import '@polymer/iron-icon'; import {LitElement, css, html} from 'lit'; import {customElement, property, state} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import {SHARED_STYLES} from '../css/shared-css.js'; import {Channels, Feature} from '../js-src/cs-client.js'; import {TemplateContent} from './chromedash-roadmap-milestone-card.js'; import {showToastMessage} from './utils.js'; interface MilestoneDetails { branch_point: string; earliest_beta: string; earliest_beta_chromeos: string; earliest_beta_ios: string; feature_freeze: string; final_beta: string; final_beta_cut: string; late_stable_date: string; latest_beta: string; ldaps: Record; ltc_date: string; ltr_date: string; ltr_last_refresh_date: string; mstone: number; owners: Record; stable_cut: string; stable_cut_ios: string; stable_date: string; stable_refresh_first: string; stable_refresh_second: string; stable_refresh_third: string; version: number; features: Feature[]; } interface MilestoneInfo { [milestone: number]: MilestoneDetails; } const TEMPLATE_CONTENT: Record = { stable_minus_one: { channelLabel: 'Released', h1Class: '', dateText: 'was', featureHeader: 'Features in this release', }, stable: { channelLabel: 'Stable', h1Class: '', dateText: 'was', featureHeader: 'Features in this release', }, stable_soon: { channelLabel: 'Stable soon', h1Class: '', dateText: 'was', featureHeader: 'Features planned in this release', }, beta: { channelLabel: 'Next up', h1Class: 'chrome_version--beta', channelTag: 'BETA', dateText: 'between', featureHeader: 'Features planned in this release', }, dev: { channelLabel: 'Dev', h1Class: 'chrome_version--dev', channelTag: 'DEV', dateText: 'coming', featureHeader: 'Features planned in this release', }, dev_plus_one: { channelLabel: 'Later', h1Class: 'chrome_version--dev_plus_one', dateText: 'coming', featureHeader: 'Features planned in this release', }, }; const DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPES = ['stable', 'beta', 'dev']; const GAPPED_CHANNEL_TYPES = ['stable', 'stable_soon', 'beta', 'dev']; const SHOW_DATES = true; const compareFeatures = (a, b) =>, 'fr', {ignorePunctuation: true}); // comparator for sorting milestone features @customElement('chromedash-roadmap') export class ChromedashRoadmap extends LitElement { static get styles() { return [ ...SHARED_STYLES, css` :host { display: inline-flex; padding: 0 0em var(--content-padding-huge); margin-right: var(--content-padding-negative); position: relative; } `, ]; } @property({type: Boolean}) signedIn; @property({type: Number, attribute: false}) numColumns = 0; @property({type: Number, attribute: false}) cardWidth = 0; @state() channels: Channels = {}; @state() starredFeatures = new Set(); /** * The timestamp of the last fetched future milestone. */ @state() lastFutureFetchedOn!: number; /** * The timestamp of the last fetched past milestone. */ @state() lastPastFetchedOn!: number; /** * The milestone number currently visible on the screen to the user. */ @state() lastMilestoneVisible!: number; /** * Array to store the milestone numbers fetched after the dev channel. */ @state() futureMilestoneArray: number[] = []; /** * Array to store the milestone numbers fetched before the stable channel. */ @state() pastMilestoneArray: number[] = []; /** * Object to store milestone details (features, version, etc.) fetched after the dev channel. */ @state() milestoneInfo!: MilestoneInfo; /** * The feature to highlight. */ @state() highlightFeature: number | undefined = undefined; /** * The left margin value. */ @state() cardOffset = 0; @state() shownChannelNames: string[] = []; connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); Promise.all([window.csClient.getChannels(), window.csClient.getStars()]) .then(([channels, starredFeatures]) => { this.fetchFirstBatch(channels); this.starredFeatures = new Set(starredFeatures); }) .catch(() => { showToastMessage( 'Some errors occurred. Please refresh the page or try again later.' ); }); } fetchFirstBatch(channels) { this.shownChannelNames = channels['stable_soon'] ? GAPPED_CHANNEL_TYPES : DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPES; const promises = => window.csClient.getFeaturesInMilestone(channels[channelType].version) ); Promise.all(promises).then(allRes => {, idx) => { Object.keys(res).forEach(status => { res[status].sort(compareFeatures); }); channels[this.shownChannelNames[idx]].features = res; }); this.channels = channels; this.fetchNextBatch(channels['beta'].version, true); this.fetchPreviousBatch(channels['stable'].version); this.lastMilestoneVisible = channels[this.shownChannelNames[this.numColumns - 1]].version; }); } fetchNextBatch(nextVersion, firstTime = false) { const fetchInAdvance = 3; // number of milestones to fetch while fetching for the first time const fetchStart = firstTime ? nextVersion + 2 : nextVersion + fetchInAdvance + 1; const fetchEnd = nextVersion + fetchInAdvance + 1; const versions = [...Array(fetchEnd - fetchStart + 1).keys()].map( x => x + fetchStart ); // Promises to get the info and features of specified milestone versions const milestonePromise = window.csClient.getSpecifiedChannels( fetchStart, fetchEnd ); const featurePromises = => window.csClient.getFeaturesInMilestone(ver) ); this.futureMilestoneArray = [...this.futureMilestoneArray, ...versions]; this.lastFutureFetchedOn = nextVersion; // Fetch milestones object first milestonePromise .then(newMilestonesInfo => { // Then fetch features for each milestone Promise.all(featurePromises).then(allRes => {, idx) => { Object.keys(res).forEach(status => { res[status].sort(compareFeatures); }); // attach each milestone's feature response to the milestone object const version = versions[idx]; newMilestonesInfo[version].features = res; newMilestonesInfo[version].version = version; // update the properties to render the latest milestone cards this.milestoneInfo = Object.assign( {}, this.milestoneInfo, newMilestonesInfo ); }); }); }) .catch(() => { showToastMessage( 'Some errors occurred. Please refresh the page or try again later.' ); }); } fetchPreviousBatch(version) { const versionToFetch = version - 1; // Chrome 1 is the first release. Hence, do not fetch if already fetched Chrome 1. if (versionToFetch < 2) return; // Promises to get the info and features of specified milestone versions const milestonePromise = window.csClient.getSpecifiedChannels( versionToFetch, versionToFetch ); const featurePromise = window.csClient.getFeaturesInMilestone(versionToFetch); // add the newly fetched milestone to the starting of the list and shift the element horizontally const margin = 16; this.cardOffset -= 1; = this.cardOffset * (this.cardWidth + margin) + 'px'; this.pastMilestoneArray = [versionToFetch, ...this.pastMilestoneArray]; this.lastPastFetchedOn = version; Promise.all([milestonePromise, featurePromise]) .then(([newMilestonesInfo, features]) => { // sort the feature lists Object.keys(features).forEach(status => { features[status].sort(compareFeatures); }); // attach the milestone's feature response to the milestone object newMilestonesInfo[versionToFetch].features = features; newMilestonesInfo[versionToFetch].version = versionToFetch; // update the properties to render the newly fetched milestones this.milestoneInfo = Object.assign( {}, this.milestoneInfo, newMilestonesInfo ); }) .catch(() => { showToastMessage( 'Some errors occurred. Please refresh the page or try again later.' ); }); } // Handles the Star-Toggle event fired by any one of the child components handleStarToggle(e) { const newStarredFeatures = new Set(this.starredFeatures); window.csClient .setStar(e.detail.feature, e.detail.doStar) .then(() => { if (e.detail.doStar) { newStarredFeatures.add(e.detail.feature); } else { newStarredFeatures.delete(e.detail.feature); } this.starredFeatures = newStarredFeatures; }) .catch(() => { showToastMessage('Unable to star the Feature. Please Try Again.'); }); } handleHighlightEvent(e) { this.highlightFeature = e.detail.feature; } render() { return html` ${ milestone => html` ` )} ${ type => html` ` )} ${ milestone => html` ` )} `; } }