \fB5\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBretry\fR (\fBBUNDLE_RETRY\fR): The number of times to retry failed network requests\. Defaults to \fB3\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBsetup_makes_kernel_gem_public\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SETUP_MAKES_KERNEL_GEM_PUBLIC\fR): Have \fBBundler\.setup\fR make the \fBKernel#gem\fR method public, even though RubyGems declares it as private\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBshebang\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SHEBANG\fR): The program name that should be invoked for generated binstubs\. Defaults to the ruby install name used to generate the binstub\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBsilence_deprecations\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS\fR): Whether Bundler should silence deprecation warnings for behavior that will be changed in the next major version\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBsilence_root_warning\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING\fR): Silence the warning Bundler prints when installing gems as root\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBssl_ca_cert\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SSL_CA_CERT\fR): Path to a designated CA certificate file or folder containing multiple certificates for trusted CAs in PEM format\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBssl_client_cert\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT\fR): Path to a designated file containing a X\.509 client certificate and key in PEM format\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBssl_verify_mode\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SSL_VERIFY_MODE\fR): The SSL verification mode Bundler uses when making HTTPS requests\. Defaults to verify peer\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBsystem_bindir\fR (\fBBUNDLE_SYSTEM_BINDIR\fR): The location where RubyGems installs binstubs\. Defaults to \fBGem\.bindir\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBtimeout\fR (\fBBUNDLE_TIMEOUT\fR): The seconds allowed before timing out for network requests\. Defaults to \fB10\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBupdate_requires_all_flag\fR (\fBBUNDLE_UPDATE_REQUIRES_ALL_FLAG\fR): Require passing \fB\-\-all\fR to \fBbundle update\fR when everything should be updated, and disallow passing no options to \fBbundle update\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBuser_agent\fR (\fBBUNDLE_USER_AGENT\fR): The custom user agent fragment Bundler includes in API requests\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBversion\fR (\fBBUNDLE_VERSION\fR): The version of Bundler to use when running under Bundler environment\. Defaults to \fBlockfile\fR\. You can also specify \fBsystem\fR or \fBx\.y\.z\fR\. \fBlockfile\fR will use the Bundler version specified in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR, \fBsystem\fR will use the system version of Bundler, and \fBx\.y\.z\fR will use the specified version of Bundler\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBwith\fR (\fBBUNDLE_WITH\fR): A \fB:\fR\-separated list of groups whose gems bundler should install\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBwithout\fR (\fBBUNDLE_WITHOUT\fR): A \fB:\fR\-separated list of groups whose gems bundler should not install\.
.IP "" 0
In general, you should set these settings per\-application by using the applicable flag to the bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR or bundle cache(1) \fIbundle\-cache\.1\.html\fR command\.
You can set them globally either via environment variables or \fBbundle config\fR, whichever is preferable for your setup\. If you use both, environment variables will take preference over global settings\.
Bundler also allows you to work against a git repository locally instead of using the remote version\. This can be achieved by setting up a local override:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-local local\.GEM_NAME /path/to/local/git/repository
.IP "" 0
For example, in order to use a local Rack repository, a developer could call:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-local local\.rack ~/Work/git/rack
.IP "" 0
Now instead of checking out the remote git repository, the local override will be used\. Similar to a path source, every time the local git repository change, changes will be automatically picked up by Bundler\. This means a commit in the local git repo will update the revision in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR to the local git repo revision\. This requires the same attention as git submodules\. Before pushing to the remote, you need to ensure the local override was pushed, otherwise you may point to a commit that only exists in your local machine\. You\'ll also need to CGI escape your usernames and passwords as well\.
Now instead of checking out the remote git repository, the local override will be used\. Similar to a path source, every time the local git repository change, changes will be automatically picked up by Bundler\. This means a commit in the local git repo will update the revision in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR to the local git repo revision\. This requires the same attention as git submodules\. Before pushing to the remote, you need to ensure the local override was pushed, otherwise you may point to a commit that only exists in your local machine\. You'll also need to CGI escape your usernames and passwords as well\.
Bundler does many checks to ensure a developer won\'t work with invalid references\. Particularly, we force a developer to specify a branch in the \fBGemfile\fR in order to use this feature\. If the branch specified in the \fBGemfile\fR and the current branch in the local git repository do not match, Bundler will abort\. This ensures that a developer is always working against the correct branches, and prevents accidental locking to a different branch\.
Bundler does many checks to ensure a developer won't work with invalid references\. Particularly, we force a developer to specify a branch in the \fBGemfile\fR in order to use this feature\. If the branch specified in the \fBGemfile\fR and the current branch in the local git repository do not match, Bundler will abort\. This ensures that a developer is always working against the correct branches, and prevents accidental locking to a different branch\.
Finally, Bundler also ensures that the current revision in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR exists in the local git repository\. By doing this, Bundler forces you to fetch the latest changes in the remotes\.
Bundler supports overriding gem sources with mirrors\. This allows you to configure rubygems\.org as the gem source in your Gemfile while still using your mirror to fetch gems\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global mirror\.SOURCE_URL MIRROR_URL
.IP "" 0
For example, to use a mirror of https://rubygems\.org hosted at https://example\.org:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global mirror\.https://rubygems\.org https://example\.org
.IP "" 0
Each mirror also provides a fallback timeout setting\. If the mirror does not respond within the fallback timeout, Bundler will try to use the original server instead of the mirror\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global mirror\.SOURCE_URL\.fallback_timeout TIMEOUT
.IP "" 0
For example, to fall back to rubygems\.org after 3 seconds:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global mirror\.https://rubygems\.org\.fallback_timeout 3
.IP "" 0
The default fallback timeout is 0\.1 seconds, but the setting can currently only accept whole seconds (for example, 1, 15, or 30)\.
Bundler allows you to configure credentials for any gem source, which allows you to avoid putting secrets into your Gemfile\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global SOURCE_HOSTNAME USERNAME:PASSWORD
.IP "" 0
For example, to save the credentials of user \fBclaudette\fR for the gem source at \fBgems\.longerous\.com\fR, you would run:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global gems\.longerous\.com claudette:s00pers3krit
.IP "" 0
Or you can set the credentials as an environment variable like this:
.IP "" 4
export BUNDLE_GEMS__LONGEROUS__COM="claudette:s00pers3krit"
.IP "" 0
For gems with a git source with HTTP(S) URL you can specify credentials like so:
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-global https://github\.com/rubygems/rubygems\.git username:password
.IP "" 0
Or you can set the credentials as an environment variable like so:
.IP "" 4
export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=username:password
.IP "" 0
This is especially useful for private repositories on hosts such as GitHub, where you can use personal OAuth tokens:
.IP "" 4
export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=abcd0123generatedtoken:x\-oauth\-basic
.IP "" 0
Note that any configured credentials will be redacted by informative commands such as \fBbundle config list\fR or \fBbundle config get\fR, unless you use the \fB\-\-parseable\fR flag\. This is to avoid unintentionally leaking credentials when copy\-pasting bundler output\.
Also note that to guarantee a sane mapping between valid environment variable names and valid host names, bundler makes the following transformations:
.IP "\(bu" 4
Any \fB\-\fR characters in a host name are mapped to a triple dash (\fB___\fR) in the corresponding environment variable\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
Any \fB\.\fR characters in a host name are mapped to a double dash (\fB__\fR) in the corresponding environment variable\.
.IP "" 0
This means that if you have a gem server named \fBmy\.gem\-host\.com\fR, you\'ll need to use the \fBBUNDLE_MY__GEM___HOST__COM\fR variable to configure credentials for it through ENV\.
This means that if you have a gem server named \fBmy\.gem\-host\.com\fR, you'll need to use the \fBBUNDLE_MY__GEM___HOST__COM\fR variable to configure credentials for it through ENV\.
Bundler\'s home, config, cache and plugin directories are able to be configured through environment variables\. The default location for Bundler\'s home directory is \fB~/\.bundle\fR, which all directories inherit from by default\. The following outlines the available environment variables and their default values
Bundler's home, config, cache and plugin directories are able to be configured through environment variables\. The default location for Bundler's home directory is \fB~/\.bundle\fR, which all directories inherit from by default\. The following outlines the available environment variables and their default values
.IP "" 4
.IP "" 0
@ -1,53 +1,35 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-CONSOLE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-CONSOLE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-console\fR \- Deprecated way to open an IRB session with the bundle pre\-loaded
\fBbundle console\fR [GROUP]
Starts an interactive Ruby console session in the context of the current bundle\.
If no \fBGROUP\fR is specified, all gems in the \fBdefault\fR group in the Gemfile(5) \fIhttps://bundler\.io/man/gemfile\.5\.html\fR are preliminarily loaded\.
If \fBGROUP\fR is specified, all gems in the given group in the Gemfile in addition to the gems in \fBdefault\fR group are loaded\. Even if the given group does not exist in the Gemfile, IRB console starts without any warning or error\.
The environment variable \fBBUNDLE_CONSOLE\fR or \fBbundle config set console\fR can be used to change the shell from the following:
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBirb\fR (default)
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBpry\fR (https://github\.com/pry/pry)
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBripl\fR (https://github\.com/cldwalker/ripl)
.IP "" 0
\fBbundle console\fR uses irb by default\. An alternative Pry or Ripl can be used with \fBbundle console\fR by adjusting the \fBconsole\fR Bundler setting\. Also make sure that \fBpry\fR or \fBripl\fR is in your Gemfile\.
$ bundle config set console pry
$ bundle console
Resolving dependencies\.\.\.
Resolving dependencies\|\.\|\.\|\.
[1] pry(main)>
This command was deprecated in Bundler 2\.1 and will be removed in 3\.0\. Use \fBbin/console\fR script, which can be generated by \fBbundle gem <NAME>\fR\.
Gemfile(5) \fIhttps://bundler\.io/man/gemfile\.5\.html\fR
@ -1,44 +1,30 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-DOCTOR" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-DOCTOR" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-doctor\fR \- Checks the bundle for common problems
\fBbundle doctor\fR [\-\-quiet] [\-\-gemfile=GEMFILE]
Checks your Gemfile and gem environment for common problems\. If issues are detected, Bundler prints them and exits status 1\. Otherwise, Bundler prints a success message and exits status 0\.
Examples of common problems caught by bundle\-doctor include:
.IP "\(bu" 4
Invalid Bundler settings
.IP "\(bu" 4
Mismatched Ruby versions
.IP "\(bu" 4
Mismatched platforms
.IP "\(bu" 4
Uninstalled gems
.IP "\(bu" 4
Missing dependencies
.IP "" 0
Only output warnings and errors\.
The location of the Gemfile(5) which Bundler should use\. This defaults to a Gemfile(5) in the current working directory\. In general, Bundler will assume that the location of the Gemfile(5) is also the project\'s root and will try to find \fBGemfile\.lock\fR and \fBvendor/cache\fR relative to this location\.
The location of the Gemfile(5) which Bundler should use\. This defaults to a Gemfile(5) in the current working directory\. In general, Bundler will assume that the location of the Gemfile(5) is also the project's root and will try to find \fBGemfile\.lock\fR and \fBvendor/cache\fR relative to this location\.
@ -1,165 +1,104 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-EXEC" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-EXEC" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-exec\fR \- Execute a command in the context of the bundle
\fBbundle exec\fR [\-\-keep\-file\-descriptors] \fIcommand\fR
This command executes the command, making all gems specified in the [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] available to \fBrequire\fR in Ruby programs\.
Essentially, if you would normally have run something like \fBrspec spec/my_spec\.rb\fR, and you want to use the gems specified in the [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] and installed via bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR, you should run \fBbundle exec rspec spec/my_spec\.rb\fR\.
Note that \fBbundle exec\fR does not require that an executable is available on your shell\'s \fB$PATH\fR\.
Note that \fBbundle exec\fR does not require that an executable is available on your shell's \fB$PATH\fR\.
Passes all file descriptors to the new processes\. Default is true from bundler version 2\.2\.26\. Setting it to false is now deprecated\.
If you use the \fB\-\-binstubs\fR flag in bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR, Bundler will automatically create a directory (which defaults to \fBapp_root/bin\fR) containing all of the executables available from gems in the bundle\.
After using \fB\-\-binstubs\fR, \fBbin/rspec spec/my_spec\.rb\fR is identical to \fBbundle exec rspec spec/my_spec\.rb\fR\.
