internal/frontend: group imported-by paths

Instead of displaying the paths imported by a module as a flat list,
use <details> elements to display a tree.

Make tree nodes for (roughly) "account" and "repo", so that
"" is one level of the tree, and
"" is the next level. Don't group beyond
that on the assumption that users would want to see all the importing
packages in a repo as a flat list.

Also, get rid of pagination on the query. Instead use a large limit,
and only display paths up to that limit.

Fixes b/139411420.

Change-Id: I55e030e5f901dacf854f2e7f585a444d089f6ea1
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Amsterdam 2019-08-18 04:33:41 -04:00 коммит произвёл Julie Qiu
Родитель b8b84e6c94
Коммит c76866da88
9 изменённых файлов: 356 добавлений и 109 удалений

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@ -582,3 +582,10 @@ code {
.Directory-header {
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray-8);
.Details-content {
margin-left: 40px
.Details-indent {
margin-left: 1.1rem

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@ -9,16 +9,32 @@
{{if .ImportedBy}}
<h2>Imported by</h2>
{{template "pagination_summary" .Pagination}} {{pluralize .Pagination.TotalCount "importer"}}
<b>Known {{pluralize .Total "importer"}}:</b> {{.Total}}{{if not .TotalIsExact}}+{{end}}
<ul class="ImportedBy-list">
{{range .ImportedBy}}
<li><a class="u-breakWord" href="/pkg/{{.}}">{{.}}</a></li>
{{template "pagination_nav" .Pagination}}
{{template "sections" .ImportedBy}}
{{template "empty_content" "No known importers for this package!"}}
{{define "sections"}}
<ul class="ImportedBy-list">
{{range .}}
{{template "section" .}}
{{define "section"}}
{{if .Subs}}
<summary>{{.Prefix}} ({{.NumLines}})</summary>
<div class="Details-content">
{{template "sections" .Subs}}
<li class="Details-indent"><a class="u-breakWord" href="/pkg/{{.Prefix}}">{{.Prefix}}</a></li>

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@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func fetchDetailsForPackage(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, tab string, db
case "imports":
return fetchImportsDetails(ctx, db, pkg)
case "importedby":
return fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, pkg, newPaginationParams(r, 100))
return fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, pkg)
case "licenses":
return fetchPackageLicensesDetails(ctx, db, pkg)
case "readme":

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@ -59,26 +59,40 @@ func fetchImportsDetails(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB, pkg *internal.Ver
// ImportedByDetails contains information for the collection of packages that
// import a given package.
type ImportedByDetails struct {
Pagination pagination
ModulePath string
// ImportedBy is the collection of packages that import the
// given package and are not part of the same module.
ImportedBy []string
// They are organized into a tree of sections by prefix.
ImportedBy []*Section
Total int // number of packages in ImportedBy
TotalIsExact bool // if false, then there may be more than Total
const importedByLimit = 7001
// fetchImportedByDetails fetches importers for the package version specified by
// path and version from the database and returns a ImportedByDetails.
func fetchImportedByDetails(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB, pkg *internal.VersionedPackage, pageParams paginationParams) (*ImportedByDetails, error) {
importedBy, total, err := db.GetImportedBy(ctx, pkg.Path, pkg.ModulePath, pageParams.limit, pageParams.offset())
func fetchImportedByDetails(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB, pkg *internal.VersionedPackage) (*ImportedByDetails, error) {
importedBy, err := db.GetImportedBy(ctx, pkg.Path, pkg.ModulePath, importedByLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we reached the query limit, then we don't know the total.
// Say so, and show one less than the limit.
// For example, if the limit is 101 and we get 101 results, then we'll
// say there are more than 100, and show the first 100.
totalIsExact := true
if len(importedBy) == importedByLimit {
importedBy = importedBy[:len(importedBy)-1]
totalIsExact = false
sections := Sections(importedBy, nextPrefixAccount)
return &ImportedByDetails{
ModulePath: pkg.VersionInfo.ModulePath,
ImportedBy: importedBy,
Pagination: newPagination(pageParams, len(importedBy), total),
ModulePath: pkg.VersionInfo.ModulePath,
ImportedBy: sections,
Total: len(importedBy),
TotalIsExact: totalIsExact,
}, nil

