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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
from typing import Any, Tuple
from chromestatus_openapi.models import (GetVotesResponse, GetGateResponse, PostGateRequest, SuccessMessage)
from import ndb
from import Future # for type checking only
from api import converters
from framework import basehandlers, permissions
from framework.users import User
from internals import approval_defs, notifier_helpers
from internals.core_enums import *
from internals.core_models import FeatureEntry, Stage
from internals.review_models import Gate, Vote, Amendment, Activity
def get_user_feature_and_gate(handler, kwargs) -> Tuple[
User, FeatureEntry, Gate, int, int]:
"""Get common parameters from the request."""
feature_id: int = kwargs['feature_id']
gate_id: int = kwargs['gate_id']
fe: FeatureEntry = handler.get_specified_feature(feature_id=feature_id)
user: User = handler.get_current_user(required=True)
gate: Gate = Gate.get_by_id(gate_id)
if not gate:
handler.abort(404, msg='Gate not found')
if gate.feature_id != feature_id:
handler.abort(400, msg='Mismatched feature and gate')
return user, fe, gate, feature_id, gate_id
class VotesAPI(basehandlers.APIHandler):
"""Users may see the set of votes on a feature, and add their own,
if allowed."""
def do_get(self, **kwargs) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Return a list of all vote values for a given feature."""
feature_id = kwargs['feature_id']
gate_id = kwargs.get('gate_id', None)
# Note: We assume that anyone may view approvals.
votes = Vote.get_votes(feature_id=feature_id, gate_id=gate_id)
dicts = [converters.vote_value_to_json_dict(v) for v in votes]
return GetVotesResponse.from_dict({'votes': dicts}).to_dict()
def do_post(self, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Set a user's vote value for the specified feature and gate."""
user, fe, gate, feature_id, gate_id = get_user_feature_and_gate(
self, kwargs)
new_state = self.get_int_param('state', validator=Vote.is_valid_state)
old_votes = Vote.get_votes(
feature_id=feature_id, gate_id=gate_id,
old_state = old_votes[0].state if old_votes else Vote.NO_RESPONSE
self.require_permissions(user, fe, gate, new_state)
# Note: We no longer write Approval entities.
old_gate_state = gate.state
new_gate_state = approval_defs.set_vote(feature_id, None, new_state,, gate_id)
recently_approved = (old_gate_state not in (Vote.APPROVED, Vote.NA) and
new_gate_state in (Vote.APPROVED, Vote.NA))
# Notify that trial extension has been approved.
if gate.gate_type == GATE_API_EXTEND_ORIGIN_TRIAL and recently_approved:
stage = Stage.get_by_id(gate.stage_id)
fe, stage, gate_id)
if new_state in (Vote.REVIEW_REQUESTED, Vote.NA_REQUESTED):
old_assignees = gate.assignee_emails[:]
new_assignees = gate.assignee_emails[:]
if old_assignees != new_assignees:
amendment = Amendment(
old_value=', '.join(old_assignees),
new_value=', '.join(new_assignees))
activity = Activity(
feature_id=fe.key.integer_id(), gate_id=gate_id,, amendments=[amendment])
# Note: We don't notify assignee about autoassignment, because they
# will get a notification of review state change anyway.
fe, gate, new_state,
fe, gate,, new_state, old_state)
# Callers don't use the JSON response for this API call.
return SuccessMessage(message='Done').to_dict()
def require_permissions(self, user, feature, gate, new_state):
"""Abort the request if the user lacks permission to set this vote."""
is_requesting_review = new_state in (Vote.REVIEW_REQUESTED, Vote.NA_REQUESTED)
is_editor = permissions.can_edit_feature(user, feature.key.integer_id())
approvers = approval_defs.get_approvers(gate.gate_type)
is_approver = permissions.can_review_gate(user, feature, gate, approvers)
if is_requesting_review and is_editor:
if is_approver:
if is_requesting_review:
self.abort(403, msg='User may not request a review')
self.abort(403, msg='User is not an approver')
class GatesAPI(basehandlers.APIHandler):
"""Get gates for a feature."""
def do_get(self, **kwargs) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a list of all gates associated with the given feature."""
feature_id = kwargs.get('feature_id', None)
gates: list[Gate] = Gate.query(Gate.feature_id == feature_id).fetch()
# No gates associated with this feature.
if len(gates) == 0:
return {
'gates': [],
dicts = [converters.gate_value_to_json_dict(g) for g in gates]
for g in dicts:
approvers = approval_defs.get_approvers(g['gate_type'])
g['possible_assignee_emails'] = approvers
return GetGateResponse.from_dict({
'gates': dicts,
def do_post(self, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Set the assignees for a gate."""
