require 'rbconfig' require 'timeout' require 'fileutils' require_relative 'lib/colorize' ENV.delete("GNUMAKEFLAGS") github_actions = ENV["GITHUB_ACTIONS"] == "true" allowed_failures = ENV['TEST_BUNDLED_GEMS_ALLOW_FAILURES'] || '' allowed_failures = allowed_failures.split(',').reject(&:empty?) ENV["GEM_PATH"] = [File.realpath('.bundle'), File.realpath('../.bundle', __dir__)].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) colorize = rake = File.realpath("../../.bundle/bin/rake", __FILE__) gem_dir = File.realpath('../../gems', __FILE__) rubylib = [gem_dir+'/lib', ENV["RUBYLIB"]].compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) exit_code = 0 ruby = ENV['RUBY'] || RbConfig.ruby failed = [] File.foreach("#{gem_dir}/bundled_gems") do |line| next if /^\s*(?:#|$)/ =~ line gem = line.split.first next if ARGV.any? {|pat| !File.fnmatch?(pat, gem)} # 93(bright yellow) is copied from .github/workflows/mingw.yml puts "#{github_actions ? "::group::\e\[93m" : "\n"}Testing the #{gem} gem#{github_actions ? "\e\[m" : ""}" test_command = "#{ruby} -C #{gem_dir}/src/#{gem} #{rake} test" first_timeout = 600 # 10min toplib = gem case gem when "typeprof" when "rbs" # TODO: We should skip test file instead of test class/methods skip_test_files = %w[ test/stdlib/Prime_test.rb ] skip_test_files.each do |file| path = "#{gem_dir}/src/#{gem}/#{file}" File.unlink(path) if File.exist?(path) end test_command << " stdlib_test validate RBS_SKIP_TESTS=#{__dir__}/rbs_skip_tests SKIP_RBS_VALIDATION=true" first_timeout *= 3 when "debug" # Since debug gem requires in child processes without # acitvating the gem, we preset necessary paths in RUBYLIB # environment variable. load_path = true when "test-unit" test_command = "#{ruby} -C #{gem_dir}/src/#{gem} test/run-test.rb" when /\Anet-/ toplib ="-", "/") end if load_path libs = IO.popen([ruby, "-e", "old = $:.dup; require '#{toplib}'; puts $:-old"], &:read) next unless $?.success? puts libs ENV["RUBYLIB"] = [libs.split("\n"), rubylib].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) else ENV["RUBYLIB"] = rubylib end print "[command]" if github_actions puts test_command pid = Process.spawn(test_command, "#{/mingw|mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM ? 'new_' : ''}pgroup": true) {nil => first_timeout, INT: 30, TERM: 10, KILL: nil}.each do |sig, sec| if sig puts "Sending #{sig} signal" Process.kill("-#{sig}", pid) end begin break Timeout.timeout(sec) {Process.wait(pid)} rescue Timeout::Error end rescue Interrupt exit_code = Signal.list["INT"] Process.kill("-KILL", pid) Process.wait(pid) break end print "::endgroup::\n" if github_actions unless $?.success? mesg = "Tests failed " + ($?.signaled? ? "by SIG#{Signal.signame($?.termsig)}" : "with exit code #{$?.exitstatus}") puts colorize.decorate(mesg, "fail") if allowed_failures.include?(gem) mesg = "Ignoring test failures for #{gem} due to \$TEST_BUNDLED_GEMS_ALLOW_FAILURES" puts colorize.decorate(mesg, "skip") else failed << gem exit_code = $?.exitstatus if $?.exitstatus end end end puts "Failed gems: #{failed.join(', ')}" unless failed.empty? exit exit_code