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# for ast.c
# AbstractSyntaxTree provides methods to parse Ruby code into
# abstract syntax trees. The nodes in the tree
# are instances of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node.
# This module is MRI specific as it exposes implementation details
# of the MRI abstract syntax tree.
# This module is experimental and its API is not stable, therefore it might
# change without notice. As examples, the order of children nodes is not
# guaranteed, the number of children nodes might change, there is no way to
# access children nodes by name, etc.
# If you are looking for a stable API or an API working under multiple Ruby
# implementations, consider using the _parser_ gem or Ripper. If you would
# like to make RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree stable, please join the discussion
# at
module RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
# call-seq:
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(string, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false) -> RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node
# Parses the given _string_ into an abstract syntax tree,
# returning the root node of that tree.
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1 + 2")
# # => #<RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node:SCOPE@1:0-1:9>
# If <tt>keep_script_lines: true</tt> option is provided, the text of the parsed
# source is associated with nodes and is available via Node#script_lines.
# If <tt>keep_tokens: true</tt> option is provided, Node#tokens are populated.
# SyntaxError is raised if the given _string_ is invalid syntax. To overwrite this
# behavior, <tt>error_tolerant: true</tt> can be provided. In this case, the parser
# will produce a tree where expressions with syntax errors would be represented by
# Node with <tt>type=:ERROR</tt>.
# root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1; p(x; y=2")
# # <internal:ast>:33:in `parse': syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' (SyntaxError)
# # x = 1; p(x; y=2
# # ^
# root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1; p(x; y=2", error_tolerant: true)
# # (SCOPE@1:0-1:15
# # tbl: [:x, :y]
# # args: nil
# # body: (BLOCK@1:0-1:15 (LASGN@1:0-1:5 :x (LIT@1:4-1:5 1)) (ERROR@1:7-1:11) (LASGN@1:12-1:15 :y (LIT@1:14-1:15 2))))
# root.children.last.children
# # [(LASGN@1:0-1:5 :x (LIT@1:4-1:5 1)),
# # (ERROR@1:7-1:11),
# # (LASGN@1:12-1:15 :y (LIT@1:14-1:15 2))]
# Note that parsing continues even after the errored expresion.
def self.parse string, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false
Primitive.ast_s_parse string, keep_script_lines, error_tolerant, keep_tokens
# call-seq:
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse_file(pathname, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false) -> RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node
# Reads the file from _pathname_, then parses it like ::parse,
# returning the root node of the abstract syntax tree.
# SyntaxError is raised if _pathname_'s contents are not
# valid Ruby syntax.
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse_file("my-app/app.rb")
# # => #<RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node:SCOPE@1:0-31:3>
# See ::parse for explanation of keyword argument meaning and usage.
def self.parse_file pathname, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false
Primitive.ast_s_parse_file pathname, keep_script_lines, error_tolerant, keep_tokens
# call-seq:
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(proc, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false) -> RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false) -> RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node
# Returns AST nodes of the given _proc_ or _method_.
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(proc {1 + 2})
# # => #<RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node:SCOPE@1:35-1:42>
# def hello
# puts "hello, world"
# end
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method(:hello))
# # => #<RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node:SCOPE@1:0-3:3>
# See ::parse for explanation of keyword argument meaning and usage.
def self.of body, keep_script_lines: false, error_tolerant: false, keep_tokens: false
Primitive.ast_s_of body, keep_script_lines, error_tolerant, keep_tokens
# call-seq:
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.node_id_for_backtrace_location(backtrace_location) -> integer
# Returns the node id for the given backtrace location.
# begin
# raise
# rescue => e
# loc = e.backtrace_locations.first
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.node_id_for_backtrace_location(loc)
# end # => 0
def self.node_id_for_backtrace_location backtrace_location
Primitive.node_id_for_backtrace_location backtrace_location
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node instances are created by parse methods in
# RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.
# This class is MRI specific.
class Node
# call-seq:
# node.type -> symbol
# Returns the type of this node as a symbol.
# root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1 + 2")
# root.type # => :SCOPE
# lasgn = root.children[2]
# lasgn.type # => :LASGN
# call = lasgn.children[1]
# call.type # => :OPCALL
def type
# call-seq:
# node.first_lineno -> integer
# The line number in the source code where this AST's text began.
def first_lineno
# call-seq:
# node.first_column -> integer
# The column number in the source code where this AST's text began.
def first_column
# call-seq:
# node.last_lineno -> integer
# The line number in the source code where this AST's text ended.
def last_lineno
# call-seq:
# node.last_column -> integer
# The column number in the source code where this AST's text ended.
def last_column
# call-seq:
# node.tokens -> array
# Returns tokens corresponding to the location of the node.
# Returns +nil+ if +keep_tokens+ is not enabled when #parse method is called.
# root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1 + 2", keep_tokens: true)
# root.tokens # => [[0, :tIDENTIFIER, "x", [1, 0, 1, 1]], [1, :tSP, " ", [1, 1, 1, 2]], ...]
#{_1[2]}.join # => "x = 1 + 2"
# Token is an array of:
# - id
# - token type
# - source code text
# - location [ first_lineno, first_column, last_lineno, last_column ]
def tokens
return nil unless all_tokens
all_tokens.each_with_object([]) do |token, a|
loc = token.last
if ([first_lineno, first_column] <=> [loc[0], loc[1]]) <= 0 &&
([last_lineno, last_column] <=> [loc[2], loc[3]]) >= 0
a << token
# call-seq:
# node.all_tokens -> array
# Returns all tokens for the input script regardless the receiver node.
# Returns +nil+ if +keep_tokens+ is not enabled when #parse method is called.
# root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1 + 2", keep_tokens: true)
# root.all_tokens # => [[0, :tIDENTIFIER, "x", [1, 0, 1, 1]], [1, :tSP, " ", [1, 1, 1, 2]], ...]
# root.children[-1].all_tokens # => [[0, :tIDENTIFIER, "x", [1, 0, 1, 1]], [1, :tSP, " ", [1, 1, 1, 2]], ...]
def all_tokens
# call-seq:
# node.children -> array
# Returns AST nodes under this one. Each kind of node
# has different children, depending on what kind of node it is.
# The returned array may contain other nodes or <code>nil</code>.
def children
# call-seq:
# node.inspect -> string
# Returns debugging information about this node as a string.
def inspect
# call-seq:
# node.node_id -> integer
# Returns an internal node_id number.
# Note that this is an API for ruby internal use, debugging,
# and research. Do not use this for any other purpose.
# The compatibility is not guaranteed.
def node_id
# call-seq:
# node.script_lines -> array
# Returns the original source code as an array of lines.
# Note that this is an API for ruby internal use, debugging,
# and research. Do not use this for any other purpose.
# The compatibility is not guaranteed.
def script_lines
# call-seq:
# node.source -> string
# Returns the code fragment that corresponds to this AST.
# Note that this is an API for ruby internal use, debugging,
# and research. Do not use this for any other purpose.
# The compatibility is not guaranteed.
# Also note that this API may return an incomplete code fragment
# that does not parse; for example, a here document following
# an expression may be dropped.
def source
lines = script_lines
if lines
lines = lines[first_lineno - 1 .. last_lineno - 1]
lines[-1] = lines[-1][0...last_column]
lines[0] = lines[0][first_column..-1]