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Protocol Buffer

Copyright 2019 The Vitess Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// This file contains all the types necessary to make
// RPC calls to Vttablet.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package query;
option java_package="io.vitess.proto";
import "topodata.proto";
import "vtrpc.proto";
// Target describes what the client expects the tablet is.
// If the tablet does not match, an error is returned.
message Target {
string keyspace = 1;
string shard = 2;
topodata.TabletType tablet_type = 3;
// cell is used for routing queries between vtgate and vttablets. It
// is not used when Target is part of the Session sent by the client.
string cell = 4;
// VTGateCallerID is sent by VTGate to VTTablet to describe the
// caller. If possible, this information is secure. For instance,
// if using unique certificates that guarantee that VTGate->VTTablet
// traffic cannot be spoofed, then VTTablet can trust this information,
// and VTTablet will use it for tablet ACLs, for instance.
// Because of this security guarantee, this is different than the CallerID
// structure, which is not secure at all, because it is provided
// by the Vitess client.
message VTGateCallerID {
string username = 1;
repeated string groups = 2;
// EventToken is a structure that describes a point in time in a
// replication stream on one shard. The most recent known replication
// position can be retrieved from vttablet when executing a query. It
// is also sent with the replication streams from the binlog service.
message EventToken {
// timestamp is the MySQL timestamp of the statements. Seconds since Epoch.
int64 timestamp = 1;
// The shard name that applied the statements. Note this is not set when
// streaming from a vttablet. It is only used on the client -> vtgate link.
string shard = 2;
// The position on the replication stream after this statement was applied.
// It is not the transaction ID / GTID, but the position / GTIDSet.
string position = 3;
// Flags sent from the MySQL C API
enum MySqlFlag {
EMPTY = 0;
ENUM_FLAG = 256;
SET_FLAG = 2048;
NUM_FLAG = 32768;
PART_KEY_FLAG = 16384;
GROUP_FLAG = 32768;
UNIQUE_FLAG = 65536;
BINCMP_FLAG = 131072;
option allow_alias = true;
// Flag allows us to qualify types by their common properties.
enum Flag {
NONE = 0;
ISFLOAT = 1024;
ISQUOTED = 2048;
ISTEXT = 4096;
ISBINARY = 8192;
// Type defines the various supported data types in bind vars
// and query results.
enum Type {
// NULL_TYPE specifies a NULL type.
// INT8 specifies a TINYINT type.
// Properties: 1, IsNumber.
INT8 = 257;
// UINT8 specifies a TINYINT UNSIGNED type.
// Properties: 2, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
UINT8 = 770;
// INT16 specifies a SMALLINT type.
// Properties: 3, IsNumber.
INT16 = 259;
// UINT16 specifies a SMALLINT UNSIGNED type.
// Properties: 4, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
UINT16 = 772;
// INT24 specifies a MEDIUMINT type.
// Properties: 5, IsNumber.
INT24 = 261;
// UINT24 specifies a MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED type.
// Properties: 6, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
UINT24 = 774;
// INT32 specifies a INTEGER type.
// Properties: 7, IsNumber.
INT32 = 263;
// UINT32 specifies a INTEGER UNSIGNED type.
// Properties: 8, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
UINT32 = 776;
// INT64 specifies a BIGINT type.
// Properties: 9, IsNumber.
INT64 = 265;
// UINT64 specifies a BIGINT UNSIGNED type.
// Properties: 10, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
UINT64 = 778;
// FLOAT32 specifies a FLOAT type.
// Properties: 11, IsFloat.
FLOAT32 = 1035;
// FLOAT64 specifies a DOUBLE or REAL type.
// Properties: 12, IsFloat.
FLOAT64 = 1036;
// TIMESTAMP specifies a TIMESTAMP type.
// Properties: 13, IsQuoted.
// DATE specifies a DATE type.
// Properties: 14, IsQuoted.
DATE = 2062;
// TIME specifies a TIME type.
// Properties: 15, IsQuoted.
TIME = 2063;
// DATETIME specifies a DATETIME type.
// Properties: 16, IsQuoted.
DATETIME = 2064;
// YEAR specifies a YEAR type.
// Properties: 17, IsNumber, IsUnsigned.
YEAR = 785;
// DECIMAL specifies a DECIMAL or NUMERIC type.
// Properties: 18, None.
// TEXT specifies a TEXT type.
// Properties: 19, IsQuoted, IsText.
TEXT = 6163;
// BLOB specifies a BLOB type.
// Properties: 20, IsQuoted, IsBinary.
BLOB = 10260;
// VARCHAR specifies a VARCHAR type.
// Properties: 21, IsQuoted, IsText.
VARCHAR = 6165;
// VARBINARY specifies a VARBINARY type.
// Properties: 22, IsQuoted, IsBinary.
VARBINARY = 10262;
// CHAR specifies a CHAR type.
// Properties: 23, IsQuoted, IsText.
CHAR = 6167;
// BINARY specifies a BINARY type.
// Properties: 24, IsQuoted, IsBinary.
BINARY = 10264;
// BIT specifies a BIT type.
// Properties: 25, IsQuoted.
BIT = 2073;
// ENUM specifies an ENUM type.
// Properties: 26, IsQuoted.
ENUM = 2074;
// SET specifies a SET type.
// Properties: 27, IsQuoted.
SET = 2075;
// TUPLE specifies a tuple. This cannot
// be returned in a QueryResult, but it can
// be sent as a bind var.
// Properties: 28, None.
TUPLE = 28;
// GEOMETRY specifies a GEOMETRY type.
// Properties: 29, IsQuoted.
GEOMETRY = 2077;
// JSON specifies a JSON type.
// Properties: 30, IsQuoted.
JSON = 2078;
// EXPRESSION specifies a SQL expression.
// This type is for internal use only.
// Properties: 31, None.
// Value represents a typed value.
message Value {
Type type = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// BindVariable represents a single bind variable in a Query.
message BindVariable {
Type type = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// values are set if type is TUPLE.
repeated Value values = 3;
// BoundQuery is a query with its bind variables
message BoundQuery {
// sql is the SQL query to execute
string sql = 1;
// bind_variables is a map of all bind variables to expand in the query.
// nil values are not allowed. Use NULL_TYPE to express a NULL value.
map<string, BindVariable> bind_variables = 2;
// ExecuteOptions is passed around for all Execute calls.
message ExecuteOptions {
// This used to be exclude_field_names, which was replaced by
// IncludedFields enum below
reserved 1;
// If set, we will try to include an EventToken with the responses.
bool include_event_token = 2;
// If set, the fresher field may be set as a result comparison to this token.
// This is a shortcut so the application doesn't need to care about
// comparing EventTokens.
EventToken compare_event_token = 3;
enum IncludedFields {
ALL = 2;
// Controls what fields are returned in Field message responses from mysql, i.e.
// field name, table name, etc. This is an optimization for high-QPS queries where
// the client knows what it's getting
IncludedFields included_fields = 4;
// client_rows_found specifies if rows_affected should return
// rows found instead of rows affected. Behavior is defined
bool client_found_rows = 5;
enum Workload {
OLTP = 1;
OLAP = 2;
DBA = 3;
// workload specifies the type of workload:
// OLTP: DMLs allowed, results have row count limit, and
// query timeouts are shorter.
// OLAP: DMLS not allowed, no limit on row count, timeouts
// can be as high as desired.
// DBA: no limit on rowcount or timeout, all queries allowed
// but intended for long DMLs and DDLs.
Workload workload = 6;
// sql_select_limit sets an implicit limit on all select statements. Since
// vitess also sets a rowcount limit on queries, the smallest value wins.
int64 sql_select_limit = 8;
enum TransactionIsolation {
// This is not an "official" transaction level but it will do a
// This not an "official" transaction level, it will send queries to mysql
// without wrapping them in a transaction
TransactionIsolation transaction_isolation = 9;
// skip_query_plan_cache specifies if the query plan should be cached by vitess.
// By default all query plans are cached.
bool skip_query_plan_cache = 10;
// Field describes a single column returned by a query
message Field {
// name of the field as returned by mysql C API
string name = 1;
// vitess-defined type. Conversion function is in sqltypes package.
Type type = 2;
// Remaining fields from mysql C API.
// These fields are only populated when ExecuteOptions.included_fields
// is set to IncludedFields.ALL.
string table = 3;
string org_table = 4;
string database = 5;
string org_name = 6;
// column_length is really a uint32. All 32 bits can be used.
uint32 column_length = 7;
// charset is actually a uint16. Only the lower 16 bits are used.
uint32 charset = 8;
// decimals is actually a uint8. Only the lower 8 bits are used.
uint32 decimals = 9;
// flags is actually a uint16. Only the lower 16 bits are used.
uint32 flags = 10;
// Row is a database row.
message Row {
// lengths contains the length of each value in values.
// A length of -1 means that the field is NULL. While
// reading values, you have to accummulate the length
// to know the offset where the next value begins in values.
repeated sint64 lengths = 1;
// values contains a concatenation of all values in the row.
bytes values = 2;
// ResultExtras contains optional out-of-band information. Usually the
// extras are requested by adding ExecuteOptions flags.
message ResultExtras {
// event_token is populated if the include_event_token flag is set
// in ExecuteOptions.
EventToken event_token = 1;
// If set, it means the data returned with this result is fresher
// than the compare_token passed in the ExecuteOptions.
bool fresher = 2;
// QueryResult is returned by Execute and ExecuteStream.
// As returned by Execute, len(fields) is always equal to len(row)
// (for each row in rows).
// As returned by StreamExecute, the first QueryResult has the fields
// set, and subsequent QueryResult have rows set. And as Execute,
// len(QueryResult[0].fields) is always equal to len(row) (for each
// row in rows for each QueryResult in QueryResult[1:]).
message QueryResult {
repeated Field fields = 1;
uint64 rows_affected = 2;
uint64 insert_id = 3;
repeated Row rows = 4;
ResultExtras extras = 5;
// QueryWarning is used to convey out of band query execution warnings
// by storing in the vtgate.Session
message QueryWarning {
uint32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
// StreamEvent describes a set of transformations that happened as a
// single transactional unit on a server. It is streamed back by the
// Update Stream calls.
message StreamEvent {
// One individual Statement in a transaction.
message Statement {
// The category of one statement.
enum Category {
Error = 0;
DML = 1;
DDL = 2;
Category category = 1;
// table_name, primary_key_fields and primary_key_values are set for DML.
string table_name = 2;
repeated Field primary_key_fields = 3;
repeated Row primary_key_values = 4;
// sql is set for all queries.
// FIXME(alainjobart) we may not need it for DMLs.
bytes sql = 5;
// The statements in this transaction.
repeated Statement statements = 1;
// The Event Token for this event.
EventToken event_token = 2;
// ExecuteRequest is the payload to Execute
message ExecuteRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
BoundQuery query = 4;
int64 transaction_id = 5;
ExecuteOptions options = 6;
// ExecuteResponse is the returned value from Execute
message ExecuteResponse {
QueryResult result = 1;
// ResultWithError represents a query response
// in the form of result or error but not both.
// TODO: To be used in ExecuteBatchResponse and BeginExecuteBatchResponse.
message ResultWithError {
// error contains an query level error, only set if result is unset.
vtrpc.RPCError error = 1;
// result contains the query result, only set if error is unset.
query.QueryResult result = 2;
// ExecuteBatchRequest is the payload to ExecuteBatch
message ExecuteBatchRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
repeated BoundQuery queries = 4;
bool as_transaction = 5;
int64 transaction_id = 6;
ExecuteOptions options = 7;
// ExecuteBatchResponse is the returned value from ExecuteBatch
message ExecuteBatchResponse {
repeated QueryResult results = 1;
// StreamExecuteRequest is the payload to StreamExecute
message StreamExecuteRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
BoundQuery query = 4;
ExecuteOptions options = 5;
int64 transaction_id = 6;
// StreamExecuteResponse is the returned value from StreamExecute
message StreamExecuteResponse {
QueryResult result = 1;
// BeginRequest is the payload to Begin
message BeginRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
ExecuteOptions options = 4;
// BeginResponse is the returned value from Begin
message BeginResponse {
int64 transaction_id = 1;
// CommitRequest is the payload to Commit
message CommitRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
// CommitResponse is the returned value from Commit
message CommitResponse {}
// RollbackRequest is the payload to Rollback
message RollbackRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
// RollbackResponse is the returned value from Rollback
message RollbackResponse {}
// PrepareRequest is the payload to Prepare
message PrepareRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
string dtid = 5;
// PrepareResponse is the returned value from Prepare
message PrepareResponse {}
// CommitPreparedRequest is the payload to CommitPrepared
message CommitPreparedRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
string dtid = 4;
// CommitPreparedResponse is the returned value from CommitPrepared
message CommitPreparedResponse {}
// RollbackPreparedRequest is the payload to RollbackPrepared
message RollbackPreparedRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
string dtid = 5;
// RollbackPreparedResponse is the returned value from RollbackPrepared
message RollbackPreparedResponse {}
// CreateTransactionRequest is the payload to CreateTransaction
message CreateTransactionRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
string dtid = 4;
repeated Target participants = 5;
// CreateTransactionResponse is the returned value from CreateTransaction
message CreateTransactionResponse {}
// StartCommitRequest is the payload to StartCommit
message StartCommitRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
string dtid = 5;
// StartCommitResponse is the returned value from StartCommit
message StartCommitResponse {}
// SetRollbackRequest is the payload to SetRollback
message SetRollbackRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
int64 transaction_id = 4;
string dtid = 5;
// SetRollbackResponse is the returned value from SetRollback
message SetRollbackResponse {}
// ConcludeTransactionRequest is the payload to ConcludeTransaction
message ConcludeTransactionRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
string dtid = 4;
// ConcludeTransactionResponse is the returned value from ConcludeTransaction
message ConcludeTransactionResponse {}
// ReadTransactionRequest is the payload to ReadTransaction
message ReadTransactionRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
string dtid = 4;
// ReadTransactionResponse is the returned value from ReadTransaction
message ReadTransactionResponse {
TransactionMetadata metadata = 1;
// BeginExecuteRequest is the payload to BeginExecute
message BeginExecuteRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
BoundQuery query = 4;
ExecuteOptions options = 5;
// BeginExecuteResponse is the returned value from BeginExecute
message BeginExecuteResponse {
// error contains an application level error if necessary. Note the
// transaction_id may be set, even when an error is returned, if the begin
// worked but the execute failed.
vtrpc.RPCError error = 1;
QueryResult result = 2;
// transaction_id might be non-zero even if an error is present.
int64 transaction_id = 3;
// BeginExecuteBatchRequest is the payload to BeginExecuteBatch
message BeginExecuteBatchRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
repeated BoundQuery queries = 4;
bool as_transaction = 5;
ExecuteOptions options = 6;
// BeginExecuteBatchResponse is the returned value from BeginExecuteBatch
message BeginExecuteBatchResponse {
// error contains an application level error if necessary. Note the
// transaction_id may be set, even when an error is returned, if the begin
// worked but the execute failed.
vtrpc.RPCError error = 1;
repeated QueryResult results = 2;
// transaction_id might be non-zero even if an error is present.
int64 transaction_id = 3;
// MessageStreamRequest is the request payload for MessageStream.
message MessageStreamRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
// name is the message table name.
string name = 4;
// MessageStreamResponse is a response for MessageStream.
message MessageStreamResponse {
QueryResult result = 1;
// MessageAckRequest is the request payload for MessageAck.
message MessageAckRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
// name is the message table name.
string name = 4;
repeated Value ids = 5;
// MessageAckResponse is the response for MessageAck.
message MessageAckResponse {
// result contains the result of the ack operation.
// Since this acts like a DML, only
// RowsAffected is returned in the result.
QueryResult result = 1;
// SplitQueryRequest is the payload for SplitQuery sent by VTGate to a VTTablet.
// See vtgate.SplitQueryRequest for more details.
message SplitQueryRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
BoundQuery query = 4;
repeated string split_column = 5;
// Exactly one of the following must be nonzero.
int64 split_count = 6;
int64 num_rows_per_query_part = 8;
enum Algorithm {
Algorithm algorithm = 9;
// QuerySplit represents one query to execute on the tablet
message QuerySplit {
// query is the query to execute
BoundQuery query = 1;
// row_count is the approximate row count the query will return
int64 row_count = 2;
// SplitQueryResponse is returned by SplitQuery and represents all the queries
// to execute in order to get the entire data set.
message SplitQueryResponse {
repeated QuerySplit queries = 1;
// StreamHealthRequest is the payload for StreamHealth
message StreamHealthRequest {
// RealtimeStats contains information about the tablet status.
// It is only valid for a single tablet.
message RealtimeStats {
// health_error is the last error we got from health check,
// or empty is the server is healthy. This is used for subset selection,
// we do not send queries to servers that are not healthy.
string health_error = 1;
// seconds_behind_master is populated for slaves only. It indicates
// how far behind on (MySQL) replication a slave currently is. It is used
// by clients for subset selection (so we don't try to send traffic
// to tablets that are too far behind).
// NOTE: This field must not be evaluated if "health_error" is not empty.
// TODO(mberlin): Let's switch it to int64 instead?
uint32 seconds_behind_master = 2;
// bin_log_players_count is the number of currently running binlog players.
// if the value is 0, it means that filtered replication is currently not
// running on the tablet. If >0, filtered replication is running.
// NOTE: This field must not be evaluated if "health_error" is not empty.
int32 binlog_players_count = 3;
// seconds_behind_master_filtered_replication is populated for the receiving
// master of an ongoing filtered replication only.
// It specifies how far the receiving master lags behind the sending master.
// NOTE: This field must not be evaluated if "health_error" is not empty.
// NOTE: This field must not be evaluated if "bin_log_players_count" is 0.
int64 seconds_behind_master_filtered_replication = 4;
// cpu_usage is used for load-based balancing
double cpu_usage = 5;
// qps is the average QPS (queries per second) rate in the last XX seconds
// where XX is usually 60 (See query_service_stats.go).
double qps = 6;
// AggregateStats contains information about the health of a group of
// tablets for a Target. It is used to propagate stats from a vtgate
// to another, or from the Gateway layer of a vtgate to the routing
// layer.
message AggregateStats {
// healthy_tablet_count is the number of healthy tablets in the group.
int32 healthy_tablet_count = 1;
// unhealthy_tablet_count is the number of unhealthy tablets in the group.
int32 unhealthy_tablet_count = 2;
// seconds_behind_master_min is the minimum of the
// seconds_behind_master values of the healthy tablets. It is unset
// if the tablet type is master.
uint32 seconds_behind_master_min = 3;
// seconds_behind_master_max is the maximum of the
// seconds_behind_master values of the healthy tablets. It is unset
// if the tablet type is master.
uint32 seconds_behind_master_max = 4;
// StreamHealthResponse is streamed by StreamHealth on a regular basis.
// When StreamHealth is used between a vtgate and vttablet:
// - target describes the tablet.
// - realtime_stats is set.
// - aggregate_stats is not set.
// When StreamHealth is used between two vtgates:
// - target describes the group of tablets.
// - realtime_stats is not set.
// - aggregate_stats is set.
message StreamHealthResponse {
// target is the current server type. Only queries with that exact Target
// record will be accepted (the cell may not match, however).
Target target = 1;
// serving is true iff the tablet is serving. A tablet may not be serving
// if filtered replication is enabled on a master for instance,
// or if a replica should not be used because the keyspace is being resharded.
bool serving = 2;
// tablet_externally_reparented_timestamp can be interpreted as the
// last time we knew that this tablet was the MASTER of this shard
// (if StreamHealthResponse describes a group of tablets, between
// two vtgates, only one master will be present in the group, and
// this is this master's value).
// It is used by vtgate when determining the current MASTER of a shard.
// If vtgate sees more than one MASTER tablet, this timestamp is used
// as tiebreaker where the MASTER with the highest timestamp wins.
// Another usage of this timestamp is in go/vt/vtgate/buffer to detect the end
// of a reparent (failover) and stop buffering.
// In practice, this field is set to:
// a) the last time the RPC tabletmanager.TabletExternallyReparented was
// called on this tablet (usually done by an external failover tool e.g.
// Orchestrator). The failover tool can call this as long as we are the
// master i.e. even ages after the last reparent occurred.
// OR
// b) the last time an active reparent was executed through a vtctl command
// (InitShardMaster, PlannedReparentShard, EmergencyReparentShard)
// OR
// c) the last time vttablet was started and it initialized its tablet type
// as MASTER because it was recorded as the shard's current master in the
// topology (see go/vt/vttablet/tabletmanager/init_tablet.go)
// OR
// d) 0 if the vttablet was never a MASTER.
int64 tablet_externally_reparented_timestamp = 3;
// realtime_stats contains information about the tablet status.
// It is only filled in if the information is about a tablet.
RealtimeStats realtime_stats = 4;
// AggregateStats constrains information about the group of tablet status.
// It is only filled in if the information is about a group of tablets.
AggregateStats aggregate_stats = 6;
// tablet_alias is the alias of the sending tablet. The discovery/healthcheck.go
// code uses it to verify that it's talking to the correct tablet and that it
// hasn't changed in the meantime e.g. due to tablet restarts where ports or
// ips have been reused but assigned differently.
topodata.TabletAlias tablet_alias = 5;
// UpdateStreamRequest is the payload for UpdateStream. At most one of
// position and timestamp can be set. If neither is set, we will start
// streaming from the current binlog position.
message UpdateStreamRequest {
vtrpc.CallerID effective_caller_id = 1;
VTGateCallerID immediate_caller_id = 2;
Target target = 3;
// If position is set, we will start the streaming from that replication
// position. Incompatible with timestamp.
string position = 4;
// If timestamp is set, we will start the streaming from the first
// event in the binlogs that have that timestamp. Incompatible with position.
int64 timestamp = 5;
// UpdateStreamResponse is returned by UpdateStream
message UpdateStreamResponse {
StreamEvent event = 1;
// TransactionState represents the state of a distributed transaction.
enum TransactionState {
// TransactionMetadata contains the metadata for a distributed transaction.
message TransactionMetadata {
string dtid = 1;
TransactionState state = 2;
int64 time_created = 3;
repeated Target participants = 4;