#! /usr/local/bin/ruby # -*- ruby -*- $force_static = nil $install = nil $destdir = nil $clean = nil $nodynamic = nil $extinit = nil $extobjs = nil $extlist = [] $:.replace ["."] require 'rbconfig' srcdir = Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] $:.replace [srcdir, srcdir+"/lib", "."] require 'mkmf' require 'ftools' require 'shellwords' $topdir = File.expand_path(".") $top_srcdir = srcdir $hdrdir = $top_srcdir def extmake(target) print "#{$message} #{target}\n" $stdout.flush if $force_static or $static_ext[target] $static = target else $static = false end unless $ignore return true if $nodynamic and not $static end init_mkmf if /linux/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM and $configure_args['--enable-shared'] and CONFIG["GNU_LD"] == "yes" $DLDFLAGS << " -Wl,--no-undefined" end begin dir = Dir.pwd File.mkpath target unless File.directory?(target) Dir.chdir target $target = target $mdir = target $srcdir = File.join($top_srcdir, "ext", $mdir) unless $ignore if $static || older("./Makefile", *MTIMES + %W"#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb #{$srcdir}/extconf.rb") then $defs = [] Logging::logfile 'mkmf.log' Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] = $srcdir if File.exist?("#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb") load "#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb" elsif File.exist?("#{$srcdir}/extconf.rb") load "#{$srcdir}/extconf.rb" else create_makefile(target) end Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] = $top_srcdir end end if File.exist?("./Makefile") if $static $extlist.push [$static, $target, File.basename($target)] end unless system($make, *$mflags) $ignore or $continue or return false end else open("./Makefile", "w") {|f| f.print dummy_makefile($srcdir) } end if $static $extflags ||= "" $extlibs ||= "" $extflags += " " + $DLDFLAGS if $DLDFLAGS $extflags += " " + $LDFLAGS unless $LDFLAGS == "" $extlibs += " " + $libs unless $libs == "" $extlibs += " " + $LOCAL_LIBS unless $LOCAL_LIBS == "" end rescue SystemExit # ignore ensure rm_f "conftest*" Dir.chdir dir end true end require 'getopts' getopts('', 'extstatic', 'make:', 'make-flags:') $force_static = $OPT['extstatic'] == 'static' $make = $OPT['make'] || $make $mflags = Shellwords.shellwords($OPT['make-flags'] || "") mflags = $mflags.grep(/^-([^-].*)/) {$1}.join $continue = mflags.include?(?k) $dryrun = mflags.include?(?n) unless $message if $message = ARGV.shift and /^[a-z]+$/ =~ $message $mflags.push($message) $message = $message.sub(/^(?:dist|real)(?=(?:clean)?$)/, '\1') case $message when "clean" $ignore ||= true when "install" $ignore ||= true $mflags.unshift("INSTALL_PROG=install -m 0755", "INSTALL_DATA=install -m 0644") if $dryrun end $message.sub!(/e?$/, "ing") else $message = "compiling" end end EXEEXT = CONFIG['EXEEXT'] if defined? CROSS_COMPILING $ruby = CONFIG['MINIRUBY'] elsif $nmake $ruby = '$(topdir:/=\\)\\miniruby' + EXEEXT else $ruby = '$(topdir)/miniruby' + EXEEXT end $ruby << " -I$(topdir) -I$(hdrdir)/lib" $config_h = '$(topdir)/config.h' MTIMES = [File.mtime(__FILE__)] # get static-link modules $static_ext = {} for dir in ["ext", File::join($top_srcdir, "ext")] setup = File::join(dir, CONFIG['setup']) if File.file? setup f = open(setup) while line = f.gets() line.chomp! line.sub!(/#.*$/, '') next if /^\s*$/ =~ line target, opt = line.split(nil, 3) if target == 'option' case opt when 'nodynamic' $nodynamic = true end next end target = target.downcase if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM $static_ext[target] = true end MTIMES << f.mtime $setup = setup f.close break end end File::makedirs('ext') Dir::chdir('ext') ext_prefix = "#{$top_srcdir}/ext" Dir.glob("#{ext_prefix}/**/MANIFEST") do |d| d = File.dirname(d) d.slice!(0, ext_prefix.length + 1) extmake(d) or exit(1) end if $ignore Dir.chdir ".." exit end if $extlist.size > 0 $extinit ||= "" $extobjs ||= "" for s,t,i in $extlist f = format("%s/%s.%s", s, i, $LIBEXT) if File.exist?(f) $extinit += "\tInit_#{i}();\n\trb_provide(\"#{t}.so\");\n" $extobjs += "ext/#{f} " end end src = "void Init_ext() {\n#$extinit}\n" if older("extinit.c", *MTIMES) || IO.read("extinit.c") != src open("extinit.c", "w") {|f| f.print src} end $extobjs = "ext/extinit.#{$OBJEXT} " + $extobjs if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /m68k-human|beos/ $extlibs.gsub!("-L/usr/local/lib", "") if $extlibs end conf = [ ['SETUP', $setup], ['EXTOBJS', $extobjs], ['EXTLIBS', $extlibs], ['EXTLDFLAGS', $extflags] ].map {|n, v| "#{n}=#{v}" if v and !(v = v.strip).empty? }.compact puts conf $stdout.flush $mflags.concat(conf) end rubies = [] %w[RUBY RUBYW].each {|r| r = CONFIG[r+"_INSTALL_NAME"] and !r.empty? and rubies << r+EXEEXT } Dir.chdir ".." puts "making #{rubies.join(', ')}" $stdout.flush $mflags.concat(rubies) host = (defined?(CROSS_COMPILING) ? CROSS_COMPILING : RUBY_PLATFORM) /mswin|bccwin|mingw|djgpp|human|os2|macos/ =~ host or exec($make, *$mflags) system($make, *$mflags.quote) or exit($?.exitstatus) #Local variables: # mode: ruby #end: