"exec" "${RUBY-ruby}" "-x" "$0" "$@" || true # -*- Ruby -*- #!./ruby # $Id$ # NOTE: # Never use optparse in this file. # Never use test/unit in this file. # Never use Ruby extensions in this file. # Maintain Ruby 1.8 compatibility for now $start_time = Time.now begin require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' rescue LoadError $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') retry end if !Dir.respond_to?(:mktmpdir) # copied from lib/tmpdir.rb def Dir.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil) case prefix_suffix when nil prefix = "d" suffix = "" when String prefix = prefix_suffix suffix = "" when Array prefix = prefix_suffix[0] suffix = prefix_suffix[1] else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}" end tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir t = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d") n = nil begin path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}" path << "-#{n}" if n path << suffix Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) rescue Errno::EEXIST n ||= 0 n += 1 retry end if block_given? begin yield path ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure path end else path end end end # Configuration bt = Struct.new(:ruby, :verbose, :color, :tty, :quiet, :wn, :progress, :progress_bs, :passed, :failed, :reset, :columns, :window_width, :width, :indent, :platform, ) BT = Class.new(bt) do def indent=(n) super if (self.columns ||= 0) < n $stderr.print(' ' * (n - self.columns)) end self.columns = indent end def putc(c) unless self.quiet if self.window_width == nil unless w = ENV["COLUMNS"] and (w = w.to_i) > 0 w = 80 end w -= 1 self.window_width = w end if self.window_width and self.columns >= self.window_width $stderr.print "\n", " " * (self.indent ||= 0) self.columns = indent end $stderr.print c $stderr.flush self.columns += 1 end end def wn=(wn) unless wn == 1 if /(?:\A|\s)--jobserver-(?:auth|fds)=(?:(\d+),(\d+)|fifo:((?:\\.|\S)+))/ =~ ENV.delete("MAKEFLAGS") begin if fifo = $3 fifo.gsub!(/\\(?=.)/, '') r = File.open(fifo, IO::RDONLY|IO::NONBLOCK|IO::BINARY) w = File.open(fifo, IO::WRONLY|IO::NONBLOCK|IO::BINARY) else r = IO.for_fd($1.to_i(10), "rb", autoclose: false) w = IO.for_fd($2.to_i(10), "wb", autoclose: false) end rescue r.close if r else r.close_on_exec = true w.close_on_exec = true tokens = r.read_nonblock(wn > 0 ? wn : 1024, exception: false) r.close if String === tokens tokens.freeze auth = w w = nil at_exit {auth << tokens; auth.close} wn = tokens.size + 1 else w.close wn = 1 end end end if wn <= 0 require 'etc' wn = [Etc.nprocessors / 2, 1].max end end super wn end end.new BT_STATE = Struct.new(:count, :error).new def main BT.ruby = File.expand_path('miniruby') BT.verbose = false $VERBOSE = false $stress = false BT.color = nil BT.tty = nil BT.quiet = false # BT.wn = 1 dir = nil quiet = false tests = nil ARGV.delete_if {|arg| case arg when /\A--ruby=(.*)/ ruby = $1 ruby.gsub!(/^([^ ]*)/){File.expand_path($1)} ruby.gsub!(/(\s+-I\s*)((?!(?:\.\/)*-(?:\s|\z))\S+)/){$1+File.expand_path($2)} ruby.gsub!(/(\s+-r\s*)(\.\.?\/\S+)/){$1+File.expand_path($2)} BT.ruby = ruby true when /\A--sets=(.*)/ tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_{#{$1}}*.rb").sort puts tests.map {|path| File.basename(path) }.inspect true when /\A--dir=(.*)/ dir = $1 true when /\A(--stress|-s)/ $stress = true when /\A--color(?:=(?:always|(auto)|(never)|(.*)))?\z/ warn "unknown --color argument: #$3" if $3 BT.color = color = $1 ? nil : !$2 true when /\A--tty(=(?:yes|(no)|(.*)))?\z/ warn "unknown --tty argument: #$3" if $3 BT.tty = !$1 || !$2 true when /\A(-q|--q(uiet))\z/ quiet = true BT.quiet = true true when /\A-j(\d+)?/ BT.wn = $1.to_i true when /\A(-v|--v(erbose))\z/ BT.verbose = true BT.quiet = false true when /\A(-h|--h(elp)?)\z/ puts(<<-End) Usage: #{File.basename($0, '.