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Improvements to the Summary doc (#11502)
* feat: add a link to the VTOrc section in the summary doc Signed-off-by: Manan Gupta <manan@planetscale.com> * Fixup summary topics and links Signed-off-by: Matt Lord <mattalord@gmail.com> * Improve vdiff2 entry Signed-off-by: Matt Lord <mattalord@gmail.com> * summary: fix some formatting, organization and wording Signed-off-by: deepthi <deepthi@planetscale.com> * Format the summary with sections and sub-sections and proper order/naming Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> * Follow the same case for titles in the summary file Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> * Go from v15.0.0-rc1 to v15.0.0 Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> * Update the release summary Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> * adding flag diff file Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * adding link on release notes Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * separating out each binary flag diff Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * remove old diff file Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * fix typo Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * rename files Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> * fix summary links Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> * addition of proper anchor to all the titles Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> Signed-off-by: Manan Gupta <manan@planetscale.com> Signed-off-by: Matt Lord <mattalord@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: deepthi <deepthi@planetscale.com> Signed-off-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> Signed-off-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Matt Lord <mattalord@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: deepthi <deepthi@planetscale.com> Co-authored-by: Florent Poinsard <florent.poinsard@outlook.fr> Co-authored-by: Rameez Sajwani <rameezwazirali@hotmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/mysqlctl.txt b/flags/15.0/mysqlctl.txt
index a535bc4..6444c8f 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/mysqlctl.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/mysqlctl.txt
@@ -1,150 +1,86 @@
-Usage of mysqlctl:
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
- --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-config-dba-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-dba-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-dba-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-dba-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-dba-pass string db dba deprecated: use db_dba_password
- --db-config-dba-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-dba-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-dba-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-dba-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-dba-uname string deprecated: use db_dba_user (default vt_dba)
- --db-config-dba-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
- --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default utf8mb4)
- --db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
- --db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
- --db_dba_password string db dba password
- --db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default vt_dba)
- --db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
- --db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
- --db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
- --db_port int tcp port
- --db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
- --db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
- --db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
- --db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
- --db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
- --db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
- --db_ssl_mode value SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
- --db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysql_socket string path to the mysql socket
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
- --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
- --port int vttablet port (default 6612)
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_uid uint tablet uid (default 41983)
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+Usage: mysqlctl [global-flags] <command> -- [command-flags]
+The commands are listed below. Use 'mysqlctl <command> -- {-h, --help}' for command help.
+ init [--wait_time=5m] [--init_db_sql_file=]
+ init_config
+ reinit_config
+ teardown [--wait_time=5m] [--force]
+ start [--wait_time=5m]
+ shutdown [--wait_time=5m]
+ position <operation> <pos1> <pos2 | gtid>
+Global flags:
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
+ --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
+ --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
+ --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
+ --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
+ --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
+ --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
+ --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
+ --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
+ --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default "utf8mb4")
+ --db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
+ --db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
+ --db_dba_password string db dba password
+ --db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
+ --db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
+ --db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
+ --db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
+ --db_port int tcp port
+ --db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
+ --db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
+ --db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
+ --db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
+ --db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
+ --db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
+ --db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
+ --db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
+ --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
+ --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --mysql_port int MySQL port (default 3306)
+ --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
+ --mysql_socket string Path to the mysqld socket file
+ --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default "grpc")
+ --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
+ --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
+ --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
+ --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
+ --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
+ --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
+ --port int port for the server
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
+ --socket_file string Local unix socket file to listen on
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
+ --tablet_uid uint Tablet UID (default 41983)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/mysqlctld.txt b/flags/15.0/mysqlctld.txt
index 47df65e..f34697b 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/mysqlctld.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/mysqlctld.txt
@@ -2,48 +2,24 @@ Usage of mysqlctld:
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
--app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
- --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
--catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-config-dba-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-dba-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-dba-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-dba-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-dba-pass string db dba deprecated: use db_dba_password
- --db-config-dba-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-dba-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-dba-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-dba-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-dba-uname string deprecated: use db_dba_user (default vt_dba)
- --db-config-dba-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
--db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
+ --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
--db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
--db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
--db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
--db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
--db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default utf8mb4)
+ --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default "utf8mb4")
--db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
--db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
--db_dba_password string db dba password
--db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default vt_dba)
+ --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
--db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
--db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
--db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
@@ -54,22 +30,19 @@ Usage of mysqlctld:
--db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
--db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
--db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
- --db_ssl_mode value SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
+ --db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
--db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
--dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
--grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
--grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
--grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
--grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
@@ -77,36 +50,25 @@ Usage of mysqlctld:
--grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
--grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
+ --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
--grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
--grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --init_db_sql_file string path to .sql file to run after mysql_install_db
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --init_db_sql_file string Path to .sql file to run after mysqld initialization
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
--lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
+ --mysql_port int MySQL port (default 3306)
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysql_socket string path to the mysql socket
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
+ --mysql_socket string Path to the mysqld socket file
--mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
--mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
--onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
@@ -114,40 +76,16 @@ Usage of mysqlctld:
--pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
--pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
--port int port for the server
- --pprof string enable profiling
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
--replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
--socket_file string Local unix socket file to listen on
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_uid uint tablet uid (default 41983)
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --wait_time duration how long to wait for mysqld startup or shutdown (default 5m0s)
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+ --tablet_uid uint Tablet UID (default 41983)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --wait_time duration How long to wait for mysqld startup or shutdown (default 5m0s)
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtaclcheck.txt b/flags/15.0/vtaclcheck.txt
index e7c9720..6e2c57d 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtaclcheck.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtaclcheck.txt
@@ -1,67 +1,19 @@
Usage of vtaclcheck:
- --acl_file string The path of the JSON ACL file to check
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --static_auth_file string The path of the auth_server_static JSON file to check
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --acl-file string The path of the JSON ACL file to check
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --static-auth-file string The path of the auth_server_static JSON file to check
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtadmin.txt b/flags/15.0/vtadmin.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ea8436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtadmin.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ vtadmin [flags]
+ --addr string address to serve on (default ":15000")
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --cache-refresh-key string instructs a request to ignore any cached data (if applicable) and refresh the cache;usable as an HTTP header named 'X-<key>' and as a gRPC metadata key '<key>'
+ Note: any whitespace characters are replaced with hyphens. (default "vt-cache-refresh")
+ --cluster cluster.ClustersFlag per-cluster configuration. any values here take precedence over those in -cluster-defaults or -cluster-config (default [])
+ --cluster-config cluster.FileConfig path to a yaml cluster configuration. see clusters.example.yaml (default {defaults: *cluster.Config:{ID: Name: DiscoveryImpl: DiscoveryFlagsByImpl:map[] TabletFQDNTmplStr: VtSQLFlags:map[] VtctldFlags:map[] BackupReadPoolConfig:<nil> SchemaReadPoolConfig:<nil> TopoRWPoolConfig:<nil> TopoReadPoolConfig:<nil> WorkflowReadPoolConfig:<nil> EmergencyFailoverPoolConfig:<nil> FailoverPoolConfig:<nil> SchemaCacheConfig:<nil> vtctldConfigOpts:[] vtsqlConfigOpts:[]}, clusters: []})
+ --cluster-defaults cluster.Config default options for all clusters (default *cluster.Config:{ID: Name: DiscoveryImpl: DiscoveryFlagsByImpl:map[] TabletFQDNTmplStr: VtSQLFlags:map[] VtctldFlags:map[] BackupReadPoolConfig:<nil> SchemaReadPoolConfig:<nil> TopoRWPoolConfig:<nil> TopoReadPoolConfig:<nil> WorkflowReadPoolConfig:<nil> EmergencyFailoverPoolConfig:<nil> FailoverPoolConfig:<nil> SchemaCacheConfig:<nil> vtctldConfigOpts:[] vtsqlConfigOpts:[]})
+ --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
+ --enable-dynamic-clusters whether to enable dynamic clusters that are set by request header cookies or gRPC metadata
+ --grpc-allow-reflection grpc_cli whether to register the gRPC server for reflection; this is required to use tools like grpc_cli
+ --grpc-enable-channelz whether to enable the channelz service on the gRPC server
+ --grpc-tracing whether to enable tracing on the gRPC server
+ -h, --help help for vtadmin
+ --http-debug-omit-env StringSetFlag name of an environment variable to omit from /debug/env, if http debug endpoints are enabled. specify multiple times to omit multiple env vars
+ --http-debug-sanitize-env StringSetFlag name of an environment variable to sanitize in /debug/env, if http debug endpoints are enabled. specify multiple times to sanitize multiple env vars
+ --http-metrics-endpoint string HTTP endpoint to expose prometheus metrics on. Omit to disable scraping metrics. Using a path used by VTAdmin's http API is unsupported and causes undefined behavior. (default "/metrics")
+ --http-no-compress whether to disable compression of HTTP API responses
+ --http-no-debug whether to disable /debug/pprof/* and /debug/env HTTP endpoints
+ --http-origin strings repeated, comma-separated flag of allowed CORS origins. omit to disable CORS
+ --http-tablet-url-tmpl string [EXPERIMENTAL] Go template string to generate a reachable http(s) address for a tablet. Currently used to make passthrough requests to /debug/vars endpoints. (default "https://{{ .Tablet.Hostname }}:80")
+ --http-tracing whether to enable tracing on the HTTP server
+ --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --lame-duck-duration duration length of lame duck period at shutdown (default 5s)
+ --lmux-read-timeout duration how long to spend connection muxing (default 1s)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --no-rbac whether to disable RBAC. must be set if not passing --no-rbac
+ --rbac whether to enable RBAC. must be set if not passing --rbac
+ --rbac-config string path to an RBAC config file. must be set if passing --rbac
+ --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
+ --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
+ --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
+ --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
+ --tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
+ --tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
+ -v, --v Level log level for V logs
+ --version version for vtadmin
@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtbackup.txt b/flags/15.0/vtbackup.txt
index 15e5f21..7f81472 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtbackup.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtbackup.txt
@@ -1,318 +1,175 @@
Usage of vtbackup:
- --allow_first_backup Allow this job to take the first backup of an existing shard.
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path)
- --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used
- --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name
- --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased) (default 1)
- --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/')
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
- --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage (default ceph_backup_config.json)
- --concurrency int (init restore parameter) how many concurrent files to restore at once (default 4)
- --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-config-allprivs-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-allprivs-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-allprivs-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-allprivs-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-allprivs-pass string db allprivs deprecated: use db_allprivs_password
- --db-config-allprivs-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-allprivs-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-allprivs-uname string deprecated: use db_allprivs_user (default vt_allprivs)
- --db-config-allprivs-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-app-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-app-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-app-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-app-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-app-pass string db app deprecated: use db_app_password
- --db-config-app-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-app-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-app-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-app-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-app-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-app-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-app-uname string deprecated: use db_app_user (default vt_app)
- --db-config-app-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-appdebug-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-appdebug-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-appdebug-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-appdebug-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-appdebug-pass string db appdebug deprecated: use db_appdebug_password
- --db-config-appdebug-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-appdebug-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-appdebug-uname string deprecated: use db_appdebug_user (default vt_appdebug)
- --db-config-appdebug-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-dba-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-dba-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-dba-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-dba-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-dba-pass string db dba deprecated: use db_dba_password
- --db-config-dba-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-dba-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-dba-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-dba-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-dba-uname string deprecated: use db_dba_user (default vt_dba)
- --db-config-dba-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-erepl-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-erepl-dbname string deprecated: dbname does not need to be explicitly configured
- --db-config-erepl-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-erepl-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-erepl-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-erepl-pass string db erepl deprecated: use db_erepl_password
- --db-config-erepl-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-erepl-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-erepl-uname string deprecated: use db_erepl_user (default vt_erepl)
- --db-config-erepl-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-filtered-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-filtered-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-filtered-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-filtered-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-filtered-pass string db filtered deprecated: use db_filtered_password
- --db-config-filtered-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-filtered-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-filtered-uname string deprecated: use db_filtered_user (default vt_filtered)
- --db-config-filtered-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-repl-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-repl-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-repl-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-repl-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-repl-pass string db repl deprecated: use db_repl_password
- --db-config-repl-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-repl-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-repl-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-repl-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-repl-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-repl-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-repl-uname string deprecated: use db_repl_user (default vt_repl)
- --db-config-repl-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
- --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --db_allprivs_password string db allprivs password
- --db_allprivs_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the allprivs connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default vt_allprivs)
- --db_app_password string db app password
- --db_app_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the app connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_app_user string db app user userKey (default vt_app)
- --db_appdebug_password string db appdebug password
- --db_appdebug_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the appdebug connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default vt_appdebug)
- --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default utf8mb4)
- --db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
- --db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
- --db_dba_password string db dba password
- --db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default vt_dba)
- --db_erepl_password string db erepl password
- --db_erepl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the erepl connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default vt_erepl)
- --db_filtered_password string db filtered password
- --db_filtered_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the filtered connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default vt_filtered)
- --db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
- --db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
- --db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
- --db_port int tcp port
- --db_repl_password string db repl password
- --db_repl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the repl connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default vt_repl)
- --db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
- --db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
- --db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
- --db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
- --db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
- --db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
- --db_ssl_mode value SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
- --db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --detach detached mode - run backups detached from the terminal
- --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --file_backup_storage_root string root directory for the file backup storage
- --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups
- --gcs_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --init_db_name_override string (init parameter) override the name of the db used by vttablet
- --init_db_sql_file string path to .sql file to run after mysql_install_db
- --init_keyspace string (init parameter) keyspace to use for this tablet
- --init_shard string (init parameter) shard to use for this tablet
- --initial_backup Instead of restoring from backup, initialize an empty database with the provided init_db_sql_file and upload a backup of that for the shard, if the shard has no backups yet. This can be used to seed a brand new shard with an initial, empty backup. If any backups already exist for the shard, this will be considered a successful no-op. This can only be done before the shard exists in topology (i.e. before any tablets are deployed).
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --min_backup_interval duration Only take a new backup if it's been at least this long since the most recent backup.
- --min_retention_count int Always keep at least this many of the most recent backups in this backup storage location, even if some are older than the min_retention_time. This must be at least 1 since a backup must always exist to allow new backups to be made (default 1)
- --min_retention_time duration Keep each old backup for at least this long before removing it. Set to 0 to disable pruning of old backups.
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mycnf-file string path to my.cnf, if reading all config params from there
- --mycnf_bin_log_path string mysql binlog path
- --mycnf_data_dir string data directory for mysql
- --mycnf_error_log_path string mysql error log path
- --mycnf_general_log_path string mysql general log path
- --mycnf_innodb_data_home_dir string Innodb data home directory
- --mycnf_innodb_log_group_home_dir string Innodb log group home directory
- --mycnf_master_info_file string mysql master.info file
- --mycnf_mysql_port int port mysql is listening on
- --mycnf_pid_file string mysql pid file
- --mycnf_relay_log_index_path string mysql relay log index path
- --mycnf_relay_log_info_path string mysql relay log info path
- --mycnf_relay_log_path string mysql relay log path
- --mycnf_secure_file_priv string mysql path for loading secure files
- --mycnf_server_id int mysql server id of the server (if specified, mycnf-file will be ignored)
- --mycnf_slow_log_path string mysql slow query log path
- --mycnf_socket_file string mysql socket file
- --mycnf_tmp_dir string mysql tmp directory
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysql_socket string path to the mysql socket
- --mysql_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld startup (default 5m0s)
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
- --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --replication_timeout duration DEPRECATED AND UNUSED (default 1h0m0s)
- --restart_before_backup Perform a mysqld clean/full restart after applying binlogs, but before taking the backup. Only makes sense to work around xtrabackup bugs.
- --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided)
- --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use (default us-east-1)
- --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries (default -1)
- --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style
- --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors (default LogOff)
- --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file)
- --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups
- --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
- --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --timeout duration DEPRECATED AND UNUSED (default 2h0m0s)
- --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default serfHealth)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
- --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
- --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
- --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
- --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
- --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
- --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
- --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
- --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+ --allow_first_backup Allow this job to take the first backup of an existing shard.
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path).
+ --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used.
+ --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name.
+ --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased). (default 1)
+ --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/').
+ --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
+ --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
+ --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
+ --backup_storage_implementation string Which backup storage implementation to use for creating and restoring backups.
+ --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
+ --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage. (default "ceph_backup_config.json")
+ --concurrency int (init restore parameter) how many concurrent files to restore at once (default 4)
+ --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
+ --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
+ --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
+ --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
+ --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
+ --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
+ --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
+ --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
+ --db_allprivs_password string db allprivs password
+ --db_allprivs_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the allprivs connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default "vt_allprivs")
+ --db_app_password string db app password
+ --db_app_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the app connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_app_user string db app user userKey (default "vt_app")
+ --db_appdebug_password string db appdebug password
+ --db_appdebug_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the appdebug connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default "vt_appdebug")
+ --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default "utf8mb4")
+ --db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
+ --db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
+ --db_dba_password string db dba password
+ --db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
+ --db_erepl_password string db erepl password
+ --db_erepl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the erepl connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default "vt_erepl")
+ --db_filtered_password string db filtered password
+ --db_filtered_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the filtered connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default "vt_filtered")
+ --db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
+ --db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
+ --db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
+ --db_port int tcp port
+ --db_repl_password string db repl password
+ --db_repl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the repl connection to not use ssl (default true)
+ --db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default "vt_repl")
+ --db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
+ --db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
+ --db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
+ --db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
+ --db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
+ --db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
+ --db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
+ --db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
+ --detach detached mode - run backups detached from the terminal
+ --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
+ --file_backup_storage_root string Root directory for the file backup storage.
+ --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups.
+ --gcs_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related object names.
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --init_db_name_override string (init parameter) override the name of the db used by vttablet
+ --init_db_sql_file string path to .sql file to run after mysql_install_db
+ --init_keyspace string (init parameter) keyspace to use for this tablet
+ --init_shard string (init parameter) shard to use for this tablet
+ --initial_backup Instead of restoring from backup, initialize an empty database with the provided init_db_sql_file and upload a backup of that for the shard, if the shard has no backups yet. This can be used to seed a brand new shard with an initial, empty backup. If any backups already exist for the shard, this will be considered a successful no-op. This can only be done before the shard exists in topology (i.e. before any tablets are deployed).
+ --keep-alive-timeout duration Wait until timeout elapses after a successful backup before shutting down.
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --min_backup_interval duration Only take a new backup if it's been at least this long since the most recent backup.
+ --min_retention_count int Always keep at least this many of the most recent backups in this backup storage location, even if some are older than the min_retention_time. This must be at least 1 since a backup must always exist to allow new backups to be made (default 1)
+ --min_retention_time duration Keep each old backup for at least this long before removing it. Set to 0 to disable pruning of old backups.
+ --mycnf-file string path to my.cnf, if reading all config params from there
+ --mycnf_bin_log_path string mysql binlog path
+ --mycnf_data_dir string data directory for mysql
+ --mycnf_error_log_path string mysql error log path
+ --mycnf_general_log_path string mysql general log path
+ --mycnf_innodb_data_home_dir string Innodb data home directory
+ --mycnf_innodb_log_group_home_dir string Innodb log group home directory
+ --mycnf_master_info_file string mysql master.info file
+ --mycnf_mysql_port int port mysql is listening on
+ --mycnf_pid_file string mysql pid file
+ --mycnf_relay_log_index_path string mysql relay log index path
+ --mycnf_relay_log_info_path string mysql relay log info path
+ --mycnf_relay_log_path string mysql relay log path
+ --mycnf_secure_file_priv string mysql path for loading secure files
+ --mycnf_server_id int mysql server id of the server (if specified, mycnf-file will be ignored)
+ --mycnf_slow_log_path string mysql slow query log path
+ --mycnf_socket_file string mysql socket file
+ --mycnf_tmp_dir string mysql tmp directory
+ --mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
+ --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
+ --mysql_socket string path to the mysql socket
+ --mysql_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld startup (default 5m0s)
+ --port int port for the server
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
+ --restart_before_backup Perform a mysqld clean/full restart after applying binlogs, but before taking the backup. Only makes sense to work around xtrabackup bugs.
+ --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided).
+ --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use. (default "us-east-1")
+ --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries. (default -1)
+ --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style.
+ --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors. (default "LogOff")
+ --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file).
+ --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups.
+ --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names.
+ --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections.
