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// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
var (
// errModuleDoesNotExist indicates that we have attempted to fetch the
// module, and the proxy returned a status 404/410. There is a row for
// this module version in version_map.
errModuleDoesNotExist = errors.New("module does not exist")
// errPathDoesNotExistInModule indicates that a module for the path prefix
// exists, but within that module version, this fullPath could not be found.
errPathDoesNotExistInModule = errors.New("path does not exist in module")
fetchTimeout = 30 * time.Second
pollEvery = 1 * time.Second
// keyFetchStatus is a census tag for frontend fetch status types.
keyFetchStatus = tag.MustNewKey("frontend-fetch.status")
// frontendFetchLatency holds observed latency in individual
// frontend fetch queries.
frontendFetchLatency = stats.Float64(
"Latency of a frontend fetch request.",
// FetchLatencyDistribution aggregates frontend fetch request
// latency by status code.
FetchLatencyDistribution = &view.View{
Name: "go-discovery/frontend-fetch/latency",
Measure: frontendFetchLatency,
Aggregation: ochttp.DefaultLatencyDistribution,
Description: "FrontendFetch latency, by result source query type.",
TagKeys: []tag.Key{keyFetchStatus},
// FetchResponseCount counts frontend fetch responses by response type.
FetchResponseCount = &view.View{
Name: "go-discovery/frontend-fetch/count",
Measure: frontendFetchLatency,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
Description: "Frontend fetch request count",
TagKeys: []tag.Key{keyFetchStatus},
// statusNotFoundInVersionMap indicates that a row does not exist in
// version_map for the module_path and requested_version.
statusNotFoundInVersionMap = 470
// serveFetch checks if a requested path and version exists in the database.
// If not, it will enqueuing potential module versions that could contain
// the requested path and version to a task queue, to be fetched by the worker.
// Meanwhile, the request will poll the database until a row is found, or a
// timeout occurs. A status and responseText will be returned based on the
// result of the request.
func (s *Server) serveFetch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ds internal.DataSource) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "serveFetch(%q)", r.URL.Path)
if _, ok := ds.(*postgres.DB); !ok {
// There's no reason for the proxydatasource to need this codepath.
return proxydatasourceNotSupportedErr()
ctx := r.Context()
if !isActiveFrontendFetch(ctx) || r.Method != http.MethodPost {
// If the experiment flag is not on, or the user makes a GET request,
// treat this as a request for the "fetch" package, which does not
// exist.
return &serverError{status: http.StatusNotFound}
// fetchHander accepts a requests following the same URL format as the
// detailsHandler.
urlInfo, err := extractURLPathInfo(strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/fetch"))
if err != nil {
return &serverError{status: http.StatusBadRequest}
if !isActivePathAtMaster(ctx) && urlInfo.requestedVersion == internal.MasterVersion {
return &serverError{status: http.StatusBadRequest}
if !isSupportedVersion(ctx, urlInfo.fullPath, urlInfo.requestedVersion) ||
// TODO(https://golang.org/issue/39973): add support for fetching the
// latest and master versions of the standard library.
(stdlib.Contains(urlInfo.fullPath) && urlInfo.requestedVersion == internal.LatestVersion) {
return &serverError{status: http.StatusBadRequest}
status, responseText := s.fetchAndPoll(r.Context(), ds, urlInfo.modulePath, urlInfo.fullPath, urlInfo.requestedVersion)
if status != http.StatusOK {
return &serverError{status: status, responseText: responseText}
return nil
type fetchResult struct {
modulePath string
goModPath string
status int
err error
func (s *Server) fetchAndPoll(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, modulePath, fullPath, requestedVersion string) (status int, responseText string) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
log.Infof(ctx, "fetchAndPoll(ctx, ds, q, %q, %q, %q): status=%d, responseText=%q",
modulePath, fullPath, requestedVersion, status, responseText)
recordFrontendFetchMetric(ctx, status, time.Since(start))
if !isSupportedVersion(ctx, fullPath, requestedVersion) ||
// TODO(https://golang.org/issue/39973): add support for fetching the
// latest and master versions of the standard library
(stdlib.Contains(fullPath) && requestedVersion == internal.LatestVersion) {
return http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest)
// Generate all possible module paths for the fullPath.
db := ds.(*postgres.DB)
modulePaths, err := modulePathsToFetch(ctx, db, fullPath, modulePath)
if err != nil {
var serr *serverError
if errors.As(err, &serr) {
return serr.status, http.StatusText(serr.status)
return http.StatusInternalServerError, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError)
results := s.checkPossibleModulePaths(ctx, db, fullPath, requestedVersion, modulePaths, true)
// If the context timed out or was canceled before all of the requests
// finished, return an error letting the user to check back later. The
// worker will still be processing the modules in the background.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return http.StatusRequestTimeout,
fmt.Sprintf("We're still working on “%s”. Come back in a few minutes!", displayPath(fullPath, requestedVersion))
return fetchRequestStatusAndResponseText(results, fullPath, requestedVersion)
// checkPossibleModulePaths checks all modulePaths at the requestedVersion, to see
// if the fullPath exists. For each module path, it first checks version_map to
// see if we already attempted to fetch the module. If not, and shouldQueue is
// true, it will enqueue the module to the frontend task queue to be fetched.
