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@ -68,16 +68,32 @@ module URI
private_constant :Schemes
# Registers the given +klass+ as the class to be instantiated
# when parsing a \URI with the given +scheme+:
# Register the given +klass+ to be instantiated when parsing URLs with the given +scheme+.
# Note that currently only schemes which after .upcase are valid constant names
# can be registered (no -/+/. allowed).
# URI.register_scheme('MS_SEARCH', URI::Generic) # => URI::Generic
# URI.scheme_list['MS_SEARCH'] # => URI::Generic
# Note that after calling String#upcase on +scheme+, it must be a valid
# constant name.
def self.register_scheme(scheme, klass)
Schemes.const_set(scheme.to_s.upcase, klass)
# Returns a Hash of the defined schemes.
# Returns a hash of the defined schemes:
# URI.scheme_list
# # =>
# {"MAILTO"=>URI::MailTo,
# "WS"=>URI::WS,
# "FILE"=>URI::File,
# "FTP"=>URI::FTP}
# Related: URI.register_scheme.
def self.scheme_list
Schemes.constants.map { |name|
[name.to_s.upcase, Schemes.const_get(name)]
@ -88,9 +104,21 @@ module URI
private_constant :INITIAL_SCHEMES
Ractor.make_shareable(INITIAL_SCHEMES) if defined?(Ractor)
# Returns a new object constructed from the given +scheme+, +arguments+,
# and +default+:
# Construct a URI instance, using the scheme to detect the appropriate class
# from +URI.scheme_list+.
# - The new object is an instance of <tt>URI.scheme_list[scheme.upcase]</tt>.
# - The object is initialized by calling the class initializer
# using +scheme+ and +arguments+.
# See URI::Generic.new.
# Examples:
# values = ['john.doe', 'www.example.com', '123', nil, '/forum/questions/', nil, 'tag=networking&order=newest', 'top']
# URI.for('https', *values)
# # => #<URI::HTTPS https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top>
# URI.for('foo', *values, default: URI::HTTP)
# # => #<URI::HTTP foo://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top>
def self.for(scheme, *arguments, default: Generic)
const_name = scheme.to_s.upcase
@ -121,73 +149,37 @@ module URI
class BadURIError < Error; end
# Returns a 9-element array representing the parts of the \URI
# formed from the string +uri+;
# each array element is a string or +nil+:
# == Synopsis
# URI::split(uri)
# == Args
# +uri+::
# String with URI.
# == Description
# Splits the string on following parts and returns array with result:
# * Scheme
# * Userinfo
# * Host
# * Port
# * Registry
# * Path
# * Opaque
# * Query
# * Fragment
# == Usage
# require 'uri'
# URI.split("http://www.ruby-lang.org/")
# # => ["http", nil, "www.ruby-lang.org", nil, nil, "/", nil, nil, nil]
# names = %w[scheme userinfo host port registry path opaque query fragment]
# values = URI.split('https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top')
# names.zip(values)
# # =>
# [["scheme", "https"],
# ["userinfo", "john.doe"],
# ["host", "www.example.com"],
# ["port", "123"],
# ["registry", nil],
# ["path", "/forum/questions/"],
# ["opaque", nil],
# ["query", "tag=networking&order=newest"],
# ["fragment", "top"]]
def self.split(uri)
# Returns a new \URI object constructed from the given string +uri+:
# == Synopsis
# URI.parse('https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top')
# # => #<URI::HTTPS https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top>
# URI.parse('http://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top')
# # => #<URI::HTTP http://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top>
# URI::parse(uri_str)
# == Args
# +uri_str+::
# String with URI.
# == Description
# Creates one of the URI's subclasses instance from the string.
# == Raises
# URI::InvalidURIError::
# Raised if URI given is not a correct one.
# == Usage
# require 'uri'
# uri = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/")
# # => #<URI::HTTP http://www.ruby-lang.org/>
# uri.scheme
# # => "http"
# uri.host
# # => "www.ruby-lang.org"
# It's recommended to first ::escape the provided +uri_str+ if there are any
# invalid URI characters.
# It's recommended to first ::escape string +uri+
# if it may contain invalid URI characters.
def self.parse(uri)