+++ date = "2015-12-05T16:00:21-08:00" draft = false title = "Maintainers" weight = 2 menu = "main" +++ The list of approvers is stored in a `MAINTAINERS` text file in the root of your repository. There are multiple supported file formats to choose from. Username, separated by newline: ``` bradrydzewski lindaortega matthewnorris ``` Username and email address, separated by newline: ``` bradrydzewski lindaortega matthewnorris ``` FullName, email address and username, separated by newline: ``` Brad Rydzewski (@bradrydzewski) Linda Ortega (@lindaortega) Matthew Norris (@mattnorris) ``` Toml format inspired by the [Docker project](https://github.com/docker/opensource/blob/master/MAINTAINERS): ``` [people] [people.bradrydzewski] name = "Brad Rydzewski" email = "brad.rydzewski@mail.com" login = "bradrydzewski" [people.bradrydzewski] name = "Linda Ortega" email = "linda.ortega@mail.com" login = "lindaortega" [people.mattnorris] name = "Matt Norris" email = "matt.norris@mail.com" login = "mattnorris" ``` You may prefer to maintain a single list of maintainers across all repositories in your organization. When no maintainers file is found the system will fallback to the maintainers team in your organization: ![maintainers team](/docs/images/maintainers_team.png)