\fBbundle exec\fR makes a number of changes to the shell environment, then executes the command you specify in full\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
make sure that it\'s still possible to shell out to \fBbundle\fR from inside a command invoked by \fBbundle exec\fR (using \fB$BUNDLE_BIN_PATH\fR)
make sure that it's still possible to shell out to \fBbundle\fR from inside a command invoked by \fBbundle exec\fR (using \fB$BUNDLE_BIN_PATH\fR)
.IP "\(bu" 4
put the directory containing executables (like \fBrails\fR, \fBrspec\fR, \fBrackup\fR) for your bundle on \fB$PATH\fR
.IP "\(bu" 4
make sure that if bundler is invoked in the subshell, it uses the same \fBGemfile\fR (by setting \fBBUNDLE_GEMFILE\fR)
.IP "\(bu" 4
add \fB\-rbundler/setup\fR to \fB$RUBYOPT\fR, which makes sure that Ruby programs invoked in the subshell can see the gems in the bundle
.IP "" 0
It also modifies Rubygems:
.IP "\(bu" 4
disallow loading additional gems not in the bundle
.IP "\(bu" 4
modify the \fBgem\fR method to be a no\-op if a gem matching the requirements is in the bundle, and to raise a \fBGem::LoadError\fR if it\'s not
modify the \fBgem\fR method to be a no\-op if a gem matching the requirements is in the bundle, and to raise a \fBGem::LoadError\fR if it's not
.IP "\(bu" 4
Define \fBGem\.refresh\fR to be a no\-op, since the source index is always frozen when using bundler, and to prevent gems from the system leaking into the environment
.IP "\(bu" 4
Override \fBGem\.bin_path\fR to use the gems in the bundle, making system executables work
.IP "\(bu" 4
Add all gems in the bundle into Gem\.loaded_specs
.IP "" 0
Finally, \fBbundle exec\fR also implicitly modifies \fBGemfile\.lock\fR if the lockfile and the Gemfile do not match\. Bundler needs the Gemfile to determine things such as a gem\'s groups, \fBautorequire\fR, and platforms, etc\., and that information isn\'t stored in the lockfile\. The Gemfile and lockfile must be synced in order to \fBbundle exec\fR successfully, so \fBbundle exec\fR updates the lockfile beforehand\.
Finally, \fBbundle exec\fR also implicitly modifies \fBGemfile\.lock\fR if the lockfile and the Gemfile do not match\. Bundler needs the Gemfile to determine things such as a gem's groups, \fBautorequire\fR, and platforms, etc\., and that information isn't stored in the lockfile\. The Gemfile and lockfile must be synced in order to \fBbundle exec\fR successfully, so \fBbundle exec\fR updates the lockfile beforehand\.
.SS "Loading"
By default, when attempting to \fBbundle exec\fR to a file with a ruby shebang, Bundler will \fBKernel\.load\fR that file instead of using \fBKernel\.exec\fR\. For the vast majority of cases, this is a performance improvement\. In a rare few cases, this could cause some subtle side\-effects (such as dependence on the exact contents of \fB$0\fR or \fB__FILE__\fR) and the optimization can be disabled by enabling the \fBdisable_exec_load\fR setting\.
.SS "Shelling out"
Any Ruby code that opens a subshell (like \fBsystem\fR, backticks, or \fB%x{}\fR) will automatically use the current Bundler environment\. If you need to shell out to a Ruby command that is not part of your current bundle, use the \fBwith_unbundled_env\fR method with a block\. Any subshells created inside the block will be given the environment present before Bundler was activated\. For example, Homebrew commands run Ruby, but don\'t work inside a bundle:
Any Ruby code that opens a subshell (like \fBsystem\fR, backticks, or \fB%x{}\fR) will automatically use the current Bundler environment\. If you need to shell out to a Ruby command that is not part of your current bundle, use the \fBwith_unbundled_env\fR method with a block\. Any subshells created inside the block will be given the environment present before Bundler was activated\. For example, Homebrew commands run Ruby, but don't work inside a bundle:
.IP "" 4
Bundler\.with_unbundled_env do
`brew install wget`
.IP "" 0
Using \fBwith_unbundled_env\fR is also necessary if you are shelling out to a different bundle\. Any Bundler commands run in a subshell will inherit the current Gemfile, so commands that need to run in the context of a different bundle also need to use \fBwith_unbundled_env\fR\.
.IP "" 4
Bundler\.with_unbundled_env do
Dir\.chdir "/other/bundler/project" do
`bundle exec \./script`
.IP "" 0
Bundler provides convenience helpers that wrap \fBsystem\fR and \fBexec\fR, and they can be used like this:
.IP "" 4
Bundler\.clean_system(\'brew install wget\')
Bundler\.clean_exec(\'brew install wget\')
Bundler\.clean_system('brew install wget')
Bundler\.clean_exec('brew install wget')
.IP "" 0
At present, the Rubygems plugin system requires all files named \fBrubygems_plugin\.rb\fR on the load path of \fIany\fR installed gem when any Ruby code requires \fBrubygems\.rb\fR\. This includes executables installed into the system, like \fBrails\fR, \fBrackup\fR, and \fBrspec\fR\.
Since Rubygems plugins can contain arbitrary Ruby code, they commonly end up activating themselves or their dependencies\.
For instance, the \fBgemcutter 0\.5\fR gem depended on \fBjson_pure\fR\. If you had that version of gemcutter installed (even if you \fIalso\fR had a newer version without this problem), Rubygems would activate \fBgemcutter 0\.5\fR and \fBjson_pure <latest>\fR\.
If your Gemfile(5) also contained \fBjson_pure\fR (or a gem with a dependency on \fBjson_pure\fR), the latest version on your system might conflict with the version in your Gemfile(5), or the snapshot version in your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\.
If this happens, bundler will say:
.IP "" 4
You have already activated json_pure 1\.4\.6 but your Gemfile
requires json_pure 1\.4\.3\. Consider using bundle exec\.
.IP "" 0
In this situation, you almost certainly want to remove the underlying gem with the problematic gem plugin\. In general, the authors of these plugins (in this case, the \fBgemcutter\fR gem) have released newer versions that are more careful in their plugins\.
You can find a list of all the gems containing gem plugins by running
.IP "" 4
ruby \-e "puts Gem\.find_files(\'rubygems_plugin\.rb\')"
ruby \-e "puts Gem\.find_files('rubygems_plugin\.rb')"
.IP "" 0
At the very least, you should remove all but the newest version of each gem plugin, and also remove all gem plugins that you aren\'t using (\fBgem uninstall gem_name\fR)\.
At the very least, you should remove all but the newest version of each gem plugin, and also remove all gem plugins that you aren't using (\fBgem uninstall gem_name\fR)\.
@ -1,105 +1,69 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-GEM" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-GEM" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-gem\fR \- Generate a project skeleton for creating a rubygem
\fBbundle gem\fR \fIGEM_NAME\fR \fIOPTIONS\fR
Generates a directory named \fBGEM_NAME\fR with a \fBRakefile\fR, \fBGEM_NAME\.gemspec\fR, and other supporting files and directories that can be used to develop a rubygem with that name\.
Run \fBrake \-T\fR in the resulting project for a list of Rake tasks that can be used to test and publish the gem to rubygems\.org\.
The generated project skeleton can be customized with OPTIONS, as explained below\. Note that these options can also be specified via Bundler\'s global configuration file using the following names:
The generated project skeleton can be customized with OPTIONS, as explained below\. Note that these options can also be specified via Bundler's global configuration file using the following names:
.IP "\(bu" 4
.IP "\(bu" 4
.IP "\(bu" 4
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-exe\fR or \fB\-b\fR or \fB\-\-bin\fR: Specify that Bundler should create a binary executable (as \fBexe/GEM_NAME\fR) in the generated rubygem project\. This binary will also be added to the \fBGEM_NAME\.gemspec\fR manifest\. This behavior is disabled by default\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-no\-exe\fR: Do not create a binary (overrides \fB\-\-exe\fR specified in the global config)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-coc\fR: Add a \fBCODE_OF_CONDUCT\.md\fR file to the root of the generated project\. If this option is unspecified, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler\'s global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
\fB\-\-coc\fR: Add a \fBCODE_OF_CONDUCT\.md\fR file to the root of the generated project\. If this option is unspecified, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler's global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-no\-coc\fR: Do not create a \fBCODE_OF_CONDUCT\.md\fR (overrides \fB\-\-coc\fR specified in the global config)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-ext=c\fR, \fB\-\-ext=rust\fR Add boilerplate for C or Rust (currently magnus \fIhttps://docs\.rs/magnus\fR based) extension code to the generated project\. This behavior is disabled by default\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-no\-ext\fR: Do not add extension code (overrides \fB\-\-ext\fR specified in the global config)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-mit\fR: Add an MIT license to a \fBLICENSE\.txt\fR file in the root of the generated project\. Your name from the global git config is used for the copyright statement\. If this option is unspecified, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler\'s global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
\fB\-\-mit\fR: Add an MIT license to a \fBLICENSE\.txt\fR file in the root of the generated project\. Your name from the global git config is used for the copyright statement\. If this option is unspecified, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler's global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-no\-mit\fR: Do not create a \fBLICENSE\.txt\fR (overrides \fB\-\-mit\fR specified in the global config)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-test=minitest\fR, \fB\-\-test=rspec\fR, \fB\-\-test=test\-unit\fR: Specify the test framework that Bundler should use when generating the project\. Acceptable values are \fBminitest\fR, \fBrspec\fR and \fBtest\-unit\fR\. The \fBGEM_NAME\.gemspec\fR will be configured and a skeleton test/spec directory will be created based on this option\. Given no option is specified:
When Bundler is configured to generate tests, this defaults to Bundler\'s global config setting \fBgem\.test\fR\.
When Bundler is configured to generate tests, this defaults to Bundler's global config setting \fBgem\.test\fR\.
When Bundler is configured to not generate tests, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be used for the current rubygem project\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler\'s global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler's global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-ci\fR, \fB\-\-ci=github\fR, \fB\-\-ci=gitlab\fR, \fB\-\-ci=circle\fR: Specify the continuous integration service that Bundler should use when generating the project\. Acceptable values are \fBgithub\fR, \fBgitlab\fR and \fBcircle\fR\. A configuration file will be generated in the project directory\. Given no option is specified:
When Bundler is configured to generate CI files, this defaults to Bundler\'s global config setting \fBgem\.ci\fR\.
When Bundler is configured to generate CI files, this defaults to Bundler's global config setting \fBgem\.ci\fR\.
When Bundler is configured to not generate CI files, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be used for the current rubygem project\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler\'s global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler's global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-\-linter\fR, \fB\-\-linter=rubocop\fR, \fB\-\-linter=standard\fR: Specify the linter and code formatter that Bundler should add to the project\'s development dependencies\. Acceptable values are \fBrubocop\fR and \fBstandard\fR\. A configuration file will be generated in the project directory\. Given no option is specified:
\fB\-\-linter\fR, \fB\-\-linter=rubocop\fR, \fB\-\-linter=standard\fR: Specify the linter and code formatter that Bundler should add to the project's development dependencies\. Acceptable values are \fBrubocop\fR and \fBstandard\fR\. A configuration file will be generated in the project directory\. Given no option is specified:
When Bundler is configured to add a linter, this defaults to Bundler\'s global config setting \fBgem\.linter\fR\.
When Bundler is configured to add a linter, this defaults to Bundler's global config setting \fBgem\.linter\fR\.
When Bundler is configured not to add a linter, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be used for the current rubygem project\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler\'s global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
When Bundler is unconfigured, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer will be saved in Bundler's global config for future \fBbundle gem\fR use\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-edit[=EDITOR]\fR: Open the resulting GEM_NAME\.gemspec in EDITOR, or the default editor if not specified\. The default is \fB$BUNDLER_EDITOR\fR, \fB$VISUAL\fR, or \fB$EDITOR\fR\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
bundle config(1) \fIbundle\-config\.1\.html\fR
.IP "" 0
@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-HELP" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-HELP" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-help\fR \- Displays detailed help for each subcommand
\fBbundle help\fR [COMMAND]
Displays detailed help for the given subcommand\. You can specify a single \fBCOMMAND\fR at the same time\. When \fBCOMMAND\fR is omitted, help for \fBhelp\fR command will be displayed\.
@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-INFO" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-INFO" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-info\fR \- Show information for the given gem in your bundle
\fBbundle info\fR [GEM_NAME] [\-\-path]
Given a gem name present in your bundle, print the basic information about it such as homepage, version, path and summary\.
Print the path of the given gem
@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-INIT" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-INIT" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-init\fR \- Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory
\fBbundle init\fR [\-\-gemspec=FILE]
Init generates a default [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] in the current working directory\. When adding a [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] to a gem with a gemspec, the \fB\-\-gemspec\fR option will automatically add each dependency listed in the gemspec file to the newly created [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)]\.
