#!/usr/bin/env ruby if ARGV.size < 2 puts "Usage: #{$0} [--no-dry-run]" puts " : if --no-dry-run is specified, it will create a release on GitHub" exit 1 end require "bundler/inline" gemfile do source "https://rubygems.org" gem "octokit" gem "faraday-retry" gem "nokogiri" end require "open-uri" Octokit.configure do |c| c.access_token = ENV['GITHUB_TOKEN'] c.auto_paginate = true c.per_page = 100 end client = Octokit::Client.new note = "## What's Changed\n\n" notes = [] diff = client.compare("ruby/ruby", ARGV[0], ARGV[1]) diff[:commits].each do |c| if c[:commit][:message] =~ /\[(Backport|Feature|Bug) #(\d*)\]/ url = "https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/#{$2}" title = Nokogiri::HTML(URI.open(url)).title title.gsub!(/ - Ruby master - Ruby Issue Tracking System/, "") elsif c[:commit][:message] =~ /\(#(\d*)\)/ url = "https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/#{$1}" title = Nokogiri::HTML(URI.open(url)).title title.gsub!(/ · ruby\/ruby · GitHub/, "") else next end notes << "* [#{title}](#{url})" rescue OpenURI::HTTPError puts "Error: #{url}" end notes.uniq! note << notes.join("\n") note << "\n\n" note << "Note: This list is automatically generated by tool/gen-github-release.rb. Because of this, some commits may be missing.\n\n" note << "## Full Changelog\n\n" note << "https://github.com/ruby/ruby/compare/#{ARGV[0]}...#{ARGV[1]}\n\n" if ARGV[2] == "--no-dry-run" name = ARGV[1].gsub(/^v/, "").gsub(/_/, ".") client.create_release("ruby/ruby", ARGV[1], name: name, body: note, make_latest: "false") puts "Created a release: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/releases/tag/#{ARGV[1]}" else puts note end