import textwrap # Usage: # cfp: Dump the current cfp # cfp + 1: Dump the caller cfp class CFP(gdb.Command): FRAME_MAGICS = [ # frame types 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_METHOD', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_BLOCK', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_CLASS', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_TOP', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_CFUNC', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_IFUNC', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_EVAL', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_RESCUE', 'VM_FRAME_MAGIC_DUMMY', ] FRAME_FLAGS = [ # frame flag 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_BMETHOD', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_CFRAME', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_LAMBDA', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_MODIFIED_BLOCK_PARAM', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_CFRAME_KW', 'VM_FRAME_FLAG_PASSED', # env flag 'VM_ENV_FLAG_LOCAL', 'VM_ENV_FLAG_ESCAPED', 'VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED', 'VM_ENV_FLAG_ISOLATED', ] def __init__(self): super(CFP, self).__init__('cfp', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, offset, from_tty): if not offset: offset = '0' cfp = f'(ruby_current_ec->cfp + ({offset}))' end_cfp = self.get_int('ruby_current_ec->vm_stack + ruby_current_ec->vm_stack_size') cfp_count = int((end_cfp - self.get_int('ruby_current_ec->cfp')) / self.get_int('sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)')) print('CFP (count={}, addr=0x{:x}):'.format(cfp_count, self.get_int(cfp))) gdb.execute(f'p *({cfp})') print() if self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq'): local_size = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq->body->local_table_size - {cfp}->iseq->body->param.size') param_size = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq->body->param.size') print(f'Params (size={param_size}):') for i in range(-3 - local_size - param_size, -3 - local_size): self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i)) print() print(f'Locals (size={local_size}):') for i in range(-3 - local_size, -3): self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i)) print() print('Env:') self.print_stack(cfp, -3, self.rp(cfp, -3)) self.print_stack(cfp, -2, self.specval(cfp, -2)) self.print_stack(cfp, -1, self.frame_types(cfp, -1)) print() stack_size = int((self.get_int(f'{cfp}->sp') - self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__')) / 8) print(f'Stack (size={stack_size}):') for i in range(0, stack_size): self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i)) print(self.regs(cfp, stack_size)) def print_stack(self, cfp, bp_index, content): address = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__ + {bp_index}') value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index) regs = self.regs(cfp, bp_index) if content: content = textwrap.indent(content, ' ' * 3).lstrip() # Leave the regs column empty content = f'{content} ' print('{:2} 0x{:x} [{}] {}(0x{:x})'.format(regs, address, bp_index, content, value)) def regs(self, cfp, bp_index): address = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__ + {bp_index}') regs = [] for reg, field in { 'EP': 'ep', 'BP': '__bp__', 'SP': 'sp' }.items(): if address == self.get_int(f'{cfp}->{field}'): regs.append(reg) return ' '.join(regs) def rp(self, cfp, bp_index): value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index) return self.get_string(f'rp {value}').rstrip() # specval: block_handler or previous EP def specval(self, cfp, bp_index): value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index) for block_handler in ['VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE', 'rb_block_param_proxy']: if value == self.get_int(block_handler): return block_handler return '' def frame_types(self, cfp, bp_index): types = [] value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index) magic_mask = self.get_int('VM_FRAME_MAGIC_MASK') for magic in self.FRAME_MAGICS: magic_value = self.get_int(magic) if value & magic_mask == magic_value: types.append(magic) for flag in self.FRAME_FLAGS: flag_value = self.get_int(flag) if value & flag_value: types.append(flag) return ' | '.join(types) def get_value(self, cfp, bp_index): return self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__[{bp_index}]') def get_int(self, expr): return int(self.get_string(f'printf "%ld", ({expr})')) def get_string(self, expr): return gdb.execute(expr, to_string=True) CFP()