require_relative './helper' return if not DidYouMean::TestHelper.ractor_compatible? class RactorCompatibilityTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_class_name_suggestion_works_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") class ::Book; end include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { begin Boook rescue NameError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_correction "Book", error.corrections CODE end def test_key_name_suggestion_works_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { begin hash = { "foo" => 1, bar: 2 } hash.fetch(:bax) rescue KeyError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_correction ":bar", error.corrections assert_match "Did you mean? :bar", get_message(error) CODE end def test_method_name_suggestion_works_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { begin self.to__s rescue NoMethodError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_correction :to_s, error.corrections assert_match "Did you mean? to_s", get_message(error) CODE end if defined?(::NoMatchingPatternKeyError) def test_pattern_key_name_suggestion_works_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { begin eval(<<~RUBY, binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) hash = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3} hash => {fooo:} fooo = 1 # suppress "unused variable: fooo" warning RUBY rescue NoMatchingPatternKeyError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_correction ":foo", error.corrections assert_match "Did you mean? :foo", get_message(error) CODE end end def test_can_raise_other_name_error_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") class FirstNameError < NameError; end include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { begin raise FirstNameError, "Other name error" rescue FirstNameError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_not_match(/Did you mean\?/, error.message) CODE end def test_variable_name_suggestion_works_in_ractor assert_ractor(<<~CODE, require_relative: "helper") include DidYouMean::TestHelper error = { in_ractor = in_ractor = 1 begin in_reactor rescue NameError => e e.corrections # It is important to call the #corrections method within Ractor. e end }.take assert_correction :in_ractor, error.corrections assert_match "Did you mean? in_ractor", get_message(error) CODE end end