web/vtctld: Make vindex owner an autocomplete.

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Yeh 2015-07-28 14:06:41 -07:00
Родитель f8df60e6e0
Коммит b42c3392da
2 изменённых файлов: 136 добавлений и 48 удалений

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@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ They are only used with the
<md-input-container flex="30">
<input type="text" ng-model="vindexname" disabled class="input-header">
<input type="text" ng-model="vindexname" name="vindex" disabled class="input-header">
<div layout="column" flex>
@ -285,14 +285,28 @@ They are only used with the
<div ng-messages="vindexForm.vindexType.$error">
<div ng-message="required">Required</div>
<div ng-message="vdefined">Undefined Vindex Type</div>
<div ng-message="vownedPrimaryFunctional">Owned primary vindex must have a functional type.</div>
<div ng-message="vownedNonPrimaryLookup">Owned non-primary vindex must have a lookup type.</div>
<input ng-hide="true" name="vindexType" ng-model="vindex.Type" vindex-type required>
<md-input-container flex>
<input type="text" ng-model="vindex.Owner">
<md-autocomplete flex md-floating-label="Owner" md-min-length="0"
md-items="item in tableSelector(keyspace, vindex.Owner)"
md-item-text="item" md-autofocus="false">
<span md-highlight-text="vindex.Owner">{{item}}</span>
<md-not-found>No tables found matching "{{vindex.Owner}}".</md-not-found>
<div ng-messages="vindexForm.vindexOwner.$error">
<div ng-message="vdefined">Undefined Table</div>
<input ng-hide="true" name="vindexOwner" ng-model="vindex.Owner" vindex-owner>
<div layout="row" layout-wrap>
@ -305,10 +319,10 @@ They are only used with the
<form name="addVindexForm" layout="row"
ng-submit="addVindex(keyspace, newVindex, newVindexType, newVindexOwner); newVindex=''; newVindexType=''; newVindexOwner=''; addVindexForm.$setUntouched()">
<form name="vindexForm" layout="row"
ng-submit="addVindex(keyspace, newVindex, newVindexType, newVindexOwner); newVindex=''; newVindexType=''; newVindexOwner=''; vindexForm.$setUntouched()">
<md-button class="md-icon-button md-raised md-primary md-hue-3" aria-label="Add Vindex"
type="submit" ng-disabled="addVindexForm.$invalid">
type="submit" ng-disabled="vindexForm.$invalid">
<md-tooltip>Add Vindex</md-tooltip>
<md-icon md-font-set="material-icons">add</md-icon>
@ -329,16 +343,30 @@ They are only used with the
<span md-highlight-text="newVindexType">{{item}}</span>
<md-not-found>No vindex types found matching "{{newVindexType}}".</md-not-found>
<div ng-messages="addVindexForm.vindexType.$error">
<div ng-messages="vindexForm.vindexType.$error">
<div ng-message="vdefined">Undefined Vindex Type</div>
<div ng-message="vownedPrimaryFunctional">Owned primary vindex must have a functional type.</div>
<div ng-message="vownedNonPrimaryLookup">Owned non-primary vindex must have a lookup type.</div>
<input ng-hide="true" name="vindexType" ng-model="newVindexType" vindex-type required>
<md-input-container flex>
<input type="text" ng-model="newVindexOwner">
<md-autocomplete flex md-floating-label="Owner" md-min-length="0"
md-items="item in tableSelector(keyspace, newVindexOwner)"
md-item-text="item" md-autofocus="false">
<span md-highlight-text="newVindexOwner">{{item}}</span>
<md-not-found>No tables found matching "{{newVindexOwner}}".</md-not-found>
<div ng-messages="vindexForm.vindexOwner.$error">
<div ng-message="vdefined">Undefined Table</div>
<input ng-hide="true" name="vindexOwner" ng-model="newVindexOwner" vindex-owner>