Use the specified \.gemspec to create the [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)]
Use the specified name for the gemfile instead of \fBGemfile\fR
Included in the default [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] generated is the line \fB# frozen_string_literal: true\fR\. This is a magic comment supported for the first time in Ruby 2\.3\. The presence of this line results in all string literals in the file being implicitly frozen\.
Gemfile(5) \fIhttps://bundler\.io/man/gemfile\.5\.html\fR
@ -1,36 +1,23 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-INJECT" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-INJECT" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-inject\fR \- Add named gem(s) with version requirements to Gemfile
\fBbundle inject\fR [GEM] [VERSION]
Adds the named gem(s) with their version requirements to the resolved [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)]\.
This command will add the gem to both your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] and Gemfile\.lock if it isn\'t listed yet\.
This command will add the gem to both your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] and Gemfile\.lock if it isn't listed yet\.
.IP "" 4
bundle install
bundle inject \'rack\' \'> 0\'
bundle inject 'rack' '> 0'
.IP "" 0
This will inject the \'rack\' gem with a version greater than 0 in your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] and Gemfile\.lock\.
This will inject the 'rack' gem with a version greater than 0 in your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)] and Gemfile\.lock\.
The \fBbundle inject\fR command was deprecated in Bundler 2\.1 and will be removed in Bundler 3\.0\.
@ -1,313 +1,215 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-INSTALL" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-INSTALL" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-install\fR \- Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile
\fBbundle install\fR [\-\-binstubs[=DIRECTORY]] [\-\-clean] [\-\-deployment] [\-\-frozen] [\-\-full\-index] [\-\-gemfile=GEMFILE] [\-\-jobs=NUMBER] [\-\-local] [\-\-no\-cache] [\-\-no\-prune] [\-\-path PATH] [\-\-prefer\-local] [\-\-quiet] [\-\-redownload] [\-\-retry=NUMBER] [\-\-shebang] [\-\-standalone[=GROUP[ GROUP\.\.\.]]] [\-\-system] [\-\-trust\-policy=POLICY] [\-\-with=GROUP[ GROUP\.\.\.]] [\-\-without=GROUP[ GROUP\.\.\.]]
\fBbundle install\fR [\-\-binstubs[=DIRECTORY]] [\-\-clean] [\-\-deployment] [\-\-frozen] [\-\-full\-index] [\-\-gemfile=GEMFILE] [\-\-jobs=NUMBER] [\-\-local] [\-\-no\-cache] [\-\-no\-prune] [\-\-path PATH] [\-\-prefer\-local] [\-\-quiet] [\-\-redownload] [\-\-retry=NUMBER] [\-\-shebang] [\-\-standalone[=GROUP[ GROUP\|\.\|\.\|\.]]] [\-\-system] [\-\-trust\-policy=POLICY] [\-\-with=GROUP[ GROUP\|\.\|\.\|\.]] [\-\-without=GROUP[ GROUP\|\.\|\.\|\.]]
Install the gems specified in your Gemfile(5)\. If this is the first time you run bundle install (and a \fBGemfile\.lock\fR does not exist), Bundler will fetch all remote sources, resolve dependencies and install all needed gems\.
If a \fBGemfile\.lock\fR does exist, and you have not updated your Gemfile(5), Bundler will fetch all remote sources, but use the dependencies specified in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR instead of resolving dependencies\.
If a \fBGemfile\.lock\fR does exist, and you have updated your Gemfile(5), Bundler will use the dependencies in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR for all gems that you did not update, but will re\-resolve the dependencies of gems that you did update\. You can find more information about this update process below under \fICONSERVATIVE UPDATING\fR\.
The \fB\-\-clean\fR, \fB\-\-deployment\fR, \fB\-\-frozen\fR, \fB\-\-no\-prune\fR, \fB\-\-path\fR, \fB\-\-shebang\fR, \fB\-\-system\fR, \fB\-\-without\fR and \fB\-\-with\fR options are deprecated because they only make sense if they are applied to every subsequent \fBbundle install\fR run automatically and that requires \fBbundler\fR to silently remember them\. Since \fBbundler\fR will no longer remember CLI flags in future versions, \fBbundle config\fR (see bundle\-config(1)) should be used to apply them permanently\.
Binstubs are scripts that wrap around executables\. Bundler creates a small Ruby file (a binstub) that loads Bundler, runs the command, and puts it in \fBbin/\fR\. This lets you link the binstub inside of an application to the exact gem version the application needs\.
Creates a directory (defaults to \fB~/bin\fR) and places any executables from the gem there\. These executables run in Bundler\'s context\. If used, you might add this directory to your environment\'s \fBPATH\fR variable\. For instance, if the \fBrails\fR gem comes with a \fBrails\fR executable, this flag will create a \fBbin/rails\fR executable that ensures that all referred dependencies will be resolved using the bundled gems\.
Creates a directory (defaults to \fB~/bin\fR) and places any executables from the gem there\. These executables run in Bundler's context\. If used, you might add this directory to your environment's \fBPATH\fR variable\. For instance, if the \fBrails\fR gem comes with a \fBrails\fR executable, this flag will create a \fBbin/rails\fR executable that ensures that all referred dependencies will be resolved using the bundled gems\.
On finishing the installation Bundler is going to remove any gems not present in the current Gemfile(5)\. Don\'t worry, gems currently in use will not be removed\.
On finishing the installation Bundler is going to remove any gems not present in the current Gemfile(5)\. Don't worry, gems currently in use will not be removed\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBclean\fR setting\.
In \fIdeployment mode\fR, Bundler will \'roll\-out\' the bundle for production or CI use\. Please check carefully if you want to have this option enabled in your development environment\.
In \fIdeployment mode\fR, Bundler will 'roll\-out' the bundle for production or CI use\. Please check carefully if you want to have this option enabled in your development environment\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBdeployment\fR setting\.
Force download every gem, even if the required versions are already available locally\.
Do not allow the Gemfile\.lock to be updated after this install\. Exits non\-zero if there are going to be changes to the Gemfile\.lock\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBfrozen\fR setting\.
Bundler will not call Rubygems\' API endpoint (default) but download and cache a (currently big) index file of all gems\. Performance can be improved for large bundles that seldom change by enabling this option\.
Bundler will not call Rubygems' API endpoint (default) but download and cache a (currently big) index file of all gems\. Performance can be improved for large bundles that seldom change by enabling this option\.
The location of the Gemfile(5) which Bundler should use\. This defaults to a Gemfile(5) in the current working directory\. In general, Bundler will assume that the location of the Gemfile(5) is also the project\'s root and will try to find \fBGemfile\.lock\fR and \fBvendor/cache\fR relative to this location\.
The location of the Gemfile(5) which Bundler should use\. This defaults to a Gemfile(5) in the current working directory\. In general, Bundler will assume that the location of the Gemfile(5) is also the project's root and will try to find \fBGemfile\.lock\fR and \fBvendor/cache\fR relative to this location\.
\fB\-\-jobs=[<number>]\fR, \fB\-j[<number>]\fR
The maximum number of parallel download and install jobs\. The default is the number of available processors\.
Do not attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR\. Instead, Bundler will use the gems already present in Rubygems\' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR\. Note that if an appropriate platform\-specific gem exists on \fBrubygems\.org\fR it will not be found\.
Do not attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR\. Instead, Bundler will use the gems already present in Rubygems' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR\. Note that if an appropriate platform\-specific gem exists on \fBrubygems\.org\fR it will not be found\.
Force using locally installed gems, or gems already present in Rubygems\' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR, when resolving, even if newer versions are available remotely\. Only attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR for gems that are not present locally\.
Force using locally installed gems, or gems already present in Rubygems' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR, when resolving, even if newer versions are available remotely\. Only attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR for gems that are not present locally\.
Do not update the cache in \fBvendor/cache\fR with the newly bundled gems\. This does not remove any gems in the cache but keeps the newly bundled gems from being cached during the install\.
Don\'t remove stale gems from the cache when the installation finishes\.
Don't remove stale gems from the cache when the installation finishes\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBno_prune\fR setting\.
The location to install the specified gems to\. This defaults to Rubygems\' setting\. Bundler shares this location with Rubygems, \fBgem install \.\.\.\fR will have gem installed there, too\. Therefore, gems installed without a \fB\-\-path \.\.\.\fR setting will show up by calling \fBgem list\fR\. Accordingly, gems installed to other locations will not get listed\.
The location to install the specified gems to\. This defaults to Rubygems' setting\. Bundler shares this location with Rubygems, \fBgem install \|\.\|\.\|\.\fR will have gem installed there, too\. Therefore, gems installed without a \fB\-\-path \|\.\|\.\|\.\fR setting will show up by calling \fBgem list\fR\. Accordingly, gems installed to other locations will not get listed\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBpath\fR setting\.
Do not print progress information to the standard output\. Instead, Bundler will exit using a status code (\fB$?\fR)\.
Retry failed network or git requests for \fInumber\fR times\.
Uses the specified ruby executable (usually \fBruby\fR) to execute the scripts created with \fB\-\-binstubs\fR\. In addition, if you use \fB\-\-binstubs\fR together with \fB\-\-shebang jruby\fR these executables will be changed to execute \fBjruby\fR instead\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBshebang\fR setting\.
Makes a bundle that can work without depending on Rubygems or Bundler at runtime\. A space separated list of groups to install has to be specified\. Bundler creates a directory named \fBbundle\fR and installs the bundle there\. It also generates a \fBbundle/bundler/setup\.rb\fR file to replace Bundler\'s own setup in the manner required\. Using this option implicitly sets \fBpath\fR, which is a [remembered option][REMEMBERED OPTIONS]\.
Makes a bundle that can work without depending on Rubygems or Bundler at runtime\. A space separated list of groups to install has to be specified\. Bundler creates a directory named \fBbundle\fR and installs the bundle there\. It also generates a \fBbundle/bundler/setup\.rb\fR file to replace Bundler's own setup in the manner required\. Using this option implicitly sets \fBpath\fR, which is a [remembered option][REMEMBERED OPTIONS]\.
Installs the gems specified in the bundle to the system\'s Rubygems location\. This overrides any previous configuration of \fB\-\-path\fR\.
Installs the gems specified in the bundle to the system's Rubygems location\. This overrides any previous configuration of \fB\-\-path\fR\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBsystem\fR setting\.
Apply the Rubygems security policy \fIpolicy\fR, where policy is one of \fBHighSecurity\fR, \fBMediumSecurity\fR, \fBLowSecurity\fR, \fBAlmostNoSecurity\fR, or \fBNoSecurity\fR\. For more details, please see the Rubygems signing documentation linked below in \fISEE ALSO\fR\.
A space\-separated list of groups referencing gems to install\. If an optional group is given it is installed\. If a group is given that is in the remembered list of groups given to \-\-without, it is removed from that list\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBwith\fR setting\.
A space\-separated list of groups referencing gems to skip during installation\. If a group is given that is in the remembered list of groups given to \-\-with, it is removed from that list\.
This option is deprecated in favor of the \fBwithout\fR setting\.
Bundler\'s defaults are optimized for development\. To switch to defaults optimized for deployment and for CI, use the \fB\-\-deployment\fR flag\. Do not activate deployment mode on development machines, as it will cause an error when the Gemfile(5) is modified\.
Bundler's defaults are optimized for development\. To switch to defaults optimized for deployment and for CI, use the \fB\-\-deployment\fR flag\. Do not activate deployment mode on development machines, as it will cause an error when the Gemfile(5) is modified\.
.IP "1." 4
A \fBGemfile\.lock\fR is required\.
To ensure that the same versions of the gems you developed with and tested with are also used in deployments, a \fBGemfile\.lock\fR is required\.
This is mainly to ensure that you remember to check your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control\.
.IP "2." 4
The \fBGemfile\.lock\fR must be up to date
In development, you can modify your Gemfile(5) and re\-run \fBbundle install\fR to \fIconservatively update\fR your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR snapshot\.
In deployment, your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR should be up\-to\-date with changes made in your Gemfile(5)\.
.IP "3." 4
Gems are installed to \fBvendor/bundle\fR not your default system location
In development, it\'s convenient to share the gems used in your application with other applications and other scripts that run on the system\.
In development, it's convenient to share the gems used in your application with other applications and other scripts that run on the system\.
In deployment, isolation is a more important default\. In addition, the user deploying the application may not have permission to install gems to the system, or the web server may not have permission to read them\.
As a result, \fBbundle install \-\-deployment\fR installs gems to the \fBvendor/bundle\fR directory in the application\. This may be overridden using the \fB\-\-path\fR option\.
.IP "" 0
By default, \fBbundle install\fR will install all gems in all groups in your Gemfile(5), except those declared for a different platform\.
However, you can explicitly tell Bundler to skip installing certain groups with the \fB\-\-without\fR option\. This option takes a space\-separated list of groups\.