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -114,18 +113,25 @@ func TestFetchImportedByDetails(t *testing.T) {
pkg: pkg3,
wantDetails: &ImportedByDetails{},
wantDetails: &ImportedByDetails{TotalIsExact: true},
pkg: pkg2,
wantDetails: &ImportedByDetails{
ImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
ImportedBy: []*Section{{Prefix: pkg3.Path, NumLines: 0}},
Total: 1,
TotalIsExact: true,
pkg: pkg1,
wantDetails: &ImportedByDetails{
ImportedBy: []string{pkg2.Path, pkg3.Path},
ImportedBy: []*Section{
{Prefix: pkg2.Path, NumLines: 0},
{Prefix: pkg3.Path, NumLines: 0},
Total: 2,
TotalIsExact: true,
} {
@ -133,15 +139,15 @@ func TestFetchImportedByDetails(t *testing.T) {
otherVersion := newVersion("", tc.pkg)
otherVersion.Version = "v1.0.5"
vp := firstVersionedPackage(otherVersion)
got, err := fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, testDB, vp, paginationParams{limit: 20, page: 1})
got, err := fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, testDB, vp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, %q, 1) = %v err = %v, want %v",
t.Fatalf("fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, %q) = %v err = %v, want %v",
tc.pkg.Path, got, err, tc.wantDetails)
tc.wantDetails.ModulePath = vp.VersionInfo.ModulePath
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.wantDetails, got, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(ImportedByDetails{}, "Pagination")); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, %q, 1) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.pkg.Path, diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.wantDetails, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, db, %q) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.pkg.Path, diff)

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// A Section represents a collection of lines with a common prefix. The
// collection is itself divided into sections by prefix, forming a tree.
type Section struct {
Prefix string // prefix for this section, or if Subs==nil, a single line
Subs []*Section // subsections
NumLines int // total number of lines in subsections
func newSection(prefix string) *Section {
return &Section{Prefix: prefix, NumLines: 0}
func (s *Section) add(sub *Section) {
s.Subs = append(s.Subs, sub)
if sub.Subs == nil {
} else {
s.NumLines += sub.NumLines
// A prefixFunc returns the next prefix of s, given the current prefix.
// It should return the empty string if there are no more prefixes.
type prefixFunc func(s, prefix string) string
// Sections transforms a list of lines, which must be sorted, into a list
// of Sections. Each Section in the result contains all the contiguous lines
// with the same prefix.
// The nextPrefix function is responsible for extracting prefixes from lines.
func Sections(lines []string, nextPrefix prefixFunc) []*Section {
s, _ := section("", lines, nextPrefix)
return s.Subs
// section collects all lines with the same prefix into a section. It assumes
// that lines is sorted. It returns the section along with the remaining lines.
func section(prefix string, lines []string, nextPrefix prefixFunc) (*Section, []string) {
s := newSection(prefix)
for len(lines) > 0 {
l := lines[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(l, prefix) {
np := nextPrefix(l, prefix)
var sub *Section
if np == "" {
sub = newSection(l)
lines = lines[1:]
} else {
sub, lines = section(np, lines, nextPrefix)
// Collapse a section with a single subsection, except at top level.
if len(s.Subs) == 1 && prefix != "" {
s = s.Subs[0]
return s, lines
// nextPrefixAccount is a prefixFunc (see above). Its first argument
// is an import path, and its second is the previous prefix that it returned
// for that path, or "" if this is the first prefix.
// nextPrefixAccount tries to return an initial prefix for path
// that consists of the "account": the entity controlling the
// remainder of the path. In the most common case, paths beginning
// with "", the account is the second path element, the GitHub user or org.
// So for example, the first prefix of "" is
// "".
// nextPrefixAccount returns a second prefix that is one path element past the
// account. For paths, this is the repo. Continuing the above example,
// the second prefix is "".
// nextPrefixAccount does not return any prefixes beyond those two.
func nextPrefixAccount(path, pre string) string {
// If the last prefix consisted of the entire path, then
// there is no next prefix.
if path == pre {
return ""
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
prefix1, acctParts := accountPrefix(parts)
if pre == "" {
return prefix1
if pre == prefix1 {
// Second prefix: one element past the first.
// The +1 is safe because we know that pre is shorter than path from
// the first test of the function.
prefix2 := strings.Join(parts[:len(acctParts)+1], "/")
if prefix2 != path {
prefix2 += "/"
return prefix2
// No more prefixes after the first two.
return ""
// accountPrefix guesses the prefix of the path (split into parts at "/")
// that corresponds to the account.
func accountPrefix(parts []string) (string, []string) {
// TODO(jba): handle repo import paths like "".
var n int // index of account in parts
// The first two cases below handle the special cases that the go command does.
// See "go help importpath".
switch parts[0] {
case "", "", "":
n = 1
case "":
n = 2
// For custom import paths, use the host as the first prefix.
n = 0
if n >= len(parts)-1 {
return strings.Join(parts, "/"), parts
return strings.Join(parts[:n+1], "/") + "/", parts[:n+1]

