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// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dep
import (
var (
errProjectNotFound = fmt.Errorf("could not find project %s, use dep init to initiate a manifest", ManifestName)
errVendorBackupFailed = fmt.Errorf("failed to create vendor backup. File with same name exists")
// findProjectRoot searches from the starting directory upwards looking for a
// manifest file until we get to the root of the filesystem.
func findProjectRoot(from string) (string, error) {
for {
mp := filepath.Join(from, ManifestName)
_, err := os.Stat(mp)
if err == nil {
return from, nil
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Some err other than non-existence - return that out
return "", err
parent := filepath.Dir(from)
if parent == from {
return "", errProjectNotFound
from = parent
// checkGopkgFilenames validates filename case for the manifest and lock files.
// This is relevant on case-insensitive file systems like the defaults in Windows and
// macOS.
// If manifest file is not found, it returns an error indicating the project could not be
// found. If it is found but the case does not match, an error is returned. If a lock
// file is not found, no error is returned as lock file is optional. If it is found but
// the case does not match, an error is returned.
func checkGopkgFilenames(projectRoot string) error {
// ReadActualFilenames is actually costly. Since the check to validate filename case
// for Gopkg filenames is not relevant to case-sensitive filesystems like
// ext4(linux), try for an early return.
caseSensitive, err := fs.IsCaseSensitiveFilesystem(projectRoot)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not check validity of configuration filenames")
if caseSensitive {
return nil
actualFilenames, err := fs.ReadActualFilenames(projectRoot, []string{ManifestName, LockName})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not check validity of configuration filenames")
actualMfName, found := actualFilenames[ManifestName]
if !found {
// Ideally this part of the code won't ever be executed if it is called after
// `findProjectRoot`. But be thorough and handle it anyway.
return errProjectNotFound
if actualMfName != ManifestName {
return fmt.Errorf("manifest filename %q does not match %q", actualMfName, ManifestName)
// If a file is not found, the string map returned by `fs.ReadActualFilenames` will
// not have an entry for the given filename. Since the lock file is optional, we
// should check for equality only if it was found.
actualLfName, found := actualFilenames[LockName]
if found && actualLfName != LockName {
return fmt.Errorf("lock filename %q does not match %q", actualLfName, LockName)
return nil
// A Project holds a Manifest and optional Lock for a project.
type Project struct {
// AbsRoot is the absolute path to the root directory of the project.
AbsRoot string
// ResolvedAbsRoot is the resolved absolute path to the root directory of the project.
// If AbsRoot is not a symlink, then ResolvedAbsRoot should equal AbsRoot.
ResolvedAbsRoot string
// ImportRoot is the import path of the project's root directory.
ImportRoot gps.ProjectRoot
// The Manifest, as read from Gopkg.toml on disk.
Manifest *Manifest
// The Lock, as read from Gopkg.lock on disk.
Lock *Lock // Optional
// The above Lock, with changes applied to it. There are two possible classes of
// changes:
// 1. Changes to InputImports
// 2. Changes to per-project prune options
ChangedLock *Lock
// The PackageTree representing the project, with hidden and ignored
// packages already trimmed.
RootPackageTree pkgtree.PackageTree
// Oncer to manage access to initial check of vendor.
CheckVendor sync.Once
// The result of calling verify.CheckDepTree against the current lock and
// vendor dir.
VendorStatus map[string]verify.VendorStatus
// The error, if any, from checking vendor.
CheckVendorErr error
// VerifyVendor checks the vendor directory against the hash digests in
// Gopkg.lock.
// This operation is overseen by the sync.Once in CheckVendor. This is intended
// to facilitate running verification in the background while solving, then
// having the results ready later.
func (p *Project) VerifyVendor() (map[string]verify.VendorStatus, error) {
p.CheckVendor.Do(func() {
p.VendorStatus = make(map[string]verify.VendorStatus)
vendorDir := filepath.Join(p.AbsRoot, "vendor")
var lps []gps.LockedProject
if p.Lock != nil {
lps = p.Lock.Projects()
sums := make(map[string]verify.VersionedDigest)
for _, lp := range lps {
sums[string(lp.Ident().ProjectRoot)] = lp.(verify.VerifiableProject).Digest
p.VendorStatus, p.CheckVendorErr = verify.CheckDepTree(vendorDir, sums)
return p.VendorStatus, p.CheckVendorErr
// SetRoot sets the project AbsRoot and ResolvedAbsRoot. If root is not a symlink, ResolvedAbsRoot will be set to root.