While the \fB\-\-without\fR option will skip \fIinstalling\fR the gems in the specified groups, it will still \fIdownload\fR those gems and use them to resolve the dependencies of every gem in your Gemfile(5)\.
This is so that installing a different set of groups on another machine (such as a production server) will not change the gems and versions that you have already developed and tested against\.
\fBBundler offers a rock\-solid guarantee that the third\-party code you are running in development and testing is also the third\-party code you are running in production\. You can choose to exclude some of that code in different environments, but you will never be caught flat\-footed by different versions of third\-party code being used in different environments\.\fR
For a simple illustration, consider the following Gemfile(5):
.IP "" 4
source 'https://rubygems\.org'
source \'https://rubygems\.org\'
gem \'sinatra\'
gem 'sinatra'
group :production do
gem \'rack\-perftools\-profiler\'
gem 'rack\-perftools\-profiler'
.IP "" 0
In this case, \fBsinatra\fR depends on any version of Rack (\fB>= 1\.0\fR), while \fBrack\-perftools\-profiler\fR depends on 1\.x (\fB~> 1\.0\fR)\.
When you run \fBbundle install \-\-without production\fR in development, we look at the dependencies of \fBrack\-perftools\-profiler\fR as well\. That way, you do not spend all your time developing against Rack 2\.0, using new APIs unavailable in Rack 1\.x, only to have Bundler switch to Rack 1\.2 when the \fBproduction\fR group \fIis\fR used\.
This should not cause any problems in practice, because we do not attempt to \fBinstall\fR the gems in the excluded groups, and only evaluate as part of the dependency resolution process\.
This also means that you cannot include different versions of the same gem in different groups, because doing so would result in different sets of dependencies used in development and production\. Because of the vagaries of the dependency resolution process, this usually affects more than the gems you list in your Gemfile(5), and can (surprisingly) radically change the gems you are using\.
When you run \fBbundle install\fR, Bundler will persist the full names and versions of all gems that you used (including dependencies of the gems specified in the Gemfile(5)) into a file called \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\.
Bundler uses this file in all subsequent calls to \fBbundle install\fR, which guarantees that you always use the same exact code, even as your application moves across machines\.
Because of the way dependency resolution works, even a seemingly small change (for instance, an update to a point\-release of a dependency of a gem in your Gemfile(5)) can result in radically different gems being needed to satisfy all dependencies\.
As a result, you \fBSHOULD\fR check your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control, in both applications and gems\. If you do not, every machine that checks out your repository (including your production server) will resolve all dependencies again, which will result in different versions of third\-party code being used if \fBany\fR of the gems in the Gemfile(5) or any of their dependencies have been updated\.
When Bundler first shipped, the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR was included in the \fB\.gitignore\fR file included with generated gems\. Over time, however, it became clear that this practice forces the pain of broken dependencies onto new contributors, while leaving existing contributors potentially unaware of the problem\. Since \fBbundle install\fR is usually the first step towards a contribution, the pain of broken dependencies would discourage new contributors from contributing\. As a result, we have revised our guidance for gem authors to now recommend checking in the lock for gems\.
When you make a change to the Gemfile(5) and then run \fBbundle install\fR, Bundler will update only the gems that you modified\.
In other words, if a gem that you \fBdid not modify\fR worked before you called \fBbundle install\fR, it will continue to use the exact same versions of all dependencies as it used before the update\.
Let\'s take a look at an example\. Here\'s your original Gemfile(5):
Let's take a look at an example\. Here's your original Gemfile(5):
.IP "" 4
source 'https://rubygems\.org'
source \'https://rubygems\.org\'
gem \'actionpack\', \'2\.3\.8\'
gem \'activemerchant\'
gem 'actionpack', '2\.3\.8'
gem 'activemerchant'
.IP "" 0
In this case, both \fBactionpack\fR and \fBactivemerchant\fR depend on \fBactivesupport\fR\. The \fBactionpack\fR gem depends on \fBactivesupport 2\.3\.8\fR and \fBrack ~> 1\.1\.0\fR, while the \fBactivemerchant\fR gem depends on \fBactivesupport >= 2\.3\.2\fR, \fBbraintree >= 2\.0\.0\fR, and \fBbuilder >= 2\.0\.0\fR\.
When the dependencies are first resolved, Bundler will select \fBactivesupport 2\.3\.8\fR, which satisfies the requirements of both gems in your Gemfile(5)\.
Next, you modify your Gemfile(5) to:
.IP "" 4
source 'https://rubygems\.org'
source \'https://rubygems\.org\'
gem \'actionpack\', \'3\.0\.0\.rc\'
gem \'activemerchant\'
gem 'actionpack', '3\.0\.0\.rc'
gem 'activemerchant'
.IP "" 0
The \fBactionpack 3\.0\.0\.rc\fR gem has a number of new dependencies, and updates the \fBactivesupport\fR dependency to \fB= 3\.0\.0\.rc\fR and the \fBrack\fR dependency to \fB~> 1\.2\.1\fR\.
When you run \fBbundle install\fR, Bundler notices that you changed the \fBactionpack\fR gem, but not the \fBactivemerchant\fR gem\. It evaluates the gems currently being used to satisfy its requirements:
\fBactivesupport 2\.3\.8\fR
also used to satisfy a dependency in \fBactivemerchant\fR, which is not being updated
\fBrack ~> 1\.1\.0\fR
not currently being used to satisfy another dependency
Because you did not explicitly ask to update \fBactivemerchant\fR, you would not expect it to suddenly stop working after updating \fBactionpack\fR\. However, satisfying the new \fBactivesupport 3\.0\.0\.rc\fR dependency of actionpack requires updating one of its dependencies\.
Even though \fBactivemerchant\fR declares a very loose dependency that theoretically matches \fBactivesupport 3\.0\.0\.rc\fR, Bundler treats gems in your Gemfile(5) that have not changed as an atomic unit together with their dependencies\. In this case, the \fBactivemerchant\fR dependency is treated as \fBactivemerchant 1\.7\.1 + activesupport 2\.3\.8\fR, so \fBbundle install\fR will report that it cannot update \fBactionpack\fR\.
To explicitly update \fBactionpack\fR, including its dependencies which other gems in the Gemfile(5) still depend on, run \fBbundle update actionpack\fR (see \fBbundle update(1)\fR)\.
\fBSummary\fR: In general, after making a change to the Gemfile(5) , you should first try to run \fBbundle install\fR, which will guarantee that no other gem in the Gemfile(5) is impacted by the change\. If that does not work, run bundle update(1) \fIbundle\-update\.1\.html\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
Gem install docs \fIhttp://guides\.rubygems\.org/rubygems\-basics/#installing\-gems\fR
.IP "\(bu" 4
Rubygems signing docs \fIhttp://guides\.rubygems\.org/security/\fR
.IP "" 0
@ -1,49 +1,34 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-LIST" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-LIST" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-list\fR \- List all the gems in the bundle
\fBbundle list\fR [\-\-name\-only] [\-\-paths] [\-\-without\-group=GROUP[ GROUP\.\.\.]] [\-\-only\-group=GROUP[ GROUP\.\.\.]]
\fBbundle list\fR [\-\-name\-only] [\-\-paths] [\-\-without\-group=GROUP[ GROUP\|\.\|\.\|\.]] [\-\-only\-group=GROUP[ GROUP\|\.\|\.\|\.]]
Prints a list of all the gems in the bundle including their version\.
bundle list \-\-name\-only
bundle list \-\-paths
bundle list \-\-without\-group test
bundle list \-\-only\-group dev
bundle list \-\-only\-group dev test \-\-paths
Print only the name of each gem\.
Print the path to each gem in the bundle\.
A space\-separated list of groups of gems to skip during printing\.
A space\-separated list of groups of gems to print\.
@ -1,84 +1,60 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-LOCK" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-LOCK" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-lock\fR \- Creates / Updates a lockfile without installing
\fBbundle lock\fR [\-\-update] [\-\-local] [\-\-print] [\-\-lockfile=PATH] [\-\-full\-index] [\-\-add\-platform] [\-\-remove\-platform] [\-\-patch] [\-\-minor] [\-\-major] [\-\-strict] [\-\-conservative]
Lock the gems specified in Gemfile\.
Ignores the existing lockfile\. Resolve then updates lockfile\. Taking a list of gems or updating all gems if no list is given\.
Do not attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR\. Instead, Bundler will use the gems already present in Rubygems\' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR\. Note that if a appropriate platform\-specific gem exists on \fBrubygems\.org\fR it will not be found\.
Do not attempt to connect to \fBrubygems\.org\fR\. Instead, Bundler will use the gems already present in Rubygems' cache or in \fBvendor/cache\fR\. Note that if a appropriate platform\-specific gem exists on \fBrubygems\.org\fR it will not be found\.
Prints the lockfile to STDOUT instead of writing to the file system\.
The path where the lockfile should be written to\.
Fall back to using the single\-file index of all gems\.
Add a new platform to the lockfile, re\-resolving for the addition of that platform\.
Remove a platform from the lockfile\.
If updating, prefer updating only to next patch version\.
If updating, prefer updating only to next minor version\.
If updating, prefer updating to next major version (default)\.
If updating, do not allow any gem to be updated past latest \-\-patch | \-\-minor | \-\-major\.
If updating, use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow shared dependencies to be updated\.
If you run \fBbundle lock\fR with \fB\-\-update\fR option without list of gems, bundler will ignore any previously installed gems and resolve all dependencies again based on the latest versions of all gems available in the sources\.
Sometimes, you want to update a single gem in the Gemfile(5), and leave the rest of the gems that you specified locked to the versions in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\.
For instance, you only want to update \fBnokogiri\fR, run \fBbundle lock \-\-update nokogiri\fR\.
Bundler will update \fBnokogiri\fR and any of its dependencies, but leave the rest of the gems that you specified locked to the versions in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\.
If you want your bundle to support platforms other than the one you\'re running locally, you can run \fBbundle lock \-\-add\-platform PLATFORM\fR to add PLATFORM to the lockfile, force bundler to re\-resolve and consider the new platform when picking gems, all without needing to have a machine that matches PLATFORM handy to install those platform\-specific gems on\.
If you want your bundle to support platforms other than the one you're running locally, you can run \fBbundle lock \-\-add\-platform PLATFORM\fR to add PLATFORM to the lockfile, force bundler to re\-resolve and consider the new platform when picking gems, all without needing to have a machine that matches PLATFORM handy to install those platform\-specific gems on\.
For a full explanation of gem platforms, see \fBgem help platform\fR\.
See bundle update(1) \fIbundle\-update\.1\.html\fR for details\.
@ -1,51 +1,31 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-OPEN" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-OPEN" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-open\fR \- Opens the source directory for a gem in your bundle
\fBbundle open\fR [GEM] [\-\-path=PATH]
Opens the source directory of the provided GEM in your editor\.
For this to work the \fBEDITOR\fR or \fBBUNDLER_EDITOR\fR environment variable has to be set\.
.IP "" 4
bundle open \'rack\'
bundle open 'rack'
.IP "" 0
Will open the source directory for the \'rack\' gem in your bundle\.
Will open the source directory for the 'rack' gem in your bundle\.
.IP "" 4
bundle open \'rack\' \-\-path \'README\.md\'
bundle open 'rack' \-\-path 'README\.md'
.IP "" 0
Will open the README\.md file of the \'rack\' gem source in your bundle\.
Will open the README\.md file of the 'rack' gem source in your bundle\.
Specify GEM source relative path to open\.
@ -1,152 +1,100 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-OUTDATED" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-OUTDATED" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-outdated\fR \- List installed gems with newer versions available
\fBbundle outdated\fR [GEM] [\-\-local] [\-\-pre] [\-\-source] [\-\-strict] [\-\-parseable | \-\-porcelain] [\-\-group=GROUP] [\-\-groups] [\-\-patch|\-\-minor|\-\-major] [\-\-filter\-major] [\-\-filter\-minor] [\-\-filter\-patch] [\-\-only\-explicit]
Outdated lists the names and versions of gems that have a newer version available in the given source\. Calling outdated with [GEM [GEM]] will only check for newer versions of the given gems\. Prerelease gems are ignored by default\. If your gems are up to date, Bundler will exit with a status of 0\. Otherwise, it will exit 1\.
Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead\.
Check for newer pre\-release gems\.
Check against a specific source\.
Only list newer versions allowed by your Gemfile requirements, also respecting conservative update flags (\-\-patch, \-\-minor, \-\-major)\.
\fB\-\-parseable\fR, \fB\-\-porcelain\fR
Use minimal formatting for more parseable output\.
List gems from a specific group\.
List gems organized by groups\.
Prefer updating only to next minor version\.
Prefer updating to next major version (default)\.
Prefer updating only to next patch version\.