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
+ --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
+ --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
+ --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
+ --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
+ --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
+ --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
+ --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
+ --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
+ --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
+ --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
+ --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
+ --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
+ --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
+ --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
+ --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
+ --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --xbstream_restore_flags string Flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
+ --xtrabackup_backup_flags string Flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string Flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_root_path string Directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
+ --xtrabackup_stream_mode string Which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream. Please note that tar is not supported in XtraBackup 8.0 (default "tar")
+ --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
+ --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
+ --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtctlclient.txt b/flags/15.0/vtctlclient.txt
index 2ee62d7..207f319 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtctlclient.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtctlclient.txt
@@ -1,43 +1,41 @@
Usage of vtctlclient:
- --action_timeout duration timeout for the total command (default 1h0m0s)
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --server string server to use for connection
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vtctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server (default grpc)
- --vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --action_timeout duration timeout for the total command (default 1h0m0s)
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --server string server to use for connection
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
+ --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
+ --tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
+ --tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --vtctl_client_protocol string Protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server. (default "grpc")
+ --vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtctld.txt b/flags/15.0/vtctld.txt
index a063b8c..887a4da 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtctld.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtctld.txt
@@ -1,84 +1,45 @@
Usage of vtctld:
--action_timeout duration time to wait for an action before resorting to force (default 2m0s)
- --allowed_tablet_types value Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path)
- --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used
- --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name
- --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased) (default 1)
- --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/')
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
+ --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path).
+ --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used.
+ --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name.
+ --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased). (default 1)
+ --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/').
+ --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
--backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
--backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default grpc)
- --binlog_use_v3_resharding_mode (DEPRECATED) True if and only if the binlog streamer should use V3-style sharding, which doesn't require a preset sharding key column. (default true)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
+ --backup_storage_implementation string Which backup storage implementation to use for creating and restoring backups.
+ --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
+ --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup. (default 10m0s)
+ --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files. (default 5s)
--catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
--cell string cell to use
- --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage (default ceph_backup_config.json)
- --client-found-rows-pool-size int DEPRECATED: queryserver-config-transaction-cap will be used instead.
+ --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage. (default "ceph_backup_config.json")
+ --compression-engine-name string compressor engine used for compression. (default "pargzip")
+ --compression-level int what level to pass to the compressor. (default 1)
--consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
--datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
- --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --degraded_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered degraded (default 30s)
--disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration the replication lag that is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets threshold (default 2h0m0s)
- --discovery_low_replication_lag duration the replication lag that is considered low enough to be healthy (default 30s)
- --durability_policy string type of durability to enforce. Default is none. Other values are dictated by registered plugins (default none)
+ --durability_policy string type of durability to enforce. Default is none. Other values are dictated by registered plugins (default "none")
--emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable-autocommit This flag is deprecated. Autocommit is always allowed. (default true)
- --enable-consolidator Synonym to -enable_consolidator (default true)
- --enable-consolidator-replicas Synonym to -enable_consolidator_replicas
- --enable-lag-throttler Synonym to -enable_lag_throttler
- --enable-query-plan-field-caching Synonym to -enable_query_plan_field_caching (default true)
- --enable-tx-throttler Synonym to -enable_tx_throttler
- --enable_consolidator This option enables the query consolidator. (default true)
- --enable_consolidator_replicas This option enables the query consolidator only on replicas.
- --enable_hot_row_protection If true, incoming transactions for the same row (range) will be queued and cannot consume all txpool slots.
- --enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run If true, hot row protection is not enforced but logs if transactions would have been queued.
- --enable_lag_throttler If true, vttablet will run a throttler service, and will implicitly enable heartbeats
- --enable_queries [DEPRECATED - query commands via vtctl are being deprecated] if set, allows vtgate and vttablet queries. May have security implications, as the queries will be run from this process.
- --enable_query_plan_field_caching This option fetches & caches fields (columns) when storing query plans (default true)
- --enable_realtime_stats Required for the Realtime Stats view. If set, vtctld will maintain a streaming RPC to each tablet (in all cells) to gather the realtime health stats.
- --enable_replication_reporter Use polling to track replication lag.
- --enable_transaction_limit If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be enforced for all users. User trying to open a new transaction after exhausting their limit will receive an error immediately, regardless of whether there are available slots or not.
- --enable_transaction_limit_dry_run If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be tracked for all users, but not enforced.
- --enable_tx_throttler If true replication-lag-based throttling on transactions will be enabled.
- --enable_vtctld_ui If true, the vtctld web interface will be enabled. Default is true. (default true)
- --enforce_strict_trans_tables If true, vttablet requires MySQL to run with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES on. It is recommended to not turn this flag off. Otherwise MySQL may alter your supplied values before saving them to the database. (default true)
- --file_backup_storage_root string root directory for the file backup storage
- --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups
- --gcs_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
+ --external-compressor string command with arguments to use when compressing a backup.
+ --external-compressor-extension string extension to use when using an external compressor.
+ --external-decompressor string command with arguments to use when decompressing a backup.
+ --file_backup_storage_root string Root directory for the file backup storage.
+ --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups.
+ --gcs_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related object names.
--grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
--grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
--grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
--grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
@@ -87,132 +48,57 @@ Usage of vtctld:
--grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
+ --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
--grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
--grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --health_check_interval duration Interval between health checks (default 20s)
- --heartbeat_enable If true, vttablet records (if master) or checks (if replica) the current time of a replication heartbeat in the table _vt.heartbeat. The result is used to inform the serving state of the vttablet via healthchecks.
- --heartbeat_interval duration How frequently to read and write replication heartbeat. (default 1s)
- --heartbeat_on_demand_duration duration If non-zero, heartbeats are only written upon consumer request, and only run for up to given duration following the request. Frequent requests can keep the heartbeat running consistently; when requests are infrequent heartbeat may completely stop between requests
- --hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions int Number of concurrent transactions let through to the txpool/MySQL for the same hot row. Should be > 1 to have enough 'ready' transactions in MySQL and benefit from a pipelining effect. (default 5)
- --hot_row_protection_max_global_queue_size int Global queue limit across all row (ranges). Useful to prevent that the queue can grow unbounded. (default 1000)
- --hot_row_protection_max_queue_size int Maximum number of BeginExecute RPCs which will be queued for the same row (range). (default 20)
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
--jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keyspaces_to_watch value Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema
--lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm use the legacy algorithm when selecting the vttablets for serving (default true)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --min_number_serving_vttablets int the minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving (default 2)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
- --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
--onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --online_ddl_check_interval duration deprecated. Will be removed in next Vitess version
--onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
--opentsdb_uri string URI of opentsdb /api/put method
--pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --pool-name-prefix string Deprecated
- --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
--port int port for the server
- --pprof string enable profiling
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
--proxy_tablets Setting this true will make vtctld proxy the tablet status instead of redirecting to them
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default /debug/querylog)
- --querylog-filter-tag string string that must be present in the query for it to be logged; if using a value as the tag, you need to disable query normalization
- --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default text)
- --querylog-row-threshold uint Number of rows a query has to return or affect before being logged; not useful for streaming queries. 0 means all queries will be logged.
- --queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl string an acl that exempt from table acl checking (this acl is free to access any vitess tables).
- --queryserver-config-allowunsafe-dmls deprecated
- --queryserver-config-annotate-queries prefix queries to MySQL backend with comment indicating vtgate principal (user) and target tablet type
- --queryserver-config-enable-table-acl-dry-run If this flag is enabled, tabletserver will emit monitoring metrics and let the request pass regardless of table acl check results
- --queryserver-config-idle-timeout float query server idle timeout (in seconds), vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has not been used in given idle timeout, this connection will be removed from pool. This effectively manages number of connection objects and optimize the pool performance. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-max-dml-rows int query server max dml rows per statement, maximum number of rows allowed to return at a time for an update or delete with either 1) an equality where clauses on primary keys, or 2) a subselect statement. For update and delete statements in above two categories, vttablet will split the original query into multiple small queries based on this configuration value.
- --queryserver-config-max-result-size int query server max result size, maximum number of rows allowed to return from vttablet for non-streaming queries. (default 10000)
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism int DEPRECATED: Unused.
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size int DEPRECATED
- --queryserver-config-message-postpone-cap int query server message postpone cap is the maximum number of messages that can be postponed at any given time. Set this number to substantially lower than transaction cap, so that the transaction pool isn't exhausted by the message subsystem. (default 4)
- --queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls query server pass through all dml statements without rewriting
- --queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server read pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
- --queryserver-config-pool-size int query server read pool size, connection pool is used by regular queries (non streaming, not in a transaction) (default 16)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-lfu query server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries (default true)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-memory int query server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be used for caching. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-size int query server query cache size, maximum number of queries to be cached. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout float query server query pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the query pool. If set to 0 (default) then the overall query timeout is used instead.
- --queryserver-config-query-pool-waiter-cap int query server query pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-query-timeout float query server query timeout (in seconds), this is the query timeout in vttablet side. If a query takes more than this timeout, it will be killed. (default 30)
- --queryserver-config-schema-change-signal query server schema signal, will signal connected vtgates that schema has changed whenever this is detected. VTGates will need to have -schema_change_signal enabled for this to work (default true)
- --queryserver-config-schema-change-signal-interval float query server schema change signal interval defines at which interval the query server shall send schema updates to vtgate. (default 5)
- --queryserver-config-schema-reload-time float query server schema reload time, how often vttablet reloads schemas from underlying MySQL instance in seconds. vttablet keeps table schemas in its own memory and periodically refreshes it from MySQL. This config controls the reload time. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size int query server stream buffer size, the maximum number of bytes sent from vttablet for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vtgate's stream_buffer_size. (default 32768)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server stream pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallelism
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-size int query server stream connection pool size, stream pool is used by stream queries: queries that return results to client in a streaming fashion (default 200)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-timeout float query server stream pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the stream pool. If set to 0 (default) then there is no timeout.
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-waiter-cap int query server stream pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of streaming queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection
- --queryserver-config-strict-table-acl only allow queries that pass table acl checks
- --queryserver-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in client error messages
- --queryserver-config-transaction-cap int query server transaction cap is the maximum number of transactions allowed to happen at any given point of a time for a single vttablet. E.g. by setting transaction cap to 100, there are at most 100 transactions will be processed by a vttablet and the 101th transaction will be blocked (and fail if it cannot get connection within specified timeout) (default 20)
- --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism int query server transaction prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
- --queryserver-config-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value (default 30)
- --queryserver-config-txpool-timeout float query server transaction pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits if tx pool is full (default 1)
- --queryserver-config-txpool-waiter-cap int query server transaction pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of transactions that can be queued waiting to get a connection (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-warn-result-size int query server result size warning threshold, warn if number of rows returned from vttablet for non-streaming queries exceeds this
- --queryserver_enable_online_ddl Enable online DDL. (default true)
- --redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
- --relay_log_max_items int Maximum number of rows for VReplication target buffering. (default 5000)
- --relay_log_max_size int Maximum buffer size (in bytes) for VReplication target buffering. If single rows are larger than this, a single row is buffered at a time. (default 250000)
--remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided)
- --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use (default us-east-1)
- --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries (default -1)
- --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style
- --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors (default LogOff)
- --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file)
- --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups
- --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
- --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections
- --sanitize_log_messages Remove potentially sensitive information in tablet INFO, WARNING, and ERROR log messages such as query parameters.
- --schema_change_check_interval int this value decides how often we check schema change dir, in seconds (default 60)
- --schema_change_controller string schema change controller is responsible for finding schema changes and responding to schema change events
- --schema_change_dir string directory contains schema changes for all keyspaces. Each keyspace has its own directory and schema changes are expected to live in '$KEYSPACE/input' dir. e.g. test_keyspace/input/*sql, each sql file represents a schema change
- --schema_change_replicas_timeout duration how long to wait for replicas to receive the schema change (default 10s)
- --schema_change_user string The user who submits this schema change.
+ --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided).
+ --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use. (default "us-east-1")
+ --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries. (default -1)
+ --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style.
+ --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors. (default "LogOff")
+ --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file).
+ --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups.
+ --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names.
+ --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections.
+ --schema_change_check_interval duration How often the schema change dir is checked for schema changes (deprecated: if passed as a bare integer, the duration will be in seconds). (default 1m0s)
+ --schema_change_controller string Schema change controller is responsible for finding schema changes and responding to schema change events.
+ --schema_change_dir string Directory containing schema changes for all keyspaces. Each keyspace has its own directory, and schema changes are expected to live in '$KEYSPACE/input' dir. (e.g. 'test_keyspace/input/*sql'). Each sql file represents a schema change.
+ --schema_change_replicas_timeout duration How long to wait for replicas to receive a schema change. (default 10s)
+ --schema_change_user string The user who schema changes are submitted on behalf of.
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --serving_state_grace_period duration how long to pause after broadcasting health to vtgate, before enforcing a new serving state
- --shutdown_grace_period float how long to wait (in seconds) for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown.
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
--sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
--sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --srv_topo_cache_refresh duration how frequently to refresh the topology for cached entries (default 1s)
- --srv_topo_cache_ttl duration how long to use cached entries for topology (default 1s)
- --srv_topo_timeout duration topo server timeout (default 5s)
--stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
--stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
--stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
--stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_filters value Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch
--tablet_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--tablet_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--tablet_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
@@ -226,24 +112,13 @@ Usage of vtctld:
--tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_protocol string how to talk to the vttablets (default grpc)
- --tablet_refresh_interval duration tablet refresh interval (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_refresh_known_tablets tablet refresh reloads the tablet address/port map from topo in case it changes (default true)
- --tablet_url_template string format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See the Go code for getTabletDebugURL() how to customize this. (default http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}})
- --throttle_check_as_check_self Should throttler/check return a throttler/check-self result (changes throttler behavior for writes)
- --throttle_metrics_query SELECT Override default heartbeat/lag metric. Use either SELECT (must return single row, single value) or `SHOW GLOBAL ... LIKE ...` queries. Set -throttle_metrics_threshold respectively.
- --throttle_metrics_threshold float Override default throttle threshold, respective to -throttle_metrics_query (default 1.7976931348623157e+308)
- --throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' aways implicitly included (default replica)
- --throttle_threshold duration Replication lag threshold for default lag throttling (default 1s)
- --throttler_client_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --throttler_client_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --throttler_client_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --throttler_client_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --throttler_client_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --throttler_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the integrated throttler service (default grpc)
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --tablet_protocol string Protocol to use to make queryservice RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --tablet_refresh_interval duration Tablet refresh interval. (default 1m0s)
+ --tablet_refresh_known_tablets Whether to reload the tablet's address/port map from topo in case they change. (default true)
+ --tablet_url_template string Format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See getTabletDebugURL() for how to customize this. (default "http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}}")
--topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default serfHealth)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
--topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
--topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
--topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
@@ -256,106 +131,22 @@ Usage of vtctld:
--topo_k8s_context string The kubeconfig context to use, overrides the 'current-context' from the config
--topo_k8s_kubeconfig string Path to a valid kubeconfig file. When running as a k8s pod inside the same cluster you wish to use as the topo, you may omit this and the below arguments, and Vitess is capable of auto-discovering the correct values. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/access-cluster/#accessing-the-api-from-a-pod
--topo_k8s_namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use for all objects. Default comes from the context or in-cluster config
- --topo_read_concurrency int concurrent topo reads (default 32)
+ --topo_read_concurrency int Concurrency of topo reads. (default 32)
--topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
--topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
--topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
--topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
--topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
+ --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
--tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --track_schema_versions When enabled, vttablet will store versions of schemas at each position that a DDL is applied and allow retrieval of the schema corresponding to a position
- --transaction-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming transactions log (default /debug/txlog)
- --transaction_limit_by_component Include CallerID.component when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_by_principal Include CallerID.principal when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
- --transaction_limit_by_subcomponent Include CallerID.subcomponent when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_by_username Include VTGateCallerID.username when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
- --transaction_limit_per_user float Maximum number of transactions a single user is allowed to use at any time, represented as fraction of -transaction_cap. (default 0.4)
- --transaction_shutdown_grace_period float DEPRECATED: use shutdown_grace_period instead.
- --twopc_abandon_age float time in seconds. Any unresolved transaction older than this time will be sent to the coordinator to be resolved.
- --twopc_coordinator_address string address of the (VTGate) process(es) that will be used to notify of abandoned transactions.
- --twopc_enable if the flag is on, 2pc is enabled. Other 2pc flags must be supplied.
- --tx-throttler-config string Synonym to -tx_throttler_config (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells value Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
- --tx_throttler_config string The configuration of the transaction throttler as a text formatted throttlerdata.Configuration protocol buffer message (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells value A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
- --unhealthy_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered unhealthy (default 2h0m0s)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vreplication_copy_phase_duration duration Duration for each copy phase loop (before running the next catchup: default 1h) (default 1h0m0s)
- --vreplication_copy_phase_max_innodb_history_list_length int The maximum InnoDB transaction history that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 1000000)
- --vreplication_copy_phase_max_mysql_replication_lag int The maximum MySQL replication lag (in seconds) that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 43200)
- --vreplication_experimental_flags int (Bitmask) of experimental features in vreplication to enable (default 1)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_retry_delay duration healthcheck retry delay (default 5s)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_timeout duration healthcheck retry delay (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_topology_refresh duration refresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
- --vreplication_heartbeat_update_interval int Frequency (in seconds, default 1, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
- --vreplication_max_time_to_retry_on_error duration stop automatically retrying when we've had consecutive failures with the same error for this long after the first occurrence (default 15m0s)
- --vreplication_replica_lag_tolerance duration Replica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_retry_delay duration delay before retrying a failed workflow event in the replication phase (default 5s)
- --vreplication_store_compressed_gtid Store compressed gtids in the pos column of _vt.vreplication
- --vreplication_tablet_type string comma separated list of tablet types used as a source (default in_order:REPLICA,PRIMARY)
- --vstream_dynamic_packet_size Enable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance. (default true)
- --vstream_packet_size int Suggested packet size for VReplication streamer. This is used only as a recommendation. The actual packet size may be more or less than this amount. (default 250000)
- --vtctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server (default grpc)
+ --tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
+ --tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--vtctl_healthcheck_retry_delay duration delay before retrying a failed healthcheck (default 5s)
--vtctl_healthcheck_timeout duration the health check timeout period (default 1m0s)
--vtctl_healthcheck_topology_refresh duration refresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
--vtctld_sanitize_log_messages When true, vtctld sanitizes logging.
--vtctld_show_topology_crud Controls the display of the CRUD topology actions in the vtctld UI. (default true)
- --vtgate_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --vtgate_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --vtgate_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --vtgate_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --vtgate_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --vtgate_protocol string how to talk to vtgate (default grpc)
- --vtworker_client_grpc_ca string (DEPRECATED) the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --vtworker_client_grpc_cert string (DEPRECATED) the cert to use to connect
- --vtworker_client_grpc_crl string (DEPRECATED) the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --vtworker_client_grpc_key string (DEPRECATED) the key to use to connect
- --vtworker_client_grpc_server_name string (DEPRECATED) the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --vtworker_client_protocol string (DEPRECATED) the protocol to use to talk to the vtworker server (default grpc)
- --wait_for_drain_sleep_rdonly duration (DEPRECATED) time to wait before shutting the query service on old RDONLY tablets during MigrateServedTypes (default 5s)
- --wait_for_drain_sleep_replica duration (DEPRECATED) time to wait before shutting the query service on old REPLICA tablets during MigrateServedTypes (default 15s)
- --watch_replication_stream When enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL.
- --web_dir string NOT USED, here for backward compatibility
- --web_dir2 string NOT USED, here for backward compatibility
- --workflow_manager_disable value comma separated list of workflow types to disable
- --workflow_manager_init Initialize the workflow manager in this vtctld instance.
- --workflow_manager_use_election if specified, will use a topology server-based master election to ensure only one workflow manager is active at a time.
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtctldclient.txt b/flags/15.0/vtctldclient.txt
index ddff2f5..35c7092 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtctldclient.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtctldclient.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Available Commands:
AddCellsAlias Defines a group of cells that can be referenced by a single name (the alias).
ApplyRoutingRules Applies the VSchema routing rules.
ApplySchema Applies the schema change to the specified keyspace on every primary, running in parallel on all shards. The changes are then propagated to replicas via replication.
+ ApplyShardRoutingRules Applies VSchema shard routing rules.
ApplyVSchema Applies the VTGate routing schema to the provided keyspace. Shows the result after application.
Backup Uses the BackupStorage service on the given tablet to create and store a new backup.
BackupShard Finds the most up-to-date REPLICA, RDONLY, or SPARE tablet in the given shard and uses the BackupStorage service on that tablet to create and store a new backup.
@@ -29,12 +30,14 @@ Available Commands:
GetCellInfo Gets the CellInfo object for the given cell.
GetCellInfoNames Lists the names of all cells in the cluster.
GetCellsAliases Gets all CellsAlias objects in the cluster.
+ GetFullStatus Outputs a JSON structure that contains full status of MySQL including the replication information, semi-sync information, GTID information among others.
GetKeyspace Returns information about the given keyspace from the topology.
GetKeyspaces Returns information about every keyspace in the topology.
GetPermissions Displays the permissions for a tablet.
GetRoutingRules Displays the VSchema routing rules.
GetSchema Displays the full schema for a tablet, optionally restricted to the specified tables/views.