// checkPossibleModulePaths will then poll the database for each module path,
// until a result is returned or the request times out. If shouldQueue is false,
// it will return the fetchResult, regardless of what the status is.
func (s *Server) checkPossibleModulePaths(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB,
fullPath, requestedVersion string, modulePaths []string, shouldQueue bool) []*fetchResult {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, fetchTimeout)
defer cancel()
results := make([]*fetchResult, len(modulePaths))
for i, modulePath := range modulePaths {
i := i
modulePath := modulePath
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
start := time.Now()
// Before enqueuing the module version to be fetched, check if we
// have already attempted to fetch it in the past. If so, just
// return the result from that fetch process.
fr := checkForPath(ctx, db, fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion, s.taskIDChangeInterval)
if !shouldQueue || fr.status != statusNotFoundInVersionMap {
results[i] = fr
// A row for this modulePath and requestedVersion combination does not
// exist in version_map. Enqueue the module version to be fetched.
if err := s.queue.ScheduleFetch(ctx, modulePath, requestedVersion, "", s.taskIDChangeInterval); err != nil {
fr.err = err
fr.status = http.StatusInternalServerError
// After the fetch request is enqueued, poll the database until it has been
// inserted or the request times out.
fr = pollForPath(ctx, db, pollEvery, fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion, s.taskIDChangeInterval)
logf := log.Infof
if fr.status == http.StatusInternalServerError {
logf = log.Errorf
logf(ctx, "fetched %s@%s for %s: status=%d, err=%v; took %.3fs", modulePath, requestedVersion, fullPath, fr.status, fr.err, time.Since(start).Seconds())
results[i] = fr
return results
// fetchRequestStatusAndResponseText returns the HTTP status code and response
// text from the results of fetching possible module paths for fullPath at the
// requestedVersion. It is assumed the results are sorted in order of
// decreasing modulePath length, so the first result that is not a
// StatusNotFound is returned. If all of the results are 404, but a module
// path was found that shares the path prefix of fullPath, the responseText will
// contain that information. The status and responseText will be displayed to the
// user.
func fetchRequestStatusAndResponseText(results []*fetchResult, fullPath, requestedVersion string) (int, string) {
var moduleMatchingPathPrefix string
for _, fr := range results {
switch fr.status {
// Results are in order of longest module path first. Once an
// appropriate result is found, return. Otherwise, look at the next
// path.
case http.StatusOK:
return fr.status, ""
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
return fr.status, "Oops! Something went wrong."
case derrors.ToStatus(derrors.AlternativeModule):
// TODO(https://golang.org/issue/40306): Make the canonical module
// path a clickable link.
return http.StatusSeeOther,
fmt.Sprintf("“%s” is not a valid package or module. Were you looking for “%s”?",
displayPath(fullPath, requestedVersion), fr.goModPath)
// A module was found for a prefix of the path, but the path did not exist
// in that module. Note the longest possible modulePath in this case, and
// let the user know that it exists. For example, if the request was for
// github.com/hashicorp/vault/@master/api, github.com/hashicorp/vault/api
// does not exist at master, but it does in older versions of
// github.com/hashicorp/vault.
if errors.Is(fr.err, errPathDoesNotExistInModule) && moduleMatchingPathPrefix == "" {
moduleMatchingPathPrefix = fr.modulePath
if moduleMatchingPathPrefix != "" {
// TODO(https://golang.org/issue/40306): Make the link clickable.
return http.StatusNotFound,
fmt.Sprintf("Package “%s” could not be found, but you can view module “%s” at https://pkg.go.dev/mod/%s.",
displayPath(fullPath, requestedVersion),
displayPath(moduleMatchingPathPrefix, requestedVersion),
displayPath(moduleMatchingPathPrefix, requestedVersion),
p := fullPath
if requestedVersion != internal.LatestVersion {
p = fullPath + "@" + requestedVersion
return http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("%q could not be found.", p)
func displayPath(path, version string) string {
if version == internal.LatestVersion {
return path
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", path, version)
// pollForPath polls the database until a row for fullPath is found.
