// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings. { "files.exclude": { "**/out": true, // set this to true to hide the "out" folder with the compiled JS files "**/dist": true, "**/node_modules": true, "common/temp": true, "**/.vscode-test": true }, "files.watcherExclude": { "**/.git/**": true, "**/out": true, "**/dist": true, "**/node_modules": true, "common/temp": true, "**/.vscode-test": true }, "search.exclude": { "**/out": true, // set this to false to include "out" folder in search results "**/dist": true, "**/node_modules": true, "common/temp": true, "**/.vscode-test": true }, "typescript.tsdk": "./extensions/ql-vscode/node_modules/typescript/lib", // we want to use the TS server from our node_modules folder to control its version "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true, "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact" ], // This is necessary to ensure that ESLint can find the correct configuration files and plugins. "eslint.workingDirectories": ["./extensions/ql-vscode"], "editor.formatOnSave": false, "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", "editor.wordWrapColumn": 100, "jest.rootPath": "./extensions/ql-vscode", "jest.autoRun": "off", "jest.nodeEnv": { "LANG": "en-US", "TZ": "UTC" }, // These custom rules are read in extensions/ql-vscode/.markdownlint-cli2.cjs // but markdownlint only considers that config when linting files in // extensions/ql-vscode/ or its subfolders. Therefore, we have to explicitly // load the custom rules here too. "markdownlint.customRules": [ "./extensions/ql-vscode/node_modules/@github/markdownlint-github/src/rules/no-default-alt-text.js", "./extensions/ql-vscode/node_modules/@github/markdownlint-github/src/rules/no-generic-link-text.js" ], // This ensures that the accessibility rule enablement done by github-markdownlint is // considered by the extension too. // // Unfortunately, we can only specify a single extends, so the config here isn't // identical since it can't also consider @github/markdownlint-github/style/base.json // That's not as bad as it could be since the full config is considered for anything // in extensions/ql-vscode/ or its subfolders anyway. // // Additional nonfiguration of the default rules is done in .markdownlint.json, // which is picked up by the extension automatically, and read explicitly in // .markdownlint-cli2.cjs "markdownlint.config": { "extends": "./extensions/ql-vscode/node_modules/@github/markdownlint-github/style/accessibility.json" }, // These options are used by the `jestrunner.debug` command. // They are not used by the `jestrunner.run` command. // After clicking "debug" over a test, continually invoke the // "Debug: Attach to Node Process" command until you see a // process named "Code Helper (Plugin)". Then click "attach". // This will attach the debugger to the test process. "jestrunner.debugOptions": { // Uncomment to debug integration tests "attachSimplePort": 9223, "env": { "LANG": "en-US", "TZ": "UTC", // Uncomment to set a custom path to a CodeQL checkout. // "TEST_CODEQL_PATH": "/absolute/path/to/checkout/of/codeql", // Uncomment to set a custom path to a CodeQL CLI executable. // This is the CodeQL version that will be used in the tests. // "CLI_PATH": "/absolute/path/to/custom/codeql", // Uncomment to debug integration tests "VSCODE_WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER": "true", } }, "terminal.integrated.env.linux": { "LANG": "en-US", "TZ": "UTC" }, "terminal.integrated.env.osx": { "LANG": "en-US", "TZ": "UTC" }, "terminal.integrated.env.windows": { "LANG": "en-US", "TZ": "UTC" }, "[typescript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.formatOnSave": true, }, "[typescriptreact]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.formatOnSave": true, }, }