*')} --ruby=PATH [--sets=NAME,NAME,...] --sets=NAME,NAME,... Name of test sets. --dir=DIRECTORY Working directory. default: /tmp/bootstraptestXXXXX.tmpwd --color[=WHEN] Colorize the output. WHEN defaults to 'always' or can be 'never' or 'auto'. -s, --stress stress test. -v, --verbose Output test name before exec. -q, --quiet Don\'t print header message. -h, --help Print this message and quit. End exit true when /\A-j/ true else false end } if tests and not ARGV.empty? abort "--sets and arguments are exclusive" end tests ||= ARGV tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_*.rb").sort if tests.empty? pathes = tests.map {|path| File.expand_path(path) } BT.progress = %w[- \\ | /] BT.progress_bs = "\b" * BT.progress[0].size BT.tty = $stderr.tty? if BT.tty.nil? BT.wn ||= /-j(\d+)?/ =~ (ENV["MAKEFLAGS"] || ENV["MFLAGS"]) ? $1.to_i : 1 case BT.color when nil BT.color = BT.tty && /dumb/ !~ ENV["TERM"] end BT.tty &&= !BT.verbose if BT.color # dircolors-like style colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/)] : {} begin File.read(File.join(__dir__, "../tool/colors")).scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/) do |n, c| colors[n] ||= c end rescue end BT.passed = "\e[;#{colors["pass"] || "32"}m" BT.failed = "\e[;#{colors["fail"] || "31"}m" BT.reset = "\e[m" else BT.passed = BT.failed = BT.reset = "" end target_version = `#{BT.ruby} -v`.chomp BT.platform = target_version[/\[(.*)\]\z/, 1] unless quiet puts $start_time if defined?(RUBY_DESCRIPTION) puts "Driver is #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" elsif defined?(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL) puts "Driver is ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}#{RUBY_PLATFORM}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]" else puts "Driver is ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]" end puts "Target is #{target_version}" puts $stdout.flush end in_temporary_working_directory(dir) do exec_test pathes end end def erase(e = true) if e and BT.columns > 0 and BT.tty and !BT.verbose "\e[1K\r" else "" end end def load_test pathes pathes.each do |path| load File.expand_path(path) end end def concurrent_exec_test aq = Queue.new rq = Queue.new ts = BT.wn.times.map do Thread.new do while as = aq.pop as.call rq << as end ensure rq << nil end end Assertion.all.to_a.shuffle.each do |path, assertions| assertions.each do |as| aq << as end end BT.indent = 1 aq.close i = 1 term_wn = 0 begin while BT.wn != term_wn if r = rq.pop case when BT.quiet when BT.tty $stderr.print "#{BT.progress_bs}#{BT.progress[(i+=1) % BT.progress.size]}" else BT.putc '.' end else term_wn += 1 end end ensure ts.each(&:kill) ts.each(&:join) end end def exec_test(pathes) # setup load_test pathes BT_STATE.count = 0 BT_STATE.error = 0 BT.columns = 0 BT.width = pathes.map {|path| File.basename(path).size}.max + 2 # execute tests if BT.wn > 1 concurrent_exec_test else prev_basename = nil Assertion.all.each do |basename, assertions| if !BT.quiet && basename != prev_basename prev_basename = basename $stderr.printf("%s%-*s ", erase(BT.quiet), BT.width, basename) $stderr.flush end BT.columns = BT.width + 1 $stderr.puts if BT.verbose count = BT_STATE.count error = BT_STATE.error assertions.each do |assertion| BT_STATE.count += 1 assertion.call end if BT.tty if BT_STATE.error == error msg = "PASS #{BT_STATE.count-count}" BT.columns += msg.size - 1 $stderr.print "#{BT.progress_bs}#{BT.passed}#{msg}#{BT.reset}" unless BT.quiet else msg = "FAIL #{BT_STATE.error-error}/#{BT_STATE.count-count}" $stderr.print "#{BT.progress_bs}#{BT.failed}#{msg}#{BT.reset}" BT.columns = 0 end end $stderr.puts if !BT.quiet and (BT.tty or BT_STATE.error == error) end end # show results unless BT.quiet $stderr.puts(erase) sec = Time.now - $start_time $stderr.puts "Finished in #{'%.2f' % sec} sec\n\n" if Assertion.count > 0 end Assertion.errbuf.each do |msg| $stderr.puts msg end out = BT.quiet ? $stdout : $stderr if BT_STATE.error == 0 if Assertion.count == 0 out.puts "No tests, no problem" unless BT.quiet else out.puts "#{BT.passed}PASS#{BT.reset} all #{Assertion.count} tests" end true else $stderr.puts "#{BT.failed}FAIL#{BT.reset} #{BT_STATE.error}/#{BT_STATE.count} tests failed" false end end def target_platform BT.platform or RUBY_PLATFORM end class Assertion < Struct.new(:src, :path, :lineno, :proc) @count = 0 @all = Hash.new{|h, k| h[k] = []} @errbuf = [] class << self attr_reader :count, :errbuf def all @all end def add as @all[as.path] << as as.id = (@count += 1) end end attr_accessor :id attr_reader :err, :category def initialize(*args) super self.class.add self @category = self.path.match(/test_(.