GetShard Returns information about a shard in the topology.
+ GetShardRoutingRules Displays VSchema shard routing rules.
GetSrvKeyspaceNames Outputs a JSON mapping of cell=>keyspace names served in that cell. Omit to query all cells.
GetSrvKeyspaces Returns the SrvKeyspaces for the given keyspace in one or more cells.
GetSrvVSchema Returns the SrvVSchema for the given cell.
@@ -42,9 +45,9 @@ Available Commands:
GetTablet Outputs a JSON structure that contains information about the tablet.
GetTabletVersion Print the version of a tablet from its debug vars.
GetTablets Looks up tablets according to filter criteria.
+ GetTopologyPath Gets the file located at the specified path in the topology server.
GetVSchema Prints a JSON representation of a keyspace's topo record.
GetWorkflows Gets all vreplication workflows (Reshard, MoveTables, etc) in the given keyspace.
- InitShardPrimary Sets the initial primary for the shard.
LegacyVtctlCommand Invoke a legacy vtctlclient command. Flag parsing is best effort.
PingTablet Checks that the specified tablet is awake and responding to RPCs. This command can be blocked by other in-flight operations.
PlannedReparentShard Reparents the shard to a new primary, or away from an old primary. Both the old and new primaries must be up and running.
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ Available Commands:
RunHealthCheck Runs a healthcheck on the remote tablet.
SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy Sets the durability-policy used by the specified keyspace.
SetShardIsPrimaryServing Add or remove a shard from serving. This is meant as an emergency function. It does not rebuild any serving graphs; i.e. it does not run `RebuildKeyspaceGraph`.
- SetShardTabletControl Sets the TabletControl record for a shard and tablet type. Only use this for an emergency fix or after a finished MoveTables. The MigrateServedFrom and MigrateServedType commands set this record appropriately already.
+ SetShardTabletControl Sets the TabletControl record for a shard and tablet type. Only use this for an emergency fix or after a finished MoveTables.
SetWritable Sets the specified tablet as writable or read-only.
ShardReplicationFix Walks through a ShardReplication object and fixes the first error encountered.
@@ -80,134 +83,42 @@ Available Commands:
ValidateSchemaKeyspace Validates that the schema on the primary tablet for shard 0 matches the schema on all other tablets in the keyspace.
ValidateShard Validates that all nodes reachable from the specified shard are consistent.
ValidateVersionKeyspace Validates that the version on the primary tablet of shard 0 matches all of the other tablets in the keyspace.
+ ValidateVersionShard Validates that the version on the primary matches all of the replicas.
+ completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
- --allowed_tablet_types TabletTypeList Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default "grpc")
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --degraded_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered degraded (default 30s)
- --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration the replication lag that is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets threshold (default 2h0m0s)
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable-consolidator Synonym to -enable_consolidator (default true)
- --enable-lag-throttler Synonym to -enable_lag_throttler
- --enable-tx-throttler Synonym to -enable_tx_throttler
- --enable_consolidator_replicas This option enables the query consolidator only on replicas.
- --enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run If true, hot row protection is not enforced but logs if transactions would have been queued.
- --enable_query_plan_field_caching This option fetches & caches fields (columns) when storing query plans (default true)
- --enable_transaction_limit If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be enforced for all users. User trying to open a new transaction after exhausting their limit will receive an error immediately, regardless of whether there are available slots or not.
- --enable_tx_throttler If true replication-lag-based throttling on transactions will be enabled.
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --heartbeat_enable If true, vttablet records (if master) or checks (if replica) the current time of a replication heartbeat in the table _vt.heartbeat. The result is used to inform the serving state of the vttablet via healthchecks.
- --heartbeat_on_demand_duration duration If non-zero, heartbeats are only written upon consumer request, and only run for up to given duration following the request. Frequent requests can keep the heartbeat running consistently; when requests are infrequent heartbeat may completely stop between requests (default 0s)
- --hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions int Number of concurrent transactions let through to the txpool/MySQL for the same hot row. Should be > 1 to have enough 'ready' transactions in MySQL and benefit from a pipelining effect. (default 5)
- --hot_row_protection_max_queue_size int Maximum number of BeginExecute RPCs which will be queued for the same row (range). (default 20)
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever) (default 0s)
- --keyspaces_to_watch StringList Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema
- --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm use the legacy algorithm when selecting the vttablets for serving (default true)
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --min_number_serving_vttablets int the minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving (default 2)
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials (default 0s)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default "grpc")
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --pool-name-prefix string Deprecated
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default "/debug/querylog")
- --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default "text")
- --queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl string an acl that exempt from table acl checking (this acl is free to access any vitess tables).
- --queryserver-config-annotate-queries prefix queries to MySQL backend with comment indicating vtgate principal (user) and target tablet type
- --queryserver-config-idle-timeout float query server idle timeout (in seconds), vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has not been used in given idle timeout, this connection will be removed from pool. This effectively manages number of connection objects and optimize the pool performance. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-max-result-size int query server max result size, maximum number of rows allowed to return from vttablet for non-streaming queries. (default 10000)
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size int DEPRECATED
- --queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls query server pass through all dml statements without rewriting
- --queryserver-config-pool-size int query server read pool size, connection pool is used by regular queries (non streaming, not in a transaction) (default 16)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-memory int query server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be used for caching. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
- --queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout float query server query pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the query pool. If set to 0 (default) then the overall query timeout is used instead.
- --queryserver-config-query-timeout float query server query timeout (in seconds), this is the query timeout in vttablet side. If a query takes more than this timeout, it will be killed. (default 30)
- --queryserver-config-schema-change-signal-interval float query server schema change signal interval defines at which interval the query server shall send schema updates to vtgate. (default 5)
- --queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size int query server stream buffer size, the maximum number of bytes sent from vttablet for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vtgate's stream_buffer_size. (default 32768)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-size int query server stream connection pool size, stream pool is used by stream queries: queries that return results to client in a streaming fashion (default 200)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-waiter-cap int query server stream pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of streaming queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection
- --queryserver-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in client error messages
- --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism int query server transaction prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
- --queryserver-config-txpool-timeout float query server transaction pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits if tx pool is full (default 1)
- --queryserver-config-warn-result-size int query server result size warning threshold, warn if number of rows returned from vttablet for non-streaming queries exceeds this
- --redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
- --relay_log_max_size int Maximum buffer size (in bytes) for VReplication target buffering. If single rows are larger than this, a single row is buffered at a time. (default 250000)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map StringList comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --shutdown_grace_period float how long to wait (in seconds) for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown.
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --srv_topo_cache_ttl duration how long to use cached entries for topology (default 1s)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default "grpc")
- --tablet_refresh_interval duration tablet refresh interval (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_url_template string format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See the Go code for getTabletDebugURL() how to customize this. (default "http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}}")
- --throttle_metrics_query SELECT Override default heartbeat/lag metric. Use either SELECT (must return single row, single value) or `SHOW GLOBAL ... LIKE ...` queries. Set -throttle_metrics_threshold respectively.
- --throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' aways implicitly included (default "replica")
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
- --tracing-sampling-rate OptionalFloat64 sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --track_schema_versions When enabled, vttablet will store versions of schemas at each position that a DDL is applied and allow retrieval of the schema corresponding to a position
- --transaction_limit_by_component Include CallerID.component when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_by_subcomponent Include CallerID.subcomponent when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_per_user float Maximum number of transactions a single user is allowed to use at any time, represented as fraction of -transaction_cap. (default 0.4)
- --twopc_abandon_age float time in seconds. Any unresolved transaction older than this time will be sent to the coordinator to be resolved.
- --twopc_enable if the flag is on, 2pc is enabled. Other 2pc flags must be supplied.
- --tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells StringList Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
- --tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells StringList A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
- -v, --v Level log level for V logs
- --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vreplication_copy_phase_max_innodb_history_list_length int The maximum InnoDB transaction history that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 1000000)
- --vreplication_experimental_flags int (Bitmask) of experimental features in vreplication to enable (default 1)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_timeout duration healthcheck retry delay (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_heartbeat_update_interval int Frequency (in seconds, default 1, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
- --vreplication_replica_lag_tolerance duration Replica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_store_compressed_gtid Store compressed gtids in the pos column of _vt.vreplication
- --vstream_dynamic_packet_size Enable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance. (default true)
- --vtctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server (default "grpc")
- --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --wait_for_drain_sleep_rdonly duration (DEPRECATED) time to wait before shutting the query service on old RDONLY tablets during MigrateServedTypes (default 5s)
- --watch_replication_stream When enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL.
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+ --action_timeout duration timeout for the total command (default 1h0m0s)
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ -h, --help help for vtctldclient
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --server string server to use for connection (required)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ -v, --v Level log level for V logs
+ --version version for vtctldclient
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --vtctl_client_protocol string Protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server. (default "grpc")
+ --vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
Use "vtctldclient [command] --help" for more information about a command.
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtexplain.txt b/flags/15.0/vtexplain.txt
index 00a605e..2666e0b 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtexplain.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtexplain.txt
@@ -1,353 +1,60 @@
Usage of vtexplain:
- --allowed_tablet_types value Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
- --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --batch-interval duration Interval between logical time slots. (default 10ms)
- --binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default grpc)
- --binlog_use_v3_resharding_mode (DEPRECATED) True if and only if the binlog streamer should use V3-style sharding, which doesn't require a preset sharding key column. (default true)
- --buffer_drain_concurrency int Maximum number of requests retried simultaneously. More concurrency will increase the load on the PRIMARY vttablet when draining the buffer. (default 1)
- --buffer_implementation string Allowed values: healthcheck (legacy implementation), keyspace_events (default) (default keyspace_events)
- --buffer_keyspace_shards string If not empty, limit buffering to these entries (comma separated). Entry format: keyspace or keyspace/shard. Requires --enable_buffer=true.
- --buffer_max_failover_duration duration Stop buffering completely if a failover takes longer than this duration. (default 20s)
- --buffer_min_time_between_failovers duration Minimum time between the end of a failover and the start of the next one (tracked per shard). Faster consecutive failovers will not trigger buffering. (default 1m0s)
- --buffer_size int Maximum number of buffered requests in flight (across all ongoing failovers). (default 1000)
- --buffer_window duration Duration for how long a request should be buffered at most. (default 10s)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cells_to_watch string comma-separated list of cells for watching tablets
- --client-found-rows-pool-size int DEPRECATED: queryserver-config-transaction-cap will be used instead.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
- --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --dbddl_plugin string controls how to handle CREATE/DROP DATABASE. use it if you are using your own database provisioning service (default fail)
- --dbname string Optional database target to override normal routing
- --ddl_strategy string Set default strategy for DDL statements. Override with @@ddl_strategy session variable (default direct)
- --default_tablet_type value The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected (default PRIMARY)
- --degraded_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered degraded (default 30s)
- --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --disable_local_gateway deprecated: if specified, this process will not route any queries to local tablets in the local cell
- --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration the replication lag that is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets threshold (default 2h0m0s)
- --discovery_low_replication_lag duration the replication lag that is considered low enough to be healthy (default 30s)
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable-autocommit This flag is deprecated. Autocommit is always allowed. (default true)
- --enable-consolidator Synonym to -enable_consolidator (default true)
- --enable-consolidator-replicas Synonym to -enable_consolidator_replicas
- --enable-lag-throttler Synonym to -enable_lag_throttler
- --enable-query-plan-field-caching Synonym to -enable_query_plan_field_caching (default true)
- --enable-tx-throttler Synonym to -enable_tx_throttler
- --enable_buffer Enable buffering (stalling) of primary traffic during failovers.
- --enable_buffer_dry_run Detect and log failover events, but do not actually buffer requests.
- --enable_consolidator This option enables the query consolidator. (default true)
- --enable_consolidator_replicas This option enables the query consolidator only on replicas.
- --enable_direct_ddl Allow users to submit direct DDL statements (default true)
- --enable_hot_row_protection If true, incoming transactions for the same row (range) will be queued and cannot consume all txpool slots.
- --enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run If true, hot row protection is not enforced but logs if transactions would have been queued.
- --enable_lag_throttler If true, vttablet will run a throttler service, and will implicitly enable heartbeats
- --enable_online_ddl Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL (default true)
- --enable_query_plan_field_caching This option fetches & caches fields (columns) when storing query plans (default true)
- --enable_replication_reporter Use polling to track replication lag.
- --enable_set_var This will enable the use of MySQL's SET_VAR query hint for certain system variables instead of using reserved connections (default true)
- --enable_system_settings This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level (default true)
- --enable_transaction_limit If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be enforced for all users. User trying to open a new transaction after exhausting their limit will receive an error immediately, regardless of whether there are available slots or not.
- --enable_transaction_limit_dry_run If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be tracked for all users, but not enforced.
- --enable_tx_throttler If true replication-lag-based throttling on transactions will be enabled.
- --enforce_strict_trans_tables If true, vttablet requires MySQL to run with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES on. It is recommended to not turn this flag off. Otherwise MySQL may alter your supplied values before saving them to the database. (default true)
- --execution-mode string The execution mode to simulate -- must be set to multi, legacy-autocommit, or twopc (default multi)
- --foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default allow)
- --gate_query_cache_lfu gate server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries (default true)
- --gate_query_cache_memory int gate server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
- --gate_query_cache_size int gate server query cache size, maximum number of queries to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a cache. This config controls the expected amount of unique entries in the cache. (default 5000)
- --gateway_initial_tablet_timeout duration At startup, the tabletGateway will wait up to this duration to get at least one tablet per keyspace/shard/tablet type (default 30s)
- --gc_check_interval duration Interval between garbage collection checks (default 1h0m0s)
- --gc_purge_check_interval duration Interval between purge discovery checks (default 1m0s)
- --gh-ost-path string override default gh-ost binary full path
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --health_check_interval duration Interval between health checks (default 20s)
- --healthcheck_retry_delay duration health check retry delay (default 2ms)
- --healthcheck_timeout duration the health check timeout period (default 1m0s)
- --heartbeat_enable If true, vttablet records (if master) or checks (if replica) the current time of a replication heartbeat in the table _vt.heartbeat. The result is used to inform the serving state of the vttablet via healthchecks.
- --heartbeat_interval duration How frequently to read and write replication heartbeat. (default 1s)
- --heartbeat_on_demand_duration duration If non-zero, heartbeats are only written upon consumer request, and only run for up to given duration following the request. Frequent requests can keep the heartbeat running consistently; when requests are infrequent heartbeat may completely stop between requests
- --hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions int Number of concurrent transactions let through to the txpool/MySQL for the same hot row. Should be > 1 to have enough 'ready' transactions in MySQL and benefit from a pipelining effect. (default 5)
- --hot_row_protection_max_global_queue_size int Global queue limit across all row (ranges). Useful to prevent that the queue can grow unbounded. (default 1000)
- --hot_row_protection_max_queue_size int Maximum number of BeginExecute RPCs which will be queued for the same row (range). (default 20)
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keyspaces_to_watch value Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema
- --ks-shard-map string JSON map of keyspace name -> shard name -> ShardReference object. The inner map is the same as the output of FindAllShardsInKeyspace
- --ks-shard-map-file string File containing json blob of keyspace name -> shard name -> ShardReference object
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm use the legacy algorithm when selecting the vttablets for serving (default true)
- --lock_heartbeat_time duration If there is lock function used. This will keep the lock connection active by using this heartbeat (default 5s)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_queries_to_file string Enable query logging to the specified file
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --max_memory_rows int Maximum number of rows that will be held in memory for intermediate results as well as the final result. (default 300000)
- --max_payload_size int The threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will result in a failure to handle the query.
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --message_stream_grace_period duration the amount of time to give for a vttablet to resume if it ends a message stream, usually because of a reparent. (default 30s)
- --migration_check_interval duration Interval between migration checks (default 1m0s)
- --min_number_serving_vttablets int the minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving (default 2)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_allow_clear_text_without_tls If set, the server will allow the use of a clear text password over non-SSL connections.
- --mysql_auth_server_impl string Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault. (default static)
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_default_workload string Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA) (default OLTP)
- --mysql_server_bind_address string Binds on this address when listening to MySQL binary protocol. Useful to restrict listening to 'localhost' only for instance.
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_port int If set, also listen for MySQL binary protocol connections on this port. (default -1)
- --mysql_server_query_timeout duration mysql query timeout
- --mysql_server_read_timeout duration connection read timeout
- --mysql_server_require_secure_transport Reject insecure connections but only if mysql_server_ssl_cert and mysql_server_ssl_key are provided
- --mysql_server_socket_path string This option specifies the Unix socket file to use when listening for local connections. By default it will be empty and it won't listen to a unix socket
- --mysql_server_ssl_ca string Path to ssl CA for mysql server plugin SSL. If specified, server will require and validate client certs.
- --mysql_server_ssl_cert string Path to the ssl cert for mysql server plugin SSL
- --mysql_server_ssl_crl string Path to ssl CRL for mysql server plugin SSL
- --mysql_server_ssl_key string Path to ssl key for mysql server plugin SSL
- --mysql_server_ssl_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --mysql_server_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysql_server_write_timeout duration connection write timeout
- --mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold duration Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish
- --mysql_tcp_version string Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type. (default tcp)
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
- --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
- --no_scatter when set to true, the planner will fail instead of producing a plan that includes scatter queries
- --normalize Whether to enable vtgate normalization
- --normalize_queries Rewrite queries with bind vars. Turn this off if the app itself sends normalized queries with bind vars. (default true)
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --output-mode string Output in human-friendly text or json (default text)
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --planner-version string Sets the query planner version to use when generating the explain output. Valid values are V3 and Gen4
- --planner_version string Deprecated flag. Use planner-version instead
- --pool-name-prefix string Deprecated
- --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --proxy_protocol Enable HAProxy PROXY protocol on MySQL listener socket
- --pt-osc-path string override default pt-online-schema-change binary full path
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default /debug/querylog)
- --querylog-filter-tag string string that must be present in the query for it to be logged; if using a value as the tag, you need to disable query normalization
- --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default text)
- --querylog-row-threshold uint Number of rows a query has to return or affect before being logged; not useful for streaming queries. 0 means all queries will be logged.
- --queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl string an acl that exempt from table acl checking (this acl is free to access any vitess tables).
- --queryserver-config-allowunsafe-dmls deprecated
- --queryserver-config-annotate-queries prefix queries to MySQL backend with comment indicating vtgate principal (user) and target tablet type
- --queryserver-config-enable-table-acl-dry-run If this flag is enabled, tabletserver will emit monitoring metrics and let the request pass regardless of table acl check results
- --queryserver-config-idle-timeout float query server idle timeout (in seconds), vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has not been used in given idle timeout, this connection will be removed from pool. This effectively manages number of connection objects and optimize the pool performance. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-max-dml-rows int query server max dml rows per statement, maximum number of rows allowed to return at a time for an update or delete with either 1) an equality where clauses on primary keys, or 2) a subselect statement. For update and delete statements in above two categories, vttablet will split the original query into multiple small queries based on this configuration value.
- --queryserver-config-max-result-size int query server max result size, maximum number of rows allowed to return from vttablet for non-streaming queries. (default 10000)
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism int DEPRECATED: Unused.
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size int DEPRECATED
- --queryserver-config-message-postpone-cap int query server message postpone cap is the maximum number of messages that can be postponed at any given time. Set this number to substantially lower than transaction cap, so that the transaction pool isn't exhausted by the message subsystem. (default 4)
- --queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls query server pass through all dml statements without rewriting
- --queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server read pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
- --queryserver-config-pool-size int query server read pool size, connection pool is used by regular queries (non streaming, not in a transaction) (default 16)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-lfu query server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries (default true)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-memory int query server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be used for caching. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
- --queryserver-config-query-cache-size int query server query cache size, maximum number of queries to be cached. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout float query server query pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the query pool. If set to 0 (default) then the overall query timeout is used instead.
- --queryserver-config-query-pool-waiter-cap int query server query pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-query-timeout float query server query timeout (in seconds), this is the query timeout in vttablet side. If a query takes more than this timeout, it will be killed. (default 30)
- --queryserver-config-schema-change-signal query server schema signal, will signal connected vtgates that schema has changed whenever this is detected. VTGates will need to have -schema_change_signal enabled for this to work (default true)
- --queryserver-config-schema-change-signal-interval float query server schema change signal interval defines at which interval the query server shall send schema updates to vtgate. (default 5)
- --queryserver-config-schema-reload-time float query server schema reload time, how often vttablet reloads schemas from underlying MySQL instance in seconds. vttablet keeps table schemas in its own memory and periodically refreshes it from MySQL. This config controls the reload time. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size int query server stream buffer size, the maximum number of bytes sent from vttablet for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vtgate's stream_buffer_size. (default 32768)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server stream pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallelism
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-size int query server stream connection pool size, stream pool is used by stream queries: queries that return results to client in a streaming fashion (default 200)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-timeout float query server stream pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the stream pool. If set to 0 (default) then there is no timeout.
