# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from flask import Flask import logging from api import accounts_api from api import approvals_api from api import channels_api from api import comments_api from api import cues_api from api import features_api from api import fielddefs_api from api import login_api from api import logout_api from api import metricsdata from api import processes_api from api import stars_api from api import token_refresh_api from framework import basehandlers from framework import csp from framework import sendemail from internals import detect_intent from internals import fetchmetrics from internals import notifier from pages import blink_handler from pages import featuredetail from pages import featurelist from pages import newfeaturelist from pages import guide from pages import intentpreview from pages import metrics from pages import myfeatures from pages import roadmap from pages import users import settings # Sets up Cloud Logging client library. if not settings.UNIT_TEST_MODE and not settings.DEV_MODE: import google.cloud.logging client = google.cloud.logging.Client() client.get_default_handler() client.setup_logging() # Sets up Cloud Debugger client library. if not settings.UNIT_TEST_MODE and not settings.DEV_MODE: try: import googleclouddebugger googleclouddebugger.enable(breakpoint_enable_canary=False) except ImportError: pass # Note: In the URLs below, parameters like are # required for the URL to match the route, but we still accecpt # those parameters as keywords in those handlers where the same # handler might be used for multiple routes that have the field # or not. metrics_chart_routes = [ ('/data/timeline/cssanimated', metricsdata.AnimatedTimelineHandler), ('/data/timeline/csspopularity', metricsdata.PopularityTimelineHandler), ('/data/timeline/featurepopularity', metricsdata.FeatureObserverTimelineHandler), ('/data/csspopularity', metricsdata.CSSPopularityHandler), ('/data/cssanimated', metricsdata.CSSAnimatedHandler), ('/data/featurepopularity', metricsdata.FeatureObserverPopularityHandler), ('/data/blink/', metricsdata.FeatureBucketsHandler), ] # TODO(jrobbins): Advance this to v1 once we have it fleshed out API_BASE = '/api/v0' api_routes = [ (API_BASE + '/features', features_api.FeaturesAPI), (API_BASE + '/features/', features_api.FeaturesAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//approvals', approvals_api.ApprovalsAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//approvals/', approvals_api.ApprovalsAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//configs', approvals_api.ApprovalConfigsAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//approvals/comments', comments_api.CommentsAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//approvals//comments', comments_api.CommentsAPI), (API_BASE + '/features//process', processes_api.ProcessesAPI), (API_BASE + '/fielddefs', fielddefs_api.FieldDefsAPI), (API_BASE + '/login', login_api.LoginAPI), (API_BASE + '/logout', logout_api.LogoutAPI), (API_BASE + '/currentuser/stars', stars_api.StarsAPI), (API_BASE + '/currentuser/cues', cues_api.CuesAPI), (API_BASE + '/currentuser/token', token_refresh_api.TokenRefreshAPI), # (API_BASE + '/currentuser/autosaves', TODO), # (API_BASE + '/currentuser/settings', TODO), # Admin operations for user accounts (API_BASE + '/accounts', accounts_api.AccountsAPI), (API_BASE + '/accounts/', accounts_api.AccountsAPI), (API_BASE + '/channels', channels_api.ChannelsAPI), # omaha data # (API_BASE + '/schedule', TODO), # chromiumdash data # (API_BASE + '/metrics/', TODO), # uma-export data # (API_BASE + '/metrics//', TODO), ] page_routes = [ ('/admin/subscribers', blink_handler.SubscribersHandler), ('/admin/blink', blink_handler.BlinkHandler), ('/feature/', featuredetail.FeatureDetailHandler), # Note: The only requests being made now hit /features.json and # /features_v2.json, but both of those cause version == 2. # There was logic to accept another version value, but it it was not used. (r'/features.json', featurelist.FeaturesJsonHandler), (r'/features_v2.json', featurelist.FeaturesJsonHandler), ('/', basehandlers.Redirector, {'location': '/features'}), ('/newfeatures', newfeaturelist.NewFeatureListHandler), ('/features', featurelist.FeatureListHandler), ('/features/', featurelist.FeatureListHandler), ('/features.xml', featurelist.FeatureListXMLHandler), ('/guide/new', guide.FeatureNew), ('/guide/edit/', guide.ProcessOverview), ('/guide/stage//', guide.FeatureEditStage), ('/guide/editall/', guide.FeatureEditAllFields), ('/admin/features/launch/', intentpreview.IntentEmailPreviewHandler), ('/admin/features/launch//', intentpreview.IntentEmailPreviewHandler), ('/metrics', basehandlers.Redirector, {'location': '/metrics/css/popularity'}), ('/metrics/css', basehandlers.Redirector, {'location': '/metrics/css/popularity'}), # TODO(jrobbins): These seem like they belong in metrics.py. ('/metrics/css/popularity', basehandlers.ConstHandler, {'template_path': 'metrics/css/popularity.html'}), ('/metrics/css/animated', basehandlers.ConstHandler, {'template_path': 'metrics/css/animated.html'}), ('/metrics/css/timeline/popularity', metrics.CssPopularityHandler), ('/metrics/css/timeline/popularity/', metrics.CssPopularityHandler), ('/metrics/css/timeline/animated', metrics.CssAnimatedHandler), ('/metrics/css/timeline/animated/', metrics.CssAnimatedHandler), ('/metrics/feature/popularity', basehandlers.ConstHandler, {'template_path': 'metrics/feature/popularity.html'}), ('/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity', metrics.FeaturePopularityHandler), ('/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/', metrics.FeaturePopularityHandler), ('/omaha_data', metrics.OmahaDataHandler), ('/myfeatures', myfeatures.MyFeaturesHandler), ('/roadmap', roadmap.RoadmapHandler), ('/settings', users.SettingsHandler), ('/admin/users/new', users.UserListHandler), ] internals_routes = [ ('/cron/metrics', fetchmetrics.YesterdayHandler), ('/cron/histograms', fetchmetrics.HistogramsHandler), ('/cron/update_blink_components', fetchmetrics.BlinkComponentHandler), ('/tasks/email-subscribers', notifier.FeatureChangeHandler), ('/tasks/detect-intent', detect_intent.IntentEmailHandler), ] # All requests to the app-py3 GAE service are handled by this Flask app. app = basehandlers.FlaskApplication( __name__, (metrics_chart_routes + api_routes + page_routes + internals_routes)) # TODO(jrobbins): Make the CSP handler be a class like our others. app.add_url_rule( '/csp', view_func=csp.report_handler, methods=['POST']) sendemail.add_routes(app) if __name__ == '__main__': # This is used when running locally only. When deploying to Google App # Engine, a webserver process such as Gunicorn will serve the app. This # can be configured by adding an `entrypoint` to app.yaml. app.run(host='', port=8080)