diff --git a/doc/encoding.rdoc b/doc/encoding.rdoc
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+++ b/doc/encoding.rdoc
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+== \Encoding
+=== The Basics
+A {character encoding}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encoding],
+often shortened to _encoding_, is a mapping between:
+- A sequence of 8-bit bytes (each byte in the range 0..255).
+- Characters in a specific character set.
+Some character sets contain only 1-byte characters;
+{US-ASCII}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII], for example, has 256 1-byte characters.
+This string, encoded in US-ASCII, has six characters that are stored as six bytes:
+ s = 'Hello!'.encode('US-ASCII') # => "Hello!"
+ s.encoding # => #
+ s.bytes # => [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 33]
+Other encodings may involve multi-byte characters.
+{UTF-8}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8], for example,
+encodes more than one million characters, encoding each in one to four bytes.
+The lowest-valued of these characters correspond to ASCII characters,
+and so are 1-byte characters:
+ s = 'Hello!' # => "Hello!"
+ s.bytes # => [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 33]
+Other characters, such as the Euro symbol, are multi-byte:
+ s = "\u20ac" # => "€"
+ s.bytes # => [226, 130, 172]
+=== The \Encoding \Class
+==== \Encoding Objects
+Ruby encodings are defined by constants in class \Encoding.
+There can be only one instance of \Encoding for each of these constants.
+\Method Encoding.list returns an array of \Encoding objects (one for each constant):
+ Encoding.list.size # => 103
+ Encoding.list.first.class # => Encoding
+ Encoding.list.take(3)
+ # => [#, #, #]
+==== Names and Aliases
+\Method Encoding#name returns the name of an \Encoding:
+ Encoding::ASCII_8BIT.name # => "ASCII-8BIT"
+ Encoding::WINDOWS_31J.name # => "Windows-31J"
+An \Encoding object has zero or more aliases;
+method Encoding#names returns an array containing the name and all aliases:
+ Encoding::ASCII_8BIT.names
+ # => ["ASCII-8BIT", "BINARY"]
+ Encoding::WINDOWS_31J.names
+ #=> ["Windows-31J", "CP932", "csWindows31J", "SJIS", "PCK"]
+\Method Encoding.aliases returns a hash of all alias/name pairs:
+ Encoding.aliases.size # => 71
+ Encoding.aliases.take(3)
+ # => [["BINARY", "ASCII-8BIT"], ["CP437", "IBM437"], ["CP720", "IBM720"]]
+\Method Encoding.name_list returns an array of all the encoding names and aliases:
+ Encoding.name_list.size # => 175
+ Encoding.name_list.take(3)
+ # => ["ASCII-8BIT", "UTF-8", "US-ASCII"]
+\Method +name_list+ returns more entries than method +list+
+because it includes both the names and their aliases.
+\Method Encoding.find returns the \Encoding for a given name or alias, if it exists:
+ Encoding.find("US-ASCII") # => #
+ Encoding.find("US-ASCII").class # => Encoding
+==== Default Encodings
+\Method Encoding.find, above, also returns a default \Encoding
+for each of these special names:
+- +external+: the default external \Encoding:
+ Encoding.find("external") # => #
+- +internal+: the default internal \Encoding (may be +nil+):
+ Encoding.find("internal") # => nil
+- +locale+: the default \Encoding for a string from the environment:
+ Encoding.find("locale") # => # # Linux
+ Encoding.find("locale") # => # # Windows
+- +filesystem+: the default \Encoding for a string from the filesystem:
+ Encoding.find("filesystem") # => #
+\Method Encoding.default_external returns the default external \Encoding:
+ Encoding.default_external # => #
+\Method Encoding.default_external= sets that value:
+ Encoding.default_external = 'US-ASCII' # => "US-ASCII"
+ Encoding.default_external # => #
+\Method Encoding.default_internal returns the default internal \Encoding:
+ Encoding.default_internal # => nil
+\Method Encoding.default_internal= sets the default internal \Encoding:
+ Encoding.default_internal = 'US-ASCII' # => "US-ASCII"
+ Encoding.default_internal # => #
+==== Compatible Encodings
+\Method Encoding.compatible? returns whether two given objects are encoding-compatible
+(that is, whether they can be concatenated);
+returns the \Encoding of the concatenated string, or +nil+ if incompatible:
+ rus = "\u{442 435 441 442}"
+ eng = 'text'
+ Encoding.compatible?(rus, eng) # => #
+ s0 = "\xa1\xa1".force_encoding('iso-8859-1') # => "\xA1\xA1"
+ s1 = "\xa1\xa1".force_encoding('euc-jp') # => "\x{A1A1}"
+ Encoding.compatible?(s0, s1) # => nil
+==== \Encoding Options
+A number of methods in the Ruby core accept keyword arguments as encoding options.
