module YJIT if defined?(Disasm) def self.disasm(iseq, tty: $stdout && $stdout.tty?) iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq) blocks = YJIT.blocks_for(iseq) return if blocks.empty? str = str << iseq.disasm str << "\n" # Sort the blocks by increasing addresses sorted_blocks = blocks.sort_by(&:address) highlight = ->(str) { if tty "\x1b[1m#{str}\x1b[0m" else str end } cs = sorted_blocks.each_with_index do |block, i| str << "== BLOCK #{i+1}/#{blocks.length}: #{block.code.length} BYTES, ISEQ RANGE [#{block.iseq_start_index},#{block.iseq_end_index}) ".ljust(80, "=") str << "\n" comments = comments_for(block.address, block.address + block.code.length) comment_idx = 0 cs.disasm(block.code, block.address).each do |i| while (comment = comments[comment_idx]) && comment.address <= i.address str << " ; #{}\n" comment_idx += 1 end str << sprintf( " %
08x: %s\t%
s\n", address: i.address, instruction: i.mnemonic, details: i.op_str ) end end block_sizes = { |block| block.code.length } total_bytes = block_sizes.sum str << "\n" str << "Total code size: #{total_bytes} bytes" str << "\n" str end def self.comments_for(start_address, end_address) Primitive.comments_for(start_address, end_address) end def self.graphviz_for(iseq) iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq) cs = highlight = ->(comment) { "#{comment}" } linebreak = "
\n" buff = '' blocks = blocks_for(iseq).sort_by(&:id) buff << "digraph g {\n" # Write the iseq info as a legend buff << " legend [shape=record fontsize=\"30\" fillcolor=\"lightgrey\" style=\"filled\"];\n" buff << " legend [label=\"{ Instruction Disassembly For: | {#{iseq.base_label}@#{iseq.absolute_path}:#{iseq.first_lineno}}}\"];\n" # Subgraph contains disassembly buff << " subgraph disasm {\n" buff << " node [shape=record fontname=\"courier\"];\n" buff << " edge [fontname=\"courier\" penwidth=3];\n" blocks.each do |block| disasm = disasm_block(cs, block, highlight) # convert newlines to breaks that graphviz understands disasm.gsub!(/\n/, linebreak) # strip leading whitespace disasm.gsub!(/^\s+/, '') buff << "b#{} [label=<#{disasm}>];\n" buff << { |id| next_block = blocks.bsearch { |nb| id <=> } if next_block.address == (block.address + block.code.length) "b#{} -> b#{id}[label=\"Fall\"];" else "b#{} -> b#{id}[label=\"Jump\" style=dashed];" end }.join("\n") buff << "\n" end buff << " }" buff << "}" buff end def self.disasm_block(cs, block, highlight) comments = comments_for(block.address, block.address + block.code.length) comment_idx = 0 str = '' cs.disasm(block.code, block.address).each do |i| while (comment = comments[comment_idx]) && comment.address <= i.address str << " ; #{}\n" comment_idx += 1 end str << sprintf( " %
08x: %s\t%
s\n", address: i.address, instruction: i.mnemonic, details: i.op_str ) end str end end # Return a hash for statistics generated for the --yjit-stats command line option. # Return nil when option is not passed or unavailable. def self.runtime_stats # defined in yjit_iface.c Primitive.get_yjit_stats end # Discard statistics collected for --yjit-stats. def self.reset_stats! # defined in yjit_iface.c Primitive.reset_stats_bang end class << self private # Format and print out counters def _print_stats stats = runtime_stats return unless stats $stderr.puts("***YJIT: Printing YJIT statistics on exit***") $stderr.puts("Number of bindings allocated: %d\n" % stats[:binding_allocations]) $stderr.puts("Number of locals modified through binding: %d\n" % stats[:binding_set]) print_counters(stats, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons: ') print_counters(stats, prefix: 'leave_', prompt: 'leave exit reasons: ') print_counters(stats, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons:') print_counters(stats, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons:') print_counters(stats, prefix: 'oaref_', prompt: 'opt_aref exit reasons: ') total_exits = total_exit_count(stats) # Number of instructions that finish executing in YJIT retired_in_yjit = stats[:exec_instruction] - total_exits # Average length of instruction sequences executed by YJIT avg_len_in_yjit = retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_exits # Proportion of instructions that retire in YJIT total_insns_count = retired_in_yjit + stats[:vm_insns_count] yjit_ratio_pct = 100.0 * retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_insns_count $stderr.puts "compiled_iseq_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:compiled_iseq_count]) $stderr.puts "inline_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:inline_code_size]) $stderr.puts "outlined_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:outlined_code_size]) $stderr.puts "total_exit_count: " + ("%10d" % total_exits) $stderr.puts "total_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % total_insns_count) $stderr.puts "vm_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:vm_insns_count]) $stderr.puts "yjit_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:exec_instruction]) $stderr.puts "ratio_in_yjit: " + ("%9.1f" % yjit_ratio_pct) + "%" $stderr.puts "avg_len_in_yjit: " + ("%10.1f" % avg_len_in_yjit) print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix: "exit_") end def print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix:, how_many: 20, left_pad: 4) exits = [] stats.each do |k, v| if k.start_with?(prefix) exits.push [k.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix), v] end end exits = exits.sort_by { |name, count| -count }[0...how_many] total_exits = total_exit_count(stats) top_n_total = { |name, count| count }.sum top_n_exit_pct = top_n_total / total_exits $stderr.puts "Top-#{how_many} most frequent exit ops (#{"%.1f" % top_n_exit_pct}% of exits):" longest_insn_name_len = { |name, count| name.length }.max exits.each do |name, count| padding = longest_insn_name_len + left_pad padded_name = "%#{padding}s" % name padded_count = "%10d" % count percent = 100.0 * count / total_exits formatted_percent = "%.1f" % percent $stderr.puts("#{padded_name}: #{padded_count} (#{formatted_percent})" ) end end def total_exit_count(stats, prefix: "exit_") total = 0 stats.each do |k,v| total += v if k.start_with?(prefix) end total end def print_counters(counters, prefix:, prompt:) $stderr.puts(prompt) counters = counters.filter { |key, _| key.start_with?(prefix) } counters.filter! { |_, value| value != 0 } counters.transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix) } if counters.empty? $stderr.puts(" (all relevant counters are zero)") return end counters = counters.to_a counters.sort_by! { |(_, counter_value)| counter_value } longest_name_length = counters.max_by { |(name, _)| name.length }.first.length total = counters.sum { |(_, counter_value)| counter_value } counters.reverse_each do |(name, value)| percentage = value.fdiv(total) * 100 $stderr.printf(" %*s %10d (%4.1f%%)\n", longest_name_length, name, value, percentage); end end end end