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-waiter-cap int query server stream pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of streaming queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection
- --queryserver-config-strict-table-acl only allow queries that pass table acl checks
- --queryserver-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in client error messages
- --queryserver-config-transaction-cap int query server transaction cap is the maximum number of transactions allowed to happen at any given point of a time for a single vttablet. E.g. by setting transaction cap to 100, there are at most 100 transactions will be processed by a vttablet and the 101th transaction will be blocked (and fail if it cannot get connection within specified timeout) (default 20)
- --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism int query server transaction prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
- --queryserver-config-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value (default 30)
- --queryserver-config-txpool-timeout float query server transaction pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits if tx pool is full (default 1)
- --queryserver-config-txpool-waiter-cap int query server transaction pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of transactions that can be queued waiting to get a connection (default 5000)
- --queryserver-config-warn-result-size int query server result size warning threshold, warn if number of rows returned from vttablet for non-streaming queries exceeds this
- --queryserver_enable_online_ddl Enable online DDL. (default true)
- --redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
- --relay_log_max_items int Maximum number of rows for VReplication target buffering. (default 5000)
- --relay_log_max_size int Maximum buffer size (in bytes) for VReplication target buffering. If single rows are larger than this, a single row is buffered at a time. (default 250000)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --replication-mode string The replication mode to simulate -- must be set to either ROW or STATEMENT (default ROW)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --retain_online_ddl_tables duration How long should vttablet keep an old migrated table before purging it (default 24h0m0s)
- --retry-count int retry count (default 2)
- --sanitize_log_messages Remove potentially sensitive information in tablet INFO, WARNING, and ERROR log messages such as query parameters.
- --schema string The SQL table schema
- --schema-file string Identifies the file that contains the SQL table schema
- --schema_change_signal Enable the schema tracker; requires queryserver-config-schema-change-signal to be enabled on the underlying vttablets for this to work (default true)
- --schema_change_signal_user string User to be used to send down query to vttablet to retrieve schema changes
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --serving_state_grace_period duration how long to pause after broadcasting health to vtgate, before enforcing a new serving state
- --shards int Number of shards per keyspace. Passing --ks-shard-map/--ks-shard-map-file causes this flag to be ignored. (default 2)
- --shutdown_grace_period float how long to wait (in seconds) for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown.
- --sql string A list of semicolon-delimited SQL commands to analyze
- --sql-file string Identifies the file that contains the SQL commands to analyze
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --srv_topo_cache_refresh duration how frequently to refresh the topology for cached entries (default 1s)
- --srv_topo_cache_ttl duration how long to use cached entries for topology (default 1s)
- --srv_topo_timeout duration topo server timeout (default 5s)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --stream_buffer_size int the number of bytes sent from vtgate for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vttablet's query-server-config-stream-buffer-size. (default 32768)
- --stream_health_buffer_size uint max streaming health entries to buffer per streaming health client (default 20)
- --table_gc_lifecycle string States for a DROP TABLE garbage collection cycle. Default is 'hold,purge,evac,drop', use any subset ('drop' implcitly always included) (default hold,purge,evac,drop)
- --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_filters value Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_protocol string how to talk to the vttablets (default grpc)
- --tablet_refresh_interval duration tablet refresh interval (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_refresh_known_tablets tablet refresh reloads the tablet address/port map from topo in case it changes (default true)
- --tablet_url_template string format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See the Go code for getTabletDebugURL() how to customize this. (default http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}})
- --throttle_check_as_check_self Should throttler/check return a throttler/check-self result (changes throttler behavior for writes)
- --throttle_metrics_query SELECT Override default heartbeat/lag metric. Use either SELECT (must return single row, single value) or `SHOW GLOBAL ... LIKE ...` queries. Set -throttle_metrics_threshold respectively.
- --throttle_metrics_threshold float Override default throttle threshold, respective to -throttle_metrics_query (default 1.7976931348623157e+308)
- --throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' aways implicitly included (default replica)
- --throttle_threshold duration Replication lag threshold for default lag throttling (default 1s)
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --topo_read_concurrency int concurrent topo reads (default 32)
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --track_schema_versions When enabled, vttablet will store versions of schemas at each position that a DDL is applied and allow retrieval of the schema corresponding to a position
- --transaction-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming transactions log (default /debug/txlog)
- --transaction_limit_by_component Include CallerID.component when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_by_principal Include CallerID.principal when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
- --transaction_limit_by_subcomponent Include CallerID.subcomponent when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
- --transaction_limit_by_username Include VTGateCallerID.username when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
- --transaction_limit_per_user float Maximum number of transactions a single user is allowed to use at any time, represented as fraction of -transaction_cap. (default 0.4)
- --transaction_mode string SINGLE: disallow multi-db transactions, MULTI: allow multi-db transactions with best effort commit, TWOPC: allow multi-db transactions with 2pc commit (default MULTI)
- --transaction_shutdown_grace_period float DEPRECATED: use shutdown_grace_period instead.
- --twopc_abandon_age float time in seconds. Any unresolved transaction older than this time will be sent to the coordinator to be resolved.
- --twopc_coordinator_address string address of the (VTGate) process(es) that will be used to notify of abandoned transactions.
- --twopc_enable if the flag is on, 2pc is enabled. Other 2pc flags must be supplied.
- --tx-throttler-config string Synonym to -tx_throttler_config (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells value Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
- --tx_throttler_config string The configuration of the transaction throttler as a text formatted throttlerdata.Configuration protocol buffer message (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells value A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
- --unhealthy_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered unhealthy (default 2h0m0s)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vreplication_copy_phase_duration duration Duration for each copy phase loop (before running the next catchup: default 1h) (default 1h0m0s)
- --vreplication_copy_phase_max_innodb_history_list_length int The maximum InnoDB transaction history that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 1000000)
- --vreplication_copy_phase_max_mysql_replication_lag int The maximum MySQL replication lag (in seconds) that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 43200)
- --vreplication_experimental_flags int (Bitmask) of experimental features in vreplication to enable (default 1)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_retry_delay duration healthcheck retry delay (default 5s)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_timeout duration healthcheck retry delay (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_healthcheck_topology_refresh duration refresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
- --vreplication_heartbeat_update_interval int Frequency (in seconds, default 1, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
- --vreplication_max_time_to_retry_on_error duration stop automatically retrying when we've had consecutive failures with the same error for this long after the first occurrence (default 15m0s)
- --vreplication_replica_lag_tolerance duration Replica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
- --vreplication_retry_delay duration delay before retrying a failed workflow event in the replication phase (default 5s)
- --vreplication_store_compressed_gtid Store compressed gtids in the pos column of _vt.vreplication
- --vreplication_tablet_type string comma separated list of tablet types used as a source (default in_order:REPLICA,PRIMARY)
- --vschema string Identifies the VTGate routing schema
- --vschema-file string Identifies the VTGate routing schema file
- --vschema_ddl_authorized_users string List of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations, or '%' to allow all users.
- --vstream_dynamic_packet_size Enable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance. (default true)
- --vstream_packet_size int Suggested packet size for VReplication streamer. This is used only as a recommendation. The actual packet size may be more or less than this amount. (default 250000)
- --vtgate-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in returned errors
- --vtgate_protocol string how to talk to vtgate (default grpc)
- --warn_memory_rows int Warning threshold for in-memory results. A row count higher than this amount will cause the VtGateWarnings.ResultsExceeded counter to be incremented. (default 30000)
- --warn_payload_size int The warning threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will cause the VtGateWarnings.WarnPayloadSizeExceeded counter to be incremented.
- --warn_sharded_only If any features that are only available in unsharded mode are used, query execution warnings will be added to the session
- --watch_replication_stream When enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL.
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --batch-interval duration Interval between logical time slots. (default 10ms)
+ --dbname string Optional database target to override normal routing
+ --default_tablet_type topodatapb.TabletType The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected. (default PRIMARY)
+ --execution-mode string The execution mode to simulate -- must be set to multi, legacy-autocommit, or twopc (default "multi")
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --ks-shard-map string JSON map of keyspace name -> shard name -> ShardReference object. The inner map is the same as the output of FindAllShardsInKeyspace
+ --ks-shard-map-file string File containing json blob of keyspace name -> shard name -> ShardReference object
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_queries_to_file string Enable query logging to the specified file
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --message_stream_grace_period duration the amount of time to give for a vttablet to resume if it ends a message stream, usually because of a reparent. (default 30s)
+ --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers If set, the server will pool incoming connection read buffers
+ --mysql_allow_clear_text_without_tls If set, the server will allow the use of a clear text password over non-SSL connections.
+ --mysql_auth_server_impl string Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault. (default "static")
+ --mysql_default_workload string Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA) (default "OLTP")
+ --mysql_server_bind_address string Binds on this address when listening to MySQL binary protocol. Useful to restrict listening to 'localhost' only for instance.
+ --mysql_server_port int If set, also listen for MySQL binary protocol connections on this port. (default -1)
+ --mysql_server_query_timeout duration mysql query timeout (default 0s)
+ --mysql_server_read_timeout duration connection read timeout (default 0s)
+ --mysql_server_require_secure_transport Reject insecure connections but only if mysql_server_ssl_cert and mysql_server_ssl_key are provided
+ --mysql_server_socket_path string This option specifies the Unix socket file to use when listening for local connections. By default it will be empty and it won't listen to a unix socket
+ --mysql_server_ssl_ca string Path to ssl CA for mysql server plugin SSL. If specified, server will require and validate client certs.
+ --mysql_server_ssl_cert string Path to the ssl cert for mysql server plugin SSL
+ --mysql_server_ssl_crl string Path to ssl CRL for mysql server plugin SSL
+ --mysql_server_ssl_key string Path to ssl key for mysql server plugin SSL
+ --mysql_server_ssl_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
+ --mysql_server_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
+ --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
+ --mysql_server_write_timeout duration connection write timeout (default 0s)
+ --mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold duration Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish (default 0s)
+ --mysql_tcp_version string Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type. (default "tcp")
+ --normalize Whether to enable vtgate normalization
+ --output-mode string Output in human-friendly text or json (default "text")
+ --planner-version string Sets the query planner version to use when generating the explain output. Valid values are V3 and Gen4
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --proxy_protocol Enable HAProxy PROXY protocol on MySQL listener socket
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --querylog-buffer-size int Maximum number of buffered query logs before throttling log output (default 10)
+ --replication-mode string The replication mode to simulate -- must be set to either ROW or STATEMENT (default "ROW")
+ --schema string The SQL table schema
+ --schema-file string Identifies the file that contains the SQL table schema
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --shards int Number of shards per keyspace. Passing --ks-shard-map/--ks-shard-map-file causes this flag to be ignored. (default 2)
+ --sql string A list of semicolon-delimited SQL commands to analyze
+ --sql-file string Identifies the file that contains the SQL commands to analyze
+ --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
+ --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --vschema string Identifies the VTGate routing schema
+ --vschema-file string Identifies the VTGate routing schema file
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtgate.txt b/flags/15.0/vtgate.txt
index 49c7f59..e9e8591 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtgate.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtgate.txt
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
Usage of vtgate:
- --allowed_tablet_types value Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to
+ --allowed_tablet_types strings Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to. Should be provided as a comma-separated set of tablet types.
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--buffer_drain_concurrency int Maximum number of requests retried simultaneously. More concurrency will increase the load on the PRIMARY vttablet when draining the buffer. (default 1)
- --buffer_implementation string Allowed values: healthcheck (legacy implementation), keyspace_events (default) (default keyspace_events)
+ --buffer_implementation string Allowed values: healthcheck (legacy implementation), keyspace_events (default) (default "keyspace_events")
--buffer_keyspace_shards string If not empty, limit buffering to these entries (comma separated). Entry format: keyspace or keyspace/shard. Requires --enable_buffer=true.
--buffer_max_failover_duration duration Stop buffering completely if a failover takes longer than this duration. (default 20s)
--buffer_min_time_between_failovers duration Minimum time between the end of a failover and the start of the next one (tracked per shard). Faster consecutive failovers will not trigger buffering. (default 1m0s)
--buffer_size int Maximum number of buffered requests in flight (across all ongoing failovers). (default 1000)
--buffer_window duration Duration for how long a request should be buffered at most. (default 10s)
--catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cell string cell to use (default test_nj)
+ --cell string cell to use
--cells_to_watch string comma-separated list of cells for watching tablets
--consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
--datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --dbddl_plugin string controls how to handle CREATE/DROP DATABASE. use it if you are using your own database provisioning service (default fail)
- --ddl_strategy string Set default strategy for DDL statements. Override with @@ddl_strategy session variable (default direct)
- --default_tablet_type value The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected (default PRIMARY)
- --disable_local_gateway deprecated: if specified, this process will not route any queries to local tablets in the local cell
- --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration the replication lag that is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets threshold (default 2h0m0s)
- --discovery_low_replication_lag duration the replication lag that is considered low enough to be healthy (default 30s)
+ --dbddl_plugin string controls how to handle CREATE/DROP DATABASE. use it if you are using your own database provisioning service (default "fail")
+ --ddl_strategy string Set default strategy for DDL statements. Override with @@ddl_strategy session variable (default "direct")
+ --default_tablet_type topodatapb.TabletType The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected. (default PRIMARY)
+ --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration Threshold above which replication lag is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets flag. (default 2h0m0s)
+ --discovery_low_replication_lag duration Threshold below which replication lag is considered low enough to be healthy. (default 30s)
--emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
+ --enable-partial-keyspace-migration (Experimental) Follow shard routing rules: enable only while migrating a keyspace shard by shard. See documentation on Partial MoveTables for more. (default false)
--enable_buffer Enable buffering (stalling) of primary traffic during failovers.
--enable_buffer_dry_run Detect and log failover events, but do not actually buffer requests.
--enable_direct_ddl Allow users to submit direct DDL statements (default true)
--enable_online_ddl Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL (default true)
--enable_set_var This will enable the use of MySQL's SET_VAR query hint for certain system variables instead of using reserved connections (default true)
--enable_system_settings This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level (default true)
- --foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default allow)
+ --foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default "allow")
--gate_query_cache_lfu gate server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries (default true)
--gate_query_cache_memory int gate server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
--gate_query_cache_size int gate server query cache size, maximum number of queries to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a cache. This config controls the expected amount of unique entries in the cache. (default 5000)
--gateway_initial_tablet_timeout duration At startup, the tabletGateway will wait up to this duration to get at least one tablet per keyspace/shard/tablet type (default 30s)
+ --grpc-use-effective-groups If set, and SSL is not used, will set the immediate caller's security groups from the effective caller id's groups.
--grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
--grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
--grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
--grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
+ --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
--grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
--grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
@@ -61,14 +61,15 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--grpc_use_effective_callerid If set, and SSL is not used, will set the immediate caller id from the effective caller id's principal.
--healthcheck_retry_delay duration health check retry delay (default 2ms)
--healthcheck_timeout duration the health check timeout period (default 1m0s)
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
--jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keyspaces_to_watch value Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema
+ --keyspaces_to_watch strings Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema.
--lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm use the legacy algorithm when selecting the vttablets for serving (default true)
+ --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm Use the legacy algorithm when selecting vttablets for serving. (default true)
--lock_heartbeat_time duration If there is lock function used. This will keep the lock connection active by using this heartbeat (default 5s)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_queries_to_file string Enable query logging to the specified file
@@ -76,34 +77,33 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
--max_memory_rows int Maximum number of rows that will be held in memory for intermediate results as well as the final result. (default 300000)
--max_payload_size int The threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will result in a failure to handle the query.
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
--message_stream_grace_period duration the amount of time to give for a vttablet to resume if it ends a message stream, usually because of a reparent. (default 30s)
- --min_number_serving_vttablets int the minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving (default 2)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
+ --min_number_serving_vttablets int The minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving. (default 2)
+ --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers If set, the server will pool incoming connection read buffers
--mysql_allow_clear_text_without_tls If set, the server will allow the use of a clear text password over non-SSL connections.
- --mysql_auth_server_impl string Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault. (default static)
+ --mysql_auth_server_impl string Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault. (default "static")
--mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
--mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
--mysql_auth_vault_addr string URL to Vault server
--mysql_auth_vault_path string Vault path to vtgate credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/vtgatecreds
- --mysql_auth_vault_role_mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
+ --mysql_auth_vault_role_mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
--mysql_auth_vault_role_secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
--mysql_auth_vault_roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
--mysql_auth_vault_timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
--mysql_auth_vault_tls_ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
--mysql_auth_vault_tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
--mysql_auth_vault_ttl duration How long to cache vtgate credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_default_workload string Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA) (default OLTP)
+ --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default "mysql_clear_password")
+ --mysql_default_workload string Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA) (default "OLTP")
--mysql_ldap_auth_config_file string JSON File from which to read LDAP server config.
--mysql_ldap_auth_config_string string JSON representation of LDAP server config.
- --mysql_ldap_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
+ --mysql_ldap_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default "mysql_clear_password")
--mysql_server_bind_address string Binds on this address when listening to MySQL binary protocol. Useful to restrict listening to 'localhost' only for instance.
--mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
--mysql_server_port int If set, also listen for MySQL binary protocol connections on this port. (default -1)
- --mysql_server_query_timeout duration mysql query timeout
- --mysql_server_read_timeout duration connection read timeout
+ --mysql_server_query_timeout duration mysql query timeout (default 0s)
+ --mysql_server_read_timeout duration connection read timeout (default 0s)
--mysql_server_require_secure_transport Reject insecure connections but only if mysql_server_ssl_cert and mysql_server_ssl_key are provided
--mysql_server_socket_path string This option specifies the Unix socket file to use when listening for local connections. By default it will be empty and it won't listen to a unix socket
--mysql_server_ssl_ca string Path to ssl CA for mysql server plugin SSL. If specified, server will require and validate client certs.
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--mysql_server_ssl_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--mysql_server_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysql_server_write_timeout duration connection write timeout
- --mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold duration Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish
- --mysql_tcp_version string Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type. (default tcp)
+ --mysql_server_write_timeout duration connection write timeout (default 0s)
+ --mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold duration Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish (default 0s)
+ --mysql_tcp_version string Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type. (default "tcp")
--no_scatter when set to true, the planner will fail instead of producing a plan that includes scatter queries
--normalize_queries Rewrite queries with bind vars. Turn this off if the app itself sends normalized queries with bind vars. (default true)
--onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--opentsdb_uri string URI of opentsdb /api/put method
--pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
--planner-version string Sets the default planner to use when the session has not changed it. Valid values are: V3, Gen4, Gen4Greedy and Gen4Fallback. Gen4Fallback tries the gen4 planner and falls back to the V3 planner if the gen4 fails.
- --planner_version string Deprecated flag. Use planner-version instead
--port int port for the server
- --pprof string enable profiling
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
--proxy_protocol Enable HAProxy PROXY protocol on MySQL listener socket
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --querylog-buffer-size int Maximum number of buffered query logs before throttling log output (default 10)
--querylog-filter-tag string string that must be present in the query for it to be logged; if using a value as the tag, you need to disable query normalization
- --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default text)
+ --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default "text")
--querylog-row-threshold uint Number of rows a query has to return or affect before being logged; not useful for streaming queries. 0 means all queries will be logged.
--redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
--remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--schema_change_signal Enable the schema tracker; requires queryserver-config-schema-change-signal to be enabled on the underlying vttablets for this to work (default true)
--schema_change_signal_user string User to be used to send down query to vttablet to retrieve schema changes
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
--sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
--sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
--srv_topo_cache_refresh duration how frequently to refresh the topology for cached entries (default 1s)
@@ -145,27 +145,26 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--srv_topo_timeout duration topo server timeout (default 5s)
--stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
--stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
--stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
--stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
--statsd_address string Address for statsd client
- --statsd_sample_rate float (default 1)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --statsd_sample_rate float Sample rate for statsd metrics (default 1)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--stream_buffer_size int the number of bytes sent from vtgate for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vttablet's query-server-config-stream-buffer-size. (default 32768)
- --tablet_filters value Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch
+ --tablet_filters strings Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch.
--tablet_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--tablet_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--tablet_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--tablet_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--tablet_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_protocol string how to talk to the vttablets (default grpc)
- --tablet_refresh_interval duration tablet refresh interval (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_refresh_known_tablets tablet refresh reloads the tablet address/port map from topo in case it changes (default true)
- --tablet_types_to_wait string wait till connected for specified tablet types during Gateway initialization
- --tablet_url_template string format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See the Go code for getTabletDebugURL() how to customize this. (default http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}})
+ --tablet_protocol string Protocol to use to make queryservice RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --tablet_refresh_interval duration Tablet refresh interval. (default 1m0s)
+ --tablet_refresh_known_tablets Whether to reload the tablet's address/port map from topo in case they change. (default true)
+ --tablet_types_to_wait strings Wait till connected for specified tablet types during Gateway initialization. Should be provided as a comma-separated set of tablet types.