+Some of the options specify or utilize a _replacement_ _string_, to be used
+in certain transcoding operations.
+A replacement string may be in any encoding that can be converted
+to the encoding of the destination string.
+These keyword-value pairs specify encoding options:
+- For an invalid byte sequence:
+ - :invalid: nil (default): Raise exception.
+ - :invalid: :replace: Replace each invalid byte sequence
+ with the replacement string.
+ Examples:
+ s = "\x80foo\x80"
+ s.encode('ISO-8859-3') # Raises Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError.
+ s.encode('ISO-8859-3', invalid: :replace) # => "?foo?"
+- For an undefined character:
+ - :undef: nil (default): Raise exception.
+ - :undef: :replace: Replace each undefined character
+ with the replacement string.
+ Examples:
+ s = "\x80foo\x80"
+ "\x80".encode('UTF-8', 'ASCII-8BIT') # Raises Encoding::UndefinedConversionError.
+ s.encode('UTF-8', 'ASCII-8BIT', undef: :replace) # => "�foo�"
+- Replacement string:
+ - :replace: nil (default): Set replacement string to default value:
+ "\uFFFD" ("�") for a Unicode encoding, '?' otherwise.
+ - :replace: _some_string_: Set replacement string to the given +some_string+;
+ overrides +:fallback+.
+ Examples:
+ s = "\xA5foo\xA5"
+ options = {:undef => :replace, :replace => 'xyzzy'}
+ s.encode('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-3', **options) # => "xyzzyfooxyzzy"
+- Replacement fallback:
+ One of these may be specified:
+ - :fallback: nil (default): No replacement fallback.
+ - :fallback: _hash_like_object_: Set replacement fallback to the given
+ +hash_like_object+; the replacement string is _hash_like_object_[X].
+ - :fallback: _method_: Set replacement fallback to the given
+ +method+; the replacement string is _method_(X).
+ - :fallback: _proc_: Set replacement fallback to the given
+ +proc+; the replacement string is _proc_[X].
+ Examples:
+ s = "\u3042foo\u3043"
+ hash = {"\u3042" => 'xyzzy'}
+ hash.default = 'XYZZY'
+ s.encode('ASCII', fallback: h) # => "xyzzyfooXYZZY"
+ def (fallback = "U+%.4X").escape(x)
+ self % x.unpack("U")
+ end
+ "\u{3042}".encode("US-ASCII", fallback: fallback.method(:escape)) # => "U+3042"
+ proc = Proc.new {|x| x == "\u3042" ? 'xyzzy' : 'XYZZY' }
+ s.encode('ASCII', fallback: proc) # => "XYZZYfooXYZZY"
+- XML entities:
+ One of these may be specified:
+ - :xml: nil (default): No handling for XML entities.
+ - :xml: :text: Treat source text as XML;
+ replace each undefined character
+ with its upper-case hexdecimal numeric character reference,
+ except that:
+ - & is replaced with &.
+ - < is replaced with <.
+ - > is replaced with >.
+ - :xml: :attr: Treat source text as XML attribute value;
+ replace each undefined character
+ with its upper-case hexdecimal numeric character reference,
+ except that:
+ - The replacement string r is double-quoted ("r").
+ - Each embedded double-quote is replaced with ".
+ - & is replaced with &.
+ - < is replaced with <.
+ - > is replaced with >.
+ Examples:
+ s = 'foo"<&>"bar' + "\u3042"
+ s.encode('ASCII', xml: :text) # => "foo\"<&>\"barあ"
+ s.encode('ASCII', xml: :attr) # => "\"foo"<&>"barあ\""
+- Newlines:
+ One of these may be specified:
+ - :cr_newline: true: Replace each line-feed character ("\n")
+ with a carriage-return character ("\r").
+ - :crlf_newline: true: Replace each line-feed character ("\n")
+ with a carriage-return/line-feed string ("\r\n").
+ - :universal_newline: true: Replace each carriage-return/line-feed string
+ ("\r\n") with a line-feed character ("\n").
+ Examples:
+ s = "\n \r\n" # => "\n \r\n"
+ s.encode('ASCII', cr_newline: true) # => "\r \r\r"
+ s.encode('ASCII', crlf_newline: true) # => "\r\n \r\r\n"
+ s.encode('ASCII', universal_newline: true) # => "\n \n"