#! /usr/local/bin/ruby # -*- mode: ruby; coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false module Gem; end # only needs Gem::Platform require 'rubygems/platform' # :stopdoc: $extension = nil $extstatic = nil $force_static = nil $destdir = nil $dryrun = false $nodynamic = nil $extobjs = [] $extflags = "" $extlibs = nil $extpath = nil $message = nil $command_output = nil $subconfigure = false $progname = $0 alias $PROGRAM_NAME $0 alias $0 $progname $extlist = [] DUMMY_SIGNATURE = "***DUMMY MAKEFILE***" srcdir = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless defined?(CROSS_COMPILING) and CROSS_COMPILING $:.replace([File.expand_path("lib", srcdir), Dir.pwd]) end $:.unshift(srcdir) require 'rbconfig' $topdir = "." $top_srcdir = srcdir inplace = File.identical?($top_srcdir, $topdir) $" << "mkmf.rb" load File.expand_path("lib/mkmf.rb", srcdir) require 'optparse/shellwords' @null = File::NULL def verbose? $mflags.defined?("V") == "1" end def system(*args) if verbose? if args.size == 1 puts args else puts Shellwords.join(args) end end super end def atomic_write_open(filename) filename_new = filename + ".new.#$$" clean = false File.open(filename_new, "wbx") do |f| clean = true yield f end if File.binread(filename_new) != (File.binread(filename) rescue nil) File.rename(filename_new, filename) clean = false end ensure if clean File.unlink(filename_new) end end def extract_makefile(makefile, keep = true) m = File.read(makefile) s = m[/^CLEANFILES[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] and $cleanfiles = s.split s = m[/^DISTCLEANFILES[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] and $distcleanfiles = s.split s = m[/^EXTSO[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] and $extso = s.split if !(target = m[/^TARGET[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S*)/, 1]) return keep end installrb = {} m.scan(/^(?:do-)?install-rb-default:.*[ \t](\S+)(?:[ \t].*)?\n\1:[ \t]*(\S+)/) {installrb[$2] = $1} oldrb = installrb.keys.sort newrb = install_rb(nil, "").collect {|d, *f| f}.flatten.sort if target_prefix = m[/^target_prefix[ \t]*=[ \t]*\/(.*)/, 1] target = "#{target_prefix}/#{target}" end unless oldrb == newrb if $extout newrb.each {|f| installrb.delete(f)} unless installrb.empty? config = CONFIG.dup install_dirs(target_prefix).each {|var, val| config[var] = val} FileUtils.rm_f(installrb.values.collect {|f| RbConfig.expand(f, config)}, :verbose => verbose?) end end return false end srcs = Dir[*SRC_EXT.map {|e| "*.#{e}"}, base: $srcdir].map {|fn| File.basename(fn)}.sort if !srcs.empty? old_srcs = m[/^ORIG_SRCS[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] or return false (old_srcs.split - srcs).empty? or return false end $target = target $extconf_h = m[/^RUBY_EXTCONF_H[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S+)/, 1] if $static.nil? $static ||= m[/^EXTSTATIC[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S+)/, 1] || false /^STATIC_LIB[ \t]*=[ \t]*\S+/ =~ m or $static = false end $preload = Shellwords.shellwords(m[/^preload[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "") if dldflags = m[/^dldflags[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] and !$DLDFLAGS.include?