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# for gc.c
# The \GC module provides an interface to Ruby's mark and
# sweep garbage collection mechanism.
# Some of the underlying methods are also available via the ObjectSpace
# module.
# You may obtain information about the operation of the \GC through
# GC::Profiler.
module GC
# Initiates garbage collection, even if manually disabled.
# The +full_mark+ keyword argument determines whether or not to perform a
# major garbage collection cycle. When set to +true+, a major garbage
# collection cycle is ran, meaning all objects are marked. When set to
# +false+, a minor garbage collection cycle is ran, meaning only young
# objects are marked.
# The +immediate_mark+ keyword argument determines whether or not to perform
# incremental marking. When set to +true+, marking is completed during the
# call to this method. When set to +false+, marking is performed in steps
# that is interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so marking might not
# be completed during this method call. Note that if +full_mark+ is +false+
# then marking will always be immediate, regardless of the value of
# +immediate_mark+.
# The +immediate_sweep+ keyword argument determines whether or not to defer
# sweeping (using lazy sweep). When set to +false+, sweeping is performed in
# steps that is interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so sweeping might
# not be completed during this method call. When set to +true+, sweeping is
# completed during the call to this method.
# Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version dependent. They
# are not guaranteed to be future-compatible, and may be ignored if the
# underlying implementation does not support them.
def self.start full_mark: true, immediate_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true
Primitive.gc_start_internal full_mark, immediate_mark, immediate_sweep, false
# Alias of GC.start
def garbage_collect full_mark: true, immediate_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true
Primitive.gc_start_internal full_mark, immediate_mark, immediate_sweep, false
# call-seq:
# GC.enable -> true or false
# Enables garbage collection, returning +true+ if garbage
# collection was previously disabled.
# GC.disable #=> false
# GC.enable #=> true
# GC.enable #=> false
def self.enable
# call-seq:
# GC.disable -> true or false
# Disables garbage collection, returning +true+ if garbage
# collection was already disabled.
# GC.disable #=> false
# GC.disable #=> true
def self.disable
# call-seq:
# GC.stress -> integer, true or false
# Returns current status of \GC stress mode.
def self.stress
# call-seq:
# GC.stress = flag -> flag
# Updates the \GC stress mode.
# When stress mode is enabled, the \GC is invoked at every \GC opportunity:
# all memory and object allocations.
# Enabling stress mode will degrade performance, it is only for debugging.
# flag can be true, false, or an integer bit-ORed following flags.
# 0x01:: no major GC
# 0x02:: no immediate sweep
# 0x04:: full mark after malloc/calloc/realloc
def self.stress=(flag)
