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// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gps
import (
// just need a listVersions method
type fakeBridge struct {
vl []Version
var fakevl = []Version{
func init() {
func (fb *fakeBridge) listVersions(id ProjectIdentifier) ([]Version, error) {
// it's a fixture, we only ever do the one, regardless of id
return fb.vl, nil
type fakeFailBridge struct {
var errVQ = errors.New("vqerr")
func (fb *fakeFailBridge) listVersions(id ProjectIdentifier) ([]Version, error) {
return nil, errVQ
func TestVersionQueueSetup(t *testing.T) {
id := ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: ProjectRoot("foo")}.normalize()
// shouldn't even need to embed a real bridge
fb := &fakeBridge{vl: fakevl}
ffb := &fakeFailBridge{}
_, err := newVersionQueue(id, nil, nil, ffb)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected err when providing no prefv or lockv, and injected bridge returns err from ListVersions()")
vq, err := newVersionQueue(id, nil, nil, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected err on vq create: %s", err)
} else {
if len(vq.pi) != 5 {
t.Errorf("Should have five versions from listVersions() when providing no prefv or lockv; got %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
if !vq.allLoaded {
t.Errorf("allLoaded flag should be set, but wasn't")
if vq.prefv != nil || vq.lockv != nil {
t.Error("lockv and prefv should be nil")
if vq.current() != fakevl[0] {
t.Errorf("current should be head of fakevl (%s), got %s", fakevl[0], vq.current())
lockv := fakevl[0]
prefv := fakevl[1]
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, lockv, nil, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected err on vq create: %s", err)
} else {
if len(vq.pi) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Should have one version when providing only a lockv; got %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
if vq.allLoaded {
t.Errorf("allLoaded flag should not be set")
if vq.lockv != lockv {
t.Errorf("lockv should be %s, was %s", lockv, vq.lockv)
if vq.current() != lockv {
t.Errorf("current should be lockv (%s), got %s", lockv, vq.current())
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, nil, prefv, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected err on vq create: %s", err)
} else {
if len(vq.pi) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Should have one version when providing only a prefv; got %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
if vq.allLoaded {
t.Errorf("allLoaded flag should not be set")
if vq.prefv != prefv {
t.Errorf("prefv should be %s, was %s", prefv, vq.prefv)
if vq.current() != prefv {
t.Errorf("current should be prefv (%s), got %s", prefv, vq.current())
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, lockv, prefv, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected err on vq create: %s", err)
} else {
if len(vq.pi) != 2 {
t.Errorf("Should have two versions when providing both a prefv and lockv; got %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
if vq.allLoaded {
t.Errorf("allLoaded flag should not be set")
if vq.prefv != prefv {
t.Errorf("prefv should be %s, was %s", prefv, vq.prefv)
if vq.lockv != lockv {
t.Errorf("lockv should be %s, was %s", lockv, vq.lockv)
if vq.current() != lockv {
t.Errorf("current should be lockv (%s), got %s", lockv, vq.current())
func TestVersionQueueAdvance(t *testing.T) {
fb := &fakeBridge{vl: fakevl}
id := ProjectIdentifier{ProjectRoot: ProjectRoot("foo")}.normalize()
// First with no prefv or lockv
vq, err := newVersionQueue(id, nil, nil, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected err on vq create: %s", err)
for k, v := range fakevl[1:] {
err = vq.advance(errors.Errorf("advancment fail for %s", fakevl[k]))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error on advancing vq from %s to %s", fakevl[k], v)
if vq.current() != v {
t.Errorf("on advance() %v, current should be %s, got %s", k, v, vq.current())
if vq.isExhausted() {
t.Error("should not be exhausted until advancing 'past' the end")
if err = vq.advance(errors.Errorf("final advance failure")); err != nil {
t.Errorf("should not error on advance, even past end, but got %s", err)
if !vq.isExhausted() {
t.Error("advanced past end, should now report exhaustion")
if vq.current() != nil {
t.Error("advanced past end, current should return nil")
// now, do one with both a prefv and lockv
lockv := fakevl[2]
prefv := fakevl[0]
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, lockv, prefv, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating version queue: %v", err)
if vq.String() != "[v1.1.0, v2.0.0]" {
t.Error("stringifying vq did not have expected outcome, got", vq.String())
if vq.isExhausted() {
t.Error("can't be exhausted, we aren't even 'allLoaded' yet")
err = vq.advance(errors.Errorf("dequeue lockv"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("unexpected error when advancing past lockv", err)
} else {
if vq.current() != prefv {
t.Errorf("current should be prefv (%s) after first advance, got %s", prefv, vq.current())
if len(vq.pi) != 1 {
t.Errorf("should have just prefv elem left in vq, but there are %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
err = vq.advance(errors.Errorf("dequeue prefv"))
if err != nil {
t.Error("unexpected error when advancing past prefv", err)
} else {
if !vq.allLoaded {
t.Error("allLoaded should now be true")
if len(vq.pi) != 3 {
t.Errorf("should have three remaining versions after removing prefv and lockv, but there are %v:\n\t%s", len(vq.pi), vq.String())
if vq.current() != fakevl[1] {
t.Errorf("current should be first elem of fakevl (%s) after advancing into all, got %s", fakevl[1], vq.current())
// make sure the queue ordering is still right even with a double-delete
if vq.current() != fakevl[3] {
t.Errorf("second elem after ListVersions() should be idx 3 of fakevl (%s), got %s", fakevl[3], vq.current())
if vq.current() != fakevl[4] {
t.Errorf("third elem after ListVersions() should be idx 4 of fakevl (%s), got %s", fakevl[4], vq.current())
if vq.current() != nil || !vq.isExhausted() {
t.Error("should be out of versions in the queue")
// Make sure we handle things correctly when listVersions adds nothing new
fb = &fakeBridge{vl: []Version{lockv, prefv}}
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, lockv, prefv, fb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating version queue: %v", err)
if vq.current() != nil || !vq.isExhausted() {
t.Errorf("should have no versions left, as ListVersions() added nothing new, but still have %s", vq.String())
err = vq.advance(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("should be fine to advance on empty queue, per docs, but got err %s", err)
// Also handle it well when advancing calls ListVersions() and it gets an
// error
vq, err = newVersionQueue(id, lockv, nil, &fakeFailBridge{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("should not err on creation when preseeded with lockv, but got err %s", err)
err = vq.advance(nil)
if err == nil {
t.Error("advancing should trigger call to erroring bridge, but no err")
err = vq.advance(nil)
if err == nil {
t.Error("err should be stored for reuse on any subsequent calls")