Only list major newer versions\.
Only list minor newer versions\.
Only list patch newer versions\.
Only list gems specified in your Gemfile, not their dependencies\.
See bundle update(1) \fIbundle\-update\.1\.html\fR for details\.
The 3 filtering options do not affect the resolution of versions, merely what versions are shown in the output\.
If the regular output shows the following:
.IP "" 4
* Gem Current Latest Requested Groups
* faker 1\.6\.5 1\.6\.6 ~> 1\.4 development, test
* hashie 1\.2\.0 3\.4\.6 = 1\.2\.0 default
* headless 2\.2\.3 2\.3\.1 = 2\.2\.3 test
.IP "" 0
\fB\-\-filter\-major\fR would only show:
.IP "" 4
* Gem Current Latest Requested Groups
* hashie 1\.2\.0 3\.4\.6 = 1\.2\.0 default
.IP "" 0
\fB\-\-filter\-minor\fR would only show:
.IP "" 4
* Gem Current Latest Requested Groups
* headless 2\.2\.3 2\.3\.1 = 2\.2\.3 test
.IP "" 0
\fB\-\-filter\-patch\fR would only show:
.IP "" 4
* Gem Current Latest Requested Groups
* faker 1\.6\.5 1\.6\.6 ~> 1\.4 development, test
.IP "" 0
Filter options can be combined\. \fB\-\-filter\-minor\fR and \fB\-\-filter\-patch\fR would show:
.IP "" 4
* Gem Current Latest Requested Groups
* faker 1\.6\.5 1\.6\.6 ~> 1\.4 development, test
.IP "" 0
Combining all three \fBfilter\fR options would be the same result as providing none of them\.
@ -1,41 +1,27 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-PLATFORM" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-PLATFORM" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-platform\fR \- Displays platform compatibility information
\fBbundle platform\fR [\-\-ruby]
\fBplatform\fR displays information from your Gemfile, Gemfile\.lock, and Ruby VM about your platform\.
For instance, using this Gemfile(5):
.IP "" 4
source "https://rubygems\.org"
ruby "3\.1\.2"
gem "rack"
.IP "" 0
If you run \fBbundle platform\fR on Ruby 3\.1\.2, it displays the following output:
.IP "" 4
Your platform is: x86_64\-linux
Your app has gems that work on these platforms:
@ -48,24 +34,16 @@ Your Gemfile specifies a Ruby version requirement:
* ruby 3\.1\.2
Your current platform satisfies the Ruby version requirement\.
.IP "" 0
\fBplatform\fR lists all the platforms in your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR as well as the \fBruby\fR directive if applicable from your Gemfile(5)\. It also lets you know if the \fBruby\fR directive requirement has been met\. If \fBruby\fR directive doesn\'t match the running Ruby VM, it tells you what part does not\.
\fBplatform\fR lists all the platforms in your \fBGemfile\.lock\fR as well as the \fBruby\fR directive if applicable from your Gemfile(5)\. It also lets you know if the \fBruby\fR directive requirement has been met\. If \fBruby\fR directive doesn't match the running Ruby VM, it tells you what part does not\.
It will display the ruby directive information, so you don\'t have to parse it from the Gemfile(5)\.
It will display the ruby directive information, so you don't have to parse it from the Gemfile(5)\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
bundle\-lock(1) \fIbundle\-lock\.1\.html\fR
.IP "" 0
@ -1,81 +1,55 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-PLUGIN" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-PLUGIN" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-plugin\fR \- Manage Bundler plugins
\fBbundle plugin\fR install PLUGINS [\-\-source=\fISOURCE\fR] [\-\-version=\fIversion\fR] [\-\-git|\-\-local_git=\fIgit\-url\fR] [\-\-branch=\fIbranch\fR|\-\-ref=\fIrev\fR]
\fBbundle plugin\fR uninstall PLUGINS
\fBbundle plugin\fR list
\fBbundle plugin\fR help [COMMAND]
You can install, uninstall, and list plugin(s) with this command to extend functionalities of Bundler\.
.SS "install"
Install the given plugin(s)\.
\fBbundle plugin install bundler\-graph\fR
Install bundler\-graph gem from globally configured sources (defaults to RubyGems\.org)\. The global source, specified in source in Gemfile is ignored\.
\fBbundle plugin install bundler\-graph \-\-source https://example\.com\fR
Install bundler\-graph gem from example\.com\. The global source, specified in source in Gemfile is not considered\.
\fBbundle plugin install bundler\-graph \-\-version 0\.2\.1\fR
You can specify the version of the gem via \fB\-\-version\fR\.
\fBbundle plugin install bundler\-graph \-\-git https://github\.com/rubygems/bundler\-graph\fR
Install bundler\-graph gem from Git repository\. \fB\-\-git\fR can be replaced with \fB\-\-local\-git\fR\. You cannot use both \fB\-\-git\fR and \fB\-\-local\-git\fR\. You can use standard Git URLs like:
When you specify \fB\-\-git\fR/\fB\-\-local\-git\fR, you can use \fB\-\-branch\fR or \fB\-\-ref\fR to specify any branch, tag, or commit hash (revision) to use\. When you specify both, only the latter is used\.
.SS "uninstall"
Uninstall the plugin(s) specified in PLUGINS\.
.SS "list"
List the installed plugins and available commands\.
No options\.
.SS "help"
Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand\.
No options\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
How to write a Bundler plugin \fIhttps://bundler\.io/guides/bundler_plugins\.html\fR
.IP "" 0
@ -1,34 +1,23 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-PRISTINE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-PRISTINE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-pristine\fR \- Restores installed gems to their pristine condition
\fBbundle pristine\fR
\fBpristine\fR restores the installed gems in the bundle to their pristine condition using the local gem cache from RubyGems\. For git gems, a forced checkout will be performed\.
For further explanation, \fBbundle pristine\fR ignores unpacked files on disk\. In other words, this command utilizes the local \fB\.gem\fR cache or the gem\'s git repository as if one were installing from scratch\.
For further explanation, \fBbundle pristine\fR ignores unpacked files on disk\. In other words, this command utilizes the local \fB\.gem\fR cache or the gem's git repository as if one were installing from scratch\.
Note: the Bundler gem cannot be restored to its original state with \fBpristine\fR\. One also cannot use \fBbundle pristine\fR on gems with a \'path\' option in the Gemfile, because bundler has no original copy it can restore from\.
Note: the Bundler gem cannot be restored to its original state with \fBpristine\fR\. One also cannot use \fBbundle pristine\fR on gems with a 'path' option in the Gemfile, because bundler has no original copy it can restore from\.
When is it practical to use \fBbundle pristine\fR?
It comes in handy when a developer is debugging a gem\. \fBbundle pristine\fR is a great way to get rid of experimental changes to a gem that one may not want\.
Why use \fBbundle pristine\fR over \fBgem pristine \-\-all\fR?
Both commands are very similar\. For context: \fBbundle pristine\fR, without arguments, cleans all gems from the lockfile\. Meanwhile, \fBgem pristine \-\-all\fR cleans all installed gems for that Ruby version\.
If a developer forgets which gems in their project they might have been debugging, the Rubygems \fBgem pristine [GEMNAME]\fR command may be inconvenient\. One can avoid waiting for \fBgem pristine \-\-all\fR, and instead run \fBbundle pristine\fR\.
@ -1,31 +1,21 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-REMOVE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-REMOVE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-remove\fR \- Removes gems from the Gemfile
\fBbundle remove [GEM [GEM \.\.\.]] [\-\-install]\fR
\fBbundle remove [GEM [GEM \|\.\|\.\|\.]] [\-\-install]\fR
Removes the given gems from the Gemfile while ensuring that the resulting Gemfile is still valid\. If a gem cannot be removed, a warning is printed\. If a gem is already absent from the Gemfile, and error is raised\.
Runs \fBbundle install\fR after the given gems have been removed from the Gemfile, which ensures that both the lockfile and the installed gems on disk are also updated to remove the given gem(s)\.
bundle remove rails
bundle remove rails rack
bundle remove rails rack \-\-install
@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-SHOW" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-SHOW" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-show\fR \- Shows all the gems in your bundle, or the path to a gem
\fBbundle show\fR [GEM] [\-\-paths]
Without the [GEM] option, \fBshow\fR will print a list of the names and versions of all gems that are required by your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)], sorted by name\.
Calling show with [GEM] will list the exact location of that gem on your machine\.
List the paths of all gems that are required by your [\fBGemfile(5)\fR][Gemfile(5)], sorted by gem name\.
@ -1,114 +1,81 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-UPDATE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-UPDATE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-update\fR \- Update your gems to the latest available versions
\fBbundle update\fR \fI*gems\fR [\-\-all] [\-\-group=NAME] [\-\-source=NAME] [\-\-local] [\-\-ruby] [\-\-bundler[=VERSION]] [\-\-full\-index] [\-\-jobs=JOBS] [\-\-quiet] [\-\-patch|\-\-minor|\-\-major] [\-\-redownload] [\-\-strict] [\-\-conservative]
Update the gems specified (all gems, if \fB\-\-all\fR flag is used), ignoring the previously installed gems specified in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\. In general, you should use bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR to install the same exact gems and versions across machines\.
You would use \fBbundle update\fR to explicitly update the version of a gem\.
Update all gems specified in Gemfile\.
\fB\-\-group=<name>\fR, \fB\-g=[<name>]\fR
Only update the gems in the specified group\. For instance, you can update all gems in the development group with \fBbundle update \-\-group development\fR\. You can also call \fBbundle update rails \-\-group test\fR to update the rails gem and all gems in the test group, for example\.
The name of a \fB:git\fR or \fB:path\fR source used in the Gemfile(5)\. For instance, with a \fB:git\fR source of \fBhttp://github\.com/rails/rails\.git\fR, you would call \fBbundle update \-\-source rails\fR
Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead\.
Update the locked version of Ruby to the current version of Ruby\.
Update the locked version of bundler to the invoked bundler version\.
Fall back to using the single\-file index of all gems\.
\fB\-\-jobs=[<number>]\fR, \fB\-j[<number>]\fR
Specify the number of jobs to run in parallel\. The default is the number of available processors\.
Retry failed network or git requests for \fInumber\fR times\.
Only output warnings and errors\.
Force downloading every gem\.
Prefer updating only to next patch version\.
Prefer updating only to next minor version\.
Prefer updating to next major version (default)\.
Do not allow any gem to be updated past latest \fB\-\-patch\fR | \fB\-\-minor\fR | \fB\-\-major\fR\.
Use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow indirect dependencies to be updated\.
If you run \fBbundle update \-\-all\fR, bundler will ignore any previously installed gems and resolve all dependencies again based on the latest versions of all gems available in the sources\.
Consider the following Gemfile(5):
.IP "" 4
source "https://rubygems\.org"
gem "rails", "3\.0\.0\.rc"
gem "nokogiri"
.IP "" 0
When you run bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR the first time, bundler will resolve all of the dependencies, all the way down, and install what you need:
.IP "" 4
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems\.org/\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.
Resolving dependencies\.\.\.
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems\.org/\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.\|\.
Resolving dependencies\|\.\|\.\|\.
Installing builder 2\.1\.2
Installing abstract 1\.0\.0
Installing rack 1\.2\.8
@ -138,55 +105,36 @@ Installing nokogiri 1\.6\.5
Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 26 gems total\.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed\.
.IP "" 0
As you can see, even though you have two gems in the Gemfile(5), your application needs 26 different gems in order to run\. Bundler remembers the exact versions it installed in \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\. The next time you run bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR, bundler skips the dependency resolution and installs the same gems as it installed last time\.
After checking in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control and cloning it on another machine, running bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR will \fIstill\fR install the gems that you installed last time\. You don\'t need to worry that a new release of \fBerubis\fR or \fBmail\fR changes the gems you use\.
After checking in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control and cloning it on another machine, running bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR will \fIstill\fR install the gems that you installed last time\. You don't need to worry that a new release of \fBerubis\fR or \fBmail\fR changes the gems you use\.
However, from time to time, you might want to update the gems you are using to the newest versions that still match the gems in your Gemfile(5)\.
To do this, run \fBbundle update \-\-all\fR, which will ignore the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR, and resolve all the dependencies again\. Keep in mind that this process can result in a significantly different set of the 25 gems, based on the requirements of new gems that the gem authors released since the last time you ran \fBbundle update \-\-all\fR\.
Sometimes, you want to update a single gem in the Gemfile(5), and leave the rest of the gems that you specified locked to the versions in the \fBGemfile\.lock\fR\.
For instance, in the scenario above, imagine that \fBnokogiri\fR releases version \fB1\.4\.4\fR, and you want to update it \fIwithout\fR updating Rails and all of its dependencies\. To do this, run \fBbundle update nokogiri\fR\.