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
vindexInfo = {};
vindexInfo.types = {
"numeric": {
"Type": "functional",
"Unique": true,
"Params": []
'numeric': {
type: 'functional',
unique: true,
params: []
"hash": {
"Type": "functional",
"Unique": true,
"Params": [
"Table", "Column"
'hash': {
type: 'functional',
unique: true,
params: [
'Table', 'Column'
"hash_autoinc": {
"Type": "functional",
"Unique": true,
"Params": [
"Table", "Column"
'hash_autoinc': {
type: 'functional',
unique: true,
params: [
'Table', 'Column'
"lookup_hash": {
"Type": "lookup",
"Unique": false,
"Params": [
"Table", "From", "To"
'lookup_hash': {
type: 'lookup',
unique: false,
params: [
'Table', 'From', 'To'
"lookup_hash_unique": {
"Type": "lookup",
"Unique": true,
"Params": [
"Table", "From", "To"
'lookup_hash_unique': {
type: 'lookup',
unique: true,
params: [
'Table', 'From', 'To'
"lookup_hash_autoinc": {
"Type": "lookup",
"Unique": false,
"Params": [
"Table", "From", "To"
'lookup_hash_autoinc': {
type: 'lookup',
unique: false,
params: [
'Table', 'From', 'To'
"lookup_hash_unique_autoinc": {
"Type": "lookup",
"Unique": true,
"Params": [
"Table", "From", "To"
'lookup_hash_unique_autoinc': {
type: 'lookup',
unique: true,
params: [
'Table', 'From', 'To'
@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ app.controller('VSchemaCtrl', function($scope, $mdDialog,
$scope.tableSelector = function(keyspace, searchText) {
if (!keyspace.Tables) return [];
var items = Object.keys(keyspace.Tables).sort();
if (!searchText) return items;
return items.filter(function(item) {
return item.indexOf(searchText) != -1;
$scope.classSelector = function(keyspace, searchText) {
if (!keyspace.Classes) return [];
var items = Object.keys(keyspace.Classes).sort();
@ -223,7 +232,7 @@ app.controller('VSchemaCtrl', function($scope, $mdDialog,
$scope.onVindexTypeChange = function(vindex, type) {
if (type in vindexInfo.types) {
params = vindexInfo.types[type].Params;
params = vindexInfo.types[type].params;
if (!vindex.Params)
vindex.Params = {};
@ -286,6 +295,57 @@ app.directive('vindexType', function() {
return viewValue in vindexInfo.types;
return true;
ctrl.$validators.vownedPrimaryFunctional = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var form = scope.vindexForm;
var type = viewValue;
var owner = form.vindexOwner.$modelValue;
var vindex = form.vindex.$modelValue;
if (owner && scope.keyspace.Tables[owner]
&& type && vindexInfo.types[type]
&& vindexInfo.types[type].type != 'functional') {
// It's owned and non-functional. Make sure it isn't a primary.
var classname = scope.keyspace.Tables[owner];
if (classname && scope.keyspace.Classes[classname]) {
var cls = scope.keyspace.Classes[classname];
if (cls.ColVindexes && cls.ColVindexes[0]
&& cls.ColVindexes[0].Name == vindex)
return false;
return true;
ctrl.$validators.vownedNonPrimaryLookup = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var form = scope.vindexForm;
var type = viewValue;
var owner = form.vindexOwner.$modelValue;
var vindex = form.vindex.$modelValue;
if (owner && scope.keyspace.Tables[owner]
&& type && vindexInfo.types[type]
&& vindexInfo.types[type].type != 'lookup') {
// It's owned and non-lookup. Make sure it is a primary.
var classname = scope.keyspace.Tables[owner];
if (classname && scope.keyspace.Classes[classname]) {
var cls = scope.keyspace.Classes[classname];
if (cls.ColVindexes && cls.ColVindexes[0]
&& cls.ColVindexes[0].Name != vindex)
return false;
return true;
app.directive('vindexOwner', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
ctrl.$validators.vdefined = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
if (viewValue)
return viewValue in scope.keyspace.Tables;
return true;