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"Ergonomics risks", "wpt": false, "wpt_descr": null, "webview_risks": "It's just bound to be risky, but we don't know why.", "devrel_emails": [ "devrel_1@example.com", "devrel_2@example.com" ], "debuggability": "Debuggability.", "doc_links": [ "https://example.com/doc1", "https://example.com/doc2" ], "sample_links": [ "https://example.com/sample" ], "experiment_timeline": null }, { "id": 3000, "created": "2022-02-01", "updated": "2022-03-10", "accurate_as_of": "2022-02-01", "creator_email": "owner_3@example.com", "updater_email": "owner_2@example.com", "owner_emails": [ "owner_2@example.com", "owner_3@example.com" ], "editor_emails": [], "cc_emails": [ "user_2@example.com" ], "unlisted": false, "deleted": false, "name": "Basic Code Changes", "summary": "We're just fixing some mistakes.", "category": 3, "blink_components": [ "Blink>Editing>Content" ], "star_count": 0, "search_tags": [ "basic", "small" ], "feature_notes": "It's not that notable.", "feature_type": 2, "intent_stage": 4, 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Probably...", "measurement": "...", "initial_public_proposal_url": "https://example.com/public_proposal", "explainer_links": [ "https://example.com/basic_feature_1", "https://example.com/basic_feature_2" ], "requires_embedder_support": true, "standard_maturity": 4, "spec_link": "https://example.com/spec_link", "api_spec": false, "spec_mentor_emails": [ "mentor_3@example.com", "mentor_4@example.com" ], "interop_compat_risks": "We only tested this change locally.", "prefixed": false, "all_platforms": true, "all_platforms_descr": "All the platforms", "tag_review": "A tag review.", "tag_review_status": 3, "non-oss-deps": "Example text.", "anticipated_spec_changes": "It should basically be the same.", "ff_views": 3, "safari_views": 3, "web_dev_views": 3, "ff_views_link": "https://example.com/ff_views_link", "safari_views_link": "https://example.com/safari_views_link", "web_dev_views_link": "https://example.com/web_dev_views_link", "ff_views_notes": "Firefox notes.", "safari_views_notes": "Safari notes.", "web_dev_views_notes": "Web Dev notes.", "other_views_notes": "Other views notes.", "security_risks": "It hasn't been updated in centuries.", "security_review_status": 3, "privacy_review_status": 4, "ergonomics_risks": "Ergonomics risks", "wpt": true, "wpt_descr": "We have wpt :^)", "webview_risks": "There is a small chance that it will break everything.", "devrel_emails": [ "devrel_1@example.com" ], "debuggability": "Debuggability.", "doc_links": [ "https://example.com/doc1", "https://example.com/doc2" ], "sample_links": [ "https://example.com/sample" ], "experiment_timeline": null }, { "id": 4000, "created": "2021-03-07", "updated": "2022-04-10", "creator_email": "owner_4@example.com", "updater_email": "owner_4@example.com", "owner_emails": [ "owner_4@example.com" ], "editor_emails": [ "editor_2@example.com" ], "cc_emails": [ "user_2@example.com" ], "unlisted": false, "deleted": false, "name": "A Deprecated Feature", "summary": "This one was pretty bad. We're getting rid of it.", "category": 3, "blink_components": [ "Blink>Editing>Paste" ], "star_count": 0, "search_tags": [ "dead", "removed" ], "feature_notes": "It's not that notable.", "feature_type": 3, "intent_stage": 6, "bug_url": "https://example.com/bug_url", "launch_bug_url": "https://example.com/launch_bug_url", "impl_status_chrome": 7, "flag_name": "RemovedFeatureFlag", "ongoing_constraints": "None.", "motivation": "We want to finally fix our mistakes.", "devtrial_instructions": "https://example.com/instructions", "activation_risks": "It's probably safe. 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