(dldflags) $DLDFLAGS += " " + dldflags end if s = m[/^LIBS[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] s.sub!(/^#{Regexp.quote($LIBRUBYARG)} */, "") s.sub!(/ *#{Regexp.quote($LIBS)}$/, "") $libs = s end $objs = (m[/^OBJS[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] || "").split $srcs = (m[/^SRCS[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] || "").split $headers = (m[/^LOCAL_HDRS[ \t]*=[ \t](.*)/, 1] || "").split $LOCAL_LIBS = m[/^LOCAL_LIBS[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "" $LIBPATH = Shellwords.shellwords(m[/^libpath[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "") - %w[$(libdir) $(topdir)] true end def create_makefile(target, srcprefix = nil) if $static and target.include?("/") base = File.basename(target) $defs << "-DInit_#{base}=Init_#{target.tr('/', '_')}" end super end def extmake(target, basedir = 'ext', maybestatic = true) FileUtils.mkpath target unless File.directory?(target) begin # don't build if parent library isn't build parent = true d = target until (d = File.dirname(d)) == '.' if File.exist?("#{$top_srcdir}/#{basedir}/#{d}/extconf.rb") parent = (/^all:\s*install/ =~ File.read("#{d}/Makefile") rescue false) break end end dir = Dir.pwd FileUtils.mkpath target unless File.directory?(target) Dir.chdir target top_srcdir = $top_srcdir topdir = $topdir hdrdir = $hdrdir prefix = "../" * (basedir.count("/")+target.count("/")+1) $top_srcdir = relative_from(top_srcdir, prefix) $hdrdir = relative_from(hdrdir, prefix) $topdir = prefix + $topdir $target = target $mdir = target $srcdir = File.join($top_srcdir, basedir, $mdir) $preload = nil $objs = [] $srcs = [] $extso = [] makefile = "./Makefile" static = $static $static = nil if noinstall = File.fnmatch?("-*", target) ok = parent && File.exist?(makefile) if parent rbconfig0 = RbConfig::CONFIG mkconfig0 = CONFIG rbconfig = { "hdrdir" => $hdrdir, "srcdir" => $srcdir, "topdir" => $topdir, } mkconfig = { "hdrdir" => ($hdrdir == top_srcdir) ? top_srcdir : "$(top_srcdir)/include", "srcdir" => "$(top_srcdir)/#{basedir}/#{$mdir}", "topdir" => $topdir, } rbconfig0.each_pair {|key, val| rbconfig[key] ||= val.dup} mkconfig0.each_pair {|key, val| mkconfig[key] ||= val.dup} RbConfig.module_eval { remove_const(:CONFIG) const_set(:CONFIG, rbconfig) remove_const(:MAKEFILE_CONFIG) const_set(:MAKEFILE_CONFIG, mkconfig) } MakeMakefile.class_eval { remove_const(:CONFIG) const_set(:CONFIG, mkconfig) } begin $extconf_h = nil ok &&= extract_makefile(makefile) old_objs = $objs old_cleanfiles = $distcleanfiles | $cleanfiles conf = ["#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb", "#{$srcdir}/extconf.rb"].find {|f| File.exist?(f)} if (!ok || ($extconf_h && !File.exist?($extconf_h)) || !(t = modified?(makefile, MTIMES)) || [conf, "#{$srcdir}/depend"].any? {|f| modified?(f, [t])}) then ok = false if verbose? print "#{conf}\n" if conf else print "#{$message} #{target}\n" end $stdout.flush init_mkmf Logging::logfile 'mkmf.log' rm_f makefile if conf Logging.open do unless verbose? $stderr.reopen($stdout.reopen(@null)) end load $0 = conf end else create_makefile(target) end $defs << "-DRUBY_EXPORT" if $static ok = File.exist?