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
func TestNextPrefixAccount(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path, want1, want2 string
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
{"", "", ""},
} {
got1 := nextPrefixAccount(tc.path, "")
if got1 != tc.want1 {
t.Errorf(`nextPrefixAccount(%q, "") = %q, want %q`, tc.path, got1, tc.want1)
got2 := nextPrefixAccount(tc.path, got1)
if got2 != tc.want2 {
t.Errorf(`nextPrefixAccount(%q, %q) = %q, want %q`, tc.path, got1, got2, tc.want2)
if got2 == "" {
got3 := nextPrefixAccount(tc.path, got2)
if got3 != "" {
t.Errorf(`nextPrefixAccount(%q, %q) = %q, want ""`, tc.path, got2, got3)
func TestPrefixSections(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
lines []string
want []*Section
[]string{"", "", ""},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
[]string{"", "", ""},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
{"", nil, 0},
} {
got := Sections(tc.lines, nextPrefixAccount)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%v: mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", tc.lines, diff)

Просмотреть файл

@ -425,48 +425,46 @@ func (db *DB) GetImports(ctx context.Context, path, version string) (paths []str
return imports, nil
// The limit used in the GetImportedBy query.
const ImportedByLimit = 7001
// GetImportedBy fetches and returns all of the packages that import the
// package with path.
// The returned error may be checked with derrors.IsInvalidArgument to
// determine if it resulted from an invalid package path or version.
func (db *DB) GetImportedBy(ctx context.Context, path, modulePath string, limit, offset int) (paths []string, total int, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "GetImportedBy(ctx, %q, %q, %d, %d)", path, modulePath, limit, offset)
// Instead of supporting pagination, this query runs with a limit.
func (db *DB) GetImportedBy(ctx context.Context, path, modulePath string, limit int) (paths []string, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "GetImportedBy(ctx, %q, %q)", path, modulePath)
if path == "" {
return nil, 0, xerrors.Errorf("path cannot be empty: %w", derrors.InvalidArgument)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("path cannot be empty: %w", derrors.InvalidArgument)
query := `
COUNT(*) OVER() as total
DISTINCT ON (from_path) from_path
to_path = $1
from_module_path <> $2
) t
DISTINCT from_path
to_path = $1
from_module_path <> $2
var importedby []string
collect := func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var fromPath string
if err := rows.Scan(&fromPath, &total); err != nil {
if err := rows.Scan(&fromPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
importedby = append(importedby, fromPath)
return nil
if err := db.runQuery(ctx, query, collect, path, modulePath, limit, offset); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if err := db.runQuery(ctx, query, collect, path, modulePath, limit); err != nil {
return nil, err
return importedby, total, nil
return importedby, nil
// GetModuleLicenses returns all licenses associated with the given module path and

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@ -193,70 +193,36 @@ func TestPostgres_GetImportsAndImportedBy(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path, modulePath, version string
limit, offset int
wantImports []string
wantImportedBy []string
wantTotalImportedBy int
path: pkg3.Path,
modulePath: modulePath3,
version: "v1.3.0",
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
wantImports: pkg3.Imports,
wantImportedBy: nil,
wantTotalImportedBy: 0,
path: pkg3.Path,
modulePath: modulePath3,
version: "v1.3.0",
wantImports: pkg3.Imports,
wantImportedBy: nil,
path: pkg2.Path,
modulePath: modulePath2,
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
version: "v1.2.0",
wantImports: pkg2.Imports,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
wantTotalImportedBy: 1,
path: pkg2.Path,
modulePath: modulePath2,
version: "v1.2.0",
wantImports: pkg2.Imports,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath1,
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
version: "v1.1.0",
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg2.Path, pkg3.Path},
wantTotalImportedBy: 2,
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath1,
version: "v1.1.0",
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg2.Path, pkg3.Path},
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath1,
version: "v1.1.0",
limit: 1,
offset: 0,
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg2.Path},
wantTotalImportedBy: 2,
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath1,
version: "v1.1.0",
limit: 1,
offset: 1,
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
wantTotalImportedBy: 2,
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath2, // should cause pkg2 to be excluded.
version: "v1.1.0",
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
wantTotalImportedBy: 1,
path: pkg1.Path,
modulePath: modulePath2, // should cause pkg2 to be excluded.
version: "v1.1.0",
wantImports: nil,
wantImportedBy: []string{pkg3.Path},
} {
t.Run(tc.path, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -282,16 +248,12 @@ func TestPostgres_GetImportsAndImportedBy(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("testDB.GetImports(%q, %q) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.path, tc.version, diff)
gotImportedBy, total, err := testDB.GetImportedBy(ctx, tc.path, tc.modulePath, tc.limit, tc.offset)
gotImportedBy, err := testDB.GetImportedBy(ctx, tc.path, tc.modulePath, 100)
if err != nil {
if total != tc.wantTotalImportedBy {
t.Errorf("testDB.GetImportedBy(%q, %q, %d, %d): total = %d, want %d", tc.path, tc.modulePath, tc.limit, tc.offset, total, tc.wantTotalImportedBy)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.wantImportedBy, gotImportedBy); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("testDB.GetImportedBy(%q, %q, %d, %d) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.path, tc.modulePath, tc.limit, tc.offset, diff)
t.Errorf("testDB.GetImportedBy(%q, %q) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.path, tc.modulePath, diff)