+ --tablet_url_template string Format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See getTabletDebugURL() for how to customize this. (default "http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}}")
--topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default serfHealth)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
--topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
--topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
--topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
@@ -178,21 +177,21 @@ Usage of vtgate:
--topo_k8s_context string The kubeconfig context to use, overrides the 'current-context' from the config
--topo_k8s_kubeconfig string Path to a valid kubeconfig file. When running as a k8s pod inside the same cluster you wish to use as the topo, you may omit this and the below arguments, and Vitess is capable of auto-discovering the correct values. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/access-cluster/#accessing-the-api-from-a-pod
--topo_k8s_namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use for all objects. Default comes from the context or in-cluster config
- --topo_read_concurrency int concurrent topo reads (default 32)
+ --topo_read_concurrency int Concurrency of topo reads. (default 32)
--topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
--topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
--topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
--topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
--topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
+ --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
--tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --transaction_mode string SINGLE: disallow multi-db transactions, MULTI: allow multi-db transactions with best effort commit, TWOPC: allow multi-db transactions with 2pc commit (default MULTI)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
+ --tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
+ --transaction_mode string SINGLE: disallow multi-db transactions, MULTI: allow multi-db transactions with best effort commit, TWOPC: allow multi-db transactions with 2pc commit (default "MULTI")
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--vschema_ddl_authorized_users string List of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations, or '%' to allow all users.
--vtctld_addr string address of a vtctld instance
--vtgate-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in returned errors
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtgr.txt b/flags/15.0/vtgr.txt
index a4c928e..75e7b0a 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtgr.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtgr.txt
@@ -1,111 +1,72 @@
Usage of vtgr:
- --abort_rebootstrap don't allow vtgr to rebootstrap an existing group
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --clusters_to_watch string Comma-separated list of keyspaces or keyspace/shards that this instance will monitor and repair. Defaults to all clusters in the topology. Example: "ks1,ks2/-80"
- --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db_config string full path to db config file that will be used by VTGR
- --db_flavor string mysql flavor override (default MySQL56)
- --db_port int local mysql port, set this to enable local fast check
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable_heartbeat_check enable heartbeat checking, set together with -group_heartbeat_threshold
- --gr_port int port to bootstrap a mysql group (default 33061)
- --group_heartbeat_threshold int VTGR will trigger backoff on inconsistent state if the group heartbeat staleness exceeds this threshold (in seconds). Should be used along with -enable_heartbeat_check
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --ping_tablet_timeout duration time to wait when we ping a tablet (default 2s)
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --refresh_interval duration refresh interval to load tablets (default 10s)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --scan_interval duration scan interval to diagnose and repair (default 3s)
- --scan_repair_timeout duration time to wait for a Diagnose and repair operation (default 3s)
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default serfHealth)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
- --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
- --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
- --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
- --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
- --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
- --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
- --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
- --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vtgr_config string config file for vtgr
+ --abort_rebootstrap Don't allow vtgr to rebootstrap an existing group.
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --clusters_to_watch strings Comma-separated list of keyspaces or keyspace/shards that this instance will monitor and repair. Defaults to all clusters in the topology. Example: "ks1,ks2/-80"
+ --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
+ --db_config string Full path to db config file that will be used by VTGR.
+ --db_flavor string MySQL flavor override. (default "MySQL56")
+ --db_port int Local mysql port, set this to enable local fast check.
+ --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
+ --enable_heartbeat_check Enable heartbeat checking, set together with --group_heartbeat_threshold.
+ --gr_port int Port to bootstrap a MySQL group. (default 33061)
+ --group_heartbeat_threshold int VTGR will trigger backoff on inconsistent state if the group heartbeat staleness exceeds this threshold (in seconds). Should be used along with --enable_heartbeat_check.
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --ping_tablet_timeout duration time to wait when we ping a tablet (default 2s)
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --refresh_interval duration Refresh interval to load tablets. (default 10s)
+ --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
+ --scan_interval duration Scan interval to diagnose and repair. (default 3s)
+ --scan_repair_timeout duration Time to wait for a Diagnose and repair operation. (default 3s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
+ --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
+ --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
+ --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
+ --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
+ --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
+ --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
+ --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
+ --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
+ --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
+ --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
+ --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
+ --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
+ --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
+ --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --vtgr_config string Config file for vtgr.
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vtorc.txt b/flags/15.0/vtorc.txt
index 732595e..74ab84c 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vtorc.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vtorc.txt
@@ -1,123 +1,85 @@
Usage of vtorc:
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --binlog string Binary log file name
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --clusters_to_watch string Comma-separated list of keyspaces or keyspace/shards that this instance will monitor and repair. Defaults to all clusters in the topology. Example: "ks1,ks2/-80"
- --config string config file name
- --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --d string destination instance, host_fqdn[:port] (synonym to -s)
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --debug debug mode (very verbose)
- --discovery auto discovery mode (default true)
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable-database-update Enable database update, overrides SkipOrchestratorDatabaseUpdate
- --grab-election Grab leadership (only applies to continuous mode)
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --ignore-raft-setup Override RaftEnabled for CLI invocation (CLI by default not allowed for raft setups). NOTE: operations by CLI invocation may not reflect in all raft nodes.
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default "mysql_clear_password")
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --noop Dry run; do not perform destructing operations
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --orc_web_dir string Orchestrator http file location (default "web/orchestrator")
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --promotion-rule string Promotion rule for register-andidate (prefer|neutral|prefer_not|must_not) (default "prefer")
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --quiet quiet
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --s string sibling instance, host_fqdn[:port]
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --shutdown_wait_time duration maximum time to wait for vtorc to release all the locks that it is holding before shutting down on SIGTERM (default 30s)
- --skip-continuous-registration Skip cli commands performaing continuous registration (to reduce orchestratrator backend db load
- --skip-unresolve Do not unresolve a host name
- --skip-unresolve-check Skip/ignore checking an unresolve mapping (via hostname_unresolve table) resolves back to same hostname
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stack add stack trace upon error
- --statement string Statement/hint
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default "grpc")
- --tag string tag to add ('tagname' or 'tagname=tagvalue') or to search ('tagname' or 'tagname=tagvalue' or comma separated 'tag0,tag1=val1,tag2' for intersection of all)
- --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
- --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
- --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
- --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
- --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
- --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --topo_k8s_context string The kubeconfig context to use, overrides the 'current-context' from the config
- --topo_k8s_kubeconfig string Path to a valid kubeconfig file. When running as a k8s pod inside the same cluster you wish to use as the topo, you may omit this and the below arguments, and Vitess is capable of auto-discovering the correct values. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/access-cluster/#accessing-the-api-from-a-pod
- --topo_k8s_namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use for all objects. Default comes from the context or in-cluster config
- --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
- --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
- --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
- --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
- --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --verbose verbose
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --audit-file-location string File location where the audit logs are to be stored
+ --audit-purge-duration duration Duration for which audit logs are held before being purged. Should be in multiples of days (default 168h0m0s)
+ --audit-to-backend Whether to store the audit log in the VTOrc database
+ --audit-to-syslog Whether to store the audit log in the syslog
+ --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
+ --clusters_to_watch strings Comma-separated list of keyspaces or keyspace/shards that this instance will monitor and repair. Defaults to all clusters in the topology. Example: "ks1,ks2/-80"
+ --config string config file name
+ --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
+ --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --instance-poll-time duration Timer duration on which VTOrc refreshes MySQL information (default 5s)
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
+ --lock-shard-timeout duration Duration for which a shard lock is held when running a recovery (default 30s)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
+ --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
+ --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
+ --port int port for the server
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --prevent-cross-cell-failover Prevent VTOrc from promoting a primary in a different cell than the current primary in case of a failover
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --reasonable-replication-lag duration Maximum replication lag on replicas which is deemed to be acceptable (default 10s)
+ --recovery-period-block-duration duration Duration for which a new recovery is blocked on an instance after running a recovery (default 30s)
+ --recovery-poll-duration duration Timer duration on which VTOrc polls its database to run a recovery (default 1s)
+ --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --shutdown_wait_time duration Maximum time to wait for VTOrc to release all the locks that it is holding before shutting down on SIGTERM (default 30s)
+ --snapshot-topology-interval duration Timer duration on which VTOrc takes a snapshot of the current MySQL information it has in the database. Should be in multiple of hours
+ --sqlite-data-file string SQLite Datafile to use as VTOrc's database (default "file::memory:?mode=memory&cache=shared")
+ --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
+ --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
+ --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --topo-information-refresh-duration duration Timer duration on which VTOrc refreshes the keyspace and vttablet records from the topology server (default 15s)
+ --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
+ --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
+ --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
+ --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
+ --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
+ --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
+ --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
+ --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
+ --topo_k8s_context string The kubeconfig context to use, overrides the 'current-context' from the config
+ --topo_k8s_kubeconfig string Path to a valid kubeconfig file. When running as a k8s pod inside the same cluster you wish to use as the topo, you may omit this and the below arguments, and Vitess is capable of auto-discovering the correct values. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/access-cluster/#accessing-the-api-from-a-pod
+ --topo_k8s_namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use for all objects. Default comes from the context or in-cluster config
+ --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
+ --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
+ --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
+ --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
+ --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --wait-replicas-timeout duration Duration for which to wait for replica's to respond when issuing RPCs (default 30s)
@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vttablet.txt b/flags/15.0/vttablet.txt
index 96a4298..25807a7 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vttablet.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vttablet.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
Usage of vttablet:
- --allowed_tablet_types value Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
--app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path)
- --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used
- --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name
- --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased) (default 1)
- --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/')
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default builtin)
+ --azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path).
+ --azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used.
+ --azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name.
+ --azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased). (default 1)
+ --azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/').
+ --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
--backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
--backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
+ --backup_storage_implementation string Which backup storage implementation to use for creating and restoring backups.
+ --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
--binlog_host string PITR restore parameter: hostname/IP of binlog server.
--binlog_password string PITR restore parameter: password of binlog server.
--binlog_player_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
@@ -21,120 +19,29 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--binlog_player_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--binlog_player_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--binlog_player_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default grpc)
+ --binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default "grpc")
--binlog_port int PITR restore parameter: port of binlog server.
--binlog_ssl_ca string PITR restore parameter: Filename containing TLS CA certificate to verify binlog server TLS certificate against.
--binlog_ssl_cert string PITR restore parameter: Filename containing mTLS client certificate to present to binlog server as authentication.
--binlog_ssl_key string PITR restore parameter: Filename containing mTLS client private key for use in binlog server authentication.
- --binlog_ssl_server_name string PITR restore parameter: TLS server name (common name) to verify against for the binlog server we are connecting to (If not set: use the hostname or IP supplied in -binlog_host).
- --binlog_use_v3_resharding_mode (DEPRECATED) True if and only if the binlog streamer should use V3-style sharding, which doesn't require a preset sharding key column. (default true)
+ --binlog_ssl_server_name string PITR restore parameter: TLS server name (common name) to verify against for the binlog server we are connecting to (If not set: use the hostname or IP supplied in --binlog_host).
--binlog_user string PITR restore parameter: username of binlog server.
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
+ --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup. (default 10m0s)
+ --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files. (default 5s)
--catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage (default ceph_backup_config.json)
- --client-found-rows-pool-size int DEPRECATED: queryserver-config-transaction-cap will be used instead.
+ --ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage. (default "ceph_backup_config.json")
+ --compression-engine-name string compressor engine used for compression. (default "pargzip")
+ --compression-level int what level to pass to the compressor. (default 1)
+ --consolidator-stream-query-size int Configure the stream consolidator query size in bytes. Setting to 0 disables the stream consolidator. (default 2097152)
+ --consolidator-stream-total-size int Configure the stream consolidator total size in bytes. Setting to 0 disables the stream consolidator. (default 134217728)
--consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
--datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-config-allprivs-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-allprivs-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-allprivs-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-allprivs-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-allprivs-pass string db allprivs deprecated: use db_allprivs_password
- --db-config-allprivs-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-allprivs-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-allprivs-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-allprivs-uname string deprecated: use db_allprivs_user (default vt_allprivs)
- --db-config-allprivs-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-app-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-app-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-app-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-app-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-app-pass string db app deprecated: use db_app_password
- --db-config-app-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-app-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-app-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-app-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-app-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-app-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-app-uname string deprecated: use db_app_user (default vt_app)
- --db-config-app-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-appdebug-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-appdebug-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-appdebug-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-appdebug-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-appdebug-pass string db appdebug deprecated: use db_appdebug_password
- --db-config-appdebug-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-appdebug-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-appdebug-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-appdebug-uname string deprecated: use db_appdebug_user (default vt_appdebug)
- --db-config-appdebug-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-dba-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-dba-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-dba-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-dba-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-dba-pass string db dba deprecated: use db_dba_password
- --db-config-dba-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-dba-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-dba-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-dba-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-dba-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-dba-uname string deprecated: use db_dba_user (default vt_dba)
- --db-config-dba-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-erepl-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-erepl-dbname string deprecated: dbname does not need to be explicitly configured
- --db-config-erepl-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-erepl-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-erepl-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-erepl-pass string db erepl deprecated: use db_erepl_password
- --db-config-erepl-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-erepl-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-erepl-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-erepl-uname string deprecated: use db_erepl_user (default vt_erepl)
- --db-config-erepl-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-filtered-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-filtered-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-filtered-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-filtered-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-filtered-pass string db filtered deprecated: use db_filtered_password
- --db-config-filtered-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-filtered-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-filtered-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-filtered-uname string deprecated: use db_filtered_user (default vt_filtered)
- --db-config-filtered-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
- --db-config-repl-charset string deprecated: use db_charset (default utf8mb4)
- --db-config-repl-flags uint deprecated: use db_flags
- --db-config-repl-flavor string deprecated: use db_flavor
- --db-config-repl-host string deprecated: use db_host
- --db-config-repl-pass string db repl deprecated: use db_repl_password
- --db-config-repl-port int deprecated: use db_port
- --db-config-repl-server_name string deprecated: use db_server_name
- --db-config-repl-ssl-ca string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca
- --db-config-repl-ssl-ca-path string deprecated: use db_ssl_ca_path
- --db-config-repl-ssl-cert string deprecated: use db_ssl_cert
- --db-config-repl-ssl-key string deprecated: use db_ssl_key
- --db-config-repl-uname string deprecated: use db_repl_user (default vt_repl)
- --db-config-repl-unixsocket string deprecated: use db_socket
--db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default file)
+ --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
--db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
--db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default approle)
+ --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
--db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
@@ -143,84 +50,82 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
--db_allprivs_password string db allprivs password
--db_allprivs_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the allprivs connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default vt_allprivs)
+ --db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default "vt_allprivs")
--db_app_password string db app password
--db_app_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the app connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_app_user string db app user userKey (default vt_app)
+ --db_app_user string db app user userKey (default "vt_app")
--db_appdebug_password string db appdebug password
--db_appdebug_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the appdebug connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default vt_appdebug)
- --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default utf8mb4)
+ --db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default "vt_appdebug")
+ --db_charset string Character set used for this tablet. (default "utf8mb4")
--db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
--db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
--db_dba_password string db dba password
--db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default vt_dba)
+ --db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
--db_erepl_password string db erepl password
--db_erepl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the erepl connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default vt_erepl)
+ --db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default "vt_erepl")
--db_filtered_password string db filtered password
--db_filtered_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the filtered connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default vt_filtered)
+ --db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default "vt_filtered")
--db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
--db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
--db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
--db_port int tcp port
--db_repl_password string db repl password
--db_repl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the repl connection to not use ssl (default true)
- --db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default vt_repl)
+ --db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default "vt_repl")
--db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
--db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
--db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
--db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
--db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
--db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
- --db_ssl_mode value SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
+ --db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
--db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
--dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
--degraded_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered degraded (default 30s)
+ --disable-replication-manager Disable replication manager to prevent replication repairs.
--disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving duration the replication lag that is considered too high when applying the min_number_serving_vttablets threshold (default 2h0m0s)
- --discovery_low_replication_lag duration the replication lag that is considered low enough to be healthy (default 30s)
--emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable-autocommit This flag is deprecated. Autocommit is always allowed. (default true)
--enable-consolidator Synonym to -enable_consolidator (default true)
--enable-consolidator-replicas Synonym to -enable_consolidator_replicas
--enable-lag-throttler Synonym to -enable_lag_throttler
- --enable-query-plan-field-caching Synonym to -enable_query_plan_field_caching (default true)
--enable-tx-throttler Synonym to -enable_tx_throttler
--enable_consolidator This option enables the query consolidator. (default true)
--enable_consolidator_replicas This option enables the query consolidator only on replicas.
--enable_hot_row_protection If true, incoming transactions for the same row (range) will be queued and cannot consume all txpool slots.
--enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run If true, hot row protection is not enforced but logs if transactions would have been queued.
--enable_lag_throttler If true, vttablet will run a throttler service, and will implicitly enable heartbeats
- --enable_query_plan_field_caching This option fetches & caches fields (columns) when storing query plans (default true)
--enable_replication_reporter Use polling to track replication lag.
- --enable_semi_sync Enable semi-sync when configuring replication, on primary and replica tablets only (rdonly tablets will not ack).
--enable_transaction_limit If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be enforced for all users. User trying to open a new transaction after exhausting their limit will receive an error immediately, regardless of whether there are available slots or not.
--enable_transaction_limit_dry_run If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be tracked for all users, but not enforced.
--enable_tx_throttler If true replication-lag-based throttling on transactions will be enabled.
--enforce-tableacl-config if this flag is true, vttablet will fail to start if a valid tableacl config does not exist
--enforce_strict_trans_tables If true, vttablet requires MySQL to run with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES on. It is recommended to not turn this flag off. Otherwise MySQL may alter your supplied values before saving them to the database. (default true)
- --file_backup_storage_root string root directory for the file backup storage
+ --external-compressor string command with arguments to use when compressing a backup.
+ --external-compressor-extension string extension to use when using an external compressor.
+ --external-decompressor string command with arguments to use when decompressing a backup.
+ --file_backup_storage_root string Root directory for the file backup storage.
--filecustomrules string file based custom rule path
--filecustomrules_watch set up a watch on the target file and reload query rules when it changes
--gc_check_interval duration Interval between garbage collection checks (default 1h0m0s)
--gc_purge_check_interval duration Interval between purge discovery checks (default 1m0s)
- --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups
- --gcs_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
+ --gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups.
+ --gcs_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related object names.
--gh-ost-path string override default gh-ost binary full path
--grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
--grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
--grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
--grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
@@ -229,8 +134,8 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
+ --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
--grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
--grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
@@ -240,6 +145,7 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--heartbeat_enable If true, vttablet records (if master) or checks (if replica) the current time of a replication heartbeat in the table _vt.heartbeat. The result is used to inform the serving state of the vttablet via healthchecks.
--heartbeat_interval duration How frequently to read and write replication heartbeat. (default 1s)
--heartbeat_on_demand_duration duration If non-zero, heartbeats are only written upon consumer request, and only run for up to given duration following the request. Frequent requests can keep the heartbeat running consistently; when requests are infrequent heartbeat may completely stop between requests
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
--hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions int Number of concurrent transactions let through to the txpool/MySQL for the same hot row. Should be > 1 to have enough 'ready' transactions in MySQL and benefit from a pipelining effect. (default 5)
--hot_row_protection_max_global_queue_size int Global queue limit across all row (ranges). Useful to prevent that the queue can grow unbounded. (default 1000)
--hot_row_protection_max_queue_size int Maximum number of BeginExecute RPCs which will be queued for the same row (range). (default 20)
@@ -248,27 +154,22 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--init_populate_metadata (init parameter) populate metadata tables even if restore_from_backup is disabled. If restore_from_backup is enabled, metadata tables are always populated regardless of this flag.
--init_shard string (init parameter) shard to use for this tablet
--init_tablet_type string (init parameter) the tablet type to use for this tablet.
- --init_tags value (init parameter) comma separated list of key:value pairs used to tag the tablet
+ --init_tags StringMap (init parameter) comma separated list of key:value pairs used to tag the tablet
--init_timeout duration (init parameter) timeout to use for the init phase. (default 1m0s)
--jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keyspaces_to_watch value Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema
--lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --legacy_replication_lag_algorithm use the legacy algorithm when selecting the vttablets for serving (default true)
--lock_tables_timeout duration How long to keep the table locked before timing out (default 1m0s)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_queries Enable query logging to syslog.