(makefile) end rescue SystemExit # ignore rescue => error ok = false ensure rm_f "conftest*" $0 = $PROGRAM_NAME end end ok &&= File.open(makefile){|f| s = f.gets and !s[DUMMY_SIGNATURE]} unless ok mf = ["# #{DUMMY_SIGNATURE}\n", *dummy_makefile(CONFIG["srcdir"])].join("") atomic_write_open(makefile) do |f| f.print(mf) end return true if !error and target.start_with?("-") message = nil if error loc = error.backtrace_locations[0] message = "#{loc.absolute_path}:#{loc.lineno}: #{error.message}" if Logging.log_opened? Logging::message("#{message}\n\t#{error.backtrace.join("\n\t")}\n") end end return [parent, message] end args = $mflags unless $destdir.to_s.empty? or $mflags.defined?("DESTDIR") args += ["DESTDIR=" + relative_from($destdir, "../"+prefix)] end if $static and ok and !$objs.empty? and !noinstall args += ["static"] $extlist.push [(maybestatic ? $static : false), target, $target, $preload] end FileUtils.rm_f(old_cleanfiles - $distcleanfiles - $cleanfiles) FileUtils.rm_f(old_objs - $objs) if $static $extflags ||= "" $extlibs ||= [] $extpath ||= [] unless $mswin $extflags = split_libs($extflags, $DLDFLAGS, $LDFLAGS).uniq.join(" ") end $extlibs = merge_libs($extlibs, split_libs($libs, $LOCAL_LIBS).map {|lib| lib.sub(/\A\.\//, "ext/#{target}/")}) $extpath |= $LIBPATH end ensure Logging::log_close if rbconfig0 RbConfig.module_eval { remove_const(:CONFIG) const_set(:CONFIG, rbconfig0) remove_const(:MAKEFILE_CONFIG) const_set(:MAKEFILE_CONFIG, mkconfig0) } end if mkconfig0 MakeMakefile.class_eval { remove_const(:CONFIG) const_set(:CONFIG, mkconfig0) } end $top_srcdir = top_srcdir $topdir = topdir $hdrdir = hdrdir $static = static Dir.chdir dir end begin Dir.rmdir target target = File.dirname(target) rescue SystemCallError break end while true true end def parse_args() $mflags = [] $makeflags = [] # for make command to build ruby, so quoted $optparser ||= OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on('-n') {$dryrun = true} opts.on('--[no-]extension [EXTS]', Array) do |v| $extension = (v == false ? [] : v) end opts.on('--[no-]extstatic [STATIC]', Array) do |v| if ($extstatic = v) == false $extstatic = [] elsif v $force_static = true if $extstatic.delete("static") $extstatic = nil if $extstatic.empty? end end opts.on('--dest-dir=DIR') do |v| $destdir = v end opts.on('--extout=DIR') do |v| $extout = (v unless v.empty?) end opts.on('--make=MAKE') do |v| $make = v || 'make' end opts.on('--make-flags=FLAGS', '--mflags', Shellwords) do |v| v.grep(/\A([-\w]+)=(.*)/) {$configure_args["--#{$1}"] = $2} if arg = v.first arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg end $makeflags.concat(v.reject {|arg2| /\AMINIRUBY=/ =~ arg2}.quote) $mflags.concat(v) end opts.on('--message [MESSAGE]', String) do |v| $message = v end opts.on('--command-output=FILE', String) do |v| $command_output = v end opts.on('--gnumake=yes|no', true) do |v| $gnumake = v end opts.on('--extflags=FLAGS') do |v| $extflags = v || "" end end begin $optparser.parse!(ARGV) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e retry if /^--/ =~ e.args[0] $optparser.warn(e) abort $optparser.to_s end $command_output or abort "--command-output option is mandatory" $destdir ||= '' $make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords($make) $mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty? def $mflags.set?