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Protocol Buffer
113 строки
3.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Copyright 2019 The Vitess Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// This file contains the Vitess workflow management related data
// structures. They are used to store / retrieve state from topology
// server.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/proto/workflow";
package workflow;
// WorkflowState describes the state of a workflow.
// This constant should match the Node object described in
// web/vtctld2/src/app/workflows/node.ts as it is exposed as JSON to
// the Angular 2 web app.
enum WorkflowState {
NotStarted = 0;
Running = 1;
Done = 2;
// Workflow is the persisted state of a long-running workflow.
message Workflow {
// uuid is set when the workflow is created, and immutable after
// that.
string uuid = 1;
// factory_name is set with the name of the factory that created the
// job (and can also restart it). It is set at creation time, and
// immutable after that.
string factory_name = 2;
// name is the display name of the workflow.
string name = 3;
// state describes the state of the job. A job is created as
// NotStarted, then the Workflow Manager picks it up and starts it,
// switching it to Running (and populating 'start_time'). The
// workflow can then fail over to a new Workflow Manager is
// necessary, and still be in Running state. When done, it goes to
// Done, 'end_time' is populated, and 'error' is set if there was an
// error.
WorkflowState state = 4;
// data is workflow-specific stored data. It is usually a binary
// proto-encoded data structure. It can vary throughout the
// execution of the workflow. It will not change after the workflow
// is Done.
bytes data = 5;
// error is set if the job finished with an error. This field only
// makes sense if 'state' is Done.
string error = 6;
// start_time is set when the workflow manager starts a workflow for
// the first time. This field only makes sense if 'state' is Running
// or Done.
int64 start_time = 7;
// end_time is set when the workflow is finished.
// This field only makes sense if 'state' is Done.
int64 end_time = 8;
// create_time is set when the workflow is created.
int64 create_time = 9;
message WorkflowCheckpoint {
// code_version is used to detect incompabilities between the version of the
// running workflow and the one which wrote the checkpoint. If they don't
// match, the workflow must not continue. The author of workflow must update
// this variable in their implementation when incompabilities are introduced.
int32 code_version = 1;
// tasks stores all tasks of the workflow in a map. The key is a unique name
// to identify the task, e.g. clone/-80.
// Task is the data structure that stores the execution status and the
// attributes of a task.
map<string, Task> tasks = 2;
// settings includes workflow specific data, e.g. the resharding workflow
// would store the source shards and destination shards.
map<string, string> settings = 3;
enum TaskState {
TaskNotStarted = 0;
TaskRunning = 1;
TaskDone = 2;
message Task {
string id = 1;
TaskState state = 2;
// attributes includes the parameters the task needs.
map<string, string> attributes = 3;
string error = 4;