--log_queries_to_file string Enable query logging to the specified file
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
+ --max_concurrent_online_ddl int Maximum number of online DDL changes that may run concurrently (default 256)
--migration_check_interval duration Interval between migration checks (default 1m0s)
- --min_number_serving_vttablets int the minimum number of vttablets for each replicating tablet_type (e.g. replica, rdonly) that will be continue to be used even with replication lag above discovery_low_replication_lag, but still below discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving (default 2)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
--mycnf-file string path to my.cnf, if reading all config params from there
--mycnf_bin_log_path string mysql binlog path
--mycnf_data_dir string data directory for mysql
@@ -287,48 +188,32 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--mycnf_slow_log_path string mysql slow query log path
--mycnf_socket_file string mysql socket file
--mycnf_tmp_dir string mysql tmp directory
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default mysql_clear_password)
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default grpc)
--mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
--mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
--onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
--onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
--opentsdb_uri string URI of opentsdb /api/put method
- --orc_api_password string (Optional) Basic auth password to authenticate with Orchestrator's HTTP API.
- --orc_api_url string Address of Orchestrator's HTTP API (e.g. http://host:port/api/). Leave empty to disable Orchestrator integration.
- --orc_api_user string (Optional) Basic auth username to authenticate with Orchestrator's HTTP API. Leave empty to disable basic auth.
- --orc_discover_interval duration How often to ping Orchestrator's HTTP API endpoint to tell it we exist. 0 means never.
- --orc_timeout duration Timeout for calls to Orchestrator's HTTP API (default 30s)
--pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
--pitr_gtid_lookup_timeout duration PITR restore parameter: timeout for fetching gtid from timestamp. (default 1m0s)
- --pool-name-prefix string Deprecated
--pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
--port int port for the server
- --pprof string enable profiling
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
--pt-osc-path string override default pt-online-schema-change binary full path
--publish_retry_interval duration how long vttablet waits to retry publishing the tablet record (default 30s)
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default /debug/querylog)
+ --query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default "/debug/querylog")
--querylog-filter-tag string string that must be present in the query for it to be logged; if using a value as the tag, you need to disable query normalization
- --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default text)
+ --querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default "text")
--querylog-row-threshold uint Number of rows a query has to return or affect before being logged; not useful for streaming queries. 0 means all queries will be logged.
--queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl string an acl that exempt from table acl checking (this acl is free to access any vitess tables).
- --queryserver-config-allowunsafe-dmls deprecated
--queryserver-config-annotate-queries prefix queries to MySQL backend with comment indicating vtgate principal (user) and target tablet type
--queryserver-config-enable-table-acl-dry-run If this flag is enabled, tabletserver will emit monitoring metrics and let the request pass regardless of table acl check results
--queryserver-config-idle-timeout float query server idle timeout (in seconds), vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has not been used in given idle timeout, this connection will be removed from pool. This effectively manages number of connection objects and optimize the pool performance. (default 1800)
- --queryserver-config-max-dml-rows int query server max dml rows per statement, maximum number of rows allowed to return at a time for an update or delete with either 1) an equality where clauses on primary keys, or 2) a subselect statement. For update and delete statements in above two categories, vttablet will split the original query into multiple small queries based on this configuration value.
--queryserver-config-max-result-size int query server max result size, maximum number of rows allowed to return from vttablet for non-streaming queries. (default 10000)
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism int DEPRECATED: Unused.
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size int DEPRECATED
--queryserver-config-message-postpone-cap int query server message postpone cap is the maximum number of messages that can be postponed at any given time. Set this number to substantially lower than transaction cap, so that the transaction pool isn't exhausted by the message subsystem. (default 4)
+ --queryserver-config-olap-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), after which a transaction in an OLAP session will be killed (default 30)
--queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls query server pass through all dml statements without rewriting
- --queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server read pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
--queryserver-config-pool-size int query server read pool size, connection pool is used by regular queries (non streaming, not in a transaction) (default 16)
--queryserver-config-query-cache-lfu query server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries (default true)
--queryserver-config-query-cache-memory int query server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be used for caching. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
@@ -340,18 +225,17 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--queryserver-config-schema-change-signal-interval float query server schema change signal interval defines at which interval the query server shall send schema updates to vtgate. (default 5)
--queryserver-config-schema-reload-time float query server schema reload time, how often vttablet reloads schemas from underlying MySQL instance in seconds. vttablet keeps table schemas in its own memory and periodically refreshes it from MySQL. This config controls the reload time. (default 1800)
--queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size int query server stream buffer size, the maximum number of bytes sent from vttablet for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vtgate's stream_buffer_size. (default 32768)
- --queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism int query server stream pool prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallelism
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-size int query server stream connection pool size, stream pool is used by stream queries: queries that return results to client in a streaming fashion (default 200)
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-timeout float query server stream pool timeout (in seconds), it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the stream pool. If set to 0 (default) then there is no timeout.
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-waiter-cap int query server stream pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of streaming queries that can be queued waiting to get a connection
--queryserver-config-strict-table-acl only allow queries that pass table acl checks
--queryserver-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in client error messages
--queryserver-config-transaction-cap int query server transaction cap is the maximum number of transactions allowed to happen at any given point of a time for a single vttablet. E.g. by setting transaction cap to 100, there are at most 100 transactions will be processed by a vttablet and the 101th transaction will be blocked (and fail if it cannot get connection within specified timeout) (default 20)
- --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism int query server transaction prefill parallelism, a non-zero value will prefill the pool using the specified parallism.
--queryserver-config-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value (default 30)
--queryserver-config-txpool-timeout float query server transaction pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits if tx pool is full (default 1)
--queryserver-config-txpool-waiter-cap int query server transaction pool waiter limit, this is the maximum number of transactions that can be queued waiting to get a connection (default 5000)
--queryserver-config-warn-result-size int query server result size warning threshold, warn if number of rows returned from vttablet for non-streaming queries exceeds this
+ --queryserver-enable-settings-pool Enable pooling of connections with modified system settings
--queryserver_enable_online_ddl Enable online DDL. (default true)
--redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
--relay_log_max_items int Maximum number of rows for VReplication target buffering. (default 5000)
@@ -362,18 +246,18 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--restore_from_backup (init restore parameter) will check BackupStorage for a recent backup at startup and start there
--restore_from_backup_ts string (init restore parameter) if set, restore the latest backup taken at or before this timestamp. Example: '2021-04-29.133050'
--retain_online_ddl_tables duration How long should vttablet keep an old migrated table before purging it (default 24h0m0s)
- --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided)
- --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use (default us-east-1)
- --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries (default -1)
- --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style
- --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors (default LogOff)
- --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file)
- --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups
- --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names
- --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections
+ --s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided).
+ --s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use. (default "us-east-1")
+ --s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries. (default -1)
+ --s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style.
+ --s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors. (default "LogOff")
+ --s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file).
+ --s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups.
+ --s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names.
+ --s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections.
--sanitize_log_messages Remove potentially sensitive information in tablet INFO, WARNING, and ERROR log messages such as query parameters.
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
--serving_state_grace_period duration how long to pause after broadcasting health to vtgate, before enforcing a new serving state
--shard_sync_retry_delay duration delay between retries of updates to keep the tablet and its shard record in sync (default 30s)
--shutdown_grace_period float how long to wait (in seconds) for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown.
@@ -384,20 +268,19 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--srv_topo_timeout duration topo server timeout (default 5s)
--stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
--stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
+ --stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
--stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
--stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
--statsd_address string Address for statsd client
- --statsd_sample_rate float (default 1)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --statsd_sample_rate float Sample rate for statsd metrics (default 1)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--stream_health_buffer_size uint max streaming health entries to buffer per streaming health client (default 20)
--table-acl-config string path to table access checker config file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
--table-acl-config-reload-interval duration Ticker to reload ACLs. Duration flag, format e.g.: 30s. Default: do not reload
- --table_gc_lifecycle string States for a DROP TABLE garbage collection cycle. Default is 'hold,purge,evac,drop', use any subset ('drop' implcitly always included) (default hold,purge,evac,drop)
+ --table_gc_lifecycle string States for a DROP TABLE garbage collection cycle. Default is 'hold,purge,evac,drop', use any subset ('drop' implcitly always included) (default "hold,purge,evac,drop")
--tablet-path string tablet alias
--tablet_config string YAML file config for tablet
--tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_filters value Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch
--tablet_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--tablet_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--tablet_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
@@ -411,18 +294,15 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default grpc)
- --tablet_protocol string how to talk to the vttablets (default grpc)
- --tablet_refresh_interval duration tablet refresh interval (default 1m0s)
- --tablet_refresh_known_tablets tablet refresh reloads the tablet address/port map from topo in case it changes (default true)
- --tablet_url_template string format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See the Go code for getTabletDebugURL() how to customize this. (default http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}})
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --tablet_protocol string Protocol to use to make queryservice RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
--throttle_check_as_check_self Should throttler/check return a throttler/check-self result (changes throttler behavior for writes)
--throttle_metrics_query SELECT Override default heartbeat/lag metric. Use either SELECT (must return single row, single value) or `SHOW GLOBAL ... LIKE ...` queries. Set -throttle_metrics_threshold respectively.
--throttle_metrics_threshold float Override default throttle threshold, respective to -throttle_metrics_query (default 1.7976931348623157e+308)
- --throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' aways implicitly included (default replica)
+ --throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' aways implicitly included (default "replica")
--throttle_threshold duration Replication lag threshold for default lag throttling (default 1s)
--topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default serfHealth)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
--topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
--topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
--topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
@@ -435,63 +315,37 @@ Usage of vttablet:
--topo_k8s_context string The kubeconfig context to use, overrides the 'current-context' from the config
--topo_k8s_kubeconfig string Path to a valid kubeconfig file. When running as a k8s pod inside the same cluster you wish to use as the topo, you may omit this and the below arguments, and Vitess is capable of auto-discovering the correct values. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/access-cluster/#accessing-the-api-from-a-pod
--topo_k8s_namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use for all objects. Default comes from the context or in-cluster config
- --topo_read_concurrency int concurrent topo reads (default 32)
--topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
--topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
--topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
--topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
--topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --topocustomrule_cell string topo cell for customrules file. (default global)
+ --topocustomrule_cell string topo cell for customrules file. (default "global")
--topocustomrule_path string path for customrules file. Disabled if empty.
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default noop)
+ --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
--tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
+ --tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
+ --tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
--track_schema_versions When enabled, vttablet will store versions of schemas at each position that a DDL is applied and allow retrieval of the schema corresponding to a position
- --transaction-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming transactions log (default /debug/txlog)
+ --transaction-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming transactions log (default "/debug/txlog")
--transaction_limit_by_component Include CallerID.component when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
--transaction_limit_by_principal Include CallerID.principal when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
--transaction_limit_by_subcomponent Include CallerID.subcomponent when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
--transaction_limit_by_username Include VTGateCallerID.username when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
--transaction_limit_per_user float Maximum number of transactions a single user is allowed to use at any time, represented as fraction of -transaction_cap. (default 0.4)
- --transaction_shutdown_grace_period float DEPRECATED: use shutdown_grace_period instead.
--twopc_abandon_age float time in seconds. Any unresolved transaction older than this time will be sent to the coordinator to be resolved.
--twopc_coordinator_address string address of the (VTGate) process(es) that will be used to notify of abandoned transactions.
--twopc_enable if the flag is on, 2pc is enabled. Other 2pc flags must be supplied.
- --tx-throttler-config string Synonym to -tx_throttler_config (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells value Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
- --tx_throttler_config string The configuration of the transaction throttler as a text formatted throttlerdata.Configuration protocol buffer message (default target_replication_lag_sec: 2
-max_replication_lag_sec: 10
-initial_rate: 100
-max_increase: 1
-emergency_decrease: 0.5
-min_duration_between_increases_sec: 40
-max_duration_between_increases_sec: 62
-min_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20
-spread_backlog_across_sec: 20
-age_bad_rate_after_sec: 180
-bad_rate_increase: 0.1
-max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
- --tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells value A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
+ --tx-throttler-config string Synonym to -tx_throttler_config (default "target_replication_lag_sec: 2\nmax_replication_lag_sec: 10\ninitial_rate: 100\nmax_increase: 1\nemergency_decrease: 0.5\nmin_duration_between_increases_sec: 40\nmax_duration_between_increases_sec: 62\nmin_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20\nspread_backlog_across_sec: 20\nage_bad_rate_after_sec: 180\nbad_rate_increase: 0.1\nmax_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9\n")
+ --tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells strings Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
+ --tx_throttler_config string The configuration of the transaction throttler as a text formatted throttlerdata.Configuration protocol buffer message (default "target_replication_lag_sec: 2\nmax_replication_lag_sec: 10\ninitial_rate: 100\nmax_increase: 1\nemergency_decrease: 0.5\nmin_duration_between_increases_sec: 40\nmax_duration_between_increases_sec: 62\nmin_duration_between_decreases_sec: 20\nspread_backlog_across_sec: 20\nage_bad_rate_after_sec: 180\nbad_rate_increase: 0.1\nmax_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9\n")
+ --tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells strings A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
--unhealthy_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered unhealthy (default 2h0m0s)
--use_super_read_only Set super_read_only flag when performing planned failover.
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--vreplication_copy_phase_duration duration Duration for each copy phase loop (before running the next catchup: default 1h) (default 1h0m0s)
--vreplication_copy_phase_max_innodb_history_list_length int The maximum InnoDB transaction history that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 1000000)
--vreplication_copy_phase_max_mysql_replication_lag int The maximum MySQL replication lag (in seconds) that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 43200)
@@ -500,23 +354,24 @@ max_rate_approach_threshold: 0.9
--vreplication_healthcheck_timeout duration healthcheck retry delay (default 1m0s)
--vreplication_healthcheck_topology_refresh duration refresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
--vreplication_heartbeat_update_interval int Frequency (in seconds, default 1, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
- --vreplication_max_time_to_retry_on_error duration stop automatically retrying when we've had consecutive failures with the same error for this long after the first occurrence (default 15m0s)
+ --vreplication_max_time_to_retry_on_error duration stop automatically retrying when we've had consecutive failures with the same error for this long after the first occurrence
--vreplication_replica_lag_tolerance duration Replica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
--vreplication_retry_delay duration delay before retrying a failed workflow event in the replication phase (default 5s)
--vreplication_store_compressed_gtid Store compressed gtids in the pos column of _vt.vreplication
- --vreplication_tablet_type string comma separated list of tablet types used as a source (default in_order:REPLICA,PRIMARY)
+ --vreplication_tablet_type string comma separated list of tablet types used as a source (default "in_order:REPLICA,PRIMARY")
+ --vstream-binlog-rotation-threshold int Byte size at which a VStreamer will attempt to rotate the source's open binary log before starting a GTID snapshot based stream (e.g. a ResultStreamer or RowStreamer) (default 67108864)
--vstream_dynamic_packet_size Enable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance. (default true)
--vstream_packet_size int Suggested packet size for VReplication streamer. This is used only as a recommendation. The actual packet size may be more or less than this amount. (default 250000)
--vtctld_addr string address of a vtctld instance
- --vtgate_protocol string how to talk to vtgate (default grpc)
- --vttablet_skip_buildinfo_tags string comma-separated list of buildinfo tags to skip from merging with -init_tags. each tag is either an exact match or a regular expression of the form '/regexp/'. (default /.*/)
+ --vtgate_protocol string how to talk to vtgate (default "grpc")
+ --vttablet_skip_buildinfo_tags string comma-separated list of buildinfo tags to skip from merging with --init_tags. each tag is either an exact match or a regular expression of the form '/regexp/'. (default "/.*/")
--wait_for_backup_interval duration (init restore parameter) if this is greater than 0, instead of starting up empty when no backups are found, keep checking at this interval for a backup to appear
--watch_replication_stream When enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL.
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default tar)
+ --xbstream_restore_flags string Flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
+ --xtrabackup_backup_flags string Flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string Flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_root_path string Directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
+ --xtrabackup_stream_mode string Which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream. Please note that tar is not supported in XtraBackup 8.0 (default "tar")
--xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
--xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
--xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vttestserver.txt b/flags/15.0/vttestserver.txt
index 755eba1..d30ab35 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vttestserver.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vttestserver.txt
@@ -1,184 +1,144 @@
Usage of vttestserver:
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
- --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
- --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
- --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
- --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
- --backup_storage_hook string if set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook.
- --backup_storage_implementation string which implementation to use for the backup storage feature
- --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
- --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
- --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
- --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
- --cells string Comma separated list of cells (default "test")
- --charset string MySQL charset (default "utf8mb4")
- --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
- --cpu_profile string deprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
- --data_dir string Directory where the data files will be placed, defaults to a random directory under /vt/vtdataroot
- --datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
- --db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
- --db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
- --db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
- --db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
- --db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
- --db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
- --db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
- --db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
- --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
- --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
- --default_schema_dir string Default directory for initial schema files. If no schema is found in schema_dir, default to this location.
- --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
- --emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
- --enable_direct_ddl Allow users to submit direct DDL statements (default true)
- --enable_online_ddl Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL (default true)
- --enable_system_settings This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level (default true)
- --external_topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server for vtcombo process
- --external_topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server for vtcombo process
- --external_topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use for vtcombo process
- --extra_my_cnf string extra files to add to the config, separated by ':'
- --foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default "allow")
- --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
- --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
- --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string when using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server
- --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
- --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
- --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
- --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
- --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
- --grpc_enable_tracing Enable GRPC tracing
- --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
- --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
- --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
- --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
- --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
- --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
- --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
- --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls
- --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
- --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
- --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
- --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
- --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
- --initialize_with_random_data If this flag is each table-shard will be initialized with random data. See also the 'rng_seed' and 'min_shard_size' and 'max_shard_size' flags.
- --jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keyspaces string Comma separated list of keyspaces (default "test_keyspace")
- --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --master_connect_retry duration Deprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
- --max_table_shard_size int The maximum number of initial rows in a table shard. Ignored if--initialize_with_random_data is false. The actual number is chosen randomly (default 10000)
- --mem-profile-rate int deprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
- --min_table_shard_size int The minimum number of initial rows in a table shard. Ignored if--initialize_with_random_data is false. The actual number is chosen randomly. (default 1000)
- --mutex-profile-fraction int deprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
- --mysql_auth_server_static_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
- --mysql_auth_server_static_string string JSON representation of the users/passwords config.
- --mysql_auth_static_reload_interval duration Ticker to reload credentials
- --mysql_bind_host string which host to bind vtgate mysql listener to (default "localhost")
- --mysql_clientcert_auth_method string client-side authentication method to use. Supported values: mysql_clear_password, dialog. (default "mysql_clear_password")
- --mysql_only If this flag is set only mysql is initialized. The rest of the vitess components are not started. Also, the output specifies the mysql unix socket instead of the vtgate port.
- --mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
- --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
- --mysqlctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the mysqlctl server (default "grpc")
- --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
- --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
- --null_probability float The probability to initialize a field with 'NULL' if --initialize_with_random_data is true. Only applies to fields that can contain NULL values. (default 0.1)
- --num_shards string Comma separated shard count (one per keyspace) (default "2")
- --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
- --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
- --persistent_mode If this flag is set, the MySQL data directory is not cleaned up when LocalCluster.TearDown() is called. This is useful for running vttestserver as a database container in local developer environments. Note that db migration files (--schema_dir option) and seeding of random data (--initialize_with_random_data option) will only run during cluster startup if the data directory does not already exist. vschema migrations are run every time the cluster starts, since persistence for the topology server has not been implemented yet
- --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
- --planner-version string Sets the default planner to use when the session has not changed it. Valid values are: V3, Gen4, Gen4Greedy and Gen4Fallback. Gen4Fallback tries the new gen4 planner and falls back to the V3 planner if the gen4 fails.
- --planner_version string planner_version is deprecated. Please use planner-version instead
- --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
- --port int Port to use for vtcombo. If this is 0, a random port will be chosen.
- --pprof string enable profiling
- --proto_topo string Define the fake cluster topology as a compact text format encoded vttest proto. See vttest.proto for more information.
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --queryserver-config-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value
- --rdonly_count int Rdonly tablets per shard (default 1)
- --remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
- --replica_count int Replica tablets per shard (includes primary) (default 2)
- --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
- --rng_seed int The random number generator seed to use when initializing with random data (see also --initialize_with_random_data). Multiple runs with the same seed will result with the same initial data. (default 123)
- --schema_dir string Directory for initial schema files. Within this dir, there should be a subdir for each keyspace. Within each keyspace dir, each file is executed as SQL after the database is created on each shard. If the directory contains a vschema.json file, it will be used as the vschema for the V3 API.