(flag) grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{flag.chr}/i) { return true } false end def $mflags.defined?(var) grep(/\A#{var}=(.*)/) {return $1} false end if $mflags.set?(?n) $dryrun = true else $mflags.unshift '-n' if $dryrun end $continue = $mflags.set?(?k) if $extout $extout = '$(topdir)/'+$extout RbConfig::CONFIG["extout"] = CONFIG["extout"] = $extout $extout_prefix = $extout ? "$(extout)$(target_prefix)/" : "" $mflags << "extout=#$extout" << "extout_prefix=#$extout_prefix" end end parse_args() if target = ARGV.shift and /^[a-z-]+$/ =~ target $mflags.push(target) case target when /^(dist|real)?(clean)$/, /^install\b/ abort "#{target} is obsolete" when /configure/ $subconfigure = !ARGV.empty? end end unless $message if target $message = target.sub(/^(\w+?)e?\b/, '\1ing').tr('-', ' ') else $message = "compiling" end end EXEEXT = CONFIG['EXEEXT'] if CROSS_COMPILING $ruby = $mflags.defined?("MINIRUBY") || CONFIG['MINIRUBY'] elsif sep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') $ruby = "$(topdir:/=#{sep})#{sep}miniruby" + EXEEXT elsif CONFIG['EXTSTATIC'] $ruby = '$(topdir)/miniruby' + EXEEXT else $ruby = '$(topdir)/ruby' + EXEEXT end $ruby = [$ruby] $ruby << "-I'$(topdir)'" unless CROSS_COMPILING $ruby << "-I'$(top_srcdir)/lib'" $ruby << "-I'$(extout)/$(arch)'" << "-I'$(extout)/common'" if $extout ENV["RUBYLIB"] = "-" end topruby = $ruby $ruby = topruby.join(' ') $mflags << "ruby=#$ruby" $builtruby = '$(topdir)/miniruby' + EXEEXT # Must be an executable path MTIMES = [__FILE__, 'rbconfig.rb', srcdir+'/lib/mkmf.rb'].collect {|f| File.mtime(f)} # get static-link modules $static_ext = {} if $extstatic $extstatic.each do |t| target = t target = target.downcase if File::FNM_SYSCASE.nonzero? $static_ext[target] = $static_ext.size end end for dir in ["ext", File::join($top_srcdir, "ext")] setup = File::join(dir, CONFIG['setup']) if (f = File.stat(setup) and f.file? rescue next) File.foreach(setup) do |line| line.chomp! line.sub!(/#.*$/, '') next if /^\s*$/ =~ line target, opt = line.split(nil, 3) if target == 'option' case opt when 'nodynamic' $nodynamic = true end next end target = target.downcase if File::FNM_SYSCASE.nonzero? $static_ext[target] = $static_ext.size end MTIMES << f.mtime $setup = setup break end end unless $extstatic @gemname = nil if exts = ARGV.shift ext_prefix = exts[%r[\A(?>\.bundle/)?[^/]+(?:/(?=(.+)?)|\z)]] exts = $1 $extension = [exts] if exts if ext_prefix.start_with?('.') @gemname = exts exts = [] else exts &&= $static_ext.select {|t, *| File.fnmatch(t, exts)} end end ext_prefix ||= 'ext' exts = (exts || $static_ext).sort_by {|t, i| i}.collect {|t, i| t} default_exclude_exts = case when $cygwin %w'' when $mswin, $mingw %w'pty syslog' else %w'*win32*' end mandatory_exts = {} withes, withouts = [["--with", nil], ["--without", default_exclude_exts]].collect {|w, d| if !(w = %w[-extensions -ext].collect {|o|arg_config(w+o)}).any? d ? proc {|c1| d.any?(&c1)} : proc {true} elsif (w = w.grep(String)).empty? proc {true} else w = w.collect {|o| o.split(/,/)}.flatten w.collect! {|o| o == '+' ? d : o}.flatten! proc {|c1| w.any?