func pollForPath(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB, pollEvery time.Duration,
fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion string, taskIDChangeInterval time.Duration) *fetchResult {
fr := &fetchResult{modulePath: modulePath}
defer derrors.Wrap(&fr.err, "pollForRedirectURL(%q, %q, %q)", modulePath, fullPath, requestedVersion)
ticker := time.NewTicker(pollEvery)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// The request timed out before the fetch process completed.
fr.status = http.StatusRequestTimeout
fr.err = ctx.Err()
return fr
case <-ticker.C:
ctx2, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, pollEvery)
defer cancel()
fr = checkForPath(ctx2, db, fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion, taskIDChangeInterval)
if fr.status != statusNotFoundInVersionMap {
return fr
// checkForPath checks for the existence of fullPath, modulePath, and
// requestedVersion in the database. If the modulePath does not exist in
// version_map, it returns errModuleNotInVersionMap, signaling that the fetch
// process that was initiated is not yet complete. If the row exists version_map
// but not paths, it means that a module was found at the requestedVersion, but
// not the fullPath, so errPathDoesNotExistInModule is returned.
func checkForPath(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB,
fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion string, taskIDChangeInterval time.Duration) (fr *fetchResult) {
defer func() {
// Based on
// https://github.com/lib/pq/issues/577#issuecomment-298341053, it seems
// that ctx.Err() will return nil because this error is coming from
// postgres. This is also how github.com/lib/pq currently handles the
// error in their tests:
// https://github.com/lib/pq/blob/e53edc9b26000fec4c4e357122d56b0f66ace6ea/go18_test.go#L89
if ctx.Err() != nil || (fr.err != nil && strings.Contains(fr.err.Error(), "pq: canceling statement due to user request")) {
fr.err = fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", fr.err, context.DeadlineExceeded)
fr.status = http.StatusRequestTimeout
derrors.Wrap(&fr.err, "checkForPath(%q, %q, %q)", fullPath, modulePath, requestedVersion)
// Check the version_map table to see if a row exists for modulePath and
// requestedVersion.
vm, err := db.GetVersionMap(ctx, modulePath, requestedVersion)
if err != nil {
// If an error is returned, there are two possibilities:
// (1) A row for this modulePath and version does not exist.
// This means that the fetch request is not done yet, so return
// statusNotFoundInVersionMap so the fetchHandler will call checkForPath
// again in a few seconds.
// (2) Something went wrong, so return that error.
fr = &fetchResult{
modulePath: modulePath,
status: derrors.ToStatus(err),
err: err,
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
fr.status = statusNotFoundInVersionMap
return fr
// We successfully retrieved a row in version_map for the modulePath and
// requestedVersion. Look at the status of that row to determine whether
// an error should be returned.
fr = &fetchResult{
modulePath: modulePath,
status: vm.Status,
goModPath: vm.GoModPath,
switch fr.status {
case http.StatusNotFound,
if time.Since(vm.UpdatedAt) > taskIDChangeInterval {
// If the duration of taskIDChangeInterval has passed since
// a module_path was last inserted into version_map with a failed status,
// treat that data as expired.
// It is possible that the module has appeared in the Go Module
// Mirror during that time, the failure was transient, or the
// error has been fixed but the module version has not yet been
// reprocessed.
// Return statusNotFoundInVersionMap here, so that the fetch
// request will try to fetch this module version again.
// Since the taskIDChangeInterval has passed, it is now possible to
// enqueue that module version to the frontend task queue again.
fr.status = statusNotFoundInVersionMap
return fr
// The version_map indicates that the proxy returned a 404/410.
fr.err = errModuleDoesNotExist
return fr
case derrors.ToStatus(derrors.AlternativeModule):
// The row indicates that the provided module path did not match the
// module path returned by a request to
// /<modulePath>/@v/<requestedPath>.mod.
fr.err = derrors.AlternativeModule
return fr
// The module was marked for reprocessing by the worker.
// Return statusNotFoundInVersionMap here, so that the tasks gets enqueued
// to frontend tasks, and we don't return a result to the user until
// that is complete.
if fr.status >= derrors.ToStatus(derrors.ReprocessStatusOK) {
fr.status = statusNotFoundInVersionMap
// All remaining non-200 statuses will be in the 40x range.
// In that case, just return a not found error.
if fr.status > 400 {
fr.status = http.StatusNotFound
fr.err = errModuleDoesNotExist
// The row in version_map indicated that the module version exists (status
// was 200 or 290). Now check the paths table to see if the fullPath exists.