- --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
- --service_map value comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
- --snapshot_file string A MySQL DB snapshot file
- --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
- --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
- --stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
- --stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
- --stats_common_tags string Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
- --stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
- --stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
- --tablet_hostname string The hostname to use for the tablet otherwise it will be derived from OS' hostname (default "localhost")
- --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
- --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --tablet_manager_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to vttablet (default "grpc")
- --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
- --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
- --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
- --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
- --topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
- --topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
- --topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
- --topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
- --topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
- --topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
- --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
- --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
- --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
- --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
- --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
- --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
- --tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
- --tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
- --tracing-sampling-rate value sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
- --tracing-sampling-type value sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
- --transaction_mode string Transaction mode MULTI (default), SINGLE or TWOPC (default "MULTI")
- --v value log level for V logs
- --version print binary version
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --vschema_ddl_authorized_users string Comma separated list of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations via vtgate
- --vtctl_client_protocol string the protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server (default "grpc")
- --vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --vtgate_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
- --vtgate_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
- --vtgate_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
- --vtgate_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
- --vtgate_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
- --vtgate_protocol string how to talk to vtgate (default "grpc")
- --workflow_manager_init Enable workflow manager
- --xbstream_restore_flags string flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
- --xtrabackup_backup_flags string flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
- --xtrabackup_root_path string directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
- --xtrabackup_stream_mode string which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default "tar")
- --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
- --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
- --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ --app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
+ --app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
+ --backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
+ --backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
+ --backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed (default is true). Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data. (default true)
+ --backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, at once, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
+ --builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup. (default 10m0s)
+ --builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files. (default 5s)
+ --catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
+ --cells strings Comma separated list of cells (default [test])
+ --charset string MySQL charset (default "utf8mb4")
+ --compression-engine-name string compressor engine used for compression. (default "pargzip")
+ --compression-level int what level to pass to the compressor. (default 1)
+ --consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
+ --data_dir string Directory where the data files will be placed, defaults to a random directory under /vt/vtdataroot
+ --dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
+ --dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
+ --default_schema_dir string Default directory for initial schema files. If no schema is found in schema_dir, default to this location.
+ --disable_active_reparents if set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents.
+ --enable_direct_ddl Allow users to submit direct DDL statements (default true)
+ --enable_online_ddl Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL (default true)
+ --enable_system_settings This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level (default true)
+ --external-compressor string command with arguments to use when compressing a backup.
+ --external-compressor-extension string extension to use when using an external compressor.
+ --external-decompressor string command with arguments to use when decompressing a backup.
+ --external_topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server for vtcombo process
+ --external_topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server for vtcombo process
+ --external_topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use for vtcombo process
+ --extra_my_cnf string extra files to add to the config, separated by ':'
+ --foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default "allow")
+ --grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
+ --grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
+ --grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
+ --grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
+ --grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
+ --grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
+ --grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
+ --grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
+ --grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
+ --grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
+ --grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
+ --grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
+ --grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
+ --grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
+ --grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
+ --grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
+ --grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
+ --grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
+ --grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
+ --grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
+ --grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
+ --grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
+ --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
+ --grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --initialize_with_random_data If this flag is each table-shard will be initialized with random data. See also the 'rng_seed' and 'min_shard_size' and 'max_shard_size' flags.
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keyspaces strings Comma separated list of keyspaces (default [test_keyspace])
+ --lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --max_table_shard_size int The maximum number of initial rows in a table shard. Ignored if--initialize_with_random_data is false. The actual number is chosen randomly (default 10000)
+ --min_table_shard_size int The minimum number of initial rows in a table shard. Ignored if--initialize_with_random_data is false. The actual number is chosen randomly. (default 1000)
+ --mysql_bind_host string which host to bind vtgate mysql listener to (default "localhost")
+ --mysql_only If this flag is set only mysql is initialized. The rest of the vitess components are not started. Also, the output specifies the mysql unix socket instead of the vtgate port.
+ --mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
+ --mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
+ --mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
+ --null_probability float The probability to initialize a field with 'NULL' if --initialize_with_random_data is true. Only applies to fields that can contain NULL values. (default 0.1)
+ --num_shards strings Comma separated shard count (one per keyspace) (default [2])
+ --onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
+ --onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
+ --persistent_mode If this flag is set, the MySQL data directory is not cleaned up when LocalCluster.TearDown() is called. This is useful for running vttestserver as a database container in local developer environments. Note that db migration files (--schema_dir option) and seeding of random data (--initialize_with_random_data option) will only run during cluster startup if the data directory does not already exist. vschema migrations are run every time the cluster starts, since persistence for the topology server has not been implemented yet
+ --pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
+ --planner-version string Sets the default planner to use when the session has not changed it. Valid values are: V3, Gen4, Gen4Greedy and Gen4Fallback. Gen4Fallback tries the new gen4 planner and falls back to the V3 planner if the gen4 fails.
+ --pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
+ --port int Port to use for vtcombo. If this is 0, a random port will be chosen.
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --proto_topo string Define the fake cluster topology as a compact text format encoded vttest proto. See vttest.proto for more information.
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --queryserver-config-transaction-timeout float query server transaction timeout (in seconds), a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value
+ --rdonly_count int Rdonly tablets per shard (default 1)
+ --replica_count int Replica tablets per shard (includes primary) (default 2)
+ --replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
+ --rng_seed int The random number generator seed to use when initializing with random data (see also --initialize_with_random_data). Multiple runs with the same seed will result with the same initial data. (default 123)
+ --schema_dir string Directory for initial schema files. Within this dir, there should be a subdir for each keyspace. Within each keyspace dir, each file is executed as SQL after the database is created on each shard. If the directory contains a vschema.json file, it will be used as the vschema for the V3 API.
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
+ --snapshot_file string A MySQL DB snapshot file
+ --sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
+ --sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
+ --tablet_hostname string The hostname to use for the tablet otherwise it will be derived from OS' hostname (default "localhost")
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,AllPrivs,App}) (default 8)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
+ --topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
+ --topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
+ --topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
+ --topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
+ --topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
+ --topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
+ --topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
+ --topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
+ --topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
+ --transaction_mode string Transaction mode MULTI (default), SINGLE or TWOPC (default "MULTI")
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --vschema_ddl_authorized_users string Comma separated list of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations via vtgate
+ --vtctl_client_protocol string Protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server. (default "grpc")
+ --vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --vtgate_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
+ --vtgate_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
+ --vtgate_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
+ --vtgate_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
+ --vtgate_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
+ --workflow_manager_init Enable workflow manager
+ --xbstream_restore_flags string Flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
+ --xtrabackup_backup_flags string Flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_prepare_flags string Flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
+ --xtrabackup_root_path string Directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
+ --xtrabackup_stream_mode string Which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream. Please note that tar is not supported in XtraBackup 8.0 (default "tar")
+ --xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
+ --xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
+ --xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/vttlstest.txt b/flags/15.0/vttlstest.txt
index 87321df..e149cf2 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/vttlstest.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/vttlstest.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
-Usage of vttlstest:
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --root string root directory for certificates and keys (default ".")
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+vttlstest is a tool for generating test certificates, keys, and related artifacts for TLS tests.
+ vttlstest [command]
+Available Commands:
+ CreateCA Create certificate authority
+ CreateCRL Create certificate revocation list
+ CreateIntermediateCA Create intermediate certificate authority
+ CreateSignedCert Create signed certificate
+ RevokeCert Revoke a certificate
+ completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
+ help Help about any command
+ -h, --help help for vttlstest
+ --root string root directory for all artifacts (default ".")
+Use "vttlstest [command] --help" for more information about a command.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/zk.txt b/flags/15.0/zk.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..443bf0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flags/15.0/zk.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Usage of zk:
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --server string server(s) to connect to
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/zkctl.txt b/flags/15.0/zkctl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e41c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flags/15.0/zkctl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage of zkctl:
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --zk.cfg string zkid@server1:leaderPort1:electionPort1:clientPort1,...) (default "6@<hostname>:3801:3802:3803")
+ --zk.myid uint which server do you want to be? only needed when running multiple instance on one box, otherwise myid is implied by hostname
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/flags/14.0/zkctld.txt b/flags/15.0/zkctld.txt
index 5bad4f2..6ec026b 100644
--- a/flags/14.0/zkctld.txt
+++ b/flags/15.0/zkctld.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
Usage of zkctld:
- --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
- --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
- --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
- --log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
- --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
- --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
- --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
- --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
- --stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
- --v value log level for V logs
- --vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- --zk.cfg string zkid@server1:leaderPort1:electionPort1:clientPort1,...) (default 6@<hostname>:3801:3802:3803)
- --zk.myid uint which server do you want to be? only needed when running multiple instance on one box, otherwise myid is implied by hostname
+ --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
+ -h, --help display usage and exit
+ --keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
+ --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
+ --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
+ --log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
+ --log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
+ --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
+ --pprof strings enable profiling
+ --purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
+ --security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
+ --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
+ --v Level log level for V logs
+ -v, --version print binary version
+ --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ --zk.cfg string zkid@server1:leaderPort1:electionPort1:clientPort1,...) (default "6@<hostname>:3801:3802:3803")
+ --zk.myid uint which server do you want to be? only needed when running multiple instance on one box, otherwise myid is implied by hostname
@ -1,16 +1,43 @@
# Release of Vitess v15.0.0-rc1
# Release of Vitess v15.0.0
## Summary
- [Vindex Interface](#vindex-interface)
- [LogStats Table and Keyspace deprecated](#logstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecated)
- [Command-line syntax deprecations](#command-line-syntax-deprecations)
- [New command line flags and behavior](#new-command-line-flags-and-behavior)
- [Online DDL changes](#online-ddl-changes)
- [Tablet throttler](#tablet-throttler)
- [VDiff2](#vdiff2)
- [Mysql Compatibility](#mysql-compatibility)
- [Durability Policy](#durability-policy)
- [New EXPLAIN format](#new-explain-format)
- **[Breaking Changes](#breaking-changes)**
- [Vindex Interface](#vindex-interface)
- [LogStats Table and Keyspace Deprecated](#logstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecated)
- [Orchestrator Integration Deprecation](#orchestrator-integration-deprecation)
- [Connection Pool Prefill](#connection-pool-prefill)
- **[Command-Line Syntax Deprecations](#command-line-syntax-deprecations)**
- [VTTablet Startup Flag Deletions](#vttablet-startup-flag-deletions)
- [VTTablet Startup Flag Deprecations](#vttablet-startup-flag-deprecations)
- [VTBackup Flag Deprecations](#vtbackup-flag-deprecations)
- **[VTGate](#vtgate)**
- [vtgate --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers](#vtgate---mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers)
- **[VDiff2](#vdiff2)**
- [Resume Workflow](#resume-workflow)
- [vtctl GetSchema --table-schema-only](#vtctl-getschema---table-schema-only)
- [Support for Additional Compressors and Decompressors During Backup & Restore](#support-for-additional-compressors-and-decompressors-during-backup--restore)
- [Independent OLAP and OLTP Transactional Timeouts](#independent-olap-and-oltp-transactional-timeouts)
- [Support for Specifying Group Information in Calls to VTGate](#support-for-specifying-group-information-in-calls-to-vtgate)
- **[Online DDL Changes](#online-ddl-changes)**
- [Concurrent Vitess Migrations](#concurrent-vitess-migrations)
- [VTCtl Command Changes](#vtctl-command-changes)
- [New Syntax](#new-syntax)
- **[Tablet Throttler](#tablet-throttler)**
- [API Changes](#api-changes)
- **[Mysql Compatibility](#mysql-compatibility)**
- [System Settings](#system-settings)
- [Lookup Vindexes](#lookup-vindexes)
- **[Durability Policy](#durability-policy)**
- [Cross Cell](#cross-cell)
- **[New EXPLAIN Format](#new-explain-format)**
- [FORMAT=vtexplain](#formatvtexplain)
- **[VTOrc](#vtorc)**
- [Old UI Removal and Replacement](#old-ui-removal-and-replacement)
- [Configuration Refactor and New Flags](#configuration-refactor-and-new-flags)
- [Example Upgrade](#example-upgrade)
- [Default Configuration Files](#default-configuration-files)
- **[Flags Restructure](#flags-restructure)**
- [Flags Diff](#flags-diff)
## Known Issues
@ -41,7 +68,7 @@ Map(ctx context.Context, vcursor VCursor, .... ) ....
This only affects users who have added their own custom vindex implementation.
They are required to change their implementation with these new interface method expectations.
#### LogStats Table and Keyspace deprecated
#### LogStats Table and Keyspace Deprecated
Information about which tables are used was being reported through the `Keyspace` and `Table` fields on LogStats.
For multi-table queries, this output can be confusing, so we have added `TablesUsed`, that is a string array, listing all tables and which keyspace they are on.
@ -58,9 +85,9 @@ The connection pool with prefilled connections have been removed. The pool now d
Following flags are deprecated: `queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism`, `queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism`, `queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism`
and will be removed in future version.
### Command-line syntax deprecations
### Command-Line Syntax Deprecations
#### vttablet startup flag deletions
#### VTTablet Startup Flag Deletions
The following VTTablet flags were deprecated in 7.0. They have now been deleted
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism
@ -71,15 +98,15 @@ The following VTTablet flags were deprecated in 7.0. They have now been deleted
- --pool-name-prefix
- --enable-autocommit Autocommit is always allowed
#### vttablet startup flag deprecations
#### VTTablet Startup Flag Deprecations
- --enable-query-plan-field-caching is now deprecated. It will be removed in v16.
- --enable_semi_sync is now deprecated. It will be removed in v16. Instead, set the correct durability policy using `SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy`
- --queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism, --queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism and --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism have all been deprecated. They will be removed in v16.
#### vtbackup flag deprecations
#### VTBackup Flag Deprecations
- --backup_storage_hook has been deprecated, consider using one of the builtin compression algorithms or --external-compressor and --external-decompressor instead.
### New command line flags and behavior
### VTGate
#### vtgate --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers
@ -88,6 +115,8 @@ connections, similar to the way pooling happens for write buffers. Defaults to o
### VDiff2
#### Resume Workflow
We introduced the ability to resume a VDiff2 workflow:
$ vtctlclient --server=localhost:15999 VDiff --v2 customer.commerce2customer resume 4c664dc2-eba9-11ec-9ef7-920702940ee0
@ -120,13 +149,11 @@ $ vtctlclient --server=localhost:15999 VDiff --v2 --format=json customer.commerc
Please see the VDiff2 [documentation](https://vitess.io/docs/15.0/reference/vreplication/vdiff2/) for additional information.
### New command line flags and behavior
#### vtctl GetSchema --table-schema-only
The new flag `--table-schema-only` skips column introspection. `GetSchema` only returns general schema analysis, and specifically it includes the `CREATE TABLE|VIEW` statement in the `schema` field.
#### Support for additional compressors and decompressors during backup & restore
#### Support for Additional Compressors and Decompressors During Backup & Restore
Backup/Restore now allow you many more options for compression and decompression instead of relying on the default compressor(`pgzip`).
There are some built-in compressors which you can use out-of-the-box. Users will need to evaluate which option works best for their
use-case. Here are the flags that control this feature
@ -168,7 +195,7 @@ The reason you cannot change all the values together is because the restore proc
should be used to process the previous backup. Please make sure you have thought out all possible scenarios for restore before transitioning from one
compression engine to another.
#### Independent OLAP and OLTP transactional timeouts
#### Independent OLAP and OLTP Transactional Timeouts
`--queryserver-config-olap-transaction-timeout` specifies the timeout applied
to a transaction created within an OLAP workload. The default value is `30`
@ -186,15 +213,15 @@ other.
The main use case is to run queries spanning a long period of time which
require transactional guarantees such as consistency or atomicity.
#### Support for specifying group information in calls to VTGate
#### Support for Specifying Group Information in Calls to VTGate
`--grpc-use-effective-groups` allows non-SSL callers to specify groups information for a caller.
Until now, you could only specify the caller-id for the security context used to authorize queries.
As of now, you can specify the principal of the caller, and any groups they belong to.
### Online DDL changes
### Online DDL Changes
#### Concurrent vitess migrations
#### Concurrent Vitess Migrations
All Online DDL migrations using the `vitess` strategy are now eligible to run concurrently, given `--allow-concurrent` DDL strategy flag. Until now, only `CREATE`, `DROP` and `REVERT` migrations were eligible, and now `ALTER` migrations are supported, as well. The terms for `ALTER` migrations concurrency:
@ -205,13 +232,13 @@ All Online DDL migrations using the `vitess` strategy are now eligible to run co
The main use case is to run multiple concurrent migrations, all with `--postpone-completion`. All table-copy operations will run sequentially, but no migration will actually cut-over, and eventually all migrations will be `ready_to_complete`, continuously tailing the binary logs and keeping up-to-date. A quick and iterative `ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION '...' COMPLETE` sequence of commands will cut-over all migrations _closely together_ (though not atomically together).
#### vtctl command changes.
#### VTCtl Command Changes
All `online DDL show` commands can now be run with a few additional parameters
- `--order` , order migrations in the output by either ascending or descending order of their `id` fields.
- `--skip` , skip specified number of migrations in the output.
- `--limit` , limit results to a specified number of migrations in the output.
#### New syntax
#### New Syntax
The following is now supported:
This works on all pending migrations (`queued`, `ready`, `running`) and internally issues a `ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION '<uuid>' COMPLETE` for each one. The command is useful for completing multiple concurrent migrations (see above) that are open-ended (`--postpone-completion`).
### Tablet throttler
### Tablet Throttler
#### API changes
#### API Changes
API endpoint `/debug/vars` now exposes throttler metrics, such as number of hits and errors per app per check type. Example:
@ -269,7 +296,7 @@ This is different from the existing `autocommit` parameter where the query is se
A new durability policy `cross_cell` is now supported. `cross_cell` durability policy only allows replica tablets from a different cell than the current primary to
send semi-sync ACKs. This ensures that any committed write exists in at least 2 tablets belonging to different cells.
### New EXPLAIN format
### New EXPLAIN Format
#### FORMAT=vtexplain
@ -375,3 +402,26 @@ The release includes 551 commits (excluding merges)
Thanks to all our contributors: @Abirdcfly, @DeathBorn, @GuptaManan100, @K-Kumar-01, @L3o-pold, @Phanatic, @Weijun-H, @ajm188, @arthurschreiber, @arvind-murty, @brirams, @dbussink, @deepthi, @dependabot[bot], @doeg, @frouioui, @harshit-gangal, @mattlord, @maxenglander, @mgale, @notfelineit, @ofiriluz, @olyazavr, @quinox, @rafer, @renatolabs, @rohit-nayak-ps, @rsajwani, @rvrangel, @saunderst, @shlomi-noach, @systay, @vitess-bot[bot], @vmg, @yoheimuta
### Flags Restructure
#### Flags Diff
In addition to these major streams of work in release-15.0, we have made tremendous progress on [VEP-4, aka The Flag Situation](https://github.com/vitessio/enhancements/blob/main/veps/vep-4.md), reorganizing our code so that Vitess binaries and their flags are
clearly aligned in help text. An immediate win for usability, this positions us well to move on to a [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper) implementation which will facilitate additional improvements including standardization of flag syntax and runtime configuration reloads.
We are also aligning with industry standards regarding the use of flags, ensuring a seamless experience for users migrating from or integrating with other platforms.
Below are the changes for each binary.