(&c1)} end } cond = proc {|ext, *| withes.call(proc {|n| !n or (mandatory_exts[ext] = true if File.fnmatch(n, ext)) }) and !withouts.call(proc {|n| File.fnmatch(n, ext)}) } ($extension || %w[*]).each do |e| e = e.sub(/\A(?:\.\/)+/, '') incl, excl = Dir.glob("#{e}/**/extconf.rb", base: "#$top_srcdir/#{ext_prefix}").collect {|d| File.dirname(d) }.partition {|ext| with_config(ext, &cond) } incl.sort! excl.sort!.collect! {|d| d+"/"} nil while incl.reject! {|d| excl << d+"/" if excl.any? {|x| d.start_with?(x)}} exts |= incl if $LIBRUBYARG_SHARED.empty? and CONFIG["EXTSTATIC"] == "static" exts.delete_if {|d| File.fnmatch?("-*", d)} end end ext_prefix.chomp!("/") @ext_prefix = ext_prefix @inplace = inplace extend Module.new { def timestamp_file(name, target_prefix = nil) if @gemname and name == '$(TARGET_SO_DIR)' gem = true name = "$(gem_platform)/$(ruby_version)/gems/#{@gemname}#{target_prefix}" end path = super.sub(%r[/\.extout\.(?:-\.)?], '/.') if gem nil while path.sub!(%r[/\.(gem_platform|ruby_version)\.-(?=\.)], '/$(\1)/') end path end def configuration(srcdir) super << "EXTSO #{['=', $extso].join(' ')}\n" end def create_makefile(*args, &block) unless @gemname if $static and (target = args.first).include?("/") base = File.basename(target) $defs << "-DInit_#{base}=Init_#{target.tr('/', '_')}" end return super end super(*args) do |conf| conf.find do |s| s.sub!(%r(^(srcdir *= *)\$\(top_srcdir\)/\.bundle/gems/[^/]+(?=/))) { "gem_#{$&}\n" "#{$1}$(gem_srcdir)" } s.sub!(/^(TIMESTAMP_DIR *= *)\$\(extout\)/) { "TARGET_TOPDIR = $(topdir)/.bundle\n" "#{$1}$(TARGET_TOPDIR)" } s.sub!(/^(TARGET_SO_DIR *= *)\$\(RUBYARCHDIR\)/) { "TARGET_GEM_DIR = $(TARGET_TOPDIR)/extensions/$(gem_platform)"\ "/$(ruby_version)#{$enable_shared ? '' : '-static'}/#{@gemname}\n"\ "#{$1}$(TARGET_GEM_DIR)$(target_prefix)" } end gemlib = File.directory?("#{$top_srcdir}/#{@ext_prefix}/#{@gemname}/lib") if conf.any? {|s| /^TARGET *= *\S/ =~ s} conf << %{ gem_platform = #{Gem::Platform.local} # default target all: gem = #{@gemname} build_complete = $(TARGET_GEM_DIR)/gem.build_complete install-so: build_complete clean-so:: clean-build_complete build_complete: $(build_complete) $(build_complete): $(TARGET_SO) $(Q) $(TOUCH) $@ clean-build_complete: -$(Q)$(RM) $(build_complete) install: gemspec clean: clean-gemspec gemspec = $(TARGET_TOPDIR)/specifications/$(gem).gemspec $(gemspec): $(gem_srcdir)/.bundled.$(gem).gemspec $(Q) $(MAKEDIRS) $(@D) $(Q) $(COPY) $(gem_srcdir)/.bundled.$(gem).gemspec $@ gemspec: $(gemspec) clean-gemspec: -$(Q)$(RM) $(gemspec) } if gemlib conf << %{ install-rb: gemlib clean-rb:: clean-gemlib LN_S = #{config_string('LN_S')} CP_R = #{config_string('CP')} -r gemlib = $(TARGET_TOPDIR)/gems/$(gem)/lib gemlib:#{%{ $(gemlib)\n$(gemlib): $(gem_srcdir)/lib} if $nmake} $(Q) #{@inplace ? '$(NULLCMD) ' : ''}$(RUBY) $(top_srcdir)/tool/ln_sr.rb -q -f -T $(gem_srcdir)/lib $(gemlib) clean-gemlib: $(Q) $(#{@inplace ? 'NULLCMD' : 'RM_RF'}) $(gemlib) } end end conf end end } dir = Dir.pwd FileUtils::makedirs(ext_prefix) Dir::chdir(ext_prefix) hdrdir = $hdrdir $hdrdir = ($top_srcdir = relative_from(srcdir, $topdir = "..")) + "/include" extso = [] fails = [] exts.each do |d| $static = $force_static ? true : $static_ext.fetch(d) do $static_ext.any? {|t, | File.fnmatch?