Bundler will update \fBnokogiri\fR and any of its dependencies, but leave alone Rails and its dependencies\.
Sometimes, multiple gems declared in your Gemfile(5) are satisfied by the same second\-level dependency\. For instance, consider the case of \fBthin\fR and \fBrack\-perftools\-profiler\fR\.
.IP "" 4
source "https://rubygems\.org"
gem "thin"
gem "rack\-perftools\-profiler"
.IP "" 0
The \fBthin\fR gem depends on \fBrack >= 1\.0\fR, while \fBrack\-perftools\-profiler\fR depends on \fBrack ~> 1\.0\fR\. If you run bundle install, you get:
.IP "" 4
Fetching source index for https://rubygems\.org/
Installing daemons (1\.1\.0)
Installing eventmachine (0\.12\.10) with native extensions
@ -196,199 +144,132 @@ Installing rack (1\.2\.1)
Installing rack\-perftools_profiler (0\.0\.2)
Installing thin (1\.2\.7) with native extensions
Using bundler (1\.0\.0\.rc\.3)
.IP "" 0
In this case, the two gems have their own set of dependencies, but they share \fBrack\fR in common\. If you run \fBbundle update thin\fR, bundler will update \fBdaemons\fR, \fBeventmachine\fR and \fBrack\fR, which are dependencies of \fBthin\fR, but not \fBopen4\fR or \fBperftools\.rb\fR, which are dependencies of \fBrack\-perftools_profiler\fR\. Note that \fBbundle update thin\fR will update \fBrack\fR even though it\'s \fIalso\fR a dependency of \fBrack\-perftools_profiler\fR\.
In this case, the two gems have their own set of dependencies, but they share \fBrack\fR in common\. If you run \fBbundle update thin\fR, bundler will update \fBdaemons\fR, \fBeventmachine\fR and \fBrack\fR, which are dependencies of \fBthin\fR, but not \fBopen4\fR or \fBperftools\.rb\fR, which are dependencies of \fBrack\-perftools_profiler\fR\. Note that \fBbundle update thin\fR will update \fBrack\fR even though it's \fIalso\fR a dependency of \fBrack\-perftools_profiler\fR\.
In short, by default, when you update a gem using \fBbundle update\fR, bundler will update all dependencies of that gem, including those that are also dependencies of another gem\.
To prevent updating indirect dependencies, prior to version 1\.14 the only option was the \fBCONSERVATIVE UPDATING\fR behavior in bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR:
In this scenario, updating the \fBthin\fR version manually in the Gemfile(5), and then running bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR will only update \fBdaemons\fR and \fBeventmachine\fR, but not \fBrack\fR\. For more information, see the \fBCONSERVATIVE UPDATING\fR section of bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR\.
Starting with 1\.14, specifying the \fB\-\-conservative\fR option will also prevent indirect dependencies from being updated\.
Version 1\.14 introduced 4 patch\-level options that will influence how gem versions are resolved\. One of the following options can be used: \fB\-\-patch\fR, \fB\-\-minor\fR or \fB\-\-major\fR\. \fB\-\-strict\fR can be added to further influence resolution\.
Prefer updating only to next patch version\.
Prefer updating only to next minor version\.
Prefer updating to next major version (default)\.
Do not allow any gem to be updated past latest \fB\-\-patch\fR | \fB\-\-minor\fR | \fB\-\-major\fR\.
When Bundler is resolving what versions to use to satisfy declared requirements in the Gemfile or in parent gems, it looks up all available versions, filters out any versions that don\'t satisfy the requirement, and then, by default, sorts them from newest to oldest, considering them in that order\.
When Bundler is resolving what versions to use to satisfy declared requirements in the Gemfile or in parent gems, it looks up all available versions, filters out any versions that don't satisfy the requirement, and then, by default, sorts them from newest to oldest, considering them in that order\.
Providing one of the patch level options (e\.g\. \fB\-\-patch\fR) changes the sort order of the satisfying versions, causing Bundler to consider the latest \fB\-\-patch\fR or \fB\-\-minor\fR version available before other versions\. Note that versions outside the stated patch level could still be resolved to if necessary to find a suitable dependency graph\.
For example, if gem \'foo\' is locked at 1\.0\.2, with no gem requirement defined in the Gemfile, and versions 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.4, 1\.1\.0, 1\.1\.1, 2\.0\.0 all exist, the default order of preference by default (\fB\-\-major\fR) will be "2\.0\.0, 1\.1\.1, 1\.1\.0, 1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2"\.
For example, if gem 'foo' is locked at 1\.0\.2, with no gem requirement defined in the Gemfile, and versions 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.4, 1\.1\.0, 1\.1\.1, 2\.0\.0 all exist, the default order of preference by default (\fB\-\-major\fR) will be "2\.0\.0, 1\.1\.1, 1\.1\.0, 1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2"\.
If the \fB\-\-patch\fR option is used, the order of preference will change to "1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2, 1\.1\.1, 1\.1\.0, 2\.0\.0"\.
If the \fB\-\-minor\fR option is used, the order of preference will change to "1\.1\.1, 1\.1\.0, 1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2, 2\.0\.0"\.
Combining the \fB\-\-strict\fR option with any of the patch level options will remove any versions beyond the scope of the patch level option, to ensure that no gem is updated that far\.
To continue the previous example, if both \fB\-\-patch\fR and \fB\-\-strict\fR options are used, the available versions for resolution would be "1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2"\. If \fB\-\-minor\fR and \fB\-\-strict\fR are used, it would be "1\.1\.1, 1\.1\.0, 1\.0\.4, 1\.0\.3, 1\.0\.2"\.
Gem requirements as defined in the Gemfile will still be the first determining factor for what versions are available\. If the gem requirement for \fBfoo\fR in the Gemfile is \'~> 1\.0\', that will accomplish the same thing as providing the \fB\-\-minor\fR and \fB\-\-strict\fR options\.
Gem requirements as defined in the Gemfile will still be the first determining factor for what versions are available\. If the gem requirement for \fBfoo\fR in the Gemfile is '~> 1\.0', that will accomplish the same thing as providing the \fB\-\-minor\fR and \fB\-\-strict\fR options\.
Given the following gem specifications:
.IP "" 4
foo 1\.4\.3, requires: ~> bar 2\.0
foo 1\.4\.4, requires: ~> bar 2\.0
foo 1\.4\.5, requires: ~> bar 2\.1
foo 1\.5\.0, requires: ~> bar 2\.1
foo 1\.5\.1, requires: ~> bar 3\.0
bar with versions 2\.0\.3, 2\.0\.4, 2\.1\.0, 2\.1\.1, 3\.0\.0
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
gem \'foo\'
gem 'foo'
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
foo (1\.4\.3)
bar (~> 2\.0)
bar (2\.0\.3)
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
# Command Line Result
1 bundle update \-\-patch \'foo 1\.4\.5\', \'bar 2\.1\.1\'
2 bundle update \-\-patch foo \'foo 1\.4\.5\', \'bar 2\.1\.1\'
3 bundle update \-\-minor \'foo 1\.5\.1\', \'bar 3\.0\.0\'
4 bundle update \-\-minor \-\-strict \'foo 1\.5\.0\', \'bar 2\.1\.1\'
5 bundle update \-\-patch \-\-strict \'foo 1\.4\.4\', \'bar 2\.0\.4\'
1 bundle update \-\-patch 'foo 1\.4\.5', 'bar 2\.1\.1'
2 bundle update \-\-patch foo 'foo 1\.4\.5', 'bar 2\.1\.1'
3 bundle update \-\-minor 'foo 1\.5\.1', 'bar 3\.0\.0'
4 bundle update \-\-minor \-\-strict 'foo 1\.5\.0', 'bar 2\.1\.1'
5 bundle update \-\-patch \-\-strict 'foo 1\.4\.4', 'bar 2\.0\.4'
.IP "" 0
In case 1, bar is upgraded to 2\.1\.1, a minor version increase, because the dependency from foo 1\.4\.5 required it\.
In case 2, only foo is requested to be unlocked, but bar is also allowed to move because it\'s not a declared dependency in the Gemfile\.
In case 2, only foo is requested to be unlocked, but bar is also allowed to move because it's not a declared dependency in the Gemfile\.
In case 3, bar goes up a whole major release, because a minor increase is preferred now for foo, and when it goes to 1\.5\.1, it requires 3\.0\.0 of bar\.
In case 4, foo is preferred up to a minor version, but 1\.5\.1 won\'t work because the \-\-strict flag removes bar 3\.0\.0 from consideration since it\'s a major increment\.
In case 4, foo is preferred up to a minor version, but 1\.5\.1 won't work because the \-\-strict flag removes bar 3\.0\.0 from consideration since it's a major increment\.
In case 5, both foo and bar have any minor or major increments removed from consideration because of the \-\-strict flag, so the most they can move is up to 1\.4\.4 and 2\.0\.4\.
In general, when working with an application managed with bundler, you should use the following workflow:
.IP "\(bu" 4
After you create your Gemfile(5) for the first time, run
$ bundle install
.IP "\(bu" 4
Check the resulting \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control
$ git add Gemfile\.lock
.IP "\(bu" 4
When checking out this repository on another development machine, run
$ bundle install
.IP "\(bu" 4
When checking out this repository on a deployment machine, run
$ bundle install \-\-deployment
.IP "\(bu" 4
After changing the Gemfile(5) to reflect a new or update dependency, run
$ bundle install
.IP "\(bu" 4
Make sure to check the updated \fBGemfile\.lock\fR into version control
$ git add Gemfile\.lock
.IP "\(bu" 4
If bundle install(1) \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR reports a conflict, manually update the specific gems that you changed in the Gemfile(5)
$ bundle update rails thin
.IP "\(bu" 4
If you want to update all the gems to the latest possible versions that still match the gems listed in the Gemfile(5), run
$ bundle update \-\-all
.IP "" 0
@ -1,35 +1,22 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-VERSION" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-VERSION" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-version\fR \- Prints Bundler version information
\fBbundle version\fR
Prints Bundler version information\.
No options\.
Print the version of Bundler with build date and commit hash of the in the Git source\.
.IP "" 4
bundle version
.IP "" 0
shows \fBBundler version 2\.3\.21 (2022\-08\-24 commit d54be5fdd8)\fR for example\.
cf\. \fBbundle \-\-version\fR shows \fBBundler version 2\.3\.21\fR\.
@ -1,41 +1,29 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE\-VIZ" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE\-VIZ" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\-viz\fR \- Generates a visual dependency graph for your Gemfile
\fBbundle viz\fR [\-\-file=FILE] [\-\-format=FORMAT] [\-\-requirements] [\-\-version] [\-\-without=GROUP GROUP]
\fBviz\fR generates a PNG file of the current \fBGemfile(5)\fR as a dependency graph\. \fBviz\fR requires the ruby\-graphviz gem (and its dependencies)\.
The associated gems must also be installed via \fBbundle install(1)\fR \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR\.
\fBviz\fR command was deprecated in Bundler 2\.2\. Use bundler\-graph plugin \fIhttps://github\.com/rubygems/bundler\-graph\fR instead\.
\fB\-\-file\fR, \fB\-f\fR
The name to use for the generated file\. See \fB\-\-format\fR option
\fB\-\-format\fR, \fB\-F\fR
This is output format option\. Supported format is png, jpg, svg, dot \.\.\.
This is output format option\. Supported format is png, jpg, svg, dot \|\.\|\.\|\.
\fB\-\-requirements\fR, \fB\-R\fR
Set to show the version of each required dependency\.
\fB\-\-version\fR, \fB\-v\fR
Set to show each gem version\.
\fB\-\-without\fR, \fB\-W\fR
Exclude gems that are part of the specified named group\.
@ -1,141 +1,102 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "BUNDLE" "1" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "BUNDLE" "1" "December 2023" ""
\fBbundle\fR \- Ruby Dependency Management
\fBbundle\fR COMMAND [\-\-no\-color] [\-\-verbose] [ARGS]
Bundler manages an \fBapplication\'s dependencies\fR through its entire life across many machines systematically and repeatably\.
Bundler manages an \fBapplication's dependencies\fR through its entire life across many machines systematically and repeatably\.
See the bundler website \fIhttps://bundler\.io\fR for information on getting started, and Gemfile(5) for more information on the \fBGemfile\fR format\.
Print all output without color
\fB\-\-retry\fR, \fB\-r\fR
Specify the number of times you wish to attempt network commands
\fB\-\-verbose\fR, \fB\-V\fR
Print out additional logging information
We divide \fBbundle\fR subcommands into primary commands and utilities:
\fBbundle install(1)\fR \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR
Install the gems specified by the \fBGemfile\fR or \fBGemfile\.lock\fR
\fBbundle update(1)\fR \fIbundle\-update\.1\.html\fR
Update dependencies to their latest versions
\fBbundle cache(1)\fR \fIbundle\-cache\.1\.html\fR
Package the \.gem files required by your application into the \fBvendor/cache\fR directory (aliases: \fBbundle package\fR, \fBbundle pack\fR)
\fBbundle exec(1)\fR \fIbundle\-exec\.1\.html\fR
Execute a script in the current bundle
\fBbundle config(1)\fR \fIbundle\-config\.1\.html\fR
Specify and read configuration options for Bundler
\fBbundle help(1)\fR \fIbundle\-help\.1\.html\fR
Display detailed help for each subcommand
\fBbundle add(1)\fR \fIbundle\-add\.1\.html\fR
Add the named gem to the Gemfile and run \fBbundle install\fR
\fBbundle binstubs(1)\fR \fIbundle\-binstubs\.1\.html\fR
Generate binstubs for executables in a gem
\fBbundle check(1)\fR \fIbundle\-check\.1\.html\fR
Determine whether the requirements for your application are installed and available to Bundler
\fBbundle show(1)\fR \fIbundle\-show\.1\.html\fR
Show the source location of a particular gem in the bundle
\fBbundle outdated(1)\fR \fIbundle\-outdated\.1\.html\fR
Show all of the outdated gems in the current bundle
\fBbundle console(1)\fR (deprecated)
Start an IRB session in the current bundle
\fBbundle open(1)\fR \fIbundle\-open\.1\.html\fR
Open an installed gem in the editor
\fBbundle lock(1)\fR \fIbundle\-lock\.1\.html\fR
Generate a lockfile for your dependencies
\fBbundle viz(1)\fR \fIbundle\-viz\.1\.html\fR (deprecated)
Generate a visual representation of your dependencies
\fBbundle init(1)\fR \fIbundle\-init\.1\.html\fR
Generate a simple \fBGemfile\fR, placed in the current directory
\fBbundle gem(1)\fR \fIbundle\-gem\.1\.html\fR
Create a simple gem, suitable for development with Bundler
\fBbundle platform(1)\fR \fIbundle\-platform\.1\.html\fR
Display platform compatibility information
\fBbundle clean(1)\fR \fIbundle\-clean\.1\.html\fR
Clean up unused gems in your Bundler directory
\fBbundle doctor(1)\fR \fIbundle\-doctor\.1\.html\fR
Display warnings about common problems
\fBbundle remove(1)\fR \fIbundle\-remove\.1\.html\fR
Removes gems from the Gemfile
\fBbundle plugin(1)\fR \fIbundle\-plugin\.1\.html\fR
Manage Bundler plugins
\fBbundle version(1)\fR \fIbundle\-version\.1\.html\fR
Prints Bundler version information
When running a command that isn\'t listed in PRIMARY COMMANDS or UTILITIES, Bundler will try to find an executable on your path named \fBbundler\-<command>\fR and execute it, passing down any extra arguments to it\.
When running a command that isn't listed in PRIMARY COMMANDS or UTILITIES, Bundler will try to find an executable on your path named \fBbundler\-<command>\fR and execute it, passing down any extra arguments to it\.
These commands are obsolete and should no longer be used:
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBbundle inject(1)\fR
.IP "" 0
@ -1,239 +1,143 @@
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3
.TH "GEMFILE" "5" "December 2023" "" ""
.\" generated with nRonn/v0.11.1
.\" https://github.com/n-ronn/nronn/tree/0.11.1
.TH "GEMFILE" "5" "December 2023" ""
\fBGemfile\fR \- A format for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs
A \fBGemfile\fR describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code\.
Place the \fBGemfile\fR in the root of the directory containing the associated code\. For instance, in a Rails application, place the \fBGemfile\fR in the same directory as the \fBRakefile\fR\.
A \fBGemfile\fR is evaluated as Ruby code, in a context which makes available a number of methods used to describe the gem requirements\.
At the top of the \fBGemfile\fR, add a single line for the \fBRubyGems\fR source that contains the gems listed in the \fBGemfile\fR\.
.IP "" 4
source "https://rubygems\.org"
.IP "" 0
You can add only one global source\. In Bundler 1\.13, adding multiple global sources was deprecated\. The \fBsource\fR \fBMUST\fR be a valid RubyGems repository\.
To use more than one source of RubyGems, you should use \fI\fBsource\fR block\fR\.
A source is checked for gems following the heuristics described in \fISOURCE PRIORITY\fR\.
\fBNote about a behavior of the feature deprecated in Bundler 1\.13\fR: If a gem is found in more than one global source, Bundler will print a warning after installing the gem indicating which source was used, and listing the other sources where the gem is available\. A specific source can be selected for gems that need to use a non\-standard repository, suppressing this warning, by using the \fI\fB:source\fR option\fR or \fBsource\fR block\.
Some gem sources require a username and password\. Use bundle config(1) \fIbundle\-config\.1\.html\fR to set the username and password for any of the sources that need it\. The command must be run once on each computer that will install the Gemfile, but this keeps the credentials from being stored in plain text in version control\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config gems\.example\.com user:password
.IP "" 0
For some sources, like a company Gemfury account, it may be easier to include the credentials in the Gemfile as part of the source URL\.
.IP "" 4
source "https://user:password@gems\.example\.com"
.IP "" 0
Credentials in the source URL will take precedence over credentials set using \fBconfig\fR\.
If your application requires a specific Ruby version or engine, specify your requirements using the \fBruby\fR method, with the following arguments\. All parameters are \fBOPTIONAL\fR unless otherwise specified\.
.SS "VERSION (required)"
The version of Ruby that your application requires\. If your application requires an alternate Ruby engine, such as JRuby, TruffleRuby, etc\., this should be the Ruby version that the engine is compatible with\.
.IP "" 4
ruby "3\.1\.2"
.IP "" 0
If you wish to derive your Ruby version from a version file (ie \.ruby\-version), you can use the \fBfile\fR option instead\.
.IP "" 4
ruby file: "\.ruby\-version"
.IP "" 0
The version file should conform to any of the following formats:
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fB3\.1\.2\fR (\.ruby\-version)
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBruby 3\.1\.2\fR (\.tool\-versions, read: https://asdf\-vm\.com/manage/configuration\.html#tool\-versions)
.IP "" 0
Each application \fImay\fR specify a Ruby engine\. If an engine is specified, an engine version \fImust\fR also be specified\.
What exactly is an Engine? \- A Ruby engine is an implementation of the Ruby language\.
What exactly is an Engine?
.IP "\(bu" 4
For background: the reference or original implementation of the Ruby programming language is called Matz\'s Ruby Interpreter \fIhttps://en\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/Ruby_MRI\fR, or MRI for short\. This is named after Ruby creator Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz\. MRI is also known as CRuby, because it is written in C\. MRI is the most widely used Ruby engine\.
A Ruby engine is an implementation of the Ruby language\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
For background: the reference or original implementation of the Ruby programming language is called Matz's Ruby Interpreter \fIhttps://en\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/Ruby_MRI\fR, or MRI for short\. This is named after Ruby creator Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz\. MRI is also known as CRuby, because it is written in C\. MRI is the most widely used Ruby engine\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
Other implementations \fIhttps://www\.ruby\-lang\.org/en/about/\fR of Ruby exist\. Some of the more well\-known implementations include JRuby \fIhttp://jruby\.org/\fR and TruffleRuby \fIhttps://www\.graalvm\.org/ruby/\fR\. Rubinius is an alternative implementation of Ruby written in Ruby\. JRuby is an implementation of Ruby on the JVM, short for Java Virtual Machine\. TruffleRuby is a Ruby implementation on the GraalVM, a language toolkit built on the JVM\.
.IP "" 0
Each application \fImay\fR specify a Ruby engine version\. If an engine version is specified, an engine \fImust\fR also be specified\. If the engine is "ruby" the engine version specified \fImust\fR match the Ruby version\.
.IP "" 4
ruby "2\.6\.8", engine: "jruby", engine_version: "9\.3\.8\.0"
.IP "" 0
Each application \fImay\fR specify a Ruby patchlevel\. Specifying the patchlevel has been meaningless since Ruby 2\.1\.0 was released as the patchlevel is now uniquely determined by a combination of major, minor, and teeny version numbers\.
This option was implemented in Bundler 1\.4\.0 for Ruby 2\.0 or earlier\.
.IP "" 4
ruby "3\.1\.2", patchlevel: "20"
.IP "" 0
Specify gem requirements using the \fBgem\fR method, with the following arguments\. All parameters are \fBOPTIONAL\fR unless otherwise specified\.
.SS "NAME (required)"
For each gem requirement, list a single \fIgem\fR line\.
.IP "" 4
gem "nokogiri"
.IP "" 0
Each \fIgem\fR \fBMAY\fR have one or more version specifiers\.
.IP "" 4
gem "nokogiri", ">= 1\.4\.2"
gem "RedCloth", ">= 4\.1\.0", "< 4\.2\.0"
.IP "" 0
Each \fIgem\fR \fBMAY\fR specify files that should be used when autorequiring via \fBBundler\.require\fR\. You may pass an array with multiple files or \fBtrue\fR if the file you want \fBrequired\fR has the same name as \fIgem\fR or \fBfalse\fR to prevent any file from being autorequired\.
.IP "" 4
gem "redis", require: ["redis/connection/hiredis", "redis"]
gem "webmock", require: false
gem "byebug", require: true
.IP "" 0
The argument defaults to the name of the gem\. For example, these are identical:
.IP "" 4
gem "nokogiri"
gem "nokogiri", require: "nokogiri"
gem "nokogiri", require: true
.IP "" 0
Each \fIgem\fR \fBMAY\fR specify membership in one or more groups\. Any \fIgem\fR that does not specify membership in any group is placed in the \fBdefault\fR group\.
.IP "" 4
gem "rspec", group: :test
gem "wirble", groups: [:development, :test]
.IP "" 0
The Bundler runtime allows its two main methods, \fBBundler\.setup\fR and \fBBundler\.require\fR, to limit their impact to particular groups\.
.IP "" 4
# setup adds gems to Ruby\'s load path
# setup adds gems to Ruby's load path
Bundler\.setup # defaults to all groups
require "bundler/setup" # same as Bundler\.setup
Bundler\.setup(:default) # only set up the _default_ group
@ -245,437 +149,269 @@ Bundler\.require # defaults to the _default_ group
Bundler\.require(:default) # identical
Bundler\.require(:default, :test) # requires the _default_ and _test_ groups
Bundler\.require(:test) # requires the _test_ group
.IP "" 0
The Bundler CLI allows you to specify a list of groups whose gems \fBbundle install\fR should not install with the \fBwithout\fR configuration\.
To specify multiple groups to ignore, specify a list of groups separated by spaces\.
.IP "" 4
bundle config set \-\-local without test
bundle config set \-\-local without development test
.IP "" 0
Also, calling \fBBundler\.setup\fR with no parameters, or calling \fBrequire "bundler/setup"\fR will setup all groups except for the ones you excluded via \fB\-\-without\fR (since they are not available)\.
Note that on \fBbundle install\fR, bundler downloads and evaluates all gems, in order to create a single canonical list of all of the required gems and their dependencies\. This means that you cannot list different versions of the same gems in different groups\. For more details, see Understanding Bundler \fIhttps://bundler\.io/rationale\.html\fR\.
If a gem should only be used in a particular platform or set of platforms, you can specify them\. Platforms are essentially identical to groups, except that you do not need to use the \fB\-\-without\fR install\-time flag to exclude groups of gems for other platforms\.
There are a number of \fBGemfile\fR platforms:
C Ruby (MRI), Rubinius, or TruffleRuby, but not Windows
C Ruby (MRI) only, but not Windows
Windows C Ruby (MRI), including RubyInstaller 32\-bit and 64\-bit versions
Windows C Ruby (MRI), including RubyInstaller 32\-bit versions
Windows C Ruby (MRI), including RubyInstaller 64\-bit versions
On platforms \fBruby\fR, \fBmri\fR, \fBmswin\fR, \fBmswin64\fR, and \fBwindows\fR, you may additionally specify a version by appending the major and minor version numbers without a delimiter\. For example, to specify that a gem should only be used on platform \fBruby\fR version 3\.1, use:
.IP "" 4
.IP "" 0
As with groups (above), you may specify one or more platforms:
.IP "" 4
gem "weakling", platforms: :jruby
gem "ruby\-debug", platforms: :mri_31
gem "nokogiri", platforms: [:windows_31, :jruby]
.IP "" 0
All operations involving groups (\fBbundle install\fR \fIbundle\-install\.1\.html\fR, \fBBundler\.setup\fR, \fBBundler\.require\fR) behave exactly the same as if any groups not matching the current platform were explicitly excluded\.
The following platform values are deprecated and should be replaced with \fBwindows\fR:
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBmswin\fR, \fBmswin64\fR, \fBmingw32\fR, \fBx64_mingw\fR
.IP "" 0
If you always want the pure ruby variant of a gem to be chosen over platform specific variants, you can use the \fBforce_ruby_platform\fR option:
.IP "" 4
gem "ffi", force_ruby_platform: true
.IP "" 0
This can be handy (assuming the pure ruby variant works fine) when:
.IP "\(bu" 4
You\'re having issues with the platform specific variant\.
You're having issues with the platform specific variant\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
The platform specific variant does not yet support a newer ruby (and thus has a \fBrequired_ruby_version\fR upper bound), but you still want your Gemfile{\.lock} files to resolve under that ruby\.
.IP "" 0
You can select an alternate RubyGems repository for a gem using the \':source\' option\.
You can select an alternate RubyGems repository for a gem using the ':source' option\.
.IP "" 4
gem "some_internal_gem", source: "https://gems\.example\.com"
.IP "" 0
This forces the gem to be loaded from this source and ignores the global source declared at the top level of the file\. If the gem does not exist in this source, it will not be installed\.
Bundler will search for child dependencies of this gem by first looking in the source selected for the parent, but if they are not found there, it will fall back on the global source\.
\fBNote about a behavior of the feature deprecated in Bundler 1\.13\fR: Selecting a specific source repository this way also suppresses the ambiguous gem warning described above in \fIGLOBAL SOURCE\fR\.
Using the \fB:source\fR option for an individual gem will also make that source available as a possible global source for any other gems which do not specify explicit sources\. Thus, when adding gems with explicit sources, it is recommended that you also ensure all other gems in the Gemfile are using explicit sources\.
If necessary, you can specify that a gem is located at a particular git repository using the \fB:git\fR parameter\. The repository can be accessed via several protocols:
gem "rails", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git"
gem "rails", git: "git@github\.com:rails/rails\.git"
gem "rails", git: "git://github\.com/rails/rails\.git"
If using SSH, the user that you use to run \fBbundle install\fR \fBMUST\fR have the appropriate keys available in their \fB$HOME/\.ssh\fR\.
\fBNOTE\fR: \fBhttp://\fR and \fBgit://\fR URLs should be avoided if at all possible\. These protocols are unauthenticated, so a man\-in\-the\-middle attacker can deliver malicious code and compromise your system\. HTTPS and SSH are strongly preferred\.
The \fBgroup\fR, \fBplatforms\fR, and \fBrequire\fR options are available and behave exactly the same as they would for a normal gem\.
A git repository \fBSHOULD\fR have at least one file, at the root of the directory containing the gem, with the extension \fB\.gemspec\fR\. This file \fBMUST\fR contain a valid gem specification, as expected by the \fBgem build\fR command\.
If a git repository does not have a \fB\.gemspec\fR, bundler will attempt to create one, but it will not contain any dependencies, executables, or C extension compilation instructions\. As a result, it may fail to properly integrate into your application\.
If a git repository does have a \fB\.gemspec\fR for the gem you attached it to, a version specifier, if provided, means that the git repository is only valid if the \fB\.gemspec\fR specifies a version matching the version specifier\. If not, bundler will print a warning\.
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", "2\.3\.8", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git"
# bundle install will fail, because the \.gemspec in the rails
# repository\'s master branch specifies version 3\.0\.0
# repository's master branch specifies version 3\.0\.0
.IP "" 0
If a git repository does \fBnot\fR have a \fB\.gemspec\fR for the gem you attached it to, a version specifier \fBMUST\fR be provided\. Bundler will use this version in the simple \fB\.gemspec\fR it creates\.
Git repositories support a number of additional options\.
\fBbranch\fR, \fBtag\fR, and \fBref\fR
You \fBMUST\fR only specify at most one of these options\. The default is \fBbranch: "master"\fR\. For example:
gem "rails", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git", branch: "5\-0\-stable"
gem "rails", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git", tag: "v5\.0\.0"
gem "rails", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git", ref: "4aded"
For reference, a git submodule \fIhttps://git\-scm\.com/book/en/v2/Git\-Tools\-Submodules\fR lets you have another git repository within a subfolder of your repository\. Specify \fBsubmodules: true\fR to cause bundler to expand any submodules included in the git repository
If a git repository contains multiple \fB\.gemspecs\fR, each \fB\.gemspec\fR represents a gem located at the same place in the file system as the \fB\.gemspec\fR\.
.IP "" 4
|~rails [git root]
| |\-rails\.gemspec [rails gem located here]
| |\-actionpack\.gemspec [actionpack gem located here]
| |\-activesupport\.gemspec [activesupport gem located here]
.IP "" 0
To install a gem located in a git repository, bundler changes to the directory containing the gemspec, runs \fBgem build name\.gemspec\fR and then installs the resulting gem\. The \fBgem build\fR command, which comes standard with Rubygems, evaluates the \fB\.gemspec\fR in the context of the directory in which it is located\.
A custom git source can be defined via the \fBgit_source\fR method\. Provide the source\'s name as an argument, and a block which receives a single argument and interpolates it into a string to return the full repo address:
A custom git source can be defined via the \fBgit_source\fR method\. Provide the source's name as an argument, and a block which receives a single argument and interpolates it into a string to return the full repo address:
.IP "" 4
git_source(:stash){ |repo_name| "https://stash\.corp\.acme\.pl/#{repo_name}\.git" }
gem \'rails\', stash: \'forks/rails\'
gem 'rails', stash: 'forks/rails'
.IP "" 0
In addition, if you wish to choose a specific branch:
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", stash: "forks/rails", branch: "branch_name"
.IP "" 0
\fBNOTE\fR: This shorthand should be avoided until Bundler 2\.0, since it currently expands to an insecure \fBgit://\fR URL\. This allows a man\-in\-the\-middle attacker to compromise your system\.
If the git repository you want to use is hosted on GitHub and is public, you can use the :github shorthand to specify the github username and repository name (without the trailing "\.git"), separated by a slash\. If both the username and repository name are the same, you can omit one\.
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", github: "rails/rails"
gem "rails", github: "rails"
.IP "" 0
Are both equivalent to
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", git: "https://github\.com/rails/rails\.git"
.IP "" 0
Since the \fBgithub\fR method is a specialization of \fBgit_source\fR, it accepts a \fB:branch\fR named argument\.
You can also directly pass a pull request URL:
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", github: "https://github\.com/rails/rails/pull/43753"
.IP "" 0
Which is equivalent to:
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", github: "rails/rails", branch: "refs/pull/43753/head"
.IP "" 0
If the git repository you want to use is hosted as a GitHub Gist and is public, you can use the :gist shorthand to specify the gist identifier (without the trailing "\.git")\.
.IP "" 4
gem "the_hatch", gist: "4815162342"
.IP "" 0
Is equivalent to:
.IP "" 4
gem "the_hatch", git: "https://gist\.github\.com/4815162342\.git"
.IP "" 0
Since the \fBgist\fR method is a specialization of \fBgit_source\fR, it accepts a \fB:branch\fR named argument\.
If the git repository you want to use is hosted on Bitbucket and is public, you can use the :bitbucket shorthand to specify the bitbucket username and repository name (without the trailing "\.git"), separated by a slash\. If both the username and repository name are the same, you can omit one\.
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", bitbucket: "rails/rails"
gem "rails", bitbucket: "rails"
.IP "" 0
Are both equivalent to
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", git: "https://rails@bitbucket\.org/rails/rails\.git"
.IP "" 0
Since the \fBbitbucket\fR method is a specialization of \fBgit_source\fR, it accepts a \fB:branch\fR named argument\.
You can specify that a gem is located in a particular location on the file system\. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing the \fBGemfile\fR\.
Similar to the semantics of the \fB:git\fR option, the \fB:path\fR option requires that the directory in question either contains a \fB\.gemspec\fR for the gem, or that you specify an explicit version that bundler should use\.
Unlike \fB:git\fR, bundler does not compile C extensions for gems specified as paths\.
.IP "" 4
gem "rails", path: "vendor/rails"
.IP "" 0
If you would like to use multiple local gems directly from the filesystem, you can set a global \fBpath\fR option to the path containing the gem\'s files\. This will automatically load gemspec files from subdirectories\.
If you would like to use multiple local gems directly from the filesystem, you can set a global \fBpath\fR option to the path containing the gem's files\. This will automatically load gemspec files from subdirectories\.
.IP "" 4
path \'components\' do
gem \'admin_ui\'
gem \'public_ui\'
path 'components' do
gem 'admin_ui'
gem 'public_ui'
.IP "" 0
The \fB:source\fR, \fB:git\fR, \fB:path\fR, \fB:group\fR, and \fB:platforms\fR options may be applied to a group of gems by using block form\.
.IP "" 4
source "https://gems\.example\.com" do
gem "some_internal_gem"
gem "another_internal_gem"
@ -695,61 +431,40 @@ group :development, optional: true do
gem "wirble"
gem "faker"
.IP "" 0
In the case of the group block form the :optional option can be given to prevent a group from being installed unless listed in the \fB\-\-with\fR option given to the \fBbundle install\fR command\.
In the case of the \fBgit\fR block form, the \fB:ref\fR, \fB:branch\fR, \fB:tag\fR, and \fB:submodules\fR options may be passed to the \fBgit\fR method, and all gems in the block will inherit those options\.
The presence of a \fBsource\fR block in a Gemfile also makes that source available as a possible global source for any other gems which do not specify explicit sources\. Thus, when defining source blocks, it is recommended that you also ensure all other gems in the Gemfile are using explicit sources, either via source blocks or \fB:source\fR directives on individual gems\.
The \fBinstall_if\fR method allows gems to be installed based on a proc or lambda\. This is especially useful for optional gems that can only be used if certain software is installed or some other conditions are met\.
.IP "" 4
install_if \-> { RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ } do
gem "pasteboard"
.IP "" 0
The \fB\.gemspec\fR \fIhttp://guides\.rubygems\.org/specification\-reference/\fR file is where you provide metadata about your gem to Rubygems\. Some required Gemspec attributes include the name, description, and homepage of your gem\. This is also where you specify the dependencies your gem needs to run\.
If you wish to use Bundler to help install dependencies for a gem while it is being developed, use the \fBgemspec\fR method to pull in the dependencies listed in the \fB\.gemspec\fR file\.
The \fBgemspec\fR method adds any runtime dependencies as gem requirements in the default group\. It also adds development dependencies as gem requirements in the \fBdevelopment\fR group\. Finally, it adds a gem requirement on your project (\fBpath: \'\.\'\fR)\. In conjunction with \fBBundler\.setup\fR, this allows you to require project files in your test code as you would if the project were installed as a gem; you need not manipulate the load path manually or require project files via relative paths\.
The \fBgemspec\fR method adds any runtime dependencies as gem requirements in the default group\. It also adds development dependencies as gem requirements in the \fBdevelopment\fR group\. Finally, it adds a gem requirement on your project (\fBpath: '\.'\fR)\. In conjunction with \fBBundler\.setup\fR, this allows you to require project files in your test code as you would if the project were installed as a gem; you need not manipulate the load path manually or require project files via relative paths\.
The \fBgemspec\fR method supports optional \fB:path\fR, \fB:glob\fR, \fB:name\fR, and \fB:development_group\fR options, which control where bundler looks for the \fB\.gemspec\fR, the glob it uses to look for the gemspec (defaults to: \fB{,*,*/*}\.gemspec\fR), what named \fB\.gemspec\fR it uses (if more than one is present), and which group development dependencies are included in\.
When a \fBgemspec\fR dependency encounters version conflicts during resolution, the local version under development will always be selected \-\- even if there are remote versions that better match other requirements for the \fBgemspec\fR gem\.
When attempting to locate a gem to satisfy a gem requirement, bundler uses the following priority order:
.IP "1." 4
The source explicitly attached to the gem (using \fB:source\fR, \fB:path\fR, or \fB:git\fR)
.IP "2." 4
For implicit gems (dependencies of explicit gems), any source, git, or path repository declared on the parent\. This results in bundler prioritizing the ActiveSupport gem from the Rails git repository over ones from \fBrubygems\.org\fR
.IP "3." 4
If neither of the above conditions are met, the global source will be used\. If multiple global sources are specified, they will be prioritized from last to first, but this is deprecated since Bundler 1\.13, so Bundler prints a warning and will abort with an error in the future\.
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@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ module Spec
gem_load_activate_and_possibly_install(gem_name, bin_container)
def gem_require(gem_name)
def gem_require(gem_name, entrypoint)
require gem_name
require entrypoint
def test_setup
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