зеркало из https://github.com/golang/dep.git
dep: search workspace for transitive deps in init
This introduces a depth-first traversal of the import graph; gps can't help, because we're exploring a GOPATH workspace, which gps explicitly does not do.
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ func runInit(args []string) error {
processed := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot][]string)
packages := make(map[string]bool)
notondisk := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool)
ondisk := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.Version)
for _, v := range pkgT.Packages {
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ func runInit(args []string) error {
return errors.Wrap(err, "sm.DeduceProjectRoot") // TODO: Skip and report ?
packages[i] = true
if _, ok := processed[pr]; ok {
if !contains(processed[pr], i) {
processed[pr] = append(processed[pr], i)
@ -157,69 +159,159 @@ func runInit(args []string) error {
for root, pkgs := range processed {
r, err := determineProjectRoot(string(root))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "determineProjectRoot")
// Explore the packages we've found for transitive deps, either
// completing the lock or identifying (more) missing projects that we'll
// need to ask gps to solve for us.
colors := make(map[string]uint8)
const (
white uint8 = iota
pt, err := gps.ListPackages(r, string(root))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "gps.ListPackages")
// cache of PackageTrees, so we don't parse projects more than once
ptrees := make(map[gps.ProjectRoot]gps.PackageTree)
rm := pt.ExternalReach(false, false, nil)
// depth-first traverser
var dft func(string) error
dft = func(pkg string) error {
switch colors[pkg] {
case white:
colors[pkg] = grey
for pkg := range pkgs {
p, ok := rm[pkg]
if !ok {
// not on disk...
notondisk[root] = true
continue foo
pr, err := sm.DeduceProjectRoot(pkg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not deduce project root for "+pkg)
// We already visited this project root earlier via some other
// pkg within it, and made the decision that it's not on disk.
// Respect that decision, and pop the stack.
if notondisk[pr] {
colors[pkg] = black
return nil
r, err := determineProjectRoot(string(pr))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "determineProjectRoot")
ptree, has := ptrees[pr]
if !has {
// It's fine if the root does not exist - it indicates that this
// project is not present in the workspace, and so we need to
// solve to deal with this dep.
_, err := os.Lstat(r)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
colors[pkg] = black
notondisk[pr] = true
return nil
ptree, err = gps.ListPackages(r, string(pr))
if err != nil {
// Any error here other than an a nonexistent dir (which
// can't happen because we covered that case above) is
// probably critical, so bail out.
return errors.Wrap(err, "gps.ListPackages")
rm := ptree.ExternalReach(false, false, nil)
reached, ok := rm[pkg]
if !ok {
colors[pkg] = black
// not on disk...
notondisk[pr] = true
return nil
if _, ok := processed[pr]; ok {
if !contains(processed[pr], pkg) {
processed[pr] = append(processed[pr], pkg)
// project must be on disk at this point; question is
// whether we're first seeing it here, in the transitive
// exploration, or if it arose in the direct dep parts
if _, in := ondisk[pr]; in {
v, err := versionInWorkspace(pr)
if err != nil {
colors[pkg] = black
notondisk[pr] = true
return nil
ondisk[pr] = v
} else {
processed[pr] = []string{pkg}
for _, rpkg := range reached {
err := dft(rpkg)
if err != nil {
return err
colors[pkg] = black
case grey:
return fmt.Errorf("Import cycle detected on %s", pkg)
case black:
return nil
// run the depth-first traversal from the set of immediate external
// package imports we found in the current project
for pkg := range packages {
err := dft(pkg)
if err != nil {
return err // already errors.Wrap()'d internally
if len(notondisk) > 0 {
// TODO deal with the case where we import something not currently
// on disk - probing upstream?
// Make an initial lock from just what we know about the immediate deps
// of the current project
l := lock{
P: make([]gps.LockedProject, 0, len(ondisk)),
for pr, v := range ondisk {
// We pass a nil slice for pkgs because we know that we're going to
// have to do a solve run with this lock (because it necessarily has
// only incorporated direct, not transitive deps), and gps' solver
// does not, and likely will never, care about the pkg list on the
// input lock.
l.P = append(l.P, gps.NewLockedProject(
gps.ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: pr}, v, nil),
// TODO processed holds "absolute" import paths, but the
// standard laid out elsewhere is to have them be expressed
// relative to their project root when written in a lock
gps.ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: pr}, v, processed[pr]),
params := gps.SolveParameters{
RootDir: p,
RootPackageTree: pkgT,
Manifest: &m,
Lock: &l,
s, err := gps.Prepare(params, sm)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "prepare solver")
var l2 *lock
if len(notondisk) > 0 {
params := gps.SolveParameters{
RootDir: p,
RootPackageTree: pkgT,
Manifest: &m,
Lock: &l,
s, err := gps.Prepare(params, sm)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "prepare solver")
soln, err := s.Solve()
if err != nil {
return err
soln, err := s.Solve()
if err != nil {
return err
l2 = lockFromInterface(soln)
} else {
l2 = &l
l2 := lockFromInterface(soln)
if err := writeFile(mf, &m); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "writeFile for manifest")
@ -235,7 +327,7 @@ func runInit(args []string) error {
// contains checks if a array of strings contains a value
func contains(a []string, b string) bool {
for v := range a {
for _, v := range a {
if b == v {
return true
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