Primitive.gc_stress_set_m flag
# call-seq:
# GC.count -> Integer
# The number of times \GC occurred.
# It returns the number of times \GC occurred since the process started.
def self.count
# call-seq:
# GC.stat -> Hash
# GC.stat(hash) -> Hash
# GC.stat(:key) -> Numeric
# Returns a Hash containing information about the \GC.
# The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in
# the future without notice.
# The hash includes information about internal statistics about \GC such as:
# [count]
# The total number of garbage collections ran since application start
# (count includes both minor and major garbage collections)
# [time]
# The total time spent in garbage collections (in milliseconds)
# [heap_allocated_pages]
# The total number of +:heap_eden_pages+ + +:heap_tomb_pages+
# [heap_sorted_length]
# The number of pages that can fit into the buffer that holds references to
# all pages
# [heap_allocatable_pages]
# The total number of pages the application could allocate without additional \GC
# [heap_available_slots]
# The total number of slots in all +:heap_allocated_pages+
# [heap_live_slots]
# The total number of slots which contain live objects
# [heap_free_slots]
# The total number of slots which do not contain live objects
# [heap_final_slots]
# The total number of slots with pending finalizers to be run
# [heap_marked_slots]
# The total number of objects marked in the last \GC
# [heap_eden_pages]
# The total number of pages which contain at least one live slot
# [heap_tomb_pages]
# The total number of pages which do not contain any live slots
# [total_allocated_pages]
# The cumulative number of pages allocated since application start
# [total_freed_pages]
# The cumulative number of pages freed since application start
# [total_allocated_objects]
# The cumulative number of objects allocated since application start
# [total_freed_objects]
# The cumulative number of objects freed since application start
# [malloc_increase_bytes]
# Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by any \GC
# [malloc_increase_bytes_limit]
# When +:malloc_increase_bytes+ crosses this limit, \GC is triggered
# [minor_gc_count]
# The total number of minor garbage collections run since process start
# [major_gc_count]
# The total number of major garbage collections run since process start
# [compact_count]
# The total number of compactions run since process start
# [read_barrier_faults]
# The total number of times the read barrier was triggered during
# compaction
# [total_moved_objects]
# The total number of objects compaction has moved
# [remembered_wb_unprotected_objects]
# The total number of objects without write barriers
# [remembered_wb_unprotected_objects_limit]
# When +:remembered_wb_unprotected_objects+ crosses this limit,
# major \GC is triggered
# [old_objects]
# Number of live, old objects which have survived at least 3 garbage collections
# [old_objects_limit]
# When +:old_objects+ crosses this limit, major \GC is triggered
# [oldmalloc_increase_bytes]
# Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by major \GC
# [oldmalloc_increase_bytes_limit]
# When +:old_malloc_increase_bytes+ crosses this limit, major \GC is triggered
# If the optional argument, hash, is given,
# it is overwritten and returned.
# This is intended to avoid probe effect.
# This method is only expected to work on CRuby.
def self.stat hash_or_key = nil
Primitive.gc_stat hash_or_key
# call-seq:
# GC.stat_heap -> Hash
# GC.stat_heap(nil, hash) -> Hash
# GC.stat_heap(heap_name) -> Hash
# GC.stat_heap(heap_name, hash) -> Hash
# GC.stat_heap(heap_name, :key) -> Numeric
# Returns information for heaps in the \GC.
# If the first optional argument, +heap_name+, is passed in and not +nil+, it
# returns a +Hash+ containing information about the particular heap.
# Otherwise, it will return a +Hash+ with heap names as keys and
# a +Hash+ containing information about the heap as values.
# If the second optional argument, +hash_or_key+, is given as +Hash+, it will
# be overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid the probe effect.
# If both optional arguments are passed in and the second optional argument is
# a symbol, it will return a +Numeric+ of the value for the particular heap.
# On CRuby, +heap_name+ is of the type +Integer+ but may be of type +String+
# on other implementations.
# The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in
# the future without notice.
# If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned.
# This method is only expected to work on CRuby.
# The hash includes the following keys about the internal information in
# the \GC:
# [slot_size]
# The slot size of the heap in bytes.
# [heap_allocatable_pages]
# The number of pages that can be allocated without triggering a new
# garbage collection cycle.
# [heap_eden_pages]
# The number of pages in the eden heap.
# [heap_eden_slots]
# The total number of slots in all of the pages in the eden heap.
# [heap_tomb_pages]
# The number of pages in the tomb heap. The tomb heap only contains pages
# that do not have any live objects.
# [heap_tomb_slots]
# The total number of slots in all of the pages in the tomb heap.
# [total_allocated_pages]
# The total number of pages that have been allocated in the heap.
# [total_freed_pages]
# The total number of pages that have been freed and released back to the
# system in the heap.
# [force_major_gc_count]
# The number of times major garbage collection cycles this heap has forced
# to start due to running out of free slots.
# [force_incremental_marking_finish_count]
# The number of times this heap has forced incremental marking to complete
# due to running out of pooled slots.
def self.stat_heap heap_name = nil, hash_or_key = nil
Primitive.gc_stat_heap heap_name, hash_or_key
# call-seq:
# GC.config -> hash
# GC.config(hash) -> hash
# Sets or gets information about the current GC config.
# Configuration parameters are GC implementation specific and may change
# without notice.
# This method can be called without parameters to retrieve the current config.
# This method can also be called with a +Hash+ argument to assign values to
# valid config keys. Config keys missing from the passed +Hash+ will be left
# unmodified.
# If a key/value pair is passed to this function that does not correspond to
# a valid config key for the GC implementation being used, no config will be
# updated, the key will be present in the returned Hash, and it's value will
# be +nil+. This is to facilitate easy migration between GC implementations.
# In both call-seqs the return value of <code>GC.config</code> will be a +Hash+
# containing the most recent full configuration. ie. All keys and values
# defined by the specific GC implementation being used. In the case of a
# config update, the return value will include the new values being updated.
# This method is only expected to work on CRuby.
# Valid config keys for Ruby's default GC implementation are:
# [rgengc_allow_full_mark]
# Control whether the GC is allowed to run a full mark (young & old objects).
# When +true+ GC interleaves major and minor collections. This is default. GC
# will function as intended.
# When +false+, the GC will never trigger a full marking cycle unless
# explicitly requested by user code. Instead only a minor mark will run -
# only young objects will be marked. When the heap space is exhausted, new
# pages will be allocated immediately instead of running a full mark.
# A flag will be set to notify that a full mark has been
# requested. This flag is accessible using
# <code>GC.latest_gc_info(:needs_major_by)</code>
# The user can trigger a major collection at any time using
# <code>GC.start(full_mark: true)</code>
# When +false+. Young to Old object promotion is disabled. For performance
# reasons it is recommended to warmup an application using +Process.warmup+
# before setting this parameter to +false+.
def self.config hash = nil
return Primitive.gc_config_get unless hash
Primitive.gc_config_set hash
# call-seq:
# GC.latest_gc_info -> hash
# GC.latest_gc_info(hash) -> hash
# GC.latest_gc_info(:major_by) -> :malloc
# Returns information about the most recent garbage collection.
# If the optional argument, hash, is given,
# it is overwritten and returned.
# This is intended to avoid probe effect.
def self.latest_gc_info hash_or_key = nil
Primitive.gc_latest_gc_info hash_or_key
# call-seq:
# GC.measure_total_time = true/false
# Enable to measure \GC time.
# You can get the result with <tt>GC.stat(:time)</tt>.
# Note that \GC time measurement can cause some performance overhead.
def self.measure_total_time=(flag)
Primitive.cstmt! %{
return rb_gc_impl_set_measure_total_time(rb_gc_get_objspace(), flag);
# call-seq:
# GC.measure_total_time -> true/false
# Return measure_total_time flag (default: +true+).
# Note that measurement can affect the application performance.
def self.measure_total_time
Primitive.cexpr! %{
# call-seq:
# GC.total_time -> int
# Return measured \GC total time in nano seconds.
def self.total_time
Primitive.cexpr! %{
module ObjectSpace
# Alias of GC.start
def garbage_collect full_mark: true, immediate_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true
Primitive.gc_start_internal full_mark, immediate_mark, immediate_sweep, false
module_function :garbage_collect