func (p *Project) SetRoot(root string) error {
rroot, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(root)
if err != nil {
return err
p.ResolvedAbsRoot, p.AbsRoot = rroot, root
return nil
// MakeParams is a simple helper to create a gps.SolveParameters without setting
// any nils incorrectly.
func (p *Project) MakeParams() gps.SolveParameters {
params := gps.SolveParameters{
RootDir: p.AbsRoot,
ProjectAnalyzer: Analyzer{},
RootPackageTree: p.RootPackageTree,
if p.Manifest != nil {
params.Manifest = p.Manifest
// It should be impossible for p.ChangedLock to be nil if p.Lock is non-nil;
// we always want to use the former for solving.
if p.ChangedLock != nil {
params.Lock = p.ChangedLock
return params
// parseRootPackageTree analyzes the root project's disk contents to create a
// PackageTree, trimming out packages that are not relevant for root projects
// along the way.
// The resulting tree is cached internally at p.RootPackageTree.
func (p *Project) parseRootPackageTree() (pkgtree.PackageTree, error) {
if p.RootPackageTree.Packages == nil {
ptree, err := pkgtree.ListPackages(p.ResolvedAbsRoot, string(p.ImportRoot))
if err != nil {
return pkgtree.PackageTree{}, errors.Wrap(err, "analysis of current project's packages failed")
// We don't care about (unreachable) hidden packages for the root project,
// so drop all of those.
var ig *pkgtree.IgnoredRuleset
if p.Manifest != nil {
ig = p.Manifest.IgnoredPackages()
p.RootPackageTree = ptree.TrimHiddenPackages(true, true, ig)
return p.RootPackageTree, nil
// GetDirectDependencyNames returns the set of unique Project Roots that are the
// direct dependencies of this Project.
// A project is considered a direct dependency if at least one of its packages
// is named in either this Project's required list, or if there is at least one
// non-ignored import statement from a non-ignored package in the current
// project's package tree.
// The returned map of Project Roots contains only boolean true values; this
// makes a "false" value always indicate an absent key, which makes conditional
// checks against the map more ergonomic.
// This function will correctly utilize ignores and requireds from an existing
// manifest, if one is present, but will also do the right thing without a
// manifest.
func (p *Project) GetDirectDependencyNames(sm gps.SourceManager) (map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool, error) {
var reach []string
if p.ChangedLock != nil {
reach = p.ChangedLock.InputImports()
} else {
ptree, err := p.parseRootPackageTree()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reach = externalImportList(ptree, p.Manifest)
directDeps := map[gps.ProjectRoot]bool{}
for _, ip := range reach {
pr, err := sm.DeduceProjectRoot(ip)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
directDeps[pr] = true
return directDeps, nil
// FindIneffectualConstraints looks for constraint rules expressed in the
// manifest that will have no effect during solving, as they are specified for
// projects that are not direct dependencies of the Project.
// "Direct dependency" here is as implemented by GetDirectDependencyNames();
// it correctly incorporates all "ignored" and "required" rules.
func (p *Project) FindIneffectualConstraints(sm gps.SourceManager) []gps.ProjectRoot {
if p.Manifest == nil {
return nil
dd, err := p.GetDirectDependencyNames(sm)
if err != nil {
return nil
var ineff []gps.ProjectRoot
for pr := range p.Manifest.DependencyConstraints() {
if !dd[pr] {
ineff = append(ineff, pr)
sort.Slice(ineff, func(i, j int) bool {
return ineff[i] < ineff[j]
return ineff
// BackupVendor looks for existing vendor directory and if it's not empty,
// creates a backup of it to a new directory with the provided suffix.
func BackupVendor(vpath, suffix string) (string, error) {
// Check if there's a non-empty vendor directory
vendorExists, err := fs.IsNonEmptyDir(vpath)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", err
if vendorExists {
// vpath is a full filepath. We need to split it to prefix the backup dir
// with an "_"
vpathDir, name := filepath.Split(vpath)
vendorbak := filepath.Join(vpathDir, "_"+name+"-"+suffix)
// Check if a directory with same name exists
if _, err = os.Stat(vendorbak); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Copy existing vendor to vendor-{suffix}
if err := fs.CopyDir(vpath, vendorbak); err != nil {
return "", err
return vendorbak, nil
return "", errVendorBackupFailed
return "", nil