- Add the _Add Database Source to Workspace_ command to the right-click context menu in the databases view. This lets users re-add a database's source folder to the workspace and browse the source code. [#891](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/891)
- Fix markdown rendering in the description of the `codeQL.cli.executablePath` setting. [#908](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/908)
- Allow users to specify a custom directory for storing query server logs (`codeQL.runningQueries.customLogDirectory`). The extension will not delete these logs automatically. [#863](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/863)
- Support the VS Code [Workspace Trust feature](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/workspace-trust). This extension is now enabled in untrusted workspaces, but it restricts commands that contain arbitrary paths. [#861](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/861)
- Allow the `codeQL.cli.executablePath` configuration setting to be set in workspace-scoped configuration files. This means that each workspace can now specify its own CodeQL CLI compiler, a feature that is unblocked due to implementing Workspace Trust. [#861](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/861)
- Copy version information to the clipboard when a user clicks the CodeQL section of the status bar. [#845](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/845)
- Ensure changes in directories that contain tests will be properly updated in the test explorer. [#846](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/846)
- Introduce evaluator options for saving intermediate results to the disk cache (`codeQL.runningQueries.saveCache`) and for limiting the size of this cache (`codeQL.runningQueries.cacheSize`). [#778](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/778)
- Respect the `codeQL.runningQueries.numberOfThreads` setting when creating SARIF files during result interpretation. [#771](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/771)
- Avoid displaying an error when removing orphaned databases and the storage folder does not exist. [#748](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/748)
- Add better error messages when AST Viewer is unable to create an AST. [#753](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/753)
- Cache AST viewing operations so that subsequent calls to view the AST of a single file will be extremely fast. [#753](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/753)
- Add a _More Information_ button in the telemetry popup that opens the [telemetry documentation](https://codeql.github.com/docs/codeql-for-visual-studio-code/about-telemetry-in-codeql-for-visual-studio-code) in a browser tab. [#742](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/742)
- On a strictly opt-in basis, collect anonymized usage data from the VS Code extension, helping improve CodeQL's usability and performance. See the [telemetry documentation](https://codeql.github.com/docs/codeql-for-visual-studio-code/about-telemetry-in-codeql-for-visual-studio-code) for more information on exactly what data is collected and what it is used for. [#611](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/611)
- Ensure databases are unlocked when removing them from the workspace. This will ensure that after a database is removed from VS Code, queries can be run on it from the command line without restarting the IDE. Requires CodeQL CLI 2.4.1 or later. [#681](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/681)
- Fix bug when removing databases where sometimes the source folder would not also be removed from the workspace or the database files would not be deleted from the workspace storage location. [#692](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/692)
- Query results with no string representation will now be displayed with placeholder text in query results. Previously, they were omitted. [#694](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/694)
- Add a label for the language of a database in the databases view. This will only take effect for new databases created with the CodeQL CLI v2.4.1 or later. [#697](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/697)
- Add clearer error message when running a query using a missing or invalid qlpack. [#702](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/702)
- Add clearer error message when trying to run a command from the query history view if no item in the history is selected. [#702](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/702)
- Fix a bug where it is not possible to download some database archives. This fix specifically addresses large archives and archives whose central directories do not align with file headers. [#700](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/700)
- Avoid error dialogs when QL test discovery or database cleanup encounters a missing directory. [#706](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/706)
- Add the _CodeQL: View AST_ command to the right-click context menu when a source file in a database source archive is open in the editor. [#712](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/712)
- Editors opened by navigating from the results view are no longer opened in _preview mode_. Now they are opened as a persistent editor. [#630](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/630)
- When comparing the results of a failed QL test run and the `.expected` file does not exist, an empty `.expected` file is created and compared against the `.actual` file. [#669](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/669)
- Alter structure of the _Test Explorer_ tree. It now follows the structure of the filesystem instead of the QL Packs. [#624](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/624)
- Alter structure of the _Test Explorer_ tree. It now follows the structure of the filesystem instead of the QL Packs. [#624](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/624)
- Add more structured output for tests. [#626](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/626)
- Whenever the extension restarts, orphaned databases will be cleaned up. These are databases whose files are located inside of the extension's storage area, but are not imported into the workspace.
- Add a `codeQl.resultsDisplay.pageSize` setting to configure the number of results displayed in a single results view page. Increase the default page size from 100 to 200. [#686](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/686)
- Update the AST Viewer to include edge labels (if available) in addition to the target node labels. So far, only C/C++ databases take advantage of this change. [#688](https://github.com/github/vscode-codeql/pull/688)
- The maximum number of simultaneous queries launchable by the `CodeQL: Run Queries in Selected Files` command is now configurable by changing the `codeQL.runningQueries.maxQueries` setting.
- Allow setting `codeQL.runningQueries.numberOfThreads` and `codeQL.runningTests.numberOfThreads` to 0, (which is interpreted as 'use one thread per core on the machine').
- Add a `View DIL` command on query history items. This opens a text editor containing the Datalog Intermediary Language representation of the compiled query.
- Remove feature flag for the AST Viewer. For more information on how to use the AST Viewer, [see the documentation](https://help.semmle.com/codeql/codeql-for-vscode/procedures/exploring-the-structure-of-your-source-code.html).
- Ensure compare order is consistent when selecting two queries to compare. The first query selected is always the _from_ query and the query selected later is always the _to_ query.
- Change `codeQL.cli.executablePath` to a per-machine setting, so it can no longer be set at the user or workspace level. This helps prevent arbitrary code execution when using a VS Code workspace from an untrusted source.
- Improve the highlighting of the selected query result within the source code.
- Improve the performance of switching between result tables in the CodeQL Query Results view.
- Fix the automatic upgrading of CodeQL databases when using upgrade scripts from the workspace.
- Allow removal of items from the CodeQL Query History view.