# Don't allow people to merge changes to these generated files, because the result # may be invalid. You need to run "rush update" again. pnpm-lock.yaml merge=binary shrinkwrap.yaml merge=binary npm-shrinkwrap.json merge=binary yarn.lock merge=binary # Rush's JSON config files use JavaScript-style code comments. The rule below prevents pedantic # syntax highlighters such as GitHub's from highlighting these comments as errors. Your text editor # may also require a special configuration to allow comments in JSON. # # For more information, see this issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/web-build-tools/issues/1088 # *.json linguist-language=JSON-with-Comments # Reduce incidence of needless merge conflicts on CHANGELOG.md # The man page at # https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitattributes.html # suggests that this might interleave lines arbitrarily, but empirically # it keeps added chunks contiguous CHANGELOG.md merge=union # Mark some JSON files containing test data as generated so they are not included # as part of diffs or language statistics. extensions/ql-vscode/src/stories/variant-analysis/data/*.json linguist-generated # Always use LF line endings, also on Windows * text=auto eol=lf