// vm.status for the module version was either a 200 or 290. Now determine if
// the fullPath exists in that module.
if _, _, _, err := db.GetPathInfo(ctx, fullPath, modulePath, vm.ResolvedVersion); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
// The module version exists, but the fullPath does not exist in
// that module version.
fr.err = errPathDoesNotExistInModule
fr.status = http.StatusNotFound
return fr
// Something went wrong when we made the DB request to ds.GetPathInfo.
fr.status = http.StatusInternalServerError
fr.err = err
return fr
// Success! The fullPath exists in the requested module version.
fr.status = http.StatusOK
return fr
// modulePathsToFetch returns the slice of module paths that we should check
// for the path. If modulePath is known, only check that modulePath. If a row
// for the fullPath already exists, check that modulePath. Otherwise, check all
// possible module paths based on the elements for the fullPath.
// Resulting paths are returned in reverse length order.
func modulePathsToFetch(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, fullPath, modulePath string) (_ []string, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "modulePathsToFetch(ctx, ds, %q, %q)", fullPath, modulePath)
if modulePath != internal.UnknownModulePath {
return []string{modulePath}, nil
modulePath, _, _, err = ds.GetPathInfo(ctx, fullPath, modulePath, internal.LatestVersion)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
return nil, &serverError{
status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
err: err,
if err == nil {
return []string{modulePath}, nil
return candidateModulePaths(fullPath)
var vcsHostsWithThreeElementRepoName = map[string]bool{
"bitbucket.org": true,
"gitea.com": true,
"gitee.com": true,
"github.com": true,
"gitlab.com": true,
"golang.org": true,
// maxPathsToFetch is the number of modulePaths that are fetched from a single
// fetch request. The longest module path we've seen in our database had 7 path
// elements. maxPathsToFetch is set to 10 as a buffer.
var maxPathsToFetch = 10
// candidateModulePaths returns the potential module paths that could contain
// the fullPath. The paths are returned in reverse length order.
func candidateModulePaths(fullPath string) (_ []string, err error) {
var (
path string
modulePaths []string
parts := strings.Split(fullPath, "/")
if _, ok := vcsHostsWithThreeElementRepoName[parts[0]]; ok {
if len(parts) < 3 {
return nil, &serverError{
status: http.StatusBadRequest,
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid path: %q", fullPath),
path = strings.Join(parts[0:2], "/") + "/"
parts = parts[2:]
for _, part := range parts {
if len(modulePaths) == maxPathsToFetch {
return modulePaths, nil
path += part
if err := module.CheckImportPath(path); err != nil {
modulePaths = append([]string{path}, modulePaths...)
path += "/"
if len(modulePaths) == 0 {
return nil, &serverError{
status: http.StatusBadRequest,
err: fmt.Errorf("invalid path: %q", fullPath),
return modulePaths, nil
// FetchAndUpdateState is used by the InMemory queue for testing in
// internal/frontend and running cmd/frontend locally. It is a copy of
// worker.FetchAndUpdateState that does not update module_version_states, so that
// we don't have to import internal/worker here. It is not meant to be used
// when running on AppEngine.
func FetchAndUpdateState(ctx context.Context, modulePath, requestedVersion string, proxyClient *proxy.Client, sourceClient *source.Client, db *postgres.DB) (_ int, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Infof(ctx, "FetchAndUpdateState(%q, %q) completed with err: %v. ", modulePath, requestedVersion, err)
} else {
log.Infof(ctx, "FetchAndUpdateState(%q, %q) succeeded", modulePath, requestedVersion)
derrors.Wrap(&err, "FetchAndUpdateState(%q, %q)", modulePath, requestedVersion)
fr := fetch.FetchModule(ctx, modulePath, requestedVersion, proxyClient, sourceClient)
if fr.Error == nil {
// Only attempt to insert the module into module_version_states if the
// fetch process was successful.
if err := db.InsertModule(ctx, fr.Module); err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
log.Infof(ctx, "FetchAndUpdateState(%q, %q): db.InsertModule succeeded", modulePath, requestedVersion)
var errMsg string
if fr.Error != nil {
errMsg = fr.Error.Error()
vm := &internal.VersionMap{
ModulePath: fr.ModulePath,
RequestedVersion: fr.RequestedVersion,
ResolvedVersion: fr.ResolvedVersion,
GoModPath: fr.GoModPath,
Status: fr.Status,
Error: errMsg,
if err := db.UpsertVersionMap(ctx, vm); err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
if fr.Error != nil {
return fr.Status, fr.Error
return http.StatusOK, nil
func isActiveFrontendFetch(ctx context.Context) bool {
return experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentFrontendFetch) &&
experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentUsePathInfo)
func recordFrontendFetchMetric(ctx context.Context, status int, latency time.Duration) {
l := float64(latency) / float64(time.Millisecond)
stats.RecordWithTags(ctx, []tag.Mutator{
tag.Upsert(keyFetchStatus, strconv.Itoa(status)),
}, frontendFetchLatency.M(l))