// MIXINS // -------------------------------------------------- %tab-focus { // Default outline: thin dotted #333; // Webkit outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; outline-offset: -2px; } // Typography // -------------------------------------------------- /* Vertical Rhythm https://github.com/sturobson/Sassifaction In this mixin you can specify the font size in PX and it will calculate the REM based on your $doc-font-size & $doc-line-height variables. @include font-size(24); It will also create a bottom margin based on the $doc-font-size & $doc-line-height variables unless you specify that it shouldn't have one. @include font-size(24, no); Or if you want to specify a different bottom margin to be generated. @include font-size(24,32); This mixin also generates a pixel-less line height by default unless you specify that you either don't want one where I'd suggest declaring 1 within the mixin. @include font-size(24, yes, 1); There's also the option to specify a different line-height for it to generate to, where you would specify the line-height in (effectively) it's pixel value. @include font-size(24, yes, 40); */ @mixin font-size($size, $margin: yes, $line-height: $doc-line-height) { // generates the font-size in REMs with a PX fallback font-size: 0px + $size; font-size: 0rem + $size / $doc-font-size; // line-height functions //////////////////////// // if you a line-height is specified in the mixin @if $line-height != $doc-line-height and $line-height != 1 { line-height: ceil($size / $line-height) * ($line-height / $size); } // if $line-height == 1 // because, typing 1 is quicker than 16 @else if $line-height == 1 { line-height: 1; } // normal $line-height // if the line-height is left. @else { line-height: ceil($size / $doc-line-height) * ($doc-line-height / $size); } // margin-bottom functions ////////////////////////// // if no is bottom margin is required @if $margin == no { margin-bottom: 0; } // if a specific bottom margin is required @else if $margin != yes and $margin != no { margin-bottom: 0px + $margin; margin-bottom: 0rem + ($margin / $doc-font-size); } // if you're keeping the vertical rhythm with the margin @else { margin-bottom: 0px + $doc-line-height; margin-bottom: 0rem + ($doc-line-height / $doc-font-size); } }