- [mysqlctl](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-mysqlctl.diff)
- [mysqlctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-mysqlctld.diff)
- [vtaclcheck](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtaclcheck.diff)
- [vtadmin](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtadmin.diff)
- [vtctlclient](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctlclient.diff)
- [vtctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctld.diff)
- [vtctldclient](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctldclient.diff)
- [vtexplain](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtexplain.diff)
- [vtgate](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtgate.diff)
- [vtgtr](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtgtr.diff)
- [vtorc](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtorc.diff)
- [vttablet](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttablet.diff)
- [vttestserver](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttestserver.diff)
- [vttlstest](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttlstest.diff)
- [zk](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zk.diff)
- [zkctl](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zkctl.diff)
- [zkctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zkctld.diff)
@ -1,23 +1,52 @@
## Summary
- [Vindex Interface](#vindex-interface)
- [LogStats Table and Keyspace deprecated](#logstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecated)
- [Command-line syntax deprecations](#command-line-syntax-deprecations)
- [New command line flags and behavior](#new-command-line-flags-and-behavior)
- [Online DDL changes](#online-ddl-changes)
- [Tablet throttler](#tablet-throttler)
- [VDiff2](#vdiff2)
- [Mysql Compatibility](#mysql-compatibility)
- [Durability Policy](#durability-policy)
- [New EXPLAIN format](#new-explain-format)
## Known Issues
- **[Breaking Changes](#a-idbreaking-changesbreaking-changes)**
- [Flags](#a-idflagsflags)
- [VTTablet Flag Deletions](#a-idvttablet-flag-deletionsvttablet-flag-deletions)
- [Vindex Interface](#a-idvindex-interfacevindex-interface)
- **[Deprecations](#a-iddeprecationsdeprecations)**
- [LogStats Table and Keyspace Deprecated](#a-idlogstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecatedlogstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecated)
- [Orchestrator Integration Deprecation](#a-idorchestrator-integration-deprecationorchestrator-integration-deprecation)
- [Connection Pool Prefill](#a-idconnection-pool-prefillconnection-pool-prefill)
- [InitShardPrimary Deprecation](#a-idinitshardprimary-deprecationinitshardprimary-deprecation)
- **[Command-Line Syntax Deprecations](#a-idcommand-line-syntax-deprecationscommand-line-syntax-deprecations)**
- [VTTablet Startup Flag Deletions](#a-idvttablet-startup-flag-deletionsvttablet-startup-flag-deletions)
- [VTTablet Startup Flag Deprecations](#a-idvttablet-startup-flag-deprecationsvttablet-startup-flag-deprecations)
- [VTBackup Flag Deprecations](#a-idvtbackup-flag-deprecationsvtbackup-flag-deprecations)
- **[VTGate](#a-idvtgatevtgate)**
- [vtgate --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers](#a-idvtgate--mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffersvtgate---mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers)
- **[VDiff2](#a-idvdiff2vdiff-v2)**
- [Resume Workflow](#a-idresume-workflowresume-workflow)
- [vtctl GetSchema --table-schema-only](#a-idvtctl-getschema--table-schema-onlyvtctl-getschema---table-schema-only)
- [Support for Additional Compressors and Decompressors During Backup & Restore](#a-idsupport-for-additional-compressors-and-decompressors-during-backup--restoresupport-for-additional-compressors-and-decompressors-during-backup--restore)
- [Independent OLAP and OLTP Transactional Timeouts](#a-idindependant-olap-and-oltp-transactional-timeoutsindependent-olap-and-oltp-transactional-timeouts)
- [Support for Specifying Group Information in Calls to VTGate](#a-idsupport-for-specifying-group-information-in-calls-to-vtgatesupport-for-specifying-group-information-in-calls-to-vtgate)
- **[Online DDL Changes](#a-idonline-ddl-changesonline-ddl-changes)**
- [Concurrent Vitess Migrations](#a-idconcurrent-vitess-migrationsconcurrent-vitess-migrations)
- [VTCtl Command Changes](#a-idvtctl-command-changesvtctl-command-changes)
- [New Syntax](#a-idnew-syntaxnew-syntax)
- **[Tablet Throttler](#a-idtablet-throttlertablet-throttler)**
- [API Changes](#a-idapi-changesapi-changes)
- **[Mysql Compatibility](#a-idmysql-compatibilitymysql-compatibility)**
- [System Settings](#a-idsystem-settingssystem-settings)
- [Lookup Vindexes](#a-idlookup-vindexeslookup-vindexes)
- **[Durability Policy](#a-iddurability-policydurability-policy)**
- [Cross Cell](#a-idcross-cellcross-cell)
- **[New EXPLAIN Format](#a-idnew-explain-formatnew-explain-format)**
- [FORMAT=vtexplain](#a-idformatvtexplainformatvtexplain)
- **[VTOrc](#a-idvtorcvtorc)**
- [Old UI Removal and Replacement](#a-idold-ui-removal-and-replacementold-ui-removal-and-replacement)
- [Configuration Refactor and New Flags](#a-idconfiguratoin-refactor-and-new-flagsconfiguration-refactor-and-new-flags)
- [Example Upgrade](#a-idexample-upgradeexample-upgrade)
- [Default Configuration Files](#a-iddefault-configuration-filesdefault-configuration-files)
- **[Flags Restructure](#a-idflags-restructureflags-restructure)**
- [Flags Diff](#a-idflag-diffflags-diffd)
## Major Changes
### Breaking Changes
### <a id="breaking-changes"/>Breaking Changes
#### Flags
#### <a id="flags"/>Flags
- The deprecated `--cpu_profile` flag has been removed. Please use the `--pprof` flag instead.
- The deprecated `--mem-profile-rate` flag has been removed. Please use `--pprof=mem` instead.
@ -27,7 +56,18 @@
- `vtctl` commands that take shard names and ranges as positional arguments (e.g. `vtctl Reshard ks.workflow -80 -40,40-80`) need to have their positional arguments separated from their flag arguments by a double-dash separator to avoid the new parsing library from mistaking them as flags (e.g. `vtctl Reshard ks.workflow -- -80 -40,40-80`).
- The `--cell` flag in the `vtgate` binary no longer has a default value. It is a required argument that has to be specified for the binary to run. Please explicitly specify the flag, if dependent on the flag's default value.
#### Vindex Interface
#### <a id="vttablet-flag-deletions"/>vttablet Flag Deletions
The following VTTablet flags were deprecated in 7.0. They have now been deleted
- `--queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size`
- `--queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism`
- `--client-found-rows-pool-size` A different existing flag `--queryserver-config-transaction-cap` will be used instead
- `--transaction_shutdown_grace_period` Use `--shutdown_grace_period` instead
- `--queryserver-config-max-dml-rows`
- `--queryserver-config-allowunsafe-dmls`
- `--pool-name-prefix`
- `--enable-autocommit` Autocommit is always allowed
#### <a id="vindex-interface"/>Vindex Interface
All the vindex interface methods are changed by adding `context.Context` as an input parameter.
@ -41,30 +81,30 @@ Map(ctx context.Context, vcursor VCursor, .... ) ....
This only affects users who have added their own custom vindex implementation.
They are required to change their implementation with these new interface method expectations.
#### LogStats Table and Keyspace deprecated
### <a id="deprecations"/>Deprecations
#### <a id="logstats-table-and-keyspace-deprecated"/>LogStats Table and Keyspace deprecated
Information about which tables are used was being reported through the `Keyspace` and `Table` fields on LogStats.
For multi-table queries, this output can be confusing, so we have added `TablesUsed`, that is a string array, listing all tables and which keyspace they are on.
`Keyspace` and `Table` fields are deprecated and will be removed in the v16 release of Vitess.
#### Orchestrator Integration Deprecation
#### <a id="orchestrator-integration-deprecation"/>Orchestrator Integration Deprecation
Orchestrator integration in `vttablet` has been deprecated. It will continue to work in this release but is liable to be removed in future releases.
Consider using VTOrc instead of Orchestrator as VTOrc goes GA in this release.
#### Connection Pool Prefill
#### <a id="connection-pool-prefill"/>Connection Pool Prefill
The connection pool with prefilled connections have been removed. The pool now does lazy connection creation.
Following flags are deprecated: `queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism`, `queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism`, `queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism`
and will be removed in future version.
#### InitShardPrimary Deprecation
#### <a id="initshardprimary-deprecation"/>InitShardPrimary Deprecation
The vtcltd command InitShardPrimary has been deprecated. Please use PlannedReparentShard instead.
### Command-line syntax deprecations
### <a id="command-line-syntax-deprecations"/>Command-line syntax deprecations
#### vttablet startup flag deletions
#### <a id="vttablet-startup-flag-deletions"/>vttablet startup flag deletions
The following VTTablet flags were deprecated in 7.0. They have now been deleted
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-size
- --queryserver-config-message-conn-pool-prefill-parallelism
@ -75,22 +115,25 @@ The following VTTablet flags were deprecated in 7.0. They have now been deleted
- --pool-name-prefix
- --enable-autocommit Autocommit is always allowed
#### vttablet startup flag deprecations
- --enable-query-plan-field-caching and --enable_query_plan_field_caching have been deprecated. They will be removed in v16.
- --enable_semi_sync has been deprecated. It will be removed in v16. Instead, set the correct durability policy using `SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy`
- --queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism, --queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism and --queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism have all been deprecated. They will be removed in v16.
#### <a id="vttablet-startup-flag-deprecations"/>vttablet startup flag deprecations
- `--enable-query-plan-field-caching` has been deprecated. It will be removed in v16.
- `--enable_semi_sync` has been deprecated. It will be removed in v16. Instead, set the correct durability policy using `SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy`
- `--queryserver-config-pool-prefill-parallelism`, `--queryserver-config-stream-pool-prefill-parallelism` and `--queryserver-config-transaction-prefill-parallelism` have all been deprecated. They will be removed in v16.
- `--backup_storage_hook` has been deprecated, consider using one of the builtin compression algorithms or `--external-compressor` and `--external-decompressor` instead.
#### vtbackup flag deprecations
- --backup_storage_hook has been deprecated, consider using one of the builtin compression algorithms or --external-compressor and --external-decompressor instead.
#### <a id="vtbackup-flag-deprecations"/>vtbackup flag deprecations
- `--backup_storage_hook` has been deprecated, consider using one of the builtin compression algorithms or `--external-compressor` and `--external-decompressor` instead.
### New command line flags and behavior
### <a id="vtgate"/>VTGate
#### vtgate --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers
#### <a id="vtgate--mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers"/>vtgate --mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers
`--mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers` enables pooling of buffers used to read from incoming
connections, similar to the way pooling happens for write buffers. Defaults to off.
### VDiff2
### <a id="vdiff2"/>VDiff v2
#### <a id="resume-workflow"/>Resume Workflow
We introduced the ability to resume a VDiff2 workflow:
@ -122,24 +165,28 @@ $ vtctlclient --server=localhost:15999 VDiff --v2 --format=json customer.commerc
We leverage this resume capability to automatically restart a VDiff2 workflow that encountered a retryable error.
We also made a number of other enhancements like progress reporting and features needed to make it a full replacement for VDiff v1. You can see more details in the tracking ticket for the VDiff2 feature complete target: https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/issues/10494
Now that VDiff v2 is feature complete in 15.0, we hope to make it GA in 16.0.
Please see the VDiff2 [documentation](https://vitess.io/docs/15.0/reference/vreplication/vdiff2/) for additional information.
### New command line flags and behavior
#### vtctl GetSchema --table-schema-only
#### <a id="vtctl-getschema--table-schema-only"/>vtctl GetSchema --table-schema-only
The new flag `--table-schema-only` skips column introspection. `GetSchema` only returns general schema analysis, and specifically it includes the `CREATE TABLE|VIEW` statement in the `schema` field.
#### Support for additional compressors and decompressors during backup & restore
#### <a id="support-for-additional-compressors-and-decompressors-during-backup-&-restore"/>Support for additional compressors and decompressors during backup & restore
Backup/Restore now allow you many more options for compression and decompression instead of relying on the default compressor(`pgzip`).
There are some built-in compressors which you can use out-of-the-box. Users will need to evaluate which option works best for their
use-case. Here are the flags that control this feature
- --compression-engine-name
- --external-compressor
- --external-decompressor
- --external-compressor-extension
- --compression-level
- `--compression-engine-name`
- `--external-compressor`
- `--external-decompressor`
- `--external-compressor-extension`
- `--compression-level`
`--compression-engine-name` specifies the engine used for compression. It can have one of the following values
@ -149,20 +196,19 @@ use-case. Here are the flags that control this feature
- zstd
- external
where 'external' is set only when using a custom command or tool other than the ones that are already provided.
If you want to use any of the built-in compressors, simply set one of the above values for `--compression-engine-name`. The value
If you want to use any of the built-in compressors, simply set one of the above values other than `external` for `--compression-engine-name`. The value
specified in `--compression-engine-name` is saved in the backup MANIFEST, which is later read by the restore process to decide which
engine to use for decompression. Default value for engine is 'pgzip'.
If you would like to use a custom command or external tool for compression/decompression then you need to provide the full command with
arguments to the `--external-compressor` and `--external-decompressor` flags. `--external-compressor-extension` flag also needs to be provided
so that compressed files are created with the correct extension. If the external command is not using any of the built-in compression engines
(i-e pgzip, pargzip, lz4 or zstd) then you need to set `--compression-engine-name` to value 'external'.
(i.e. pgzip, pargzip, lz4 or zstd) then you need to set `--compression-engine-name` to value 'external'.
Please note that if you want the current production behavior then you don't need to change any of these flags.
Please note that if you want to keep the current behavior then you don't need to provide any of these flags.
You can read more about backup & restore [here] (https://vitess.io/docs/15.0/user-guides/operating-vitess/backup-and-restore/).
If you decided to switch from an external compressor to one of the built-in supported compressors (i-e pgzip, pargzip, lz4 or zstd) at any point
If you decided to switch from an external compressor to one of the built-in supported compressors (i.e. pgzip, pargzip, lz4 or zstd) at any point
in the future, you will need to do it in two steps.
- step #1, set `--external-compressor` and `--external-compressor-extension` flag values to empty and change `--compression-engine-name` to desired value.
@ -172,7 +218,7 @@ The reason you cannot change all the values together is because the restore proc
should be used to process the previous backup. Please make sure you have thought out all possible scenarios for restore before transitioning from one
compression engine to another.
#### Independent OLAP and OLTP transactional timeouts
#### <a id="independant-olap-and-oltp-transactional-timeouts"/>Independent OLAP and OLTP transactional timeouts
`--queryserver-config-olap-transaction-timeout` specifies the timeout applied
to a transaction created within an OLAP workload. The default value is `30`
@ -190,15 +236,15 @@ other.
The main use case is to run queries spanning a long period of time which
require transactional guarantees such as consistency or atomicity.
#### Support for specifying group information in calls to VTGate
#### <a id="support-for-specifying-group-information-in-calls-to-vtgate"/>Support for specifying group information in calls to VTGate
`--grpc-use-effective-groups` allows non-SSL callers to specify groups information for a caller.
Until now, you could only specify the caller-id for the security context used to authorize queries.
As of now, you can specify the principal of the caller, and any groups they belong to.
### Online DDL changes
### <a id="online-ddl-changes"/>Online DDL changes
#### Concurrent vitess migrations
#### <a id="concurrent-vitess-migrations"/>Concurrent vitess migrations
All Online DDL migrations using the `vitess` strategy are now eligible to run concurrently, given `--allow-concurrent` DDL strategy flag. Until now, only `CREATE`, `DROP` and `REVERT` migrations were eligible, and now `ALTER` migrations are supported, as well. The terms for `ALTER` migrations concurrency:
@ -209,13 +255,13 @@ All Online DDL migrations using the `vitess` strategy are now eligible to run co
The main use case is to run multiple concurrent migrations, all with `--postpone-completion`. All table-copy operations will run sequentially, but no migration will actually cut-over, and eventually all migrations will be `ready_to_complete`, continuously tailing the binary logs and keeping up-to-date. A quick and iterative `ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION '...' COMPLETE` sequence of commands will cut-over all migrations _closely together_ (though not atomically together).
#### vtctl command changes.
#### <a id="vtctl-command-changes"/>vtctl command changes.
All `online DDL show` commands can now be run with a few additional parameters
- `--order` , order migrations in the output by either ascending or descending order of their `id` fields.
- `--skip` , skip specified number of migrations in the output.
- `--limit` , limit results to a specified number of migrations in the output.
#### New syntax
#### <a id="new-syntax"/>New syntax
The following is now supported:
This works on all pending migrations (`queued`, `ready`, `running`) and internally issues a `ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION '<uuid>' COMPLETE` for each one. The command is useful for completing multiple concurrent migrations (see above) that are open-ended (`--postpone-completion`).
### Tablet throttler
### <a id="tablet-throttler"/>Tablet Throttler
#### API changes
#### <a id="api-changes"/>API changes
API endpoint `/debug/vars` now exposes throttler metrics, such as number of hits and errors per app per check type. Example:
@ -247,41 +293,41 @@ $ curl -s | jq . | grep Throttler
"ThrottlerProbesTotal": 74,
### Mysql Compatibility
### <a id="mysql-compatibility"/>Mysql Compatibility
#### System Settings
Vitess supported system settings from release 7.0 onwards, but it was always with a pinch of salt.
As soon as a client session changes a default system setting, the mysql connection gets blocked for it.
This leads to clients running out of mysql connections.
The clients were instructed to use this to a minimum and try to set those changed system settings as default on the mysql.
#### <a id="system-settings"/>System Settings
Vitess has had support for system settings from release 7.0 onwards, but this support came with some caveats.
As soon as a client session changes a default system setting, a mysql connection gets reserved for it.
This can sometimes lead to clients running out of mysql connections.
Users were instructed to minimize the use of this feature and to try to set the desired system settings as defaults in the mysql config.
With this release, Vitess can handle system settings changes in a much better way and the clients can use it more freely.
Vitess now pools those changed settings and does not reserve it for any particular session.
With this release, Vitess can handle system settings changes in a much better way and clients can use them more freely.
Vitess now has the ability to pool changed settings without reserving connections for any particular session.
This feature can be enabled by setting `queryserver-enable-settings-pool` flag on the vttablet. It is disabled by default.
In future releases, we will make this flag enabled by default.
#### Lookup Vindexes
#### <a id="lookup-vindexes"/>Lookup Vindexes
Lookup vindexes now support a new parameter `multi_shard_autocommit`. If this is set to `true`, lookup vindex dml queries will be sent as autocommit to all shards instead of being wrapped in a transaction.
This is different from the existing `autocommit` parameter where the query is sent in its own transaction separate from the ongoing transaction if any i.e. begin -> lookup query execs -> commit/rollback
### Durability Policy
### <a id="durability-policy"/>Durability Policy
#### Cross Cell
#### <a id="cross-cell"/>Cross Cell
A new durability policy `cross_cell` is now supported. `cross_cell` durability policy only allows replica tablets from a different cell than the current primary to
send semi-sync ACKs. This ensures that any committed write exists in at least 2 tablets belonging to different cells.
### New EXPLAIN format
### <a id="new-explain-format"/>New EXPLAIN format
#### FORMAT=vtexplain
#### <a id="format=vtexplain"/>FORMAT=vtexplain
With this new `explain` format, you can get an output that is very similar to the command line `vtexplain` app, but from a running `vtgate`, through a MySQL query.
### VTOrc
### <a id="vtorc"/>VTOrc
#### Old UI Removal and Replacement
#### <a id="old-ui-removal-and-replacement"/>Old UI Removal and Replacement
The old UI that VTOrc inherited from `Orchestrator` has been removed. A replacement UI, more consistent with the other Vitess binaries has been created.
In order to use the new UI, `--port` flag has to be provided.
@ -298,7 +344,7 @@ Along with the UI, the old APIs have also been deprecated. However, some of them
Apart from these APIs, we also now have `/debug/status`, `/debug/vars` and `/debug/liveness` available in the new UI.
#### Configuration Refactor and New Flags
#### <a id="configuratoin-refactor-and-new-flags"/>Configuration Refactor and New Flags
Since VTOrc was forked from `Orchestrator`, it inherited a lot of configurations that don't make sense for the Vitess use-case.
All of such configurations have been removed.
@ -345,7 +391,7 @@ Apart from configurations, some flags from VTOrc have also been removed -
The ideal way to ensure backward compatibility is to remove the flags listed above while on the previous release. Then upgrade VTOrc.
After upgrading, remove the config file and instead pass the flags that are introduced.
#### Example Upgrade
#### <a id="example-upgrade"/>Example Upgrade
If you are running VTOrc with the flags `--ignore-raft-setup --clusters_to_watch="ks/0" --config="path/to/config"` and the following configuration
@ -367,7 +413,33 @@ Now you can upgrade your VTOrc version continuing to use the same flags and conf
After upgrading, you can drop the configuration entirely and use the new flags like `--clusters_to_watch="ks/0" --recovery-period-block-duration=1s --instance-poll-time=1s --prevent-cross-cell-failover`
#### Default Configuration Files
#### <a id="default-configuration-files"/>Default Configuration Files
The default files that VTOrc searches for configurations in have also changed from `"/etc/orchestrator.conf.json", "conf/orchestrator.conf.json", "orchestrator.conf.json"` to
`"/etc/vtorc.conf.json", "conf/vtorc.conf.json", "vtorc.conf.json"`.
### <a id="flags-restructure"/>Flags Restructure
#### <a id="flag-diff"/>Flags Diff
In addition to these major streams of work in release-15.0, we have made tremendous progress on [VEP-4, aka The Flag Situation](https://github.com/vitessio/enhancements/blob/main/veps/vep-4.md), reorganizing our code so that Vitess binaries and their flags are
clearly aligned in help text. An immediate win for usability, this positions us well to move on to a [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper) implementation which will facilitate additional improvements including standardization of flag syntax and runtime configuration reloads.
We are also aligning with industry standards regarding the use of flags, ensuring a seamless experience for users migrating from or integrating with other platforms.
Below are the changes for each binary.
- [mysqlctl](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-mysqlctl.diff)
- [mysqlctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-mysqlctld.diff)
- [vtaclcheck](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtaclcheck.diff)
- [vtadmin](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtadmin.diff)
- [vtctlclient](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctlclient.diff)
- [vtctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctld.diff)
- [vtctldclient](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtctldclient.diff)
- [vtexplain](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtexplain.diff)
- [vtgate](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtgate.diff)
- [vtgtr](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtgtr.diff)
- [vtorc](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vtorc.diff)
- [vttablet](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttablet.diff)
- [vttestserver](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttestserver.diff)
- [vttlstest](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-vttlstest.diff)
- [zk](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zk.diff)
- [zkctl](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zkctl.diff)
- [zkctld](https://github.com/vitessio/vitess/tree/main/doc/flags/14.0-to-15.0-zkctld.diff)
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