+)\.rb/)[1] end def call self.proc.call self end def assert_check(message = '', opt = '', **argh) show_progress(message) { result = get_result_string(opt, **argh) yield(result) } end def with_stderr out = err = nil r, w = IO.pipe @err = w err_reader = Thread.new{ r.read } begin out = yield ensure w.close err = err_reader.value r.close rescue nil end return out, err end def show_error(msg, additional_message) msg = "#{BT.failed}\##{self.id} #{self.path}:#{self.lineno}#{BT.reset}: #{msg} #{additional_message}" if BT.tty $stderr.puts "#{erase}#{msg}" else Assertion.errbuf << msg end BT_STATE.error += 1 end def show_progress(message = '') if BT.quiet || BT.wn > 1 # do nothing elsif BT.verbose $stderr.print "\##{@id} #{self.path}:#{self.lineno} " elsif BT.tty $stderr.print "#{BT.progress_bs}#{BT.progress[BT_STATE.count % BT.progress.size]}" end t = Time.now if BT.verbose faildesc, errout = with_stderr {yield} t = Time.now - t if BT.verbose if !faildesc # success if BT.quiet || BT.wn > 1 # do nothing elsif BT.tty $stderr.print "#{BT.progress_bs}#{BT.progress[BT_STATE.count % BT.progress.size]}" elsif BT.verbose $stderr.printf(". %.3f\n", t) else BT.putc '.' end else $stderr.print "#{BT.failed}F" $stderr.printf(" %.3f", t) if BT.verbose $stderr.print BT.reset $stderr.puts if BT.verbose show_error faildesc, message unless errout.empty? $stderr.print "#{BT.failed}stderr output is not empty#{BT.reset}\n", adjust_indent(errout) end if BT.tty and !BT.verbose and BT.wn == 1 $stderr.printf("%-*s%s", BT.width, path, BT.progress[BT_STATE.count % BT.progress.size]) end end rescue Interrupt $stderr.puts "\##{@id} #{path}:#{lineno}" raise rescue Exception => err $stderr.print 'E' $stderr.puts if BT.verbose show_error err.message, message ensure begin check_coredump rescue CoreDumpError => err $stderr.print 'E' $stderr.puts if BT.verbose show_error err.message, message cleanup_coredump end end def get_result_string(opt = '', **argh) if BT.ruby filename = make_srcfile(**argh) begin kw = self.err ? {err: self.err} : {} out = IO.popen("#{BT.ruby} -W0 #{opt} #{filename}", **kw) pid = out.pid out.read.tap{ Process.waitpid(pid); out.close } ensure raise Interrupt if $? and $?.signaled? && $?.termsig == Signal.list["INT"] begin Process.kill :KILL, pid rescue Errno::ESRCH # OK end end else eval(src).to_s end end def make_srcfile(frozen_string_literal: nil) filename = "bootstraptest.#{self.path}_#{self.lineno}_#{self.id}.rb" File.open(filename, 'w') {|f| f.puts "#frozen_string_literal:true" if frozen_string_literal if $stress f.puts "GC.stress = true" if $stress else f.puts "" end f.puts "class BT_Skip < Exception; end; def skip(msg) = raise(BT_Skip, msg.to_s)" f.puts "print(begin; #{self.src}; rescue BT_Skip; $!.message; end)" } filename end end def add_assertion src, pr loc = caller_locations(2, 1).first lineno = loc.lineno path = File.basename(loc.path) Assertion.new(src, path, lineno, pr) end def assert_equal(expected, testsrc, message = '', opt = '', **argh) add_assertion testsrc, -> as do as.assert_check(message, opt, **argh) {|result| if expected == result nil else desc = "#{result.inspect} (expected #{expected.inspect})" pretty(testsrc, desc, result) end } end end def assert_match(expected_pattern, testsrc, message = '') add_assertion testsrc, -> as do as.assert_check(message) {|result| if expected_pattern =~ result nil else desc = "#{expected_pattern.inspect} expected to be =~\n#{result.inspect}" pretty(testsrc, desc, result) end } end end def assert_not_match(unexpected_pattern, testsrc, message = '') add_assertion testsrc, -> as do as.assert_check(message) {|result| if unexpected_pattern !