This also adds `dep hash-inputs` output to both of the harness tests, so
that it's easier for developers to keep track of the expected output in
these cases.
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ exported method Ctx.SourceManager should have comment or be unexported
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ should omit type *int32 from declaration of var isDone; it will be inferred from the right-hand side
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ exported method Revision.ImpliedCaretString should have comment or be unexported
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ exported var ExeSuffix should have comment or be unexported
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ should omit type *bool from declaration of var PrintLogs; it will be inferred from the right-hand side
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ should omit type *bool from declaration of var UpdateGolden; it will be inferred from the right-hand side
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ comment on exported method Helper.Run should be of the form "Run ..."
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ comment on exported method Helper.GetFile should be of the form "GetFile ..."
/Users/tamird/src/go/src/ exported method Helper.GetCommit should have comment or be unexported
cmd/dep/ensure.go:138:2: field overrides is unused (U1000)
cmd/dep/ensure.go:702:6: type stringSlice is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/bridge.go:60:2: field crp is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/pkgtree/pkgtree_test.go:36:3: field Internal is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/pkgtree/pkgtree_test.go:36:13: field External is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/selection.go:76:21: func (*selection).setDependenciesOn is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/selection.go:99:21: func (*selection).getSelectedPackagesIn is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_basic_test.go:1356:33: func (*depspecSourceManager).ExternalReach is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_basic_test.go:1571:16: func fixLock.SolverVersion is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_basic_test.go:1588:18: func dummyLock.SolverVersion is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_failures.go:20:2: const warning is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_failures.go:21:2: const mustResolve is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/solve_failures.go:22:2: const cannotResolve is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/source_manager.go:217:4: func Temporary is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/source_manager.go:712:2: const ctCheckoutVersion is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/typed_radix.go:34:23: func (*deducerTrie).Delete is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/vcs_repo.go:201:6: type svnRepo is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/vcs_repo_test.go:122:6: func testSvnRepo is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/vcs_source.go:573:6: type repo is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/version_queue_test.go:30:23: func (*fakeBridge).ListVersions is unused (U1000)
internal/gps/version_queue_test.go:45:27: func (*fakeFailBridge).ListVersions is unused (U1000)
internal/test/integration/testproj.go:34:2: field h is unused (U1000)