(t, d)} end if !$nodynamic or $static result = extmake(d, ext_prefix, !@gemname) or abort extso |= $extso fails << [d, result] unless result == true end end $top_srcdir = srcdir $topdir = "." $hdrdir = hdrdir extinit = Struct.new(:c, :o) { def initialize(src) super("#{src}.c", "#{src}.#{$OBJEXT}") end }.new("extinit") $extobjs ||= [] $extpath ||= [] $extflags ||= "" $extlibs ||= [] extinits = [] unless $extlist.empty? list = $extlist.dup built = [] while e = list.shift static, target, feature, required = e next unless static if required and !(required -= built).empty? l = list.size if (while l > 0; break true if required.include?(list[l-=1][1]) end) list.insert(l + 1, e) end next end base = File.basename(feature) extinits << feature $extobjs << format("ext/%s/%s.%s", target, base, $LIBEXT) built << target end $extpath.delete("$(topdir)") $extflags = libpathflag($extpath) << " " << $extflags.strip conf = [ ['LIBRUBY_SO_UPDATE', '$(LIBRUBY_EXTS)'], ['SETUP', $setup], ['EXTLIBS', $extlibs.join(' ')], ['EXTLDFLAGS', $extflags] ].map {|n, v| "#{n}=#{v}" if v &&= v[/\S(?:.*\S)?/] }.compact puts(*conf) unless $subconfigure $stdout.flush $mflags.concat(conf) $makeflags.concat(conf) else FileUtils.rm_f(extinit.to_a) end rubies = [] %w[RUBY RUBYW STATIC_RUBY].each {|n| r = n if r = arg_config("--"+r.downcase) || config_string(r+"_INSTALL_NAME") rubies << RbConfig.expand(r+=EXEEXT) $mflags << "#{n}=#{r}" end } Dir.chdir dir unless $destdir.to_s.empty? $mflags.defined?("DESTDIR") or $mflags << "DESTDIR=#{$destdir}" end $makeflags.uniq! $mflags.unshift("topdir=#$topdir") ENV.delete("RUBYOPT") exts.map! {|d| "#{ext_prefix}/#{d}/."} FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname($command_output)) begin atomic_write_open($command_output) do |mf| mf.puts "V = 0" mf.puts "V0 = $(V:0=)" mf.puts "Q1 = $(V:1=)" mf.puts "Q = $(Q1:0=@)" mf.puts "ECHO1 = $(V:1=@:)" mf.puts "ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo)" mf.puts "MFLAGS = -$(MAKEFLAGS)" if $nmake mf.puts "override MFLAGS := $(filter-out -j%,$(MFLAGS))" if $gnumake mf.puts "ext_build_dir = #{File.dirname($command_output)}" mf.puts def mf.macro(name, values, max = 70) print name, " =" w = w0 = name.size + 2 h = " \\\n" + "\t" * (w / 8) + " " * (w % 8) values.each do |s| if s.size + w > max print h w = w0 end print " ", s w += s.size + 1 end puts end mf.macro "ruby", topruby mf.macro "RUBY", ["$(ruby)"] mf.macro "extensions", exts mf.macro "EXTOBJS", $extlist.empty? ? ["dmyext.#{$OBJEXT}"] : ["ext/extinit.#{$OBJEXT}", *$extobjs] mf.macro "EXTLIBS", $extlibs mf.macro "EXTSO", extso mf.macro "EXTLDFLAGS", $extflags.split mf.macro "EXTINITS", extinits submakeopts = [] if enable_config("shared", $enable_shared) submakeopts << 'DLDOBJS="$(EXTOBJS) $(EXTENCS)"' submakeopts << 'EXTOBJS=' submakeopts << 'EXTSOLIBS="$(EXTLIBS)"' submakeopts << 'LIBRUBY_SO_UPDATE=$(LIBRUBY_EXTS)' else submakeopts << 'EXTOBJS="$(EXTOBJS) $(EXTENCS)"' submakeopts << 'EXTLIBS="$(EXTLIBS)"' end submakeopts << 'EXTLDFLAGS="$(EXTLDFLAGS)"' submakeopts << 'EXTINITS="$(EXTINITS)"' submakeopts << 'UPDATE_LIBRARIES="$(UPDATE_LIBRARIES)"' submakeopts << 'SHOWFLAGS=' mf.macro "SUBMAKEOPTS", submakeopts mf.macro "NOTE_MESG", %w[$(RUBY) $(top_srcdir)/tool/lib/colorize.rb skip] mf.macro "NOTE_NAME", %w[$(RUBY) $(top_srcdir)/tool/lib/colorize.rb fail] %w[RM RMDIRS RMDIR RMALL].each {|w| mf.macro w, [RbConfig::CONFIG[w]]} if $nmake message = ['@(for %I in (', ') do @echo.