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@ -806,56 +806,108 @@ module Net::HTTPHeader
alias form_data= set_form_data
# Set an HTML form data set.
# +params+ :: The form data to set, which should be an enumerable.
# See below for more details.
# +enctype+ :: The content type to use to encode the form submission,
# which should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
# multipart/form-data.
# +formopt+ :: An options hash, supporting the following options:
# :boundary :: The boundary of the multipart message. If
# not given, a random boundary will be used.
# :charset :: The charset of the form submission. All
# field names and values of non-file fields
# should be encoded with this charset.
# Stores form data to be used in a +POST+ or +PUT+ request.
# Each item of params should respond to +each+ and yield 2-3 arguments,
# or an array of 2-3 elements. The arguments yielded should be:
# The form data given in +params+ consists of zero or more fields;
# each field is:
# - The name of the field.
# - The value of the field, it should be a String or a File or IO-like.
# - An options hash, supporting the following options
# (used only for file uploads); entries:
# - A scalar value.
# - A name/value pair.
# - An IO stream opened for reading.
# - +:filename+: The name of the file to use.
# - +:content_type+: The content type of the uploaded file.
# Argument +params+ should be an
# {Enumerable}[rdoc-ref:Enumerable@Enumerable+in+Ruby+Classes]
# (method <tt>params.map</tt> will be called),
# and is often an array or hash.
# Each item is a file field or a normal field.
# If +value+ is a File object or the +opt+ hash has a :filename key,
# the item is treated as a file field.
# First, we set up a request:
# If Transfer-Encoding is set as chunked, this sends the request using
# chunked encoding. Because chunked encoding is HTTP/1.1 feature,
# you should confirm that the server supports HTTP/1.1 before using
# chunked encoding.
# _uri = uri.dup
# _uri.path ='/posts'
# req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(_uri)
# Example:
# <b>Argument +params+ As an Array</b>
# req.set_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]])
# When +params+ is an array,
# each of its elements is a subarray that defines a field;
# the subarray may contain:
# req.set_form({"f"=>File.open('/path/to/filename')},
# "multipart/form-data",
# charset: "UTF-8",
# )
# - One string:
# req.set_form([["f",
# File.open('/path/to/filename.bar'),
# {filename: "other-filename.foo"}
# ]],
# "multipart/form-data",
# )
# req.set_form([['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz']])
# See also RFC 2388, RFC 2616, HTML 4.01, and HTML5
# - Two strings:
# req.set_form([%w[foo 0], %w[bar 1], %w[baz 2]])
# - When argument +enctype+ (see below) is given as
# <tt>'multipart/form-data'</tt>:
# - A string name and an IO stream opened for reading:
# require 'stringio'
# req.set_form([['file', StringIO.new('Ruby is cool.')]])
# - A string name, an IO stream opened for reading,
# and an options hash, which may contain these entries:
# - +:filename+: The name of the file to use.
# - +:content_type+: The content type of the uploaded file.
# Example:
# req.set_form([['file', file, {filename: "other-filename.foo"}]]
# The various forms may be mixed:
# req.set_form(['foo', %w[bar 1], ['file', file]])
# <b>Argument +params+ As a Hash</b>
# When +params+ is a hash,
# each of its entries is a name/value pair that defines a field:
# - The name is a string.
# - The value may be:
# - +nil+.
# - Another string.
# - An IO stream opened for reading
# (only when argument +enctype+ -- see below -- is given as
# <tt>'multipart/form-data'</tt>).
# Examples:
# # Nil-valued fields.
# req.set_form({'foo' => nil, 'bar' => nil, 'baz' => nil})
# # String-valued fields.
# req.set_form({'foo' => 0, 'bar' => 1, 'baz' => 2})
# # IO-valued field.
# require 'stringio'
# req.set_form({'file' => StringIO.new('Ruby is cool.')})
# # Mixture of fields.
# req.set_form({'foo' => nil, 'bar' => 1, 'file' => file})
# Optional argument +enctype+ specifies the value to be given
# to field <tt>'Content-Type'</tt>, and must be one of:
# - <tt>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'</tt> (the default).
# - <tt>'multipart/form-data'</tt>;
# see {RFC 7578}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7578].
# Optional argument +formopt+ is a hash of options
# (applicable only when argument +enctype+
# is <tt>'multipart/form-data'</tt>)
# that may include the following entries:
# - +:boundary+: The value is the boundary string for the multipart message.
# If not given, the boundary is a random string.
# See {Boundary}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7578#section-4.1].
# - +:charset+: Value is the character set for the form submission.
# Field names and values of non-file fields should be encoded with this charset.
def set_form(params, enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', formopt={})
@body_data = params