~ result nil else desc = "#{unexpected_pattern.inspect} expected to be !~\n#{result.inspect}" pretty(testsrc, desc, result) end } end end def assert_valid_syntax(testsrc, message = '') add_assertion testsrc, -> as do as.assert_check(message, '-c') {|result| result if /Syntax OK/ !~ result } end end def assert_normal_exit(testsrc, *rest, timeout: nil, **opt) add_assertion testsrc, -> as do message, ignore_signals = rest message ||= '' as.show_progress(message) { faildesc = nil filename = as.make_srcfile timeout_signaled = false logfile = "assert_normal_exit.#{as.path}.#{as.lineno}.log" begin err = open(logfile, "w") io = IO.popen("#{BT.ruby} -W0 #{filename}", err: err) pid = io.pid th = Thread.new { io.read io.close $? } if !th.join(timeout) Process.kill :KILL, pid timeout_signaled = true end status = th.value ensure err.close end if status && status.signaled? signo = status.termsig signame = Signal.list.invert[signo] unless ignore_signals and ignore_signals.include?(signame) sigdesc = "signal #{signo}" if signame sigdesc = "SIG#{signame} (#{sigdesc})" end if timeout_signaled sigdesc << " (timeout)" end faildesc = pretty(testsrc, "killed by #{sigdesc}", nil) stderr_log = File.read(logfile) if !stderr_log.empty? faildesc << "\n" if /\n\z/ !~ faildesc stderr_log << "\n" if /\n\z/ !~ stderr_log stderr_log.gsub!(/^.*\n/) { '| ' + $& } faildesc << stderr_log end end end faildesc } end end def assert_finish(timeout_seconds, testsrc, message = '') add_assertion testsrc, -> as do if defined?(RubyVM::RJIT) && RubyVM::RJIT.enabled? # for --jit-wait timeout_seconds *= 3 end as.show_progress(message) { faildesc = nil filename = as.make_srcfile io = IO.popen("#{BT.ruby} -W0 #{filename}", err: as.err) pid = io.pid waited = false tlimit = Time.now + timeout_seconds diff = timeout_seconds while diff > 0 if Process.waitpid pid, Process::WNOHANG waited = true break end if io.respond_to?(:read_nonblock) if IO.select([io], nil, nil, diff) begin io.read_nonblock(1024) rescue Errno::EAGAIN, IO::WaitReadable, EOFError break end while true end else sleep 0.1 end diff = tlimit - Time.now end if !waited Process.kill(:KILL, pid) Process.waitpid pid faildesc = pretty(testsrc, "not finished in #{timeout_seconds} seconds", nil) end io.close faildesc } end end def flunk(message = '') add_assertion '', -> as do as.show_progress('') { message } end end def show_limit(testsrc, opt = '', **argh) return if BT.quiet add_assertion testsrc, -> as do result = as.get_result_string(opt, **argh) Assertion.errbuf << result end end def pretty(src, desc, result) src = src.sub(/\A\s*\n/, '') (/\n/ =~ src ? "\n#{adjust_indent(src)}" : src) + " #=> #{desc}" end INDENT = 27 def adjust_indent(src) untabify(src).gsub(/^ {#{INDENT}}/o, '').gsub(/^/, ' ').sub(/\s*\z/, "\n") end def untabify(str) str.gsub(/^\t+/) {' ' * (8 * $&.size) } end def in_temporary_working_directory(dir) if dir Dir.mkdir dir Dir.chdir(dir) { yield } else Dir.mktmpdir(["bootstraptest", ".tmpwd"]) {|d| Dir.chdir(d) { yield } } end end def cleanup_coredump if File.file?('core') require 'time' Dir.glob('/tmp/bootstraptest-core.*').each do |f| if Time.now - File.mtime(f) > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 7 days warn "Deleting an old core file: #{f}" FileUtils.rm(f) end end core_path = "/tmp/bootstraptest-core.#{Time.now.utc.iso8601}" warn "A core file is found. Saving it at: #{core_path.dump}" FileUtils.mv('core', core_path) cmd = ['gdb', BT.ruby, '-c', core_path, '-ex', 'bt', '-batch'] p cmd # debugging why it's not working system(*cmd) end FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('core.*') FileUtils.rm_f BT.ruby+'.stackdump' if BT.ruby end class CoreDumpError < StandardError; end def check_coredump if File.file?('core') or not Dir.glob('core.*').empty? or (BT.ruby and File.exist?(BT.ruby+'.stackdump')) raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped" end end def rjit_enabled? # Don't check `RubyVM::RJIT.enabled?`. On btest-bruby, target Ruby != runner Ruby. ENV.fetch('RUN_OPTS', '').include?('rjit') end exit main