%~I)'] else message = ['@for line in', '; do echo "$$line"; done'] end mf.macro "MESSAGE_BEGIN", [message.first] mf.macro "MESSAGE_END", [message.last] mf.puts targets = %w[all install static install-so install-rb clean distclean realclean] targets.each do |tgt| mf.puts "#{tgt}: $(extensions:/.=/#{tgt})" mf.puts "#{tgt}: note" unless /clean\z/ =~ tgt end mf.puts mf.puts "clean:\n\t-$(Q)$(RM) ext/extinit.#{$OBJEXT}" mf.puts "distclean:\n\t-$(Q)$(RM) ext/extinit.c" mf.puts mf.puts "#{rubies.join(' ')}: $(extensions:/.=/#{$force_static ? 'static' : 'all'})" submake = "$(Q)$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(SUBMAKEOPTS)" mf.puts "all static: #{rubies.join(' ')}\n" $extobjs.each do |tgt| mf.puts "#{tgt}: #{File.dirname(tgt)}/static" end mf.puts "#{rubies.join(' ')}: $(EXTOBJS)#{' libencs' if CONFIG['ENCSTATIC'] == 'static'}" rubies.each do |tgt| mf.puts "#{tgt}:\n\t#{submake} $@" end mf.puts "libencs:\n\t$(Q)$(MAKE) -f enc.mk V=$(V) $@" mf.puts "ext/extinit.#{$OBJEXT}:\n\t$(Q)$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) V=$(V) EXTINITS=\"$(EXTINITS)\" $@" if $static mf.puts if $gnumake == "yes" submake = "$(MAKE) -C $(@D)" else submake = "cd $(@D) && " config_string("exec") {|str| submake << str << " "} submake << "$(MAKE)" end targets.each do |tgt| exts.each do |d| d = d[0..-2] t = "#{d}#{tgt}" if clean = /^(dist|real)?clean$/.match(tgt) deps = exts.select {|e|e.start_with?(d)}.map {|e|"#{e[0..-2]}#{tgt}"} - [t] pd = [' clean-local', *deps].join(' ') else pext = File.dirname(d) pd = " #{pext}/#{tgt}" if exts.include?("#{pext}/.") end mf.puts "#{t}:#{pd}\n\t$(Q)#{submake} $(MFLAGS) V=$(V) $(@F)" if clean and clean.begin(1) mf.puts "\t$(Q)$(RM) $(ext_build_dir)/exts.mk\n\t$(Q)$(RMDIRS) -p $(@D)" end end end mf.puts "\n""clean-local:\n\t$(Q)$(RM) $(ext_build_dir)/*~ $(ext_build_dir)/*.bak $(ext_build_dir)/core" mf.puts "\n""extso:\n" mf.puts "\t@echo EXTSO=$(EXTSO)" mf.puts "\n""note:\n" unless fails.empty? abandon = false mf.puts "note: note-body\n" mf.puts "note-body:: note-header\n" mf.puts "note-header:\n" mf.puts %Q<\t@$(NOTE_MESG) "*** Following extensions are not compiled:"> mf.puts "note-body:: note-header\n" fails.each do |ext, (parent, err)| abandon ||= mandatory_exts[ext] mf.puts %Q<\t@$(NOTE_NAME) "#{ext}:"> mf.puts "\t$(MESSAGE_BEGIN) \\" if parent mf.puts %Q<\t"\tCould not be configured. It will not be installed." \\> err and err.scan(/.+/) do |ee| mf.puts %Q<\t"\t#{ee.gsub(/["`$^]/, '\\\\\\&')}" \\> end mf.puts %Q<\t"\tCheck #{ext_prefix}/#{ext}/mkmf.log for more details." \\> else mf.puts %Q<\t"\tSkipped because its parent was not configured." \\> end mf.puts "\t$(MESSAGE_END)" end mf.puts "note:\n" mf.puts %Q<\t@$(NOTE_MESG) "*** Fix the problems, then remove these directories and try again if you want."> if abandon mf.puts "\t""@exit 1" end end end end # :startdoc: #Local variables: # mode: ruby #end: