# Performance analysis system This package contains the https://perf.golang.org/ benchmark result analysis system. It serves as a front-end to the benchmark result storage system at https://perfdata.golang.org/. The storage system is designed to have a standardized REST API at https://perfdata.golang.org/, and we encourage additional analysis tools to be written against the API. An example client can be found in the [perfdata](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/build/perfdata) package. ## Local Both storage and analysis can be run locally; the following commands will run the complete stack on your machine with an in-memory datastore. To run the storage system: $ go install golang.org/x/build/perfdata/localperfdata@latest $ localperfdata -addr=:8081 -view_url_base=http://localhost:8080/search?q=upload: & To run the analysis frontend: $ make docker-prod $ docker run --rm --net=host gcr.io/symbolic-datum-552/perf:latest -listen-http=:8080 -perfdata=http://localhost:8081 Browse to https://localhost:8080 (note that the instance uses a self-signed certificate). To run the analysis frontend connected to a local InfluxDB instance, first follow [the instructions to set one up](../influx/README.md). Then, run the above command but with the `-influx-host` and `-influx-token` flags set to their appropriate values (as specified by the InfluxDB setup instructions). Send an HTTP request to https://localhost:8080/cron/sync-influx to sync the local instances together. ## Google Cloud One-time setup: 1. IAM setup, based on https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity#authenticating_to: a. Create GCP service account: $ gcloud iam service-accounts create perf-prod \ --description="Runs golang.org/x/build/perf" c. Allow Kubernetes service account (created by deployment-prod.yaml) to impersonate the GCP service account: $ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \ perf-prod@.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \ --member "serviceAccount:.svc.id.goog[prod/perf-prod]" ## Deployment See the documentation on [deployment](../doc/deployment.md).