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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""When new UMA data is collected without a corresponding histogram in
the db, the entry is saved with a property_name === 'ERROR'. The
histogram buckets are updated by a nightly cron job
(/cron/histograms), but sometimes changes to the enums.xml can cause
data not make it into a proper bucket. This script finds the invalid.
entities in the datastore and corrects their bucket_id.
How to use:
Copy and paste this script into the interactive GAE console. If there are
deadline errors, run it a few times until there's no more.
from internals import metrics_models
allCssPropertyHistograms = metrics_models.CssPropertyHistogram.get_all()
allFeatureObserverHistograms = metrics_models.FeatureObserverHistogram.get_all()
def CorrectCSSPropertyName(bucket_id):
if bucket_id in allCssPropertyHistograms:
return allCssPropertyHistograms[bucket_id]
return None
def CorrectFeaturePropertyName(bucket_id):
if bucket_id in allFeatureObserverHistograms:
return allFeatureObserverHistograms[bucket_id]
return None
def FetchAllCSSPropertiesWithError(bucket_id=None):
q = metrics_models.StableInstance.query()
if bucket_id:
q = q.filter(metrics_models.StableInstance.bucket_id == bucket_id)
q = q.filter(metrics_models.StableInstance.property_name == 'ERROR')
props = q.fetch(None)
# Bucket 1 for CSS properties is total pages visited
props = [p for p in props if p.bucket_id > 1]
return props
def FetchAllFeaturesWithError(bucket_id=None):
q = metrics_models.FeatureObserver.query()
if bucket_id:
q = q.filter(metrics_models.FeatureObserver.bucket_id == bucket_id)
q = q.filter(metrics_models.FeatureObserver.property_name == 'ERROR')
return q.fetch(None)
def fix_up(props, corrector_func):
need_correcting = {}
for p in props:
correct_name = corrector_func(p.bucket_id)
if correct_name is not None:
need_correcting[p.bucket_id] = correct_name
for p in props:
if p.bucket_id in need_correcting:
new_name = need_correcting[p.bucket_id]
print(p.bucket_id, p.property_name, '->', new_name)
p.property_name = new_name
#p.put() # uncomment commit to the db changes.
props = FetchAllFeaturesWithError()
print('Found', str(len(props)), 'properties tagged "ERROR"')
fix_up(props, corrector_func=CorrectFeaturePropertyName)
css_props = FetchAllCSSPropertiesWithError()
print('Found', str(len(css_props)), 'css properties tagged "ERROR"')
fix_up(css_props, corrector_func=CorrectCSSPropertyName)