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Protocol Buffer

Copyright 2019 The Vitess Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
// This file contains the Vitess topology related data structures.
// Very few of these structures are exchanged over the wire (only
// TabletType and KeyRange), but they are all used by the topology
// service.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package="io.vitess.proto";
package topodata;
import "vttime.proto";
// KeyRange describes a range of sharding keys, when range-based
// sharding is used.
message KeyRange {
bytes start = 1;
bytes end = 2;
// KeyspaceType describes the type of the keyspace
enum KeyspaceType {
// NORMAL is the default value
// SNAPSHOT is when we are creating a snapshot keyspace
// KeyspaceIdType describes the type of the sharding key for a
// range-based sharded keyspace.
enum KeyspaceIdType {
// UNSET is the default value, when range-based sharding is not used.
UNSET = 0;
// UINT64 is when uint64 value is used.
// This is represented as 'unsigned bigint' in mysql
UINT64 = 1;
// BYTES is when an array of bytes is used.
// This is represented as 'varbinary' in mysql
BYTES = 2;
// TabletAlias is a globally unique tablet identifier.
message TabletAlias {
// cell is the cell (or datacenter) the tablet is in
string cell = 1;
// uid is a unique id for this tablet within the shard
// (this is the MySQL server id as well).
uint32 uid = 2;
// TabletType represents the type of a given tablet.
enum TabletType {
option allow_alias = true; // so we can have RDONLY and BATCH co-exist
// UNKNOWN is not a valid value.
// MASTER is the master server for the shard. Only MASTER allows DMLs.
// REPLICA replicates from master. It is used to serve live traffic.
// A REPLICA can be promoted to MASTER. A demoted MASTER will go to REPLICA.
// RDONLY (old name) / BATCH (new name) is used to serve traffic for
// long-running jobs. It is a separate type from REPLICA so
// long-running queries don't affect web-like traffic.
BATCH = 3;
// SPARE is a type of servers that cannot serve queries, but is available
// in case an extra server is needed.
SPARE = 4;
// EXPERIMENTAL is like SPARE, except it can serve queries. This
// type can be used for usages not planned by Vitess, like online
// export to another storage engine.
// BACKUP is the type a server goes to when taking a backup. No queries
// can be served in BACKUP mode.
// RESTORE is the type a server uses when restoring a backup, at
// startup time. No queries can be served in RESTORE mode.
// DRAINED is the type a server goes into when used by Vitess tools
// to perform an offline action. It is a serving type (as
// the tools processes may need to run queries), but it's not used
// to route queries from Vitess users. In this state,
// this tablet is dedicated to the process that uses it.
// Tablet represents information about a running instance of vttablet.
message Tablet {
// alias is the unique name of the tablet.
TabletAlias alias = 1;
// Fully qualified domain name of the host.
string hostname = 2;
// Map of named ports. Normally this should include vt and grpc.
// Going forward, the mysql port will be stored in mysql_port
// instead of here.
// For accessing mysql port, use topoproto.MysqlPort to fetch, and
// topoproto.SetMysqlPort to set. These wrappers will ensure
// legacy behavior is supported.
map<string, int32> port_map = 4;
// Keyspace name.
string keyspace = 5;
// Shard name. If range based sharding is used, it should match
// key_range.
string shard = 6;
// If range based sharding is used, range for the tablet's shard.
KeyRange key_range = 7;
// type is the current type of the tablet.
TabletType type = 8;
// It this is set, it is used as the database name instead of the
// normal "vt_" + keyspace.
string db_name_override = 9;
// tablet tags
map<string, string> tags = 10;
// MySQL hostname.
string mysql_hostname = 12;
// MySQL port. Use topoproto.MysqlPort and topoproto.SetMysqlPort
// to access this variable. The functions provide support
// for legacy behavior.
int32 mysql_port = 13;
// master_term_start_time is the time (in UTC) at which the current term of
// the current tablet began as master. If this tablet is not currently the
// master, this value is ignored.
// A new master term begins any time an authoritative decision is communicated
// about which tablet should be the master, such as via Vitess
// replication-management commands like PlannedReparentShard,
// EmergencyReparentShard, and TabletExternallyReparented.
vttime.Time master_term_start_time = 14;
// OBSOLETE: ip and tablet health information
// string ip = 3;
// map<string, string> health_map = 11;
reserved 3, 11;
// A Shard contains data about a subset of the data whithin a keyspace.
message Shard {
// master_alias is the tablet alias of the master for the shard.
// If it is unset, then there is no master in this shard yet.
// No lock is necessary to update this field, when for instance
// TabletExternallyReparented updates this. However, we lock the
// shard for reparenting operations (InitShardMaster,
// PlannedReparentShard,EmergencyReparentShard), to guarantee
// exclusive operation.
TabletAlias master_alias = 1;
// master_term_start_time is the time (in UTC) at which the current term of
// the master specified in master_alias began.
// A new master term begins any time an authoritative decision is communicated
// about which tablet should be the master, such as via Vitess
// replication-management commands like PlannedReparentShard,
// EmergencyReparentShard, and TabletExternallyReparented.
// The master_alias should only ever be changed if the new master's term began
// at a later time than this. Note that a new term can start for the tablet
// that is already the master. In that case, the master_term_start_time would
// be increased without changing the master_alias.
vttime.Time master_term_start_time = 8;
// key_range is the KeyRange for this shard. It can be unset if:
// - we are not using range-based sharding in this shard.
// - the shard covers the entire keyrange.
// This must match the shard name based on our other conventions, but
// helpful to have it decomposed here.
// Once set at creation time, it is never changed.
KeyRange key_range = 2;
// ServedType is an entry in the served_types
message ServedType {
TabletType tablet_type = 1;
repeated string cells = 2;
// served_types has at most one entry per TabletType
// This field is in the process of being deprecated in favor of
// is_master_serving. Keeping for backwards compatibility purposes.
repeated ServedType served_types = 3;
// SourceShard represents a data source for filtered replication
// across shards. When this is used in a destination shard, the master
// of that shard will run filtered replication.
message SourceShard {
// Uid is the unique ID for this SourceShard object.
uint32 uid = 1;
// the source keyspace
string keyspace = 2;
// the source shard
string shard = 3;
// the source shard keyrange
KeyRange key_range = 4;
// the source table list to replicate
repeated string tables = 5;
// SourceShards is the list of shards we're replicating from,
// using filtered replication.
// The keyspace lock is always taken when changing this.
repeated SourceShard source_shards = 4;
// TabletControl controls tablet's behavior
message TabletControl {
// which tablet type is affected
TabletType tablet_type = 1;
repeated string cells = 2;
// OBSOLETE: disable_query_service 3
reserved 3;
repeated string blacklisted_tables = 4;
// frozen is set if we've started failing over traffic for
// the master. If set, this record should not be removed.
bool frozen = 5;
// tablet_controls has at most one entry per TabletType.
// The keyspace lock is always taken when changing this.
repeated TabletControl tablet_controls = 6;
// is_master_serving sets whether this shard master is serving traffic or not.
// The keyspace lock is always taken when changing this.
bool is_master_serving = 7;
// OBSOLETE cells (5)
reserved 5;
// A Keyspace contains data about a keyspace.
message Keyspace {
// name of the column used for sharding
// empty if the keyspace is not sharded
string sharding_column_name = 1;
// type of the column used for sharding
// UNSET if the keyspace is not sharded
KeyspaceIdType sharding_column_type = 2;
// OBSOLETE int32 split_shard_count = 3;
reserved 3;
// ServedFrom indicates a relationship between a TabletType and the
// keyspace name that's serving it.
message ServedFrom {
// the tablet type (key for the map)
TabletType tablet_type = 1;
// the cells to limit this to
repeated string cells = 2;
// the keyspace name that's serving it
string keyspace = 3;
// ServedFrom will redirect the appropriate traffic to
// another keyspace.
repeated ServedFrom served_froms = 4;
// keyspace_type will determine how this keyspace is treated by
// vtgate / vschema. Normal keyspaces are routable by
// any query. Snapshot keyspaces are only accessible
// by explicit addresssing or by calling "use keyspace" first
KeyspaceType keyspace_type = 5;
// base_keyspace is the base keyspace from which a snapshot
// keyspace is created. empty for normal keyspaces
string base_keyspace = 6;
// snapshot_time (in UTC) is a property of snapshot
// keyspaces which tells us what point in time
// the snapshot is of
vttime.Time snapshot_time = 7;
// ShardReplication describes the MySQL replication relationships
// whithin a cell.
message ShardReplication {
// Node describes a tablet instance within the cell
message Node {
TabletAlias tablet_alias = 1;
// Note there can be only one Node in this array
// for a given tablet.
repeated Node nodes = 1;
// ShardReference is used as a pointer from a SrvKeyspace to a Shard
message ShardReference {
// Copied from Shard.
string name = 1;
KeyRange key_range = 2;
// Disable query serving in this shard
// ShardTabletControl is used as a pointer from a SrvKeyspace to a Shard
message ShardTabletControl {
// Copied from Shard.
string name = 1;
KeyRange key_range = 2;
// Disable query serving in this shard
bool query_service_disabled = 3;
// SrvKeyspace is a rollup node for the keyspace itself.
message SrvKeyspace {
message KeyspacePartition {
// The type this partition applies to.
TabletType served_type = 1;
// List of non-overlapping continuous shards sorted by range.
repeated ShardReference shard_references = 2;
// List of shard tablet controls
repeated ShardTabletControl shard_tablet_controls = 3;
// The partitions this keyspace is serving, per tablet type.
repeated KeyspacePartition partitions = 1;
// ServedFrom indicates a relationship between a TabletType and the
// keyspace name that's serving it.
message ServedFrom {
// the tablet type
TabletType tablet_type = 1;
// the keyspace name that's serving it
string keyspace = 2;
// copied from Keyspace
string sharding_column_name = 2;
KeyspaceIdType sharding_column_type = 3;
repeated ServedFrom served_from = 4;
// OBSOLETE int32 split_shard_count = 5;
reserved 5;
// CellInfo contains information about a cell. CellInfo objects are
// stored in the global topology server, and describe how to reach
// local topology servers.
message CellInfo {
// ServerAddress contains the address of the server for the cell.
// The syntax of this field is topology implementation specific.
// For instance, for Zookeeper, it is a comma-separated list of
// server addresses.
string server_address = 1;
// Root is the path to store data in. It is only used when talking
// to server_address.
string root = 2;
// OBSOLETE: region 3
reserved 3;
// CellsAlias
message CellsAlias {
// Cells that map to this alias
repeated string cells = 2;
message TopoConfig {
string topo_type = 1;
string server = 2;
string root = 3;
message ExternalVitessCluster {
TopoConfig topo_config = 1;
// ExternalClusters
message ExternalClusters {
repeated ExternalVitessCluster vitess_cluster = 1;