user, fe, gate, feature_id, gate_id = get_user_feature_and_gate(
self, kwargs)
request = PostGateRequest.from_dict(self.request.json)
assignees = request.assignees
self.require_permissions(user, fe, gate)
self.validate_assignees(assignees, fe, gate)
old_assignees = gate.assignee_emails
gate.assignee_emails = assignees
fe, gate,, old_assignees, assignees)
# Callers don't use the JSON response for this API call.
return SuccessMessage(message='Done').to_dict()
def require_permissions(self, user, feature, gate):
"""Abort the request if the user lacks permission to set assignees."""
is_editor = permissions.can_edit_feature(user, feature.key.integer_id())
approvers = approval_defs.get_approvers(gate.gate_type)
is_approver = permissions.can_review_gate(user, feature, gate, approvers)
if not is_editor and not is_approver:
self.abort(403, msg='User lacks permission to assign reviews')
def validate_assignees(self, assignees, fe, gate):
"""Each assignee must have permission to review."""
approvers = approval_defs.get_approvers(gate.gate_type)
for email in assignees:
reviewer = User(email=email)
is_approver = permissions.can_review_gate(reviewer, fe, gate, approvers)
if not is_approver:
self.abort(400, 'Assignee is not a reviewer')
class PendingGatesAPI(basehandlers.APIHandler):
def get_stage_ids_of_gates_pending_my_approval(self) -> list[int] | Future:
"""Return a list of stage_id needing approval by current user."""
user = self.get_current_user()
if not user:
return []
approvable_gate_types = approval_defs.fields_approvable_by(user)
if not approvable_gate_types:'User has no approvable_gate_types')
return []
query = Gate.query(
future_stage_ids = query.fetch_async(projection=['stage_id'])
return future_stage_ids
def do_get(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of gates on features that have some active gates."""
# 1. Get the feature IDs of any active gates. Also, prefetch approvers.
future_projections = self.get_stage_ids_of_gates_pending_my_approval()
prefetched_approvers = {
gate_type: approval_defs.get_approvers(gate_type)
for gate_type in approval_defs.APPROVAL_FIELDS_BY_ID}
if type(future_projections) == list:
stage_ids = set(future_projections)
projections = future_projections.get_result()
stage_ids = set(proj.stage_id for proj in projections)
if not stage_ids:
return GetGateResponse.from_dict({'gates': []}).to_dict()
# 2. Fetch all the gates on those stages.
gates: list[Gate] = Gate.query(Gate.stage_id.IN(stage_ids)).fetch()
# 3. Convert to dicts and add possible assignees.
dicts = [converters.gate_value_to_json_dict(g) for g in gates]
for g in dicts:
g['possible_assignee_emails'] = prefetched_approvers.get(g['gate_type'], [])
return GetGateResponse.from_dict({'gates': dicts}).to_dict()
class XfnGatesAPI(basehandlers.APIHandler):
def do_get(self, **kwargs):
"""Reject unneeded GET requests without triggering Error Reporting."""
self.abort(405, valid_methods=['POST'])
def do_post(self, **kwargs) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Add a full set of cross-functional gates to a stage."""
feature_id: int = kwargs['feature_id']
fe: FeatureEntry | None = self.get_specified_feature(feature_id=feature_id)
if fe is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Feature {feature_id} not found')
stage_id: int = kwargs['stage_id']
stage: Stage | None = Stage.get_by_id(stage_id)
if stage is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Stage {stage_id} not found')
user: User = self.get_current_user(required=True)
is_editor = fe and permissions.can_edit_feature(user, fe.key.integer_id())
is_approver = approval_defs.fields_approvable_by(user)
if not is_editor and not is_approver:
self.abort(403, msg='User lacks permission to create gates')
count = self.create_xfn_gates(feature_id, stage_id)
return SuccessMessage(message=f'Created {count} gates').to_dict()
def get_needed_gate_types(self) -> list[int]:
"""Return a list of gate types normally used to ship a new feature."""
needed_gate_tuples = STAGES_AND_GATES_BY_FEATURE_TYPE[
for stage_type, gate_types in needed_gate_tuples:
if stage_type == STAGE_BLINK_SHIPPING:
return gate_types
raise ValueError('Could not find expected list of gate types')
def create_xfn_gates(self, feature_id, stage_id) -> int:
"""Create all new incubation gates on a PSA stage"""'Creating xfn gates')
existing_gates = Gate.query(
Gate.feature_id == feature_id, Gate.stage_id == stage_id).fetch()
existing_gate_types = set([eg.gate_type for eg in existing_gates])'Found existing: %r', existing_gate_types)
new_gates = []
for gate_type in self.get_needed_gate_types():
if gate_type not in existing_gate_types:'Creating gate type {gate_type}')
gate = Gate(
feature_id=feature_id, stage_id=stage_id, gate_type=gate_type,
num_new = len(new